I-1639 was approved in Washington. Press F

There was a decent WAfag thread from a bit ago that rolled off the catalogue discussing this heebfest. Apparently it was pushed by a good handful of leftist and outwardly Jewish PACs. Some user mentioned in passing that it was initially rejected for being added to the ballot for horrible wording but then they paid off a judge to put it on or something? Discuss, and press F for us in the once-great PNW.

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archive.is and .fo aren't working right now. Here's a good link to a description of the initiative and it's legal history. I might update if my archiving goes through, but I'm gonna go have a beer.



Fucking disgusting

welp. see you boys on the rooftops.


Now this is a loss, not as big as the Florida felons thing though.

The way it's worded makes it sound like I can just buy an AR "pistol" lower
and then do whatever the fuck I want with it.

What's that?

You can buy an 80% and a drill press and also do whatever the fuck you want with it without there being a paper trail.

Yeah, ik. But I am betting there will be lots of new "pistols" popping up with a 18 inch barrel and stock included in the purchace.


Florida just fucking lost.

Yeah. I'm still going full 80% on AKs/ARs/Glocks. I never want to fill out a 4473 and want as little paper trail as possible. I have zero criminal record, but if a full on ban happens they will attempt to identify owners that way.

Not even as bad as the fact that 200k republican voters voted to keep Oregon's sanctuary state law.

look it up. Oregon measure 105
for the lazy: results.oregonvotes.gov/resultsSW.aspx?type=MEASURE&map=CTY
compare with gubernatorial race: results.oregonvotes.gov/resultsSW.aspx?type=SWPAR&map=CTY

RIP Paul Harrell.

Can anything be killed by the US Supreme Court?

theres been a circuit split on the maryland awb for like 3 years now and the supreme court has and wont hear it.

has not and wont*

Hopefully now that shit will change. A Supreme Court case will shut these kikes down for a while.


I think he actually lives in Oregon, but nowhere's safe anymore.

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I'll press F but not for "the once-great PNW".

Then post what state you're in so we can laugh at how shitty it is

When is Florida not cancer?

Really makes you think.


So how likely is this shit just gong to go into limbo and just stay on the books like every other fucking restrictive law like this?

Probably fairly high for how vague it is, but it would take the impotent NRA faggots filing lawsuits again to happen. But every attempt by the gun-grabbing cretins is a dry-run until they succeed.

btw I'm OP phonepostingdrunk

NRA will diddle around and just ask for gibs. I know it takes time, but this kicks in and my fear is some will get fucked over. The state constitution has the second amendment, but you know how they don't care. King county/Seattle needs to be glassed.

My wife does not even own a firearm, read that and said "they're trying to take our guns!" She put on her first tinfoil hat the other day, it was beautiful.

So how likely is this shit just gong to go into effect and amerifats will just comply like with every other fucking restrictive law like this

It's time to sunset Washington state into East and West. No other solution exists.

Hopefully yesterday election shows MAGA cunts there no based nonwhites. The best way to use nonwhites is to turn them on their Jewish masters by having the Jews taste their own anti-white propaganda. Just label all Jews white supremacists and white in general. Jews have had always been the most privileged among whites. They should be treated as such by none whites. But no. This been suggested for years but you MAGA faggots and ((pol))cucks always get in the way. At most you MAGA faggots will reach out to blacks by memeing trump to legalize weed nationwide.
time for Zig Forums to save the day

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At first I was angry, but now I just want to lie down and drown in the rain.

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so what now? Move to Oregon, Idaho, or Alaska? I get the feeling that OR is going to follow suit tho. FUCK, this is genuinely upsetting

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Truly, you are contributing to the conversation.

How about fuck the police, unfair laws get violated, and if you get sent to the big house, file a fucking suit? Is it risky, yeah. Might it end bad for you, yeah. But if you're not willing to stand up for your rights in that method, you sure as hell aren't going to be fighting muh civil war 2.0.

how about you suck my dick

Amerimutts btfo

You're in just as much of a mess as we are, limey. You can thank the Bank of London, the Rothschilds, and that fat fuck Churchill for that.

I hereby propose a bill before Congress which will remove and outlaw the inclusion of any reference to political parties on the voting ballot.

The party system has no Constitutional basis and was specifically warned against by Washington. They are privately owned and operated corporations, unaccountable to even their own members, as demonstrated by the DNC's conspiracy of sabotage against Bernie Sanders & Ron Paul, and the complete absence of meaningful consequences for it.

Those who cannot or will not show the agency to know the fucking names of the people they want to vote for should not be missed. It's not even like you have to memorize the names, just write them down beforehand or even look them up on your phone while in the booth. But, as demonstrated by studies on the removal of straight-ticket voting (which requires you to check each position's candidate individually rather than checking a single D or R at the top, requiring literally thirty seconds longer) low agency voters are extremely easily discouraged.

Tax payer dollars being spent on the ink to print those Ds and Rs grants an unearned illusion of legitimacy to these divisive tools of the elite. There is no reason why finding out a person's feelings about abortion should automatically tell me their feelings on gun control, their stance on environmentalism reveal their stance on immigration, their position on weed legalization predict their position on corporate tax rates. And yet, for 90% of voters, knowing just one of those reveals ALL the others. This in spite of the fact that the stances they "choose" run from ideologically inconsistent to plainly contradictory.

To end the party system would be a major win in the war to set free the American public from incompetency.

I mean, I don't live in your state. If you want to keep retreating until your back is against the wall, then be my guest, but this is not a winning strategy. Not one step back.

I think you're confusing the City of London and the Bank of England. Learn your UK conspiracies, m8.

What? That doesn't exist.

They're G*rman

He was dead decades before we had any gun bans, what are you talking about?

Wasn't you guys' first handgun band in like fucking nineteen twenty four or thereabouts? I seem to recall it had something to do with wanting to curb anarcism which is sort of ironic if you think about it today.

Pshh, you're just not Marmite-pilled enough. Secretly, the Bank of England is run through the City of London by the Rothschild's, using Churchill's reanimated head mounted on Margaret Thatcher's body. They're the ones that actually killed Princess Diana, not because she was fucking a filthy fucking Muslim, but because she was a reptilian Jewess working for the Communists. It's so simple, and you can't even see it.

Aw golly gee guys guess we'll just have to vote harder next time.

You're more than welcome to go back to cuckchan with all the other ineffective civnat lolberg faggots.

disgusting fucking kikes trying to spread californian socialism.
Can I still buy a Maverick 88, my (((doctor))) said I had adhd and put me on pills that was years ago and zinc helped
am I fucked and what about private sales?
I hope Kavana does something like he said
Also don't forget the kikes who made this law have names, family and addresses.


Anchorage has a law that makes it illegal to "discriminate" against trannies.

Most of what we're seeing isn't socialism, the U.S. is socialist *now* (not that it's a good thing), what is being pushed is closer to Neoliberalism.

Hate to break it to fellow Zig Forumsommandos who think they can escape to the last frontier.

State's been flooded with leftist trash coming to suck off the generous welfare benifits and PFD money since the late 1980s. By the mid 90s "Go back to California!" became a common insult to these outsiders. That's also why the state, like so many others, is slowly going purple. I left in mid 2000s and it was already going to shit.

Hell, back in the late 1980s the city of Palmer banned open carry.

And don't get me started on that preacher up in Big Lake that shot those two meth heads in the early 2000s. He got railroaded almost as bad as Zimmerman.

(On the bright side, the result was the same. Grand Jury told liberal prosecutor and lying cops to go fuck themselves.)

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Niggers and Mexicans are the ones voting in gun control. If MAGA were smart. They would turn BLM and antifa against Jews long time ago by pointing out Jews ran the south during the American civil war and Jews are most privileged whites on the planet.

A tiny glimmer of hope from the results in OR, for all the good it'll do.

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If jews want to pretend to be white. Why not face their own anti-white propaganda?

these specific (((whites))) are Richtung everything up

thanks autocorrect for fucking my post up.

Blacks are already turning against Jews though, have you not seen the recent controversy around the leader of Nation of Islam and twitter leftists subsequently deciding that slavery was worse than the holocaust?

This is depressing to read. I was hoping to escape from all this blue shit there. Why do these faggot libs need to infect all the red states? Why can't they just fuck off.

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It's all in the plan. Seriously. They won't tell you, but that's the gist of it.

Even pro-gun Californians who migrate drag their liberal policies with them. They will attempt to convince you otherwise, but do not accept Californians into your state.

I feel like there was an explosion of yankees moving to NC after our gay marriage ban and tranny bathroom law. Carpetbaggers move to red states on instinct. They're like a swarm of locusts following chemical signals to your field.


Whoah, I see the light.

RIP Washington

this…but an elite would probably respond by saying that these alleged oppressive political party tricks are methods of forcibly unifying the constantly warring proles so that they can be made more perfect and useful.notice that is conception of conflict is the complete opposite of, say, medieval Europe, where violence and conflict was EXCLUSIVELY the prerogative of nobles; now it's just the opposite; the commoners are violent infighters and need pacification in the form of political parties, and our (((elites))) abhor violence
Or so they say; obviously they're hypocrites

You noticed that, too? I'm out of NC in less than a year due to work. Fucking hell, though, they're annoying. I'm surprised the hunting/fishing and income tax amendments passed by ~7%. It really sucks originally being from Texas. Beto came way too close. Texas will probably be a swing state by 2024 and maybe even blue by 2030.

sage for off-topic(ish)

Please fucker, it's in infighting, not revolt. The Left is made up of hundreds of special interest groups that hate each-other with a fiery passion and constantly are vying for the top of the progressive stack, but they operate in unison to achieve a unified goal…mainly fucking over the WASP as often as possible and anyone like him or that supports his ideals.

how the fuck did this even happen? Anyways, i'm pretty much narrowed down to idaho at this point. Unless Liberty happens i'm not going to put up with this bullshit anymore. The fuckheads in seattle already effectively legislated gunshows since there's no real reason to anymore, and now they're doing the same shit with rifles. My only options if I stay are to continue to fruitlessly vote against this shit, hope the NRA does something, or just break the law.

It's all so tiresome.

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oh yeah, went to the LGS and as it turns out the background check system in WA is basically having a meltdown because so many people are buying guns. Even the milsurp store near me that doesn't even advertize that it has guns is getting swarmed. The gunshow at marymont will probably be packed to the gills at this rate.

The law as it stands is not only unenforceable but it's unconstitutional since it includes no grandfather clause. If you currently own a semi-automatic rifle you must take their safety course even though you weren't required to before that point. Basically if the NRA weren't such cockslobbering pussified ass bandits they could get this shit shot down in a fucking instant. But nah, NRA won't do shit and they never will. They couldn't even get hawaii to stop flagrantly violating the constitution, there's no hope for them.

forgot to mention, if you are currently 18 and bought a semi-automatic rifle, then when the law enters passage in july of 2019 you are a felon. Have fun.

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okay, on further reading it looks like you're okay to possess as long as you own a home but if you live in an apartment you're a felon. You're also not allowed to take it to a shooting range, or out shooting anywhere. So bottom line you're fucked.

Isn't that one of the states whose governor recently went full cuck and tried to force >21 age restriction for purchasing firearms?

Become a GOA member.
NRA has literally done nothing but compromise since its inception.

Nothing stops you from being both.

Idaho looks good, gun registries are flat out illegal. Senate bill 1332 also bans law enforcement from enforcing federal firearms laws. I swear there was also some meme law that made it so you don't have to register NFA shit as long as it's manufactured in Idaho, might be thinking of another state though.

Why would you want to be an NRA member?

Because there's no harm being so?

The NRA also has many deals and discounts for members.

The dems want to bring back the assault weapons ban. How would they even enforce it. So many guns have been sold since the Bush years. These fucks won't stop till they control it all.

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You're thinking Vermont, and I believe that order is going through a court battle at the moment

Some 60 year old in Baltimore just got shot and killed fighting coppers off serving one of these two days ago, so if that helps

Vermont used to be based and had the best gun laws in the country, white flight from Jew York fucked it over though.

I think the NFA thing was Montana, but it got shot down.

Montana and Alaska both have a similar law in which the ATF sent out multiple letters stating they'd rape your ass if you decided to follow State law over Federal.
t.guy who got sent 10-12 of those fucking things in a month.
I wasn't even aware that the government had done such a bill, thanks ATF.

Gary Willis. His name was Gary Willis. Remember it, because you could be the next fucking Gary goddamn Willis.

Texas Beto came close cause repubcucks bailed on cruz. Look at the stars and notice how many fucks voted for Abbott and not Cruz.
Also Tarrant county (ft. Worth) was not voting for cruz, and that city is basically what stops Dallas/Austin/houston tristate fucking the state over
Fuck t.u. fighting Texas aggies really need to live up to the anti-communisim and anti-socialism part of our tells
BTHO socialism

Dude, just get a drill, a router, and some jigs to mill out ar15s and such. These laws are horseshit and must not be followed. I moved to Tacoma from upstate NY and even the cops over here outright tell people to shoot junkies if they get the chance. I don't want to see WA become the new NY.

I made a cetme-c using the surplus bag as a fun project, but in practical terms it's just not worth the effort. The law clearly states you need to take a safety training course to own an "assault rifle" and with no grandfather clause, that makes everyone who currently owns one a criminal. Is it unconstitutional? yes. Will they remove it? Maybe. But that's now what they're trying to do, the one they really wanted was the definition change.

What this law does is redefine literally all semi-automatic rifles as "assault weapons" so they can later ban them outright. Frankly, i'm sick of it. I'm sick of going through all this bullshit, putting up with faggots that want to take my rights away, inconsiderate jackasses that don't have enough courtesy to say thank you, and all the self righteous crap that spews out people mouths. I moved to Washington because I was sick of how terrible the people in California were, and now it's infected this place too. I'm just tired of it all. I just want to live a peaceful life with friendly people, I don't give a shit about the LARPers saying I need to go out fighting the cops or fight to instill a nazi regime.

So this is what i'm going to do, i'm gonna move to idaho and if for whatever reason this bullshit infect that place, then i'll consider insurgency. What i'd really like is if Liberty became a thing, so if that ever gains traction i'll change my mind.

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Get that through your skull.

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How in the fuck will they be able to tell how you are storing your weapons unless they do house to house sweeps? Almost no one is going to be following this retarded law.

If that is true then would you please identify the communism gene?

Or maybe, just maybe, you're taking a single, unusual example and extrapolating a non-existent trend. Japan is 99% homogeneous, ye they have political divisions.

The law allows for house sweeps, IIRC. If you're on the list, anyway.

Never fill out a 4457 again, and they shouldn't know, and would need a warrant to go looking. Buy a gun? They can just stop by every once in a while, make sure everything is nice and unattainable.

you imbecile. This does not mean all whites are conservative, it only means Whites have a majority leaning to ideas like small govt and low taxes. All white countries have political division and all non-white countries do as well.
The difference is that non-white countries have factions that fight over how much punitive taxation, land seizure, and gibs are necessary.

Majority white countries have that too. Hell, look at Russia and most of Europe for most of the last century.

The Russians and east Europoors were all commies and the west Europoors were mostly commie-light. And that was decades before the immigration policies of the current year.

Those cases aren’t even grandfathered in?
What a fucking joke.