The absolute state of the Democratic Federation of Northern Syria

As retarded as the DFNS may be I can't really see them side with the US any longer if Erdogan goes through with an invasion of the Syrian Kurd "mainland".
How does Zig Forums expect this shitshow to end?
Personally I expect the YPG/SDF owned territory to descend into its own civil war if they don't side with Assad at some point in the near future, the Arabs there only remain docile through US financial injections and would be more than willing to change sides once those dry up.

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I don't really care man, I'm just eager to watch mode videos of turkroaches getting ambushed and slaughtered. The entire middle east could go extinct tomorrow and I wouldn't care.

We would lose the single greatest source of slapstic/k/ comedy, commonly known as the middle of the sandbox.

There will always be conflicts around the world. Civil wars, holy wars, cartel wars, you name it. We will never run out of footage. If the east disappeared, Africans would take their place and post videos of jungle combat and nigger genocide.

Also, ISIS just released a new video detailing just how badly they mauled the SDF. They can't be doing too poorly if they can still produce media content.

So both the commies and muslims are down.

Only the turks remain the biggest threat.

Link the video please.

This with English subtitle please.

But all that footage will be halfway competent fighters killing each other, not this mess of fun and gore.

I'm jelly

We’ve run out of internet funds, you’ll have to use your imagination.

Why is life so unfair?

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Why is life so unfair?

Why is life so unfair?

Why is life so unfair?

Why is life so unfair?

>ywn mount a DIY Soviet anti-lmao relativistic nuke cannon to your dick
Why is life so unfair?

That would be as bad as "Kriegs/k/hronic"

>ywn shove a tactically relocated star to disrupt the orbital motion of their home planet and throw them out of the habitable zone up your ass

>ywn build a highly militarized e/k/umenopolis with giant particle accelerated antimatter surface railguns on your balls

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>ywn be an asshurt german that spams variations of "americans are mulattos" all day every day despite multiple bans up your ass

Of course the kraut had to resort to muh dik ass an balz shieeet.

Pic related.

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>ywn be a gook getting paid to spergue with said "german" all day only to get yourself and your fertility permabanned
To get back on track since the bread is veering dangerously offtopic, SAA Idlib offensive fucking when?
It should take the Tigers 2 weeks at most to reach Idlib city and crash the province with no survivors.

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Sure, the SAA could easily pull off another Deir ez-Zor blitzkrieg, but NATO will commit airstrikes against them along with Israel after another falsified chemical weapons attack. Moreover, Turkey will probably backstab them to protect their militants and stolen territory. As such, they're taking the slow route and slowly nibbling away at Idlibistan with tightening DMZs. In my opinion, the real disappointment is their fumbling around in the desert playing grab ass with ISIS.

So how can Russia get rid of them?

I can certainly see burgers provide unironic air support to internationally recognized terrorists only to get shot down by drunken gopnik Su-34s kicking off WW3 for real this time, but yuropean coalitian members lately seem to veer towards sort of trying to get out of this shitshow before bad Orange man makes the Situation any more embarassing than it already is.

Another 4000 years of constant warfare, infighting, pillaging, and rape.

It’s a tactical retreat to draw out ISIS from the Euphrates and into the dessert where American Drones can carpet bomb them. Tactical Retreat =/= Defeat.

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Lol no. Half of the ISIS fighters were just carpet bombed. Besides the Kurds while pretty bad at traditional warfare are masters are guerrilla warfare, which is why the Turkish army is being blead dry in Afrin. If the Kurds were utter shit, America wouldn’t ally with them, because only good and smart people are American Allies.

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How in the fug do durkas survive for so long in barren desert environments?
There are still some ISIS goatfuckers hiding out in the Syrian desert west of DeZ which consists of 99% sand and not much else, how do they get access to food and water?

Isn't the DezMC made up of mostly Arabs?

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You do realize this has already happened three times this year, right? Also
How assblasted can you be that your proxies are getting their asses kicked?
Yeah, except they really aren't. A handful of FSA getting KIA each week isn't exactly putting a dint in Turkey's plans which is to take Manbij by next year, and it seems like they'll pull it off too. You might as well say that ISIS is bleeding the Kurds dry in Raqqa.
Ah, I see that you've pulled a masterful ruse and realize the Kurds were ZOG's proxies of last resort. 7/10, you almost convinced me you were a boomercon.

I was hooked until that…

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First of all, considering the distances involved, that's a STRATEGIC retreat. Second of all, a bunch of people fleeing for their life is not a retreat, it is a rout. Third of all, drones can't carpet bomb, it's why they suck.

1. America only admits 1/3 of the terrorists in Syria are terrorists. America treats the other 2/3rds as freedom fighters, and is funding their reign of terror.

2. Russia has like 1000 sorties per month over there since the war started, calling 188 strikes as "carpet bombing" is a fucking joke.

3. The Kurds aren't good fighters, it's just that the Turks are absolute shit fighters. Turks have been shit at fighting since the dawn of their civilization, they just managed to stumble on a byzantium where their military was all dead from a failed invasion, half the population was dead from plague, and the remainder was starving due to famine. This is literally the only reason Turks are even on a map today, otherwise they'd be some sandistan that only shows up in bad Steven Seagall movies.

Even the loneliest desert has some town. They just shack up there, rape the unwilling, and drink their well water until they have to leave. Western analysts are basically retarded, they think ISIS is pitching a tent in the middle of nowhere because they keep forgetting that ISIS is basically a bunch of gangbangers.

Speaking about IS, here is webm i made today from one of their recent propaganda movies.

Ebin, just fucking ebin.

Attached: What could go wrong.webm (1280x720, 2.46M)

But all of the desert villages they could use are under government control, we don't really hear much about them getting pillaged.
Are ISIS bribing Officers/forcing civilians to cooperate/trading stolen artifacts on the black market for food/stealing goats or is the CIA supplying them by air?

Consider this factors
IS are mostly local tribals, arabs are well known for the corruption. Arab tribal communities stick together and help their own tribes.

Considering this factors come to your own conclusion

Bashing in rounds with a rubber mallet ain't that dangerous.

That doesnt sound like a sound of rubber mallet
More like he is pushing rounds with a steel one, unlikely to detonate round but still not quite safe

Just the sound of the empty belt rattling around. I've done a similar thing with virgin 8mm belts before

Well then if thats the case i stand corrected. Guess the webm is not so funny now

First of all, they threaten to kill any local tribal leaders and government officials that don't comply with them. Secondly, they assassinate or publicly execute all of them that are belligerent. Third, they have a history of kidnapping people and holding them at ransom. Fourth, there was a theory that ISIS was receiving direct materiel aid from the US forces at Al-Tanf, who are purportedly there to protect (((refugees))) but militants somehow keep filtering out of there.

These digits will feed me for days.

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If the Turks are shit fighters why are they a NATO member?

So the US can use their airbases to bomb the strategic installations of Russia that are completely out of reach otherwise, save for ICBM strikes.
Turkey is a land aircraft carrier. In fact there even was even provision to Turkey membership that if they were to be attacked by anyone else but the USSR, NATO countries aren't liable to help them.

Why would they not be even if they were? An ally is an ally.

the Philippines
How the fuck can you niggers let such a get go unchecked for this long?

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Isn't it more likely that the population just shares their wahhabi views? It's not like sunni extremists just sprout from the ground you know.

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Technically they are not wrong. They are stupid goatfuckers who want to take over the world, but when it comes to family matters they are indeed right. Wives should stay in the home and whores should be executed on sight.

This. The main reason Maniots were largely unconquered by Ottomans was because they were arguably more strictly patriarchal than mudslimes themselves.

You're not so bad yourself, leaf.

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You will always have african bush warfare and chinese ant colonies.

But they will probably never make ebin full HD drone shots or battle footage

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Apparently HTS and SAA are shooting at each other for the nth time in North Hama, yet no one seems to care.

Idlib zoo never ever

Are there any PMCs actively fighting these guys? And if they do, how can I join? Life is really fucking boring around here.

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Yes, but half of them are Russians and Ukrainians who are bored of Donbass, and are paid a pittance. The other half are American special forces who are pretending to be mercenaries pretending to be Kurds. Also, you're a few years too late to get in on the action.

Had not Mavri Krini been fighting along SAA for the last few years?

Jesus fucking Christ, then what the hell am I supposed to do? There's nothing keeping me here. Life is mundane, repetitive and if I died tomorrow in a car crash I wouldn't be remembered by anyone for anything.
Are all PMCs out there truly cucked? Is there NOBODY hiring green retards who are willing to get shot for pennies? What about Ukraine then? Is knowing Russian required?

Ποιοι και τι είναι αυτοί? Πως μπαίνω και πόσο πληρώνομαι? 800 ευρώ τον μήνα είναι αρκετά

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Well there's really no-one actively fighting those guys anymore, as the last ISIS pocket in Homs desert(?) in Syrian side of Syria got rekt, and kurds are too incompetent to deal with their own ISIS/CIA/Mossad-pocket.

Nigger I'm asking for proper PMCs, not skinheads who have no idea what Nationalism is all about. I'm not searching for a shitty criminal group. Unless these people will pay me to fight shitskins then I'm not interested

They do it for free.

The are anarcho-nationalists that gained some traction after GD went mainstream and they split paths.

I am afraid we are out of other options, user. Natsoc frogposter that don't need to overcompensate with degenerate thuggery is very a narrow niche in our cuntree.

So my last option is to get 5 years in the frog foreign legion and then try and get a legit PMC contract?
Seems burgers might soon stop being such great allies to Kurds.
What's the YPG gonna do without American air support and funding?

Roaches are removing some of their surplus durkas from Afrin.

I wonder how (((they))) will spin this one in favor of the US.

Certain media publications are already saying that Assad gassed his own citizens in Aleppo because he's an evil dictator and the rebels never had chemical weapons. Just ignore material evidence to the contrary which has been presented in the past.

Yids are throwing shit at Syrian Air Defences.

Nah they shot a bunch of cruise missiles doesn't seem to have hit anything though.
A cool video on why you need short range (Tor) and point range (Pantsir) missiles…

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Did they try to pass of textbook chlorine gassing as sarin again? That was absolutely on the nose lies by the entirety of the US media.

South Africa might kick off in a year or two, but then again it might not.

Unless its a dude. Which is stupid.

Bruh, they received direct material aid when the Iraqi Army was ordered to abandon massive amounts of war material so that ISIS could pillage it.

How many taxpayer dollars have been sunk into these trusted American military advisors and their moderate rebel friends, I wonder?
How come Assad hasn't gotten rid of them yet now that the S-300 is operational?

Don't forget when resupplying those commie kurds on the turk border all those airdrops somehow magically landed on ISIS.

War is hard and logistics is even harder, it takes months to prepare for offensives.

More like Iraqi Army was made of poor conscripts and sunni officers sympathizing with IS

What happened in Iraq wasnt a order from higher up, it was just a gigantic route because of unproffesionalism and inherent flaws of Iraqi army. Not to mention that IS was in Iraq from 2008 or even sooner so they had both logistical and ideological base for their "uprising".

What it took to defeat IS in Iraq was literally Shia militias formed after Iraqi elections where pro-Iran shia party won

That's the reason.

No, they just said that the militants couldn't possibly have chemical weapons and Assad must be behind it all because he supposedly gassed Aleppo before.

Can't allow that pocket on the Euphrates disappear, leaf. They'll do anything it takes, including bombing their own prisoners of war we know this happened because IS was laughing about it via Amaq, their news media outlet which were captured because (((coalition))) jets were grounded during IS latest major offensive. Again.

They've been there since 1999, but only really became important when Osama gave al-Zarqawi funds to start a militant movement to fuck with America in 2004. The real reason they came around at all is because Saddam Hussein knew that America was going to return, so he created the Fedayeen, introduced a more Sharia-compliant legal code, and opened Iraq to more radical Sunni teachings.
It should be noted that America only really intervened after these movements began to retake land from IS, all while bitching about the Shia militant groups (now legally considered state militia by Iraq), the nature of demographics in democracy and Iraq's new ties with Iran.

Ive noticed that sandstorms and IS offensives go hand in hand
In fact in almost all cases where there is no air support IS mops the floor with everyone save for Deir ez-Zor pocket of course

In theory at least, women adultery and man adultery are punished the same.
In practice of course the man is the third cousin thrice removed of a powerful guy and the women is a rape victim.

How come Assad hasn't sent some TF commander+a few mechanized columns to cross the Euphrates and clean up the pocket with Russian Air Support even if all it does is get the (((SDF))) to clear it out first so evil Assad doesn't infringe on sacred Kurdish territory or some shit?
How hard could it be?

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That was the intent, before the Kurds miraculously seized everything east of the Euphrates (except for a few small towns) in a matter of weeks after the SAA took DEZ despite still besieging Raqqa at the time. America's so desperate to split up the country that they've bombed tribal militia forces that crossed the Euphrates, killing a couple dozen of them. They then proceeded to claim that they killed 6,000,000 Russian mercenaries who were looking to topple democracy in Syria by seizing oil wells from American special forces. All the while, American media cheered and tricked the American public into thinking they could kill Russians and get away with it like Israel and Turkey have. In essence, it's safer for Assad to take Idlib at the moment, wait out the Americans and let Erdogan spook them with his promises of deploying TAF to kill all the innocent (((Kurds))) in Syria.

I'm just curious what kind of retarded excuse the JewS would cook up for providing unironic direct air support to ISIS, the SAA doesn't need to capture the pocket just advance in far enough to make the K*rds shit themselves into doing it for them anyhow bonus points if he does it 1-2 weeks prior to a T*rkish invasion of Manbij/Kobane.

How would you go about solving the issue at hand, Zig Forums?

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Did not it return to base though after being hit by a "stork"?

Americans would just bomb them, like they did before, saying they were "concerned about the safety of their Kurdish friends" (this literally happened several times). Assad is now concentrating on cleaning the desert of ISIS and preparing to liberate Idlib from Al-Qaeda & friends. With Kurds, it's probably the easiest to just wait for them to enter a civil war

Well first of all you would have to deny the airspace for Americans, then, you'd have to ask Iraqis if they would be so kind as to let Syrian Arab Army to drive through their territory and use Khutaylah river crossing. Then start pushing northwards.

That is ofcourse assuming that Idlib zoo has been dealt with somehow.

Would you rather run away at 13mph or drive away at 45mph until you run out of gas? The vehicles they left werent strewn across the desert, they were left there.

The Syrians and Iraqis already signed an agreement which allows both sides to operate up to 20km (if I recall correctly) in the other country's territory. This was done primarily to combat IS, but would serve just as well for clearing out the Kurds.

King Roach is threatening to crash Syrian Turdistan with no survivors, burgers have threatened to cut ties with FSAniggers over this.
Will the madman go through with it?
How much longer until his TFSA goonsquads turn their backs on him?

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I can almost already smell /leftybol/ kvetching.

The FSA is primarily getting its funding and support from Turkey at this point, and he's the only stopping them from getting destroyed by Assad, so America's threat is an empty gesture. Of course, what they're really saying is that they'll bomb them into oblivion if they hurt their pet mountain Jews, because they're not going to start a war with Turkey over this but need someone to let their frustration out on.

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