so what state should I move to?
Kek, that's the government for you.
Is Washington being hit by Californian migrants?
You forgot the part where the state reruns background checks yearly then dispatches the police to raid you if you fail in any aspect. Oh, and the mental health exam required to purchase a gun.
We've got Seattle, it's basically a slightly less shitty San Francisco. The only reason WA isn't full blown worthless is that the Eastern half of the state balances things out a bit.
Texas. Warmer, no state income tax, stupidly low cost of living in the country, and you can literally have your weapons loaded in bed with you and no one gives a shit.
Sounds like Italy except the fine is closer to 400 bucks and the waiting period is of at least 3 months.
If it weren't for the summer months Texas would interest me, but an average high in the 90's is unlivable for my acclimation.
Wouldn't they get lots of false positives?
May I suggest new hampshire? I hear the gun laws and forests are alright but I've never been. Could look into it.
What about Alaska? From what I read here it is the greatest place for a man to live in. Guns, comfy winter climate and womyn
I dont see how thats bad
Holy shit, I thought you were exaggerating, not even california is this bad:
Kentuckyfag here. If you do end up moving to the land of Bourbon and Cletus make sure to steer clear of any major city which I take is a given but still. They're all filled with the same people as LA but they think living in a city of 15,000-20,000 is "small town USA". Also it's where all the Mexicans and niggers are. Once you get out of the big cities it's essentially 99% white with the token nigger that's lost and migratory Mexican farm hands.
Our gun laws are essentially Texas tier and most people have guns, the cost of living is low, and the women outside of the city aren't all fat. If you live near the mountains though don't drink the water or you'll get tumors. Though that's where all the good moonshine is so it's a bit of a trade off.
Not even commies did that tbh. Just let eugenics run its course, lads.
No. You realize most cities are left-wing, right?
masz dauna, czy polskie proxy w ramach stażu w JDIF?
W-wait. I thought mountains = good water.
New Hampshire is pretty good, but high shitlib concentration means it might not stay that way. Montana is the place I've been looking at, or Alaska if I'm feeling LARPy
Can we use retarded jewish pilpul style legal semantics on this?
Why are there so many faggots like this on Zig Forums lately?
Replying to myself. Storage laws are gay and retarded, but after reading the full text of the initiative I see nothing that will prevent you from keeping your loaded mossberg under your pillow.
Unlike euro/canadian laws, this proposal does not stipulate storage requirements, it stipulates prevention of access by prohibited persons. You won't be charged if a nigger breaks in and steals your guns.
The initiative should be stopped, but if it is not then I guess don't live in the same house with felons or leave your guns out where edgy kids can get them. Both are good principles to live by, but shouldn't be a law.
If you're a normalfag then you can leave your loaded and unlocked firearms scattered around your house just like now.
Conservcucks fail measurably again.
Move to Idaho m8, fantastic gun laws.
Go eat at Big Juds tasty hamburgers.
I would recommend Nevada but that place is always on fire.
patrolling the mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear nigger
How the fuck white men ever decided to leave Arkansas and Tennessee and settle in this indian infested wasteland I'll never understand.
How the fuck could they even enforce all of that? Are they just going to randomly check your house to make sure your guns are locked up?
In Australia they do random checks.
I would argue that for us that's a violation of the 4th but clearly the constitution doesn't matter anymore.
No. See
But what about the other shit? I don't want to move away.
It is, just like almost everything the government does is. Nobody cares anymore and haven't since well before your great grandparents were born. With pilpul anything can say anything.
Yeah, sorry dude. Vote, so at least you can say you tried. White flight within Weimerica is rapidly coming to an end, because soon there will be no place left to run.
Texas is being hit with the most Californian refugees.
Don't pussy out. When the bill becomes law, link up with local gun groups and try to get a non-libshit sheriff to tell the state government to fuck off. When the libs in the state gov sperg, force a standoff and make them try to punish you. We'll see who breaks first. Stop running from problems and face them.
my understand was with 594 the sheriff of lewis county just flat out said he wouldn't enforce it. I don't know if that's still true though.
oh and here's the list of groups supporting 1639
Our Revolution
Faith Action Network
Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle
Newtown Action Alliance
Temple De Hirsch Sinai
Youth Theatre Northwest
President & CEO, Vets Place Northwest
March For Our Lives Seattle
AFT Washington
Vets Place Northwest
The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence
Moms Rising
Greater Seattle Business Association
Choose 180
Planned Parenthood Votes Northwest and Hawaii
Washington Education Association
The Washington Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics
League of Women Voters of Washington
Grandmothers Against Gun Violence
Safe and Sane Skagit
Thurston Gunsense
what a coincidence
Not hating Jews is edgy because of how evil they are
how surprising, i could have never have guessed this
You mean the safety?
Any rifle which utilizes a portion of the energy of a firing cartridge to extract the fired cartridge case and chamber the next round, and which requires a separate pull of the trigger to fire each cartridge.
no, one of these things
Imagine the farce when it goes into effect next year.
Not in Alaska my friend.
Not when there is mine run-off involved. Coal country is polluted all to hell.
One can note how the person who made this poster has clearly never been within 50 feet of an actual fucking handgun with how retardedly he drew them.. Gun grabbers never change.
Ah, so not only do they not understand/are willfully ignorant of guns and the constitution, they can't tell an effective way to secure a gun from a piece of bailing wire stuck down the chamber.
Truly, politicians are the best comedians.
How about keep it in a safe when you're not home,but take it out when your are?
Stay and vote against it anyway.
You don't get to the point of needing to actually use the guns overnight, it's a long series of compromises/no shows by people with the actual power to say NO.
How about you stop trying to dictate what people can and cannot do with their property?
Cool scenario, bro. Wouldn't happen if this shitty initiative passes, though.
Just in general this is a good idea, but it's not required under this proposed law unless somehow a "prohibited person" could access the firearm without unlawful entry.
I really think you guys need to focus on the other shit in this (((initiative))), such as how they legally define *all* semiautomatic rifles as "assault rifles" and apply draconian restrictions.
m-maybe there is hope…
Yeah, but what does that have to do with my question? I meant Washington as a whole, not just Seattle or Tacoma. Is WA very heavily urbanized? We certainly have that problem here. Pisses me off to no end.
I looked up Temple De Hirsch Sinai and there are so many other god damn synagogues in the area.
Oh shit, I didn't even know that.
There's always hope.
Why do you think that's one of the first things always gone after?
OR just south is still good last i checked. Just background, no wait or registration. Plan on getting a few more and "losing" them asap b4 the inevitable.
Isn’t that the poorest white state?
Further west (bar California) you go the less urbanized and compact settlements become, Washington and Oregon are only blue states because of Seattle and Portland.
West Virginia is, coal barons have ruled the state since the Civil War and got so bad that a battle happened between coal miners and the sheriff's department, the unions got wiped out a few decades and the good times ended. They've resorted to strip-mining the fucking mountains to save more money.
WAfag here. All my coworkers are solidly liberal, refusing loudly to buy food at Chick Fila' because their CEO donated his income to unpalatable charities.
I just had a bit of an argument last night with the wife about whether or not 1639 is actually 'bad' – "you have to re-up your drivers license, what's wrong about making gun owners prove they've taken a safety course?"
Somewhere on TheGunFeed I saw an article talking about the initiatives on the midterms around here … hoo boy. Mostly its a story of "this watchdog entity sued to have the bill renamed / pulled out / reworded to meet current legal requirements" but "then they changed things"
1639 in particular was blocked, twice I think, from being on the ballot. But (((somebody))) paid a judge in the state supreme court to make a ruling that they can't make rulings, therefore there's no reason not to include this injuncted-against bill on the ballot.
940 also has a sad history of "the voters are retards they'll never notice this!"
It's so they can use the inevitable incident when a homeowner shoots cops during a no-knock raid for more gun control.
lmao my tube-fed .22LR from 1947 will soon be an "assault rifle" in WA. GOA/SAF/NAGR/FPC better make a shit ton of attack ads on this.
JFC, I never knew Fort Bend went Hillary in the last election. It's almost entirely suburbs/rural; I thought it's go R.
You forgot to mention the completely fucked weather.
If you need a license to exercise your 2a rights then you should need a license to vote. After all, Orange man do much more damage than gun.
t. A person who has a license to exercise his 2a rights
Nah, natural gas mining and coal mining have fucked the water all to hell. The tap water is in most places worse than niggerville, Michigan. If you find a spring, you better be real fucking careful or you'll get tumors out the ass.
Yep, here in central Kentucky it was in the 80s about a month ago and it was in the 40s not even a week later. I'm told the farmers almanac is saying that it's gonna be a bad winter, worse than last few years but that's what they say every fucking year
Stay and resist tyranny as I plan on doing.
t. central comrade.
False flag confirmed.
DHS was there in January conducting an active shooter drill, a few blocks from the synagogue. The shooter made his “gab” profile the same month this drill took place, January 2018.
Link to gab profile:
Link to the news article in pic:
Kikes sacrificed some old people and terminally ill jews to Moloch in order to have more victim power.
We should start digging for any online presence of Bowers before January. It's possible he's the profile of an FBI agent who trained at the exercise and then went undercover to set up this attack later. Remember that the FBI were responsible for Parkland, with the Broward County police's help.
Half of population living in greater Seattle and greater Portland metropolitan areas means pretty heavy urbanization.
More compact cities become, more urbanized those are. Most of US cities and metropolitan areas aren't really urban, US cities tend to suburban sprawls.
Use for future reference.
read this, afterwards come back and tell us why YOU hate the kikes.
have fun nigger
Stay. Washington state will turn red soon enough, with so much white flight throughout the country :^)
You get used to the heat eventually.
It's like you're not even trying. Anyways, the white man settled Texas because Mexico was offering vast amounts of excellent farmland for a very cheap price. Best state in the Union, if you cut out the cuck wastelands.
So if you're required to keep guns in a safe, how does it actually work? If you forget the gun for 5 minutes outside the safe are you a felon now? What about 1-2 days? Or is it just more of a "usually keep in safe" thing? If you get prosecuted couldn't you just claim you had it out temporarily and was about to put it back? That would reduce it from "must keep gun in safe" to merely "must have a safe". I mean, it doesn't say anything about safe policy compliance, nor could it, since trying to limit how much you can have your gun out of your safe is probably enough of a 2A violation that even cucked scotus will strike it down.
Anyway, good safes are very expensive (more than a gun), heavy (if renting landlord might forbid it) and often must be mounted to wall (again if renting you're fucked). Not everyone has room for a safe. Your credit card, checkbook, car keys, ID, tax returns, kitchen knives could be just as dangerous if stolen (both to you and the public), but you don't keep them in a safe do you?
You jest, but what is really the difference? By having a "safe" requirement, I presume the government means to say "keep the gun in a locked, secure place where only you have access". Well, how is a house different from a safe (assuming you live alone)? Isn't a house already locked and secure such that only you have access? I mean sure you can have guests over, but you can also open your safe to guests, it doesn't say you can't.
You might say "well a house is easy to break into, just smash the window". Neglecting that this amounts to the government admitting its own utter impotence at upholding rule of law and stopping petty crime, safes can be broken into too. In fact, AFAIK these laws don't really have requirements on the "safes", so presumably a tin box with "SAFE" etched on it and a shitty chinesium lock is good enough… So what security benefit do we have here? What a retarded law.
I consider 90s unusually cool weather for half the year. Try 110s for most of summer (which starts in march and ends in october). This morning was fucking 55 and we're in December ffs. And that's a record cold.
Like hell you do. Maybe some people do but if you're very cold-adapted enjoy being soaked in sweat 5 secs after stepping outside. Won't even mention the sunburns.
Were they even charging money? I thought they were giving it away just to have people here. The whole state was so fucking depopulated that it only took 40,000 gringos moving in to suddenly become the overwhelming majority.
Moses Austin, Stephen F Austin's father, asked Spain for land so he can sell it to the Anglos in America to stop Anglo illegal immigrants and to populate Texas. Moses died and so did Nuevo Espana viceroyalty, so Stephen asked the Mexican government who gave free land to land agents to bring 200 families, and those land agents would presumably sell the land to the families. So yes and no, they were giving the land free to the land agents but the land agents were selling the land to the Anglo families, for a very cheap price of course. Oh and the immigrants had to become Mexican citizens, learn Spanish, obey Taco Law (meaning no slaves), and become Catholics. As we all know, that shit didn't happen. Texas was pretty barren, only the injuns and 3,500 beaners were around. Lesson to be learned, you can't let a group of people mass migrate and outnumber your native population and expect them to assimilate.
Ah, the (((middleman))) strikes again.
Tbh, I don't see the problem with Tejanos, same as I don't see the problem with muh whites stealin injun land. If the invading culture is literally superior might as well let it happen, you're better off being flooded. What's happening today is very different. It's not a bunch of self-sufficient, principled people coming to barren land to tame the wilds and civilize it. It's the shittiest hobos and criminals of a shitty country coming to urban centers of a better country to leech off the welfare system and diversity quotas, who try to make their new home even worse than the shithole they escaped, let alone improving it.
Tejanos are one thing, spics running over from Oaxaca is another. As for one culture being superior to another, old school Mexican culture wasn't too different from the old Spanish culture. That being said I still believe Anglo-Texan/Dixie culture and people are the best in the entire world, that's not why we beat out the beans.
Fuck the south. Nevada or Arizona, Utah even, are all better in every way. How about Idaho, or Montana, where the white man belongs OP?
t. Montanon
Go back to fucking your boyfriend there sodomite.
It's not gay if it's a war crime faggot. No need to be upset cleetus, Montana is like the south, but actually serious about the whole rebellious thing. No niggers, no gun laws, beautiful scenery. The south sucks compared to Montana, there is no reason to ever fucking go south. I can manufacture full autos with no paperwork and they are 100% legal, all I have to do is inscribe "Made in Montana" on it, and keep it in state. Are you even allowed to carry in your shit hole? If so, for how much longer?
Regardless, Montana is the best, fuck indians, fuck the feds, Custer is a martyr, our senator bodyslammed a reporter, and Vigilante justice is superior, Henry Plummer got what was coming to him. Amen.
Frank Little too, that fucker got was coming to him. I possibly have the gun that was used to bash his brains out.
I can't believe I forgot to mention that too.
Most of the state is woods, mountains, and prairie in the east. The problem is that Interstate Highway 5 snakes through the state connection Seattle to Portland and California. On top of that, our capitol, Olympia, is full of leftists ever since the establishment of Evergreen college. Add on top of that all the Silicon Valley types that moved to Washington chasing the Microsoft dollars in the 90’s. Basically, the three most populous counties hold most of the power, the only saving grace is that the rural areas are predominantly conservative and balance things out on a state level. We have not had a republican governor in over thirty years. Which is fine, because Washington republicans are the biggest bunch of RINOs you’ll ever meet.
You are aware that 'reasonably should X' is the politicians way of empowering them to interpret whatever the hell they want into law, don't you? Unless you can get a metric fuckload of definitions attached to that phrase they will use it to claim that the inside of a bank safe is insecure and that you 'should reasonably know' that the burglar had access to thermite.
Are you going to do something about californian subhumans and their nigger pets moving to states like Montanta or Idaho to turn them into california-tier shitholes?
Some of it is Californians fleeing the shithole they have created to create new ones, but some of it is the massive indoctrination pushed nationwide for a while now. Schools, media, etc. have been pushing fear of firearms to kids for long enough for those kids to grow up and vote, hell, even run for some of these offices. As someone who lives in the test state for all of this, California, I can tell you that no matter what state you live in, it is coming. Hell, half of the shit that has been pulled in this state I never even saw a ballot for. No option was given, it just is. You don't like it? Too bad. I will go one further and tell you that if you live in a rural area you won't for long once it starts. I have lived in 3 rural areas in California. Had to move from the previous 2 because they have destroying rural areas down as a science. And like I said, this is nothing more than a test state for the methods that work best.
We do. There is three quarantines, Kalispell and Bozeman, and Missoula. Great falls, for the trash the airforce drags in. If they leave those designated zones, and even then, they legitimately risk their life. Somewhere like Butte or Helena, where people are notoriously hostile, they avoid. Most either assimilate into the Montana ways, or they leave after a year or two. There are little creature comforts that city rats enjoy, and Montanans are pretty notorious for violence and distaste for outsiders. For good reason. Anecdotal evidence doesn't really count for much, but I have been to a few welcome to the neighborhood parties. Of course, you'll have no end of college students talking about how nice people are and how tolerant people are and how they spit on those evil racists. However, let me give you some local flavor, we literally told our governor that we would kill any refugees brought here, and we would kill him if he ran again. Especially after that little girl was raped by those "kids" in idaho. Unlike texas or other southern states, people don't know anything about montana, we keep out local happenings in house, and we prefer it stay that way. Californian boomers like to move to montana, but the younger fags don't, other than going to college here. Mostly because of the hostility they meet off campus, out side of those college towns. There is a distinct "Fuck off we're full vibe" Unless you submit to the Montana ways of life, and embrace the local attitude, you will be decidedly unwelcome. The fags recently cancelled the Vigilante day holiday we have in helena, cancelled the parade and such, for the usual reasons. However, we still just did it anyway. Like I said, Montana is like the south, but actually rebellious. We will and have killed people over this stuff, and we wear it proudly. In fact, the Unibomber is a spot of pride for the locals, some even considering him a local hero. My best friend's grand dad met him in prison, the state wanted to keep him to teach math in prison, said he was a very intelligent and understandable guy. I can't explain what makes us different, not to an out of stater, much less a foreigner. All I can really say, is we never left the 1800s. You can tell if someone is from montana in another state, because nowhere else is good enough, they usually say I am from Montana, rather than America, when out of country. It's a pride thing, we got something special, and we don't want to share, we wont share. Fucks sake, we still have sheriffs round up posses for man hunts, I was on one a couple years ago, we were gonna kill the guy too, the cops themselves were out for blood. Fucker is lucky the Idaho swat found him. Everyone here is looking for the excuse to kill. Out of staters, foreigners, traitors, fags, college kids, FEDS. We just need a reason, we always talk about it, more than anything lately, it always ends up being brought up some way some how, when is IT gonna happen? Though, more and more, that's getting to be everywhere. There is gonna be blood in our life time streloks. When it does, fully expect mountain man ISIS cause these crazy fucks up here are blue balling like a mother fucker, we are talking full on ivan slaying vicious Chechen tier shit. On that note, we have the same climate as Afghanistan, maybe its the climate and landscape that inspires this vicious rebellous attitude? Not to mention big Ben himself lives not too far.
Sounds good user. If you guys have any problems up there, there are people from other states willing to help. Just need to ask us. As yall probably know by now, "local" problems don't stay local for long, especially with (((them))) and their subhuman lib counterparts.
As much as I hate libs, the third image is a lie. Vermont doesn't have large amounts of gun violence.
Sugar land spics and Sienna Plantation libshits
t. Montgomery County
The area where Republic, WA is (the town where the chief of police said he wasn't go to enforce this bullshit law), is incredibly rugged and wooded. Prime guerilla territory (like most of that area).
You missed the thread on Zig Forums a year or two back about a city slicker moving to Montana, long story short he got tired if meth injuns and normal locals fucking his shit. Its the sort of place you mind your manners and leave your baggage at the door.
Kalispell is fucking hilarious though given how fucking hostile everyone around it is. Flathead county is an interesting place.
That's nice to hear.
Keep it up.
I did a small rating using pic related and the score in this retarded site(
Based solely of this and avoiding major non-white states the top then states would be:
I did this with only those two sources of information, I'm applying for a post graduate program soon so I need to know which places it'd be best to go to. There may be other factors but I don't know the much more about the states.
Those aint curry niggers, those be wahwah we scalp you niggers.
Oh well, it doesn't make much different either way, I'd avoid them all the same.
I've met a bunch of people who white flighted here, and not one of them will admit to themselves it's because they want to be around white people. They're mostly lefties.
You know, it's funny - now that I think about it, if you left Montana in any direction you'd literally end up in a better state. Hell, even north. And the Texas you shit on so much still has two of the most conservative major cities in the nation. You fags can't even hunt bears without your liberals flipping their shit. Must suck that a majority bean, coastal, border state has superior politics. No wonder you're so pissed off.
Maybe that explains all the blue votes. Never got the memo that democrats aren't the slavery party anymore?
MT is a nice state m8 but you gotta pull your head out your ass. Your cities are just as pozzed as any other urban area and your only saving grace is that states with better economy and more jobs (that texas again!) are sucking off the millenial cancer. For now. They'll find you too in 10-20 years and you won't do jack shit about it.
I'm from the northeast and the summers are brutal, don't understand how people can live in the south
it's wise to have your guns locked up when you're not home but that doesn't mean there should be a law forcing people to do it
a plurality in a county doesn't mean "mostly x decent". for example, a county might be 20% german, 18% "american", 12% english, 8% irish, 4% scots-irish, rest whatever. "american" is normally english or at least british so that county would be ~30% english (true plurality). or another way to think of it is 42% british isles vs 20% german. these are all bullshit numbers I'm making up but I hope you get that point. if you want to accurately describe the demographics then check the state surveys on ancestry, you can get a bigger picture than a simple plurality
Washington is under 70% white and a large percentage of the whites are latte-sipping hipster libshits. yeah the suburban/rural areas are decent/good but that's literally everywhere
state census*