Zig Forums says you're going to the border to fight

Is this true or is it just a bunch of boomer militiamen looking to virtue signal about muh guns and muh patriotism?
>>>Zig Forums12335625
If it's true good luck to you

Attached: I_need_a_hero.webm (1280x720, 7.61M)

What kind of ammo should I bring? .223 or .300 blackout?

Literally who the fuck would want to get arrested and guns confiscated over shooting some spic?
Killing illegals is still against the law in America.
Are you fucking retarded, OP?

didn't say anything about violence tbh

There is currently no overt Minutemen activity on Zig Forums. If any members here are planning on participating they are being quiet about it and should remain so in order to protect operational, informational, and personal security.

So then what is this supposed to accomplish?

thought Zig Forums was the home of various militias but I guess as says they're being hush hush about it. Good idea tbh

Attached: 1519322249088.gif (186x331, 1.93M)

It was pretty obviously a joking nod to Zig Forums and the nature of militias, buddy.

Holy shit, you faggots are trying hard to derail this.

OP uses cuckchan images.
OP is a fag.

It's called a webm, my American friend.


and check the ID with

before you reply next time

The girl is still a gif, though, not an image…

What is a gif but many images in sequence?

Attached: 6e94e30d383aec10602375a193e813e0--colombia-erasmus.jpg (667x820, 51.52K)

Eliza is orbited here too sweetie


Attached: 4ZNSlvk.jpg (960x540, 64.9K)

You're the one playing semantics here.

You mistook my friendly 'fag' for an angry one. My fault for forgetting that tone does not translate to text.

Attached: battle-of-hodow-part-of-the-polish-ottoman-war-1683-1699-11-4365006.png (500x311, 90.5K)

Id habbens

Attached: 1460510019159-2.png (1291x845, 718.22K)

Its not a 4chan filename you stupid cunt, its UNIX. 8ch used to have them, and still does actually if you click the (u) next to an image. Its supposed to count the amount of miliseconds/seconds/etc from a certain point in time, in 8ch case it is most likely from when 8ch was first put up and same for 4chan. Its a naming convention designed to avoid images being counted as duplicates on the server.

Then Jim decided he wanted to switch to a format that is hexadecimal, ranging from 0-9 a-f and contains 64 characters because we don't have enough computers

Attached: UNIX.jpg (1040x690, 61.42K)

Thread about militia derails into fucking filename.

Please ignore the niggers.

Of course though my point is that a countless number of websites use unix filenaming for images uploaded to it, including large media outlets. Learn how to use a computer

I can see that.
A 151 image is a cuckchan image.
I won't tell you when it was phased out and when it was brought back as an alternative download convention though, wouldn't want you to keep from giving yourself away in the future.

Please talk about the main topic.

Why does the makarov grip look like a hi-point C9? Not insulting the grips. Hi-point pistols are reliable enough to be consider Honorary Slav fun’s.

Good job derailing the thread muh ebin oldfag.

Attached: 1518870826.png (650x650, 68.42K)

Attached: 1442190127311.jpg (800x600, 33.67K)

Count the number of digits in that filename. Then click the (u) on any image here and count the number of digits. That is certainly not an Zig Forums filename; here we only go to seconds, while cuckchan and other sites (e.g. bunker boards) generally go to milliseconds. We used to go to the same precision, but we stopped long before 1519x.
It could still be other sources than cuckchan, but since it's apparently some e-celeb or camwhore, cuckchan seems most likely place for OP to have gotten it. Not to mention he still uses Zig Forums.
That said, c7725b is also a faggot.

that is smart.

most of these folks AREN'T that smart tho, so I'm betting nothing is happening, has happened, or will ever happen.

Considering all the refugees we are getting it's probably from cuckchan.