Life after the ban

Americans, let's pretend we have to put up with another AWB except its worse than '94 and they banned all semi-autos. This is a thought experiment here, not for posting about how you'd shoot when they come for your guns we know that already, why would you be here if you were just going to hand them over?

Would you be able to make it? Or would you kill yourself out of depression? I'd be fine enough, I've been jonesing for single shot rifles like the Sharpes and I'd really love to have a nice double rifle. Furthermore, I have plenty of milsurp bolt actions and plenty more I want to buy that would keep me occupied. For handguns, I would dive headlong into the repro blackpowder market. The kits from Dixie Gun Works have been teasing me for a while.

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If they banned semiautos and had a magical fairy that collected them all and denied me the opportunity to deliver the "molon labe" quote I have been dreaming about since I was 17…

Then I would build full autos. They are mechanically simpler, and as long as I'm committing felonies then why hold back? Maybe move to a deep red state that nullified the NFA, just for kicks.

But seriously, I think them banning semiautos would be a great excuse to begin voting from the rooftops.

How about all the cocksuckers get some M2 AP to the fucking chest and if I'm really feeling antsy they can have some HE that may or may not be stable anymore. That is the sort of thinking dipshits had in 85.

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Save up money for a lathe & associated equipment.
For no reason at all.
I'd just really want a lathe.

I've never filled out a 4473, so I'd keep on keepin' on.

People who think auto loaders are universally superior to manuals are people who don't understand guns or use them for effect. Anyone who buy the industry's line that everyone has 'upgraded" to auto loaders is a gullible mook. The idea the government has to shut down auto loader sales to get people to buy and use manual cycling weapons is almost trollish. Is there a law the prohibits you form buying that single shot rifle until a ASB comes into effect? Are all those deer hunters out with their bolt action rifles in the field breaking a law that prohibits them from using it until auto loaders are banned?

I've only done it once, for a lever action. Fucking FBI couldn't hear the dude calling in my divers license number until the 8th try.

I've been having a boner for a henry single shot in 45-70 ever since I started reading into the indian wars prarie belts and some shit happening in alaska where some guy took out a cop with a ruger 1 while getting sprayed by two actual full fun m16s. Getting good enough to keep your cool and take an acurate shot is pretty fucking impressive. Not some kind of Zig Forums fag I just think situations where odds are stacked against something/someone are interesting

Anything bad about the henry single shots? Are they just as good as their lever guns? Also is a Thompson center compass also been staring at the savage hog hunter for its iron sights any good or should I save for a ruger 77 in 357 to go with my shit and huesson 686+. I know they would be for two totally different effective ranges and uses but I want another manual action other than my pump shotguns and m48 mauser

Pretty much this.

Watching Red Dawn when I was a teenager scared me out of it. FFLs have to keep their copies by law.

I was already pretty woke on the subject as a pre-teen in the 90s. The premise seemed silly since I knew that the USSR would not even be able to invade us though I sometimes had dreams of a Tu-22M throwing a nuke just over my house.

After twenty years they can use them as shit tickets. The only ATF bullshit on my record is title II stuff.

it's long since time to start the next Civil War and kill all the scum.

Do what anyone else would do, and quickly convert to full auto.

I lack semi-auto rifle right now though. Assuming I do not obtain one before the ban, buy a bolt action in a dangerous game caliber for a little safari at the state capital.

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It's not the ATF I'm worried about. It's what comes after when this clown world goes full Bozo.

I can imagine, 20 years from now, a negress with a bad wig straight, lush hair as everyone envies Whites and pantsuit on TV proclaiming the need to end gun violence once-and-for-all 100% caused by increasing presence of mystery-meats with illegal guns to ravenous public approval and then allocating huge amounts of the terminally strained state budgets to tracking down 4473s and kicking down doors one-by-one one-at-a-time, max of 1-2 per night to not cause panic.

McVeigh brand fire crackers get extremely popular. Mass illegal production of tannerite and other fun toys occurs. Mass production of illegal automatic weapons occurs. Decentralization of potatoes and chickens occur. Micro hydro, ghetto style, occurs.

Why do you go straight to bolt action and break barrel? Don't forget pump action and lever guns, autoloaders are great but not as much better as some people think. Or just have like in the uk where you have a fire trigger and a bolt release trigger so it is not legally semi auto.
I would feel well armed with a pump shotgun and 45-70 lever gun. Idiots would hide behind cover and think they are safe because 5.56 doesn't go through it.

Leverguns are certainly neat, I have an older Marlin 336 in 30-30, but overall they don't really get me going that much. And I really don't care for pump action rifles. Not that I think they're bad, I just think they're a bit ugly for some reason.

Henry makes quality stuff my man, I'd get one of those before the other guns you mentioned although that's a decent line up. The Savage has been on my mind for that exact same reason.

Look at the replies about buying lathes and tell me I'm trolling. But that premise was mostly to force people to think about options other than autoloaders; this is all made up, we all know millions will die before they get a new gun ban through.

Is tannerite simple to produce?

Tbh I don't know what I would do. at what point, no matter how slowly crossed, does it become acceptable to slot government drones? If it's semi-autos then I imagine small raids and bands of 2-3 "Harsh Mistress" style cells begin tearing up ATF/DEA/FBI offices and teams. But I think the government knows that they can't fight a war with every citizen with a semiauto so they'll instead just increase legislation (already 10,000 ways to become a felon) to be able to arrest people at will.
But implying streloks have the mental fortitude to an hero for their cause I'd say it would be one hell of a way to go out. I can't think of a better way to go than sidebyside with some autistic fucks like you.
yeah well we all were thinking it anyway

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The '94 AWB is an interesting case in that nobody did the dirty to the Feds. However it could have just been the sunset clause calmed folks down, I don't know. As well at the same time gun owners were not in the siege mentality we're in now as before the '94 AWB we had enjoyed relatively few threats to the 2A, the '68 GCA and '86 FOPA being the exceptions, and they were relatively small in their reach. Not to mention the GCA was riding on Pres. Kennedy's dead body to get passed. I'd say the vast majority of gun owners have a semi-auto though which greatly changes things. When you make a ruling that affects 15 million people who have spent the last 10 years stockpiling for Armageddon and training to shoot it out with the Feds you might be poking the hornets' nest.

Very easy. It's a simple mix of aluminum powder and ammonium nitrate.


What should you add to tannerite to make the explosions more like gasoline explosions, with flash, fire and stuff? Add napalm?

I was talking with my parents about the same thing, how nothing happened in the 80's, that it was a boring time and that nobody really paid attention to this sort of thing. Politics was boring, everybody was tired of the vitriol of the 70's and 60's and nothing really *happened*.
Now everybody's paying attention. The surveillance state goes both ways it seems.

ANFO itself is enough to utterly fuck anything up, there really isn't a need to add anything to it. What people need to be doing is taking the sponge out of old acetylene tanks and learning how to improvise a RPO-A.

Its been clown world for some time, we've just reached the bozo stage. Everybody wants to watch Bozo.

But does the ANFO ignite its surroundings, like gasoline in a car or wood of a house? What to add if you want it to, to remove evidence or make ruins burning ruins unusable as cover, for example? Some mix of long-burning napalm and short-term termite mix would allow not only immediate destruction of an object but more immediate damage and would limit its usability for a while afterwards.

Look at the aftermath of McVeigh's attack. ANFO is very destructive. Cover is reduced to rubble, and anyone close enough to use said cover at the time of the explosion is dead anyways. There's not really good way to have long-burning fires as fuel burns up. Napalm didn't really burn all that long as it burnt everything up so quickly. The only thing that really keeps going and going is white phosphorus.

You can set off 200lbs of ANFO off in the woods during a dry spell and it won't set shit on fire. If you're looking to set shit on fire you want to improvise a grad-P with some WP/jellied gas/diesel. You're gonna need a lot to do any real damage if we're talking urban.

If all semi-autos were banned that's the last straw. Government is now officially a tyranny and enough normal people can be convinced of the truth. It would be time to retake the country. Majority of the troops will not put up with being denied weapons for private use.

As the fellow owner of a 686 I demand an apology.

Says the increasingly nervous S&W owner, as his barrel liner flies out and his MIM hammer snaps in half.