Book list

Gimme a Zig Forums book list.
Military and survival manuals that will not get me in trouble for readin them or ordering them, preferably.
Thanks in advance.
Pic unrelated.

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Good man


Also, we already have a PDF thread retard.

Didn't we have a Zig Forums book thread stickied not too long ago? Whatever happened to that? It was a nice archive of very interesting shit I would have never gotten around to read anyways.
Anyways: the most Zig Forums book I know is Karl von Clausewitz's masterwork "Vom Kriege". It's an explaination about what war actually is and goes into great detail about how wars are started, fought, and won. It is timeless and doesn't rely on focusing on the technology of the time, and instead boils every conceivable necessary part of warfare down to the very basics. Hand this book to a neanderthal, a medieval lord, the pope or the leader of the Rebellion of Mars, they will be able to wage war more efficiently and brutally than before.
It's not something you sit down in an afternoon, or even in a month. Reading Vom Kriege in one go is like drinking a bottle of wine in one go. You will taste every last drop, but after a couple hundred pages your mind will be numb and it will all be wasted on you. Sitting down and reading a chapter every month or two, thinking intently about it, absorbing every detail and thinking over details, or criticizing certain aspects will make it not only a much more delightful, but also a more enlightening experience.
Also keep in mind, that this work is not meant to be a battlefield guide. It's intended as a book for generals and politicians, who have to consider when and how to go to war. Unless you are the commander of a large military force, this book will not be of much use to you.
Wikisource has Vom Kriege (translated from German to English by Colonel J.J. Graham) in it's entirety. You can fit on any thumb-drive, or print yourself with minimal effort.
(see left side-panel, section "Download/Print")

Fuck off Zig Forums. Mein Kampf is terribly written and has nothing to do with Zig Forums.

Fuck off negroid

Understanding why and when any sane leader will go to war is important for determining the exact time you need to grab your rifle and get the fuck innawoods/innabunker. Of course, there will always be idiots in charge, but knowing when a nation has a fighting chance to win a war also means to know when a nation has no chance to win a war, which means knowing when you need to hide, or which side to join if shove comes to push.

Mein Kampf is neither useful from a political, logistical, or combat perspective. It's only practical purpose is as tinder or a very uncomfortable headrest.

Mein Kampf does seem interesting and useful but not for the purposes of this thread.
I already have a Zig Forums reading list

Thank you for the book recommendation, looks interesting.

Couldn't find it.
Perhaps it didn't occur to you, but I wouldn't have started this thread if I had been able too.

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I fucked this post up, did the wrong post tagging.
Sorry guise, am phoneposting.

These are political and historical books, and not military nor survival manuals.

Looking back on the post i overreacted like am autist. I take issue with people attempting separate politics with firearms and survival, and took you for one of those types. The book seems quite interesting. I just happen to like mein kampf as a political read.

It's literally a pinned thread you mind-mindbogglingly retarded faggot. There's also this thing that exists called ctrl+f

The OP asks for military and survival manuals.

i see you have been cucked to a high degree, hans

You might disagree with him but Von Clausewitz is quite more than worth reading.

These books have nothing to do with Zig Forums, no matter how hard you try this website is an anonymous imageboard for discussion and free speech, it is not an activism hub

funny how you advocate statist literature on the most government hating board

get the fuck out, bootlicker

So we truly are being raided by some /intl/ faggot. I'll post whatever the fuck I want faggot, and if you keep posting, I'll also be posting whatever the fuck I want on /intl/ until every VPN on the planet runs dry. This is your last warning.

Probably the most useful book for every Zig Forumsommando on the planet who can at least access a rifle, if not a pistol. It will show you a range of positions, techniques, tactics and jeff's requirements for his "perfect rifle" having said that I'm going to buy a ruger scout in 6.5 creedmoor because it will fuck up shit exactly as well as a .308 but with a better trajectory
T H E revolver book. If this was all you ever bought for learning about your wheelgat you'd be well served. Worth it for the 100 pages of gun porn alone.
This is the book for autopistol guys. Goes into great detail about technique, but spreads fuddlore about how using anything other than what police use will get you thrown in jail. To be fair, massad wrote this whilst serving in jew york pd.
Shotgun fans will blow their fucking wads at the high detail drawings of high quality shotguns in this book, and treasure the amount of info that lays in here.

Are you sure it's 1965?
The only one I could find with an exact title like that was 1961.

Ayy whatup gatekeeper. Nah we aren’t all lolberterifags. Bootlicker is a dead meme btw

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Should've been
Just contact the regulatory company.

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I goofed. 1961 it is.

Ends do not justify means.

All of history and common sense disagrees with this adage.

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You're basically a gun grabber.

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To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to model political philosophies in one dimension.

Seriously though the only person on that model is you, sitting on the bottom of it and jerking off to your own perceived intellect. Get in a car crash.

Who let the cuck out?

Based son of Zeus.

Ach, cucki. Kannst du nie deinen 'tism aufhören?

Its cucki, the neocon reject from nu/pol/.


Really? That's what you get for recommending Von Clausewits's On War?

Has this board become brainlet central?

There is telling people to read Vom Kriege.
There is going out of your way to seriously get booty blasted because Gyroman posted Hitler's book, in a true cucked NPC fashion.

But he's right. Mein Kampf is a political book, it has jackshit to do with military strategy.

Fuck off gooklarper. Still haven't showed us your German skill, have you?

I said I don't know german except some common words.

I wouldn't even debate Mein Kampf as a political guide, just know that Sun Tzu's Art of War and Machievelli's the Prince all serve better as a guide to become a good ruler/king.

It isn't, you illiterate assburger fuck. It is a blunt, straight to the point book about how we shouldn't cuck ourselves to nigger loving anglos and french, and how the commie loving kikes can fuck off. In a civilized tone, of course.

No debate, but that wasn't what all this was about, larper.


It's an extremely high quality shitpost, something that has become far too rare recently. Australia used to be world renowned for her export grade shitposts, though we have fallen far, such terrible posts give me hope for my people.

Seriously faget?

No, not seriously, you illiterate greco-retard.

Self hating nazi shitskin
i've never seen so much freedom hating in one post
fuck off to cuckchan/pol/, faggot

Too much freedom is never a good thing. What is Anarchy but freedom in its most undiluted form?

I've been reading pic related for a few days now. It kicks ass. As much as I hate the Muj, this guy has a great way of telling stories and has seen some serious shit.

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While I'm typically pretty anarchist, allowing people to take advantage of the masses is just fucked up man. Neither the government nor the corporations should be abusing the common man, liberty and all that bullshit, and for that to happen you need an accountable small, decentralized government that we can blow up with our completely legal walmart brand rocket launchers.