Cats blown the meow out

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So I should never refer to my biological genitor?

watch the vid

I just came here to cheer that line

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Whoa crazy dude, I can’t beileve nobody thought of that in 2000 years



I can't take vids of this woman seriously, a Catholic friend has been shilling them to me pretty hard.

I'm not going to watch that video. I already know Fr Hopko covered it better than THOTanswers

Speaking the Truth in Love: Call No Man Father feeds.ancientfaith.com/~r/SpeakingTheTruth/~3/94nev5S-RrY/call_no_man_father

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I don't see any fuckin police

Thanks so much for this, OP. It's everything I ever could have hoped for.

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St. Paul disproves her.
Check mate atheists.


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I don't know which proposition to laugh at first.

A dog who barks when his owner is attacked instead of defending him is a pretty shitty dog. I don't know what Calvin was trying to get at with this comparison.

Deo gratias, she's quite a good looking cat. (or cat to be)

He's admitting that he can't throw a punch, so if God's truth is attacked, he'll do a lot of yelling 'cause that's all he's good for.

7 And greetings in the markets, and to be called of men, Rabbi, Rabbi.

8 But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren.

9 And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.

10 Neither be ye called masters: for one is your Master, even Christ.

Subscribe and share!

Watch it, bud.

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Who cares about random internet video thots ? Saged for idiocy

*Tips fedora*

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don't group me in with those fags. I literally said the opposite of what they said

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I find it funny how many Protestants reflexively focus all their attacks on Catholics, when Eastern Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox also believe roughly the same thing on questions like this.

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Most protestants don't even know that the Orthodox church exists, or they think it to just be "Catholic but not".

They are irrelevant to the West though, most people here don't even know those sects exist.

They think we're Catholics with different hats

Is she right, Christanons?

letting the baptists in from reddit was a mistake

Protestantism's entire history is about opposition to the Catholic church. The mutual hostility exists to this day even though people pretend it doesn't. Catholics and Protties may not always realize where they're getting these ideas but at the heart it's tradition. Orthodox on the other hand were over in eastern Europe not bothering the west, and have a tendency to not be too Catholic happy either so there's a sort of co-belligerency alongside the shared tendency among fundamentalist protties and orthos to lean hard right politically. But still if anybody is watching they'll scream "heretic" at eachother.

1.) Woman (dressed as a harlot) attempting to teach men. Heresy.
2.) Her arguments are idiotic, she continually conflates biological fatherhood with spiritual fatherhood. Did Jesus refer to John the Baptist as "father" when he was baptized by him? Likewise, David was not a spiritual leader to him, but his fore-father, biologically, as was Abraham.

Cats blown the meow out

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wtf happened to this board?

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should be pretty obvious to you which one stands out