Happy Halloween Zig Forums

post your anti-Micheal Meyers load out

Self bump

Fuck off

this user gets it

You just make you liberal friends notice that in 1978 a home invader killing 3 people was the apex of horror for America and watch their eyes go DOESNOTCOMPUTE.


And the 70-80s were supposed to be the hardcore period.

I carry a large frame revolver and a battle rifle with me all the time on my property and in my house. I don't think that would change a bit for this asshole for any reason.

Hollywood hypocrisy

Better question, what are the most Zig Forums horror movies out there?

Tremors 1.

Good answer, even though it's mainly just this scene.

Hollywood are niggers

The Thing

I'm ready…

Attached: eye protection.jpg (1536x1075 64.94 KB, 61.48K)

Why spoon?

Because of the maymays.
to be fair, Australia has a huge blackmarket of SKSs and SLRs

Unfortunately, they're in Australia.

Devil's Rejects is a better movie

Any more?

Was Tremors actually horror? Looked more like action-comedy even back then.

Dog Soldiers.

Definitely looks like a horror to me.

Most of the horror is only in the beginning, but I guess you'd still call it horror anyway. It's a campy kind of horror.

Predator? It's essentially a slasher movie but with Zig Forumsommandos.


To eat Ice cream while he dissolves the body in battery acid