Anti-Gun Propaganda You Ironically Enjoy

You all know what I'm talking about. We've all seen the Zig Forumsube, and most people don't even remember the original intent of that thing or they've completely memory holed it after it became an object of endearment. So, this is a thread for exactly that kind if imagery: things that were designed as attacks, insults, or political fuel against weapons ownership and usage, yet the subject matter is just so good or funny or interesting that it's easy to turn it around and like it just for the satire and the smugness.

I'll start with this old and obscure song Eddie Vedder wrote about his penis envy.

Other urls found in this thread:


And of course, the flagship examples.

Attached: this-impressive-knife-angel-sculpture-is-made-out-of-100000-knives-collected-by-the-police.jpg (2816x2112 1.52 MB, 456.43K)

Zig Forums goes to eat sushi

What kind of a retarded question is that

>If you give Poles weapons they'll start killing politicians and journalists jews each other

Its pretending to be an entire cube of guns but you can see they are just welded on to a hollow shell.

If I remember right it actually has a vault door on the back, and you can walk inside it.

Why is Japanese advertisement so autistic? Is it some kind of honorable tradition to only record any material when you're high?

I don't mean in a bad way, it's just it looks like they are doing something else besides pushing an agenda, advertizing a product or something, kind of like a game of "how autistic can we make the ad and still let it on tv"Japanese roulette. In most cases all over the world when they push for gun control they try to make it touching, push for pity, fear and other such emotions but here it doesn't feel like they really do. Are their expressions supposed to show fear or anything?
polite sage for doublepost

However the cook might be jewish as in his anger over not being paid he pulls out an Uzi, out of all weapons.

The Japanese are fucking bug people man, and its only gotten worse since the war. They just can't bare facing the reality that violence exists out there and that ultimately, you have to take responsibility for your own life.

The worst implication of this is that anime screenwriters don't know the intricacies of the usage of firearms -just watch Steins;Gate's fighting sequences. Absolutely dogshit levels of bang bang pew pew fighting.

I think this was a work commissioned by the Metropolitan Police, and thus the autismo. I don't remember seeing any of these ads on national tv anyways (not that I'd remember it, but the police would not do TV ads). Perhaps the novelty of actual guns existing in the public and how most crimes involving firearms involve Gun-Otaku who reactivated deactvated pistols, or the Yakuza. There's very little incentive to be too serious I suppose.
Also the posters below are actual posters I've seen, and they all talk of "ERADICATE GUNS" or "STOP GUN CRIME". I suppose they're more serious in nature.

Attached: met police antigun.jpg (1491x1206 285.91 KB, 162.44K)

It's like you don't know the first thing about them.

Attached: zombieland_saga_onion.jpg (1280x720, 239.35K)

I still think a cube of guns would be cooler.
Id have one in my garden.

Why is Japan even bothering with anti-gun ads? Have gun violence ever really been a problem for you outside of the immediate post-war period?

Most cases of illegal guns in Japan involves either the Yakuza shipping in pistols in parts, family members of veterans finding Type 14's that their grandfather's hid away, or gun aficionados somehow getting ahold of a real gun. Most of these cases are reliant on tips from family members or other members of the public acting as informants, and I think that's why Japanese police still promote gun eradication.

Although I'm no fan of the police, I am in awe at the sheer competence they display in being able to enforce every minute detail of a law. People here are way to content too, and they just like down and take it up the ass.

Yakuza fear the oji-san.

Trust no one, not even yourself.



Didn't some "journalists" claim that the gun cube is islamophobic? I feel like it has happened but couldn't find anything.

If it hasn't happened, I will make it happen. Where is it located? The site and social media accounts related to it seem dead. Did they trash it or what?

Goddamn, was Japan always like this in terms of guns?
I miss Imperial Japan.

No, it's all thanks to democrator occupation.

Weapons ownership with the exception of ceremonial pieces and things granted by the government's permission has always been extremely rare and restricted as far as I'm aware. Obviously soldiers and guards get different privileges. My impression is that Japanese culture has never had a very fleshed-out concept of 'rights', though, and that social pressure and appearances matter more than a lot of other things, and people who carry weapons are seen as bad people. Even in modern times I've heard it's better to plead guilty to a false accusation than to try to argue it, because the courts just don't care and all resisting will do is get you branded by society as a liar and criminal.

I could be wrong, and Japanon is obviously a better source.

Them fighting words there friend.
muttmerica has every right to beat nazis and JAPS and strip them of guns for some reason. oorah1!!

They teach actual sniping in schools back in Imperial Japan.
That alone > muttmerica pathetic toy guns.

Attached: gun-restaurant.jpg (1223x474 14.79 KB, 131.62K)

So things changed for a period around the turn of the century? Interesting.

Is that the Lady of Pain?

This is a D.A.R.E. ad for guns. It will only make people want guns more.


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But he just left the girl with the criminal. Is he OK with her getting raped and turned out so long as they just use honorabu samurai blade when doing it?

Oh boy, he hasn't looked at the conviction rate (or lack there of) for rape in Japan, has he?

In Japan, only old men are allowed to rape.


Despite being blatant commie propaganda, I like RATM a lot.

It's like having limeys come to America to demand we smash our salt ruffles.

Tbh this would have made a good gun safety ad; if you don't want to get raped keep your finger off the trigger and don't point your gun at things you don't want to shoot at. Also have a spoopy Halloween video about some dumbcunt Japanese High School student getting shot with a Fudd .44 after he trespassed on to private property.

I can't believe so many people would be duped into interfering in another sovereign nation's laws. Womp womp, the kid should have known better and Darwin caught him acting like 80IQ brainlet.

Also I've borrowed several books regarding Japanese firearm history and I'll get back with a better summary of Japanese gun legislature and history.


Attached: limeycunt.jpg (2510x3500, 1.5M)

Imagine how many less there would be if they had been bullied early, and OFTEN


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Seventy years later that kid gets a statue for his role in preserving world Democracy.

Over 70 years later and they're still butthurt

Attached: Hitler sama.jpg (634x727, 65.86K)

A side from the fact that most sane nips want to see muttmerica burnt down, how can you trust anything from the age before open access shitposting?
clitton could have pulled it out of his ass for all we know.

Water they saying?

Fuck these piece of shit yuppie fudds and especially fuck them for plagiarising the Allman Brothers, but as openly anti-gun as this song is it's one of their few decent ones. Fags like to defend them by claiming that one member of the band owned a .22 LR pistol, which is the flimsiest excuse in the world on the same level as 'Nobody is more pro-gun than me, but we need to ban guns'.

Also, Skynyrd fans are fake Southerners.

Attached: 85g of keks.webm (500x280, 250.11K)

Ominous computer guy
>The Kenjyu Onsen!(健充=Kenju=拳銃=Hand Gun)
*autistic gun nerd in bathtub sounds*

I assume that make more sense in Nipponese?

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Oh that makes sense. It’s a valid thing to do

Off topic but I despise America and Japan for not depopulation the Phillipeans while you could have.


the Philippines
Japan, No guns!

Sorta like this?

Attached: How many rounds sweet victory.webm (640x360, 3.17M)

They said all of that with so few words? Japanese really is a powerful and expressive language!

That's beautiful. Song name, anyone?

Got taught to shoot by a paratrooper and an SS NCO, not to mention everything else that goes with digging trenches and fucking things up.

Its in the title Slavman.

Now you're thinking like a citizen, citizen!

Attached: bookchute.jpg (720x720, 55.16K)

Is that the fucking spongebob half time song?

capcha bushwo

Also, anyone got the webms of the Sandy Hook Promise video?

Attached: Dont Stop Me Now.webm (640x360, 1.38M)

God tried to do us a favor in 1977, but sadly he wasn't able to get them all.

It's actually harder to survive a stabbing than a gunshot and considering how crowded schools are now you could probably just start swinging a knife around and get double digit numbers. Not to mention how it's hard to hear somebody get stabbed across the school but you can damn sure hear a gunshot.

Fucking citation needed. I fail to see how having 3 inches of sharp steel pushed into you is more deadly than a piece of lead going faster than the speed of sound which will deform on impact.

I wish I had the Satania one.

Attached: Evan's Day of Retribution.mp4 (640x360, 8.59M)

Attached: Ben Garrison school shooter.jpeg (1679x945, 125.9K)


Here it is in webm format

Attached: 29c93574c424dcbb8baa11da756e31f09ec421e109bfc50f8a7d89a23c3bbda8.webm (853x480, 11.11M)

Cheers, mates.

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A knife has more surface area and momentum than a bullet, and creates wider wounds with more chance of damaging blood vessels and organs. Also, deformation takes time and relies on a small window of penetration distance for the most effectiveness, and FMJ (the cheapest and most common ammo of any cartridge bar shotshells) is not going to deform at all in a soft, fleshy target, except in very rare circumstances. Getting icepicked in the belly by 5.56 NATO or 9mm Parabellum FMJ (and thus having a .22" or .36" diameter, clean hole) is far less lethal than taking a blade that can be as wide as two inches and as long as a foot (although admittedly likely smaller, so let's say slightly more than an inch and five inches long) to the belly, especially with how dirty and crooked a knife stab is likely to be. Bullets fly relatively straight unless they deflect or lose energy, and neither of those things are likely to happen at the balls-touching ranges of a hallway.

Someone post the statistics of knife wounds vs. knife deaths and gunshot wounds vs. gunshot deaths. I don't have them on me at the moment.

Well, to correct myself, I shouldn't generalise. Surface area obviously varies wildly and a .50 caliber bullet is going to outweigh a pen knife by a long shot. But no smart shooter is going to bring a Desert Eagle or an S&W 500 to a school, and no smart stabber is going to bring a Swiss army knife or one of those retarded plastic key knives from Harbor Freight. I'd say the bare minimum blade dimensions someone is likely to use are 3/4x3-1/2", and you can get much bigger than that and still be easily concealable in a pants pocket or up a sleeve.

Which one of you homos is DDoSing?

No one really wins a knife fight, they just lost less blood or died last. I would argue that a gun has a much easier time dealing damage to the upper torso than a knife would. But that isn't the only vital area, just the most densely packed in regards to vital organs. Hell, a deep enough gash on the thigh will kill anyone in a few minutes.
You also forgot to mention that hitting bone with a bullet can cause much more damage as bone fragments are now helping the wound.

Was 'glorified bb gun' intended as anti-gun, do you suppose? They were famous and most famous people have been anti-gun but I always interpreted it as pro-gun. Of course, 'Yankee Doodle' was supposed to shame us colonists into being ashamed of being country hicks on the wrong side of the pond, and we took it to song to say how pro-hick we all were. So maybe I'm just an American.

The wholesong is about equating guns to penis compensators and how the narrator needs a gun to feel manly, but is religious and stupid afraid to actually kill anything.

Eddie Vedder has also written this song which is about a fictional incident of police brutality against a black friend he never had, which never happened, and its anti-white message is kinda obvious. The title is literally "White Male American". The guy was progressive as hell.

Attached: 47b739b2bc578e7f6c4e429b1e9543f6ac2c7a33a8f39665b0edea7ef8d4dfe1.jpg (665x574, 25.36K)

Wondered about that, too. Well, if it had, it woulda been fine. Stuff happens, losing friends makes you angry. Sometimes cops make you angry too. But I will continue to enjoy that album because Vedder can play.
Also I'm pretty sure that other song was about zoophilia, so yeah, that's pretty (((progressive))).

I could've sworn I had a bites the dust version of this where it looped perfectly back to the beginning, but I either drunkenly hallucinated about that or forgot to save it.



I was not expecting the end slide.

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Attached: Learn the signs of vietnam war.webm (640x360, 3.24M)

Zig Forums and Zig Forums both trying to astroturf on this board the last several months is pretty hilarious. I ironically enjoy that.

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What kind of uncivilised animal holds their fork the right hand?

A l*ft handed person.

Left handed "people" need to be culled

Can't you just point out the fact my country is literally next door, has the most pro-guns legislative in the EU, yet manages to be in the top 10 safest countries in the world?

There's a good reason we used to cane them into obedience whenever they stepped out of line, but then we were tricked into believing they were just like us. Right people are too decent for our own good.

Does this count?