Let's Define What Modern Day Savagary Is

Christianity was founded at a time when most civilizations consisted of savages, and the purpose of Christianity is to fight against them. During Colonialism Christian Europe fought against savages on other continents and during Westward Expansion Christian America fought against savages in North America.

So I'm starting this thread to brainstorm properties of and define what modern day savagery is. Any form of degeneracy is barbaric, and Eugenics could be how The West in The 20th Century fought savagery. However Eugenics is highly suspect since it must be done for the purposes of nature instead of nurture and the purpose of defining savagery is to aid in nurture.

Instead of resisting degeneracy perhaps the goal should be phrased as realizing your actuality or full potential.

So you should have creative and intelligent hobbies which produce something.
Take care of your weight, hygiene and clean your room
Eliminate out of control addictions such as masturbation or substances
Be stronger than your urges
Be capable of intelligent thought and be able to construct a coherent argument
Be kind and honest
Be knowledgeable
Have s strong will

That's all I can think of for now.

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Modern Day Savagary Is alt-Leftism

Carrying tiki-torches and chanting Nazi slogans.


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M. G. T. O. W. is degenerate is both theory and practice

First of all in practice all they do insult women, and they way they do that is they take the most extreme examples use them as being representative of all women. Doing so is deceitful and an insult to the intelligence of their users.

Then in practice they aren't smart or strong enough to deal with women so they shun them. If a woman said something I disagreed with I would explain why I disagreed with her. I wouldn't resort to immature name calling, and because I can explain myself I have no need to separate from them.

We have the globalists rebuilding the tower of Babel. I think that deserves a much harsher label than savagery though.

So what do you do when you live in a country like canada where you can actually be imprisoned for disagreeing with a woman? It's real easy to sit behind your computer and go
when some people live in a reality where their laws make it impossible to do so without being in trouble with the police and/or have your character assassinated by the media

Suicide is degenerate because it means the person is too weak to handle life.

All forms of weaknesses are degenerate since giving up generally occurs in the mind, and just like physical strength can increase and decrease with exercise mental strength dissipates in the absence of exerting oneself.

The same applies to all online misogyny and name calling.

Eugenics is a form of savagery: valuing life of men and women as they were cattle

I think you're demeaning the total reality of Christianity if you turn it into merely a motivation to fight savages. Surely the purpose of Christianity is to let the whole Earth know what God wants from us, and to get us to obey God, and to be saved from our sin. That being said, it is also possible I am misunderstanding your views on what savages and savagery are, and it would certainly do some good for us to better define such things.

Eugenics as an ideology is highly suspect. Now don't get me wrong, I see nothing wrong with trying to encourage Christians with good genes as such breeding. My problem comes with the desire to prevent certain people from breeding, which seems like interference with nature as God intended it. And certainly abortions and sterilization are completely immoral. The one way I suppose we could discourage the bad sort of reproduction is making fornication illegal, and punishing out of wedlock mothers.

Is this actually a law or something you made up in your mind?

The purpose of Christianity is the Great Comission.
Teaching new guineneean tribesmen that cannibalism is not ok is just a side-effect of that.
We evangelised the savage goths and mongols just as well.

No, the reason its suspect is because pic related happens, and you have some mighty interesting people crawling out of the woodworks trying to remake mankind in their own image.
And having biased or misguided humans running the genetic future of humanity might result in lowered genetic diversity, or getting blindsided by some disease, because we selected for X, and X has some weird side effects we never realized.
And the more we learn about genetics, we find mendelian inheritance is only half of the story, and the effects of enviromental factors and gene expression is underrated and difficult to measure(remeber lazy lonely crickets and devouring locust swarms? Same animal, different gene expression)

We dont even know how domestication happens on a deeper level(sidenote: making animals docile makes them semi-clinically retarded compared to their wild cousins, with a decrease of 1/3 of brain mass) and thats something even illiterate peasants have known how to do for a veeeery long time.
We think its the neural crest hypothesis, but even that theory has holes.

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Also, purposes of nature means jack shit.
Nature doesnt give a rat's ass if you are a filthy, savage degenerate, as long as your kids survive

Identarian LARPing and virtue signalling in general, TBH.

It's called manifest destiny

Attached: Manifest Destiny.jpg (919x720, 97.01K)

Savagery is the 1M babies sacrificed to Moloch each year in the US.

I think you mean the many millions sacrificed in the west as a whole

Yes. True. But the US is a particularly bad example. Likely because it is controlled entirely by Moloch worshipers



Anything that is not Christianity

Seriously, brah? You ever seen an Eskimo before? Asian and pretty brown-skinned. And the Inuit even came from north Asia and have ethnic cousins by the score in Siberia. All lookin' Asian, and all having fairly well-tanned skin.

Before we define the "modern day" version, can you tell me what "savagary" is?

Savagery I've heard of, but this savagary …

I am so tired of reading peoples entire justification for being Christian based on "Western civilisation" as though God granted civilisation to humankind only once, that had never existed before it, nor would exist after it was gone.

Doesn't this entire thread belong some place else?

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Entirely this
Dang, missed this reply

Historically savagery was when people were hunter gatherers and lived in mud huts, but there's also sociological properties like being cruel, mean, stupid and disrespectful.

To see modern day savagery just watch a savage level 100+% compilation on Youtube
it's even in The N. B. A.

In Workaholics season 7 episode 1 - Trainees Day the interns kept using the word 'savage' as a good thing meaning tough or strong, however they pulled a fire alarm after putting grease on the floor which was over the line and they turned on the main characters by getting them in trouble with Alice. They also kept talking about have a side hustle and hustling is savage because you're deceiving someone and either taking their money or getting them to do something they don't want to do.

There's a false notion in the media that being cruel means strong and being kind means weak, however all throughout Christianity's history of fighting savages Christians were both strong and benevolent.

Censorship and the intolerance of differing opinions is another one. All that's left is the hivemind and echo chambers/circle jerks.