The Rise of a Non-Christian Europe

How do we arrest this trend?

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More DEUS VULTing. You have to appeal to children by using edge. They don’t give two flying shits about doing the “right thing.” Start seeing life through their testosterone filled eyes instead of flaccid boomer eyes and you can advertise Christianity to them better. The alternative is they lose the Christian set of morals.
Too bad. Jesus also said stuff like drown evildoers and whipped people for jewry. Advertise that instead or lose your children.

Also stop supporting refugees. That just makes Christianity look weak to foreigners and evil to native children.

And for the love of all that is good stop telling tiny kids Santa is real.

Perhaps. But a return to traditionalism would be better. Why bother going to a "church" that promotes all the degeneracy that the world does? The way back is to actual be Christian, and no a perversion of it.

When can we get our cathedrals back?

Feels good to be from Poland, I guess.

The problem with Christianity in Western and Northern Europe is that when times start changing, the churches adapt to the times.


Look at the state of Protestantism. You've got female """priests""", acceptance of homosexual """marriages"""", contraception and in some cases even abortion.

If you want your church to become part of the world, this is the result. The Church (I'm talking about Catholicism, which is probably the only denomination along with maybe Eastern Orthodoxy that will survive) has always been a counter-cultural movement. The places where this is the case flourish with young Christians.

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Are you suggesting to stop attending mass or forming better church communities?

Just stop.
In all honesty this is one of my concerns for the future revival of Christianity; that most people who turn back to it, especially more traditional versions of it will just do so for aethetic-political reasons, and not really because they believe in what they are doing. It would just be a worldly counterpoint to Islam, which could just as easily be substituted for any other political ideology.

t. Arian

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Tough shit Catolic, it's the Orthodog's turn to have 'em

No, don't use image macros, don't use memes. Like it or not, these are cyber equivalents of dance-masses and rock music services, and if you want anyone to think deeply about the faith and not just have it as a superficial symbol on their shield, then you will appeal to them with the Truth.
Use Scripture. Use the Sacraments. Use music. Use the Holy Spirit.

Of course I use this too, but you need to catch attention with good advertising first. Catholicism always adapted to the host culture's symbols.

Poland will save the west from America.

Pls save America from America too. This place is getting more degenerate by the hour.

That's true, but again, with actually thoughtful material like stuff from WrathofGnon, not just random uncredited artwork of crusaders with "DEUS VULT BOTTOM TEXT" on them. Because what happens when you catch the attention of the edgy would-be larpers is that they then go on to find that the faith is more St Carlo Borromeo than Charlemagne and they get bored/frustrated and leave it.

That's just another problem with the shepherds using poor persuasion and hiding the cool stuff again. Kids would rather hear about St. James Matamoros.

Again, making it "cool" is an accident waiting to happen.
Isn't that the lesson of VII and Anglicanism and any other denomination that wants to "open up to the world"? That making things """""modern""""" and """""relevant""""" did nothing except gut the church of congregations and dignity, and many who do attend mass treat it like it's no big deal.

Which is why the church should always be AGAINST the degeneracy of modern society instead of tolerating it. If that happens to make the church “cool” then too bad. Deal with it.
Luke 17:2

I get what you're saying, but the problem is that you're conflating things. There is a difference between using the modern world to promote tradition, and replacing traditions with modernism. Let me give you an example: you said that using memes is the equivalent of guitar masses. Here's the thing, I support people using modern music to promote Christianity. Johnny Cash did it, so did Bob Dylan, and there stuff is good and edifying. However, if I walked into church and they were playing a bunch of Johnny Cash or Bob Dylan, I'd want the traditional chanting. That's the reason I don't like guitar masses, they replace the traditional mysticism of the mass with pop garbage.
Memes are the same way. If I walked into church and instead of an iconostasis they had a bunch of printed out image macros, I'd be pissed. I'd leave that church. However, using memes outside of the church to promote the Church is perfectly fine and I see nothing wrong with it.

This I just completely disagree with.
It was God who started it, when he used his religion as a lawbook for the children of Israel. Obviously, those ceremonial laws aren't in effect anymore, but the concept of religion and politics being one and the same is a Godly position. Beyond that though, people unite based on ethnic, religious, and political ties. If Christianity has no political system, Christians will be divided into numerous groups ranging from far-right to far-left to those willing to accept Dhimmitude under Shariah. I say that pooling the vast resources of the books of Moses, the book of Acts, the Church Fathers, the Distributists, Christian Socialists, Christian Fascists, Gary North, Codreanu, and the many great Christian thinkers who have lived and died in the past 2000 years, we could create a substantial Christian political system that would ensure protection of the faith and decent treatment for our Christian brothers and sisters

I wonder if it has to do with intelligence. A lot of people are smart enough to question things about the Bible and Christianity as a whole, but not smart enough to understand the answers to those questions.

I'm not talking about the church becoming cool, I'm talking more about the church being """made""" to look cool.

I see what you are saying, and how things could be conflated, but I'm still just a little bit sceptical about it. At the end of the day I still have this terrible vision of people spouting "Deus vult!" who have no idea what it is supposed to refer to.

And their politics got them into all kinds of trouble, being led astray by their own wants and desires, even when they thought they were doing the right thing. If anything this is another strike for staying away from it.

Sad but it does have to happen

3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

D-d-do I detect a hint of pride, Guardian?
Perhaps a dash of schadenfreude?

This is old news bundled as statistics with a dash of "We troll you" from the Guardian.
Pretty hard for me to care less. I'm already resigned to what seems inevitable.

In maybe a hundred or so years, the few remaining European Christians will be as isolated and perhaps even as persecuted as middle-eastern Christians, with refugees unironically fleeing to Africa and China for safe haven. Mark my words.

That's okay. Civilisations come, civilisations go. Only the Lord our God remains.

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This is just defeatist trash, it's like you want there to be as few Christians as possible. There's a reason why prophets tended to emphasize God's love, mercy, and especially POWER, rather than list a seemingly arbitrary list of commandments in order to convert people. Because the concept of being loved is attractive, and even more so the concept of power is aspirational, people want to be on the winning team, which is God's team.

If you choose to advertise a position of weakness and self-deprivation rather than the spiritual bounty and might of the one true God, sorry you're just a dork who has absolutely no use in evangelism, the kind of memetic imbecile who would advertise broccoli on it's taste rather than it's tremendous health benefits.

Again, this is the kind of advertising most churches use because they listened to the ideas of tone-deaf nerds like you. Of course some people might not like the whole package but selling them on the benefits is what makes ANYONE even take a second look. If you can't handle that and would rather take your ball and go home, then just do it already loser, and leave people who actually have something to contribute alone

Why do the crusaders seduce ? Because they were not at all of this world, completely based, following religious reasons that no one nowadays will understand.

The same with the Church, as long as she stay spiritual, she doesn't break her tradition, it will be more than cool because appealing for the souls thirst.
So as long as it stay based, anti-degeneracy, with superior celestial aesthetics, with virtuous mens (of the present or the past) not bound to vantities, strong with no fear (not weak "don't hurt others"), resisting all ideologies (like feminism, cosmopolitism,…) spiritual and re-enchanting the world (not limiting the action of God or the logos to Jeezus), finding a purpose to nations and not only individualism applied to religion, serving beauty and charity, forming and true communities bound by everything a soul want… Then it's celestial, and so it's cooler than everything for the young souls that seek an ideal.
But the youngs of occident have old souls because of sins hardening their heart, so they shouldn't be listened, only tradition should. But what is the "Deus vult" meme if not a call to a return to tradition with virtuous, based men, celestial aesthetics, spiritual edgyness, a Church beside everything,… ?

So memes are ok if they are natural, funny memes made by a community, but if you start making memes on jewbook with boomer humor as a dying cry in direction to "the cool youth" then of course it's jewry. In other words celestial memes are made naturally and comes from a genuine interest for God and his church by people that didn't compromised with the world. boomers are compromised with world, treators to the church tradition gave by the holy spirit with old souls only making memes in a petty attempt to desperately call for the youth.

TL;DR : memes are profane jokes who must call and be submitted to the sacred tradition of the Church

This. People that don't want to sing the splendor of God and his Church will finally fill the void with boomer humor, feminine propaganda,…

You can mingle with society and keep LARPing as Chad the Thundercuckhearted EBBIN Crusader. We’ll be in the catacombs.

Crusaders are not in the society in fact they were viewed as martyrs. And so the two models aren't in opposition.
Giving glory to God as said the previous user is not being a Larper but I know you don't like the idea of people singing the benefits of God (wich are the only things we really know of him).

We don't; we keep on praying, we keep on going to church and follow His commandments. And, if God wills it (not in the DEAUS VOLT! larping way), then people will be lead back to Him.
Europe betrayed its Christian roots, and he who gets himself lost can only blame itself.

Solid advice. Christianity needs to be cool again, but the Pope is too much of a fag to start ex-communicating pro-abortion politicians. It seems that the culture of the church is downstream from the culture of the common man. The church leadership is weak and spineless because he’s allowed to be; it is the path of least resistance.

Pope Francis is a standard boomer who stands for nothing except “muh judeo-Christian”, wishy-washy, LOVE IS LOVE, bullshit.

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You act as a good Christian and be a good person, the best amabassador for Christendom you can. Lead by example and with the Holy Spirit and others will follow.