i hate the hump on my glock grip, I was thinking of outfitting it with one of these poly 80 frames. Some people have filled the hollow cavity in the grip with epoxy and then filed down the hump, but this turns me off for some reason.
Polymer 80 frame?
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So what's the question?
That's the stupidest thing I have ever heard. And yes, P80s are very nice. Get one and kill yourself with it, faggot.
Do it.
Looking into P80 frames it seems like someone has made one with a 3d printer using nylon filament.
How much does a P80 lower and that jig you need to finish it cost anyways? It might be cheaper to get a decent 3d printer with a high temperature nozzle and make your own with high strength polycarbonate filament depending on how many guns you want to make.
If we could legally get away with it, the future of 3d printing lowers is to use print with multiple materials to produce a lower that uses material that dissolves in water. That way somebody like your mother could throw it in her bath tub,and it would mill it self out.
Such material exists.
It's already done, water dissolving filament is used for supports in 2 extractor printers. There's also a new technology that inlays carbon/glass fiber between nylon layers so you actually get a very good material instead of just plastic shit.
That's called HIPS filament and it's not very useful in that scenario. You'd still need to mill out the piece as the two types of plastic wouldn't mix during printer as they use different heat range.
You can already get filament impregnated with carbon fibers or glass strands for extra strength. It wears out the nozzle a lot faster so you either need to replace it more often or go with one made with ruby or sapphire.
120 bucks if I remember right? The point is, there's no way it's cheaper to print it out yourself/
If you're going to get a new frame anyway, it doesn't hurt to do both. If you ruin your glock frame, then you can just get the 80% like you are planning to do, and it will make no difference.
My question (different strelok obviously) is when are they going to make an 80% that is 10mm-capable?
Also where's a good place to get an inexpensive slide? I have everything else to make a glock-31-lookalike but no slide.
Gunbroker and get lucky on finding a deal.
The P45 should be available in December. G20 and G21 compatible. I already pre-ordered one to build in fuddy-five (plz no bully).
I like mine a lot, however when the trigger is pressed the slide doesn't want to come all the way into battery sometimes. This isn't a problem when fired with amunition but, when working the slide and dry firing it becomes apparent without a good racking. I haven't seen other's mention this so its either a 'feature' of all glocks or I've done something wrong any maybe an user can tell me where to narrow my focus.
I had that problem as well, just keep racking the glock and dry firing it and it fixed itself. Shooting it a bunch will help it as well, since the parts will wear into each other.
Mine just shipped from brownells for about $120, got it in coyote, what color do you fags have?
Robin's Egg. Thinking of cerakoting the slide in whatever the polar opposite is. Brick Red …?
Very nice.
I've been out of the loop for a minute, what is the advantage of building with a P80 frame?
Right to Bear Arms has one for $190 that looks cool and like the faggoty $500 instagram warrior ZEV slides. Brownells has plain jane ones for about $200 as well.
Nice, I'll have to get one.
Bruce willis was right about the glock 7, goes right through metal detectors.
Wtf are you talking about, water soluble supports have been around forever and print find with different materials. Ultimaker 3 is a good option. If someone has the files to a p80 I'll print one out for example.
Reminder to never use these for self defense unless you want the legal battle of your life. No options have the amount of metal required in the lower (totes don't know the exact measurements required) great range toy and shtf larp gun, but if something goes bump in the night use your regged gun, otherwise you are an anti gun politicians wet dream.
There's a federal requirement and it's anywhere on the gun. The only place I know of that requires 3.7oz imbedded in the FRAME is commiefornia, and that's not in effect till the first of next year. Outside of CA use it freely to blast any person who threatens your life/waifu. If you kill someone in self defense in CA with a gun you're probably fucked anyways
Depends on how many you want to make or if you have access to a 3d printing service.
It works fine with most filaments but for nylon that prints a few dozen degrees higher than water soluble can handle and polycarbonate is way too hot.
You just have to add in a metal plate to the frame, it has to do with laws that prevent guns that can go through metal detectors. They're going to expire in 2022 which may or may not be extended.
Oh sorry bought that, thought it was everywhere. If I build it before the end of the year am I in the clear? Can I just epoxy a 3.7 Oz peice of metal under the back strap? Or if it's sealed throw 3.7oz worth of metal pellets?
I've done polycarbonate with the ultimaker 3 filiment, it's not pretty but if you do 100% infill with a fan pointed at it it works.
Don't comply and kill any cop that tries to enforce unconstitutional laws. Come on now, user.
You first.
On their page they say PC can't be mixed with PVA but it does work with nylon. And for the 3d printed glock I posted earlier the guy who made it said you can't use a scanned in P80 as injection molding and 3d printing have different stresses so the design needs to be modified slightly.
Alright I'll take a look at it. Thanks
I've been attempting to make a file that would incorporate a simple shim kit that already exist for some other purpose.
I don't live in a fucked state so I don't need to. Just going to let marxist pigs walk all over your rights, nigger?
What a hero.
CA user here. You servile bootlicking cattle are the fucking worst. You're the reason our gun laws are as bad as they are because nobody will stand up for themselves. DO NOT COMPLY. Slimey fucking polititions are willing to lock you in a god damn cage for chosing to own a tool designed to save your life when you're out of options with your back against a corner. These snakes are worse than the crown at the height of the amorality the Framers would be ashamed. You don't have to shoot redcoats but the fact that you and every other gun owner here in CA doesnt wake up every morning with the biggest erection at the thought of making their communist enemies overplay their hand by such a large margin as to imprison white-collar hard working citizens is all the proof the rest of the states need to know california and everyone that lives here is beyond saving. did nothing wrong
This. CA user #2 here. I couldn't choose not to be born in this shithole state but I sure as hell can choose not to go along quietly while the state tries to sodomize me for exercising my god given rights.
Yeah dude I have a family. You stated that slimey politicians will throw me in a cage. That works as a wage slave, but is it really worth leaving my family out on the line? I'm skating a line with my ar pistols and what not already. I'm pretty new to guns, I want to do things as (((legally))) as possible untill I can meet more people and get advice from people I trust. Is that such a crazy position? I get that not complying makes you feel like 1776 2, but if throwing some extra metal in my pistol, or using one that is 100% legal saves me from some federal ass raping, and allows my family to eat ill do that.
Yes it is such a crazy position. If everyone stood up for themselves you'd be able to point out to John Q public that Mr. Policymaker is destroying families for votes. This falls back on the person that would take your family away from you, not your right to be a whole human beign.
If haven't already writen off California as a lost cause I don't know what to say. Jhon Q public is still sitting pretty comfy on their mcdiet and constant stream of mind numbing media. I'm only here because my industry is here, and am planning to move back to the midwest as soon as possible. Thankfully California woke me up pretty quick.
Can you explain to me how getting picked up for a (((non complaint))) helps you, or is in any way a foot in the door for getting rights back? If you make it on the news, normies will just think gun laws need to be more strict to stop "dangerous" people like you.
Think ahead, you will be much more useful when shit goes down, and You no longer need to worry about things like compliance.
You don't get picked up or looked at unless you're doing shit you shouldnt be doing. The goal is not to get arrested the goal is for you and everyone you know to mass non-comply to the point where taking you away is rediculous. You have a family you said so yourself, surely your kids have friends and you talk to their parents? The goal is even if the people you surround yourself with are (((Politically Communist))) they can only see the man who's been nothing but the hard working responsible father, that brings love to everyone around them. You dont preach about guns, you dont talk about them, you dont try to change the political landscape. You just find other like minded responsible individuals through hobby clubs, ect to mass-noncomply so if for some reason a cop is in your house without a warrent going through your shit(what did you do to bring the cops to your family in the first place?) all anyone around you can think is "wait, these are gun owners?? maybe these laws are a bit extreme." CA was red once, it wont be again but if you don't think there isnt some resources(primarily center-leaners and gun owners behind enemy lines) worth salvaging there despite CA being a lost cause I don't know what to say.
It was red before Reagan amnestied millions of mexican illegals. Long before that it was mexican territory and I'm sure mexicans over the years said "California will never be mexican again"… and look how that has come around.
It didn't take many white men to drive the mexicans out the first time. Any reason that part of history can't repeat itself?
I think before that can happen the gun community needs to come together like I described with the hobby clubs and your communities. If you can't do this here than convince others outside of CA of just what's going on. The antis got organized, if CA or anywhere else is going to go red again people mneed organize like the opposition does. Show CA they dont get their legislation creep to your communities, confine them to LA,NYC,MA, ect… Contain them untill their communties are smaller and smaller as only the most radical are left clinging to their anti-gun hysteria. Nothing turns people off to political ideologies like screaming incoherent rage.
Hm. The mexicans weren't voted out the first time they were expelled from california and texas, and they can't be voted out now that 40% of california and texas is hispanic. I don't think a democratic approach to solving this problem is a winning strategy.
I think you're probably right, but I think the democratic strategy is important to slow things down enough to allow you to organize CA gun owners and bolster thier NGOs for the long winter to come, while at the same time solidifying the rest of the nation against californitis. CA is big but its still 1 supreme court circuit and while the nation heats up over birthright citizenship this is your chance outside of CA and liberal shitholes to show the rest of the country just where things are going and fast. We just barely got Trump in but it shows you where the power is, the other states can put their feet down but everyone needs to come together. Do not comply, donate to pro 2A organizations, get people outside your locale to do the same in their communties. If it doesn't work at least everyone will be ready
Makes sense to coopt the existing power structure and use that to eliminate democracy and suspend the constitution so that we can revoke citizenship, rights, send people to camps, deport without due process, etc.
Once that's accomplished and liberty once again has a fighting chance, then perhaps we can consider restoring the republic as the founders intended: with only white male landowners holding the franchise. and no kikes left
CA will never be red again unless some serious shit goes down, and that just is not possible with the current mental awareness of the mass majority of Californians, cities need to burn before the average one even thinks a lot of the propaganda they learned in school was based on total bullshit.
As I said I am new to this, I cant shoot in my back yard, and that means I have to go to public ranges for a majority of my shooting. I still thinking using an 80% glock for self defense in califorina is an anti gun politicians wet dream, and why you would grab that over a cheap gun that is 100% kosher is beyond me. I will be picking up one, but just like my AR 80's they will be sitting in the "oh shit here we go" bag.
Normies look at this an see nothing. Explaining muh diversity is a lie to people in majority white states is useless, because the few minorities that were forced to integrate seem like "nice people"
And everyday there are bombarded with propaganda that they happily eat up like the human toilets they are.
*they are
I just snapped the "Stainless Steel Locking Block Rail System (LBRS™)" in half trying to bend it into shape so it would fit into the frame. Does anyone know where I could buy another one? I've looked and can only find the full kits for sale. I was thinking of just emailing them and asking but I wanted to check here first.
You will have to strait up open a ticket with them in their CS portal. I did when my locking block and rear rails were not even included. But the reseller I ordered from sent me them and apologised so I didn't end up getting them from Polymer 80.
Well fuck, did you open a ticket with P80 and they contacted the reseller, or did you open one with your reseller? I bought it from brownells.
Just do both you mong brownells will probably just send it to you for free and poly 80 will bitch to brownells or something
Fuck you, I'm gonna fabricate one out of wood.