Most Exotic Operational Aircraft

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We will find out what the most exotic plane flying today is in 30 years when it's declassified, I suspect it's a hypersonic scramjet with active aeroelastic wings.

If you somehow have the guro sprite animation where a grill got the same fate as the 3DPD please post it By the way might as well post Dutchko if you wanna see 2D operating animu grills get gore'd. what an oddly specific fetish eh?

You think Zig Forums gives a shit about gore? We share combat footage.
sage for double post.

All of you need to leave. There are no faggots allowed on this board.

This but unironically

That's a pretty half-chan tier way of stating your dissatisfaction friend.

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>what an oddly specific fetish eh?
Terrible fetish and I should know

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y … you too OP. Also, this is your daily reminder that jets were a mistake.

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Could we replace current commercial airliners with flying wings that have pusher-configuration engines?

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The loudest operational aircraft is the Tu-95, which can be heard by submarines hundreds of miles away.

Imagine a thunderscreech-like aircraft where the blades are actually supersonic, but which also has counter-rotating propellers so each time the blades pass one another there are 3x supersonic booms slapping against 3x supersonic booms at the exact same moment, making the sound equivalent to 6x supersonic booms.

This would produce about 220 decibels, but at only about 300hz. However if you had more than 66.6 of these props, you could tune them to produce a sound above 20KHz, which is the frequency used to melt bone cancer and kidney stones.

Basically an airfleet of a few hundred of these aircraft could fly above enemy territory and kill anything under them without firing a shot.


Pic related is still my face a few hours after reading that. Seriously, fuck the jet mafia. They stole fleets of aircraft destroying entire nations with the sound of their propellers from us - for a crime of that magnitude there can be no forgiveness.

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That would kill everything AND the pilots.

Couldn't you shield the crew compartment somehow?

There are actual people who still believe that bullshit?

Even minimal research can tell you that the Tu-95's props actually rotate very slowly in flight.

Attached: tu95.jpg (1680x1050, 224.11K)

Vibration proofing isn't that hard.

That's an optical illusion, they go so fast there is a image persistence giving the impression they go fairly slow.

The supersonic blades are the Thunderscreech, Tu-95 was only mentioned because of the loudness of counter props. That's the entire point, spoiled bacon flag.

Just make it a cruise missile or a drone which just circles enemy towns until everything is dead, occasionally slamming into any fortifications and exploding.

Fuck urban combat.

Do you happen to know of any folks that appraise german aeronautic memorabilia?
I've managed to reach out to circles in regard to prototype models that were crafted during the war for information..
But I can't seem to find anyone that will give me an idea of the value.

>Using missiles that costs Millions of $$$ for the (((Industrial Military Complex)))
Hell it'll probably be cheaper too, you don't have to put any guidances in it, just point-and-shoot at any building that has a remote chance of housing a shady looking badman. If the spaces are cramped enough, you might get lucky and they all die of suffocation instead of burning to death.

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How large would you have to make it to fit passenger compartments within the wing?

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Mind you, I barely know anything about planes, but consider this: a Boeing 737 has a wingspan of ~28m, and a length of ~29m. Simple geometry tells us that you could put a similarly sized flying wing into a square of the same area. Also, you should go all out and turn the front of the passenger area into one gigantic window, and arrange the seats as in a film theatre.

I'm terribly sorry, but I'm not familiar with the subject at all.

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The only way to improve that for civilian/commercial use would be to find a way to run the props on electricity rather than fuel. You would have problems with the weight of batteries involved for the same range, but as we don't need supersonic flight for civilian transports RIP Concorde the reduced costs could be very significant.

That idea seems to be sensible, and hippies would love it. Are there any other memetechnologies for propulsion? The only other thing that comes to mind is the coal-powered ramjet of the Lippisch P.13a. Or would the flying wing design in itself offer anything (from an aeronautical point-of-view) if you used "standard" jet propulsion?

The Coal jet is probably overkill, depending on how many passengers you need on each plane (and the prices they pay for tickets) to make it profitable. I don't think that the average air passenger is likely to accept a price rise, but even if you can make it about as economical as jet fuel the amount of green tax breaks you should be able to swindle out of the state could probably make it a successful business in and of itself.

Asymmetric planes are more exothic than anything.

At the top speed of 900 km/h, the blades would go supersonic if they were meant to be fast-spinning. Which is exactly why they are both massive and contra-rotating.

The loudness is part of the drivel, leafnigger.

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Yes, flying wings do have their uses. The US mostly used them as stealth vehicles, but the flying wing also has no surface that isn't used to generate lift, meaning there is no surface that just has parasitic lift. You can build very economic planes with the design, but the main problem is that they are absolutely not turbulence friendly, as the wings can't really flex as much as they can flex on the conventional design, since you're housing passengers in them.
For more ideas on that subject, one of the Horten borthers fled to argentina after the war and continued to mees around with flying wings there. He said that, as long as the wings were clean, the subsonic flying wing was superior to any other design due to it just generating more lift. As soon as they got rain or other impurities on their surfaces, the airflow would get messed up though.
So in the end, I'd say that flying wings are an option for Cargo, but not passengers.

*parastic drag. The wing has no surface that has only parasitic drag.

So it's not good for passengers because turbulence would make them feel too unconfortable?

so, how does it land?

Oh baby

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Fastest piston aircraft of WW2 at 475mph. Only 11 built and yes they saw combat. The only surviving aircraft is serial number 2 is at Udvar Hazy in DC.

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