Got this in the mail today

Had a laugh and thought I'd share.

buzzwords buzzwords buzzwords
oh you mean that thing Trump is doing?
as if being a FOIDcuck isn't enough, not that the city nigs bother going through that process anyways

Attached: crespo2.jpg (4019x3023 2.42 MB, 2.33M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Is that a small AR or a giant kid?

Attached: 6a13195e1adeee682ec75f9f1fa46a78c1b9f0831f61fb614905053a7cf300bd.png (411x354, 3.01K)

Just kill them all and be done with it.

This guy gets it

Based gyro poster

I can never not laugh when I read this oxymoron.

The first poster presented is correct. No kid should have to learn the 600 new genders and "identities" they are forcing down their throats.

My private high school had and still has a rifle range in the basement I wish IL would stop touching my state

Attached: 1420376338736.jpg (1181x897, 100.37K)

Please tell me that isn't real.

How long do I have to flee before we are seen in the same light as Califuckers?

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It's gyros, why do Americans always miss the s?

It's the way that most people first see it here. The gyro is coming into fashion, and a lot of restaurants are spelling it without the s. Arby's is the largest example. It's an educational issue really. The fact fewer people pronounce it with a hard g now than they did three years ago is at least progress.

God dammit I did it in my post.

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based graecian

I laughed at the word of “tightening” because the criminals do not give a shits about the laws. They will just make their own guns anyway.

The kids or the politicians? Whatever your answer we're going for both

no. white people make their own guns.
criminal niggers steal guns, or buy them from pawn shops/illegal immigrants

brasil would like to have a word with you.

Found it

Attached: openboltrifle9295improguns-660x496.jpg (660x496, 81.21K)

Looks orky

It should, it's a direct-blowback .50 BMG.

Damn, nigga. I'd be his friend at school all day. We'd play 2003 invasion during recces. The Mexican kids can be the Iraquis, except for the really ghetto ones. Those get to be Marines.


March at the very latest.

When did society get so cucked?

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (800x547, 377.88K)

When it slumbered while the red menace infiltrated it. Not forgetting the kikes pushing this shit too.

Attached: and-we-call-those-people-useful-idiots-former-kgb-yuri-1536817.png (500x407, 84.87K)

I agree. Would you trust (((public school))) to teach your kid shooting fundamentals and tactics? It's parents job.

Many parents are homeschooling their kids or taking their kids out of (((school))). Maybe we should set a mutual financial aid for the gun owner parents to encourage them to homeschool their kids to prevent the minds from getting corrupted with garages.

Yes, but this thread is about Illinois

I did that in my high school in 2009

I envy you.

find a school with a jrotc program and your sons can do it too

I did that in 2008 our rifle team won a lot of awards

I love you in a non faggot way but I am Strayan, mate.

You make me even more jealous.

You can still send your kids to an American school. Ask a Mexican how to do it

I don’t want to be absent from their life.

Sadly homeschooling is (((illegal))) in EUrope


Seriously?!?! It’s legal in Australia so come over here and turn my country into pro-gun safe haven.

Another homeschool bro. I got straight told that shit didn't happen as a kid and it is a pure money grab.


I told you an open bolt .50BMG SMG was possible, and by extension an open bolt 12ga SMG.

pics or vids plz

It's called the AA-12.

Brazilians and Chechans make the best Shootas and Sluggas. Looking forward to the day when they get together and form a Waagh.

Braindead soccer mom PR is always hilarious.
Yes, lets with zero knowledge make more useless legislation even though the most gun controlled parts of the country continue to have the worst crime.

Attached: Think-of-the-Children.jpg (2048x1402, 216.89K)

You don't know what that word means.

Because the only S I got time for is on dis D ya fuckin bong cuck

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Why the fuck is my flag a Leaf. I am deeply offended by this lead cuckery

You won the world war II, congratulations on beating the menace of fascism, nationalism and having ethnostates as well as the ability to exercise self-determination.

In Poland you just need your kid to write a test now and then.

Even the fake pro gun people say clip.
It just makes me feel gross.

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Everyone was defeated, that day. The leaders knew what they were doing, but all below them, even the generals knew not what they did. It would be an honor to right this wrong.


because you live in texas

What a twist


Politicians' kids.

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The half-scale rifle just cracks me up. I wish somebody would make one and chamber it in .17 fireball or 5.7x28 or similar sized cartridge.

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If you really want to drool I got to build a gun at 13 and being able to hit a man sized target at 300 was part of my learning.

They're beaners, honorary leafs.

Best I've ever gotten is an AR next to a bunch of 30-06.

Clearly they are banning Giants.




You can't just ban something twice.

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I got homeschooled, but I didn’t appreciate it until I was in high school and realized how fucked the school system was. If I didn’t owe my parents everything before then, I sure as hell do now.

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What does that sign say?

you are a submissive faggot


It might be fake since the page is dead and the most famous witkowski capable of running a campaign with tour prizes is a real estate agent.

That's the ticket

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Looks like Illinois is going to get screwed even harder.

Rauner really did his best to lose. All's he had to do was literally anything but what he ended up doing. He raised taxes, made the state a sanctuary state, made it so taxpayers fund abortions in all stages and passed tranny bathroom laws. And yet his competition is EVEN WORSE. Say hello to monthly 1% estate taxes, vehicle mileage taxes, gun dealer licensing bill, magazine ban, and likely a state wide assault weapons ban. I wanted to stay here and work for armalite, but I need to get out of this fucking shithole.

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did crespo win?

yes but dont forget the endless virtue signalling and the infamous chocolate milk pedantry.

found this:

the fucking dindu trump

Spam his e-mail.
Also, see, shit like that ad is the problem with democracy. Plebs cannot be trusted with handling political affairs. National Socialism isn't that great either, but for other reasons.


In that case, all the people legally owning automatic weapons must be a mirage.

Don't worry, user. I'm an unknown. Always makes people think I'm praising my (((Tavor))) when I'm clearly stating the opposite.

I'm stating the obvious here, but most republicans are just pro-gun for the gun vote. I'd even go as far as saying a sizeable number of lolbertarians are just pro-gun in a political stance but don't actually know (thus not care) about guns.


don't see how anybody could find this funny, it just disgusts me. it might be retard-tier propaganda but this will be very effective on a lot of people, "mom" types especially

It's intended for suburban, liberal helicopter moms that think (((school))) is good for their kids and believe everything they hear about guns on the (((media))). It's a very specific type of person.

Attached: suburban_moms.jpg (750x608, 71.38K)


I'd fuck Pam. Imagine getting yummies for good cummies

9mm ARs? If so I agree.

Shit I'm jillian.

No one is nosier, pettier, or more annoying than a neighborhood association president. They exist to involve themselves in your business and then tell you how the neighborhood disapproves of it.

Congratulations, you're right. Now you can fuck off yankee scum.

It's already too late, Strelok. We've had problems with the cancer spreading along I-65 and I-94 for years now.

hello fellow cold hating person

Hello fellow cold hating people
Jesus fuck I hate the winter


Probably niggers. Still the best solution is to nuke the US. That way people who like it warm get burned alive and people who like it cold get nuclear winter. Everyone wins!

nah mate, rather carry around a gallon of water and wear a sun hat


Attached: 5a9ff74595823a274b81311c6e7b817ab042f44a70f375ba70c09ad32efb3923.jpg (514x412, 63.8K)

you better volunteer and fuck shit up

cold is the white man's weather, semites and assorted shitskins can't handle it

I have lived on almost every latitude for at least two years, and I can say the best latitude is:
1. Maine/Vermont
2. Marseille
3. Florence
4. Oregon
Now on this latitude, whatever it is because I'm not checking, you have to be within a band of about 100-250km away from an ocean or sea.

Winters are cold, summers are hot, but neither is so cold or so hot that it doesn't have the traditional wonders and genuine good times of the seasonal extremes.