Would a mace be good for thumping commies and anarchist niggers?
Riot weapons
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IMO a smaller hammer, perhaps a ball peen with a full tang and rubber grip would be better. Thoughts?
A mace would have more reach, plus it would be easier to use during the chaos because it can strike from any direction instead of just 2
Why would you willingly get yourself in nigger melee when you could use a white man bow and kill from afar?
What would you know of the whiteman, ricenigger? Whites have the highest upper body strength of any race. Melee combat is an honored tradition
Oh fuck yeah, you can't go past a good, flanged mace for close quarters combat. Plus, if one of those niggers runs, you can throw it at that bitch.
What would you know of the whiteman, muttnigger? :^)
If white "people" are so much stronger, why is nearly every pro athlete black or Mexican? Why are most Olympic records set by asians or black people? Go back to drinking milk, you delusional honky.
This mutt's telling the truth, every seppo athlete I see is a nigger. There has to be a reason for that, and it's obviously that yanks are sub-niggers. Case closed.
Every record holder is white you dumb monkeys. Niggers are good at running due to longer legs and short torsos, which gives them a higher center of gravity.
When it comes to strength whites have no competition.
Literally the 4 strongest people in the world are black, what are you talking about?
What kind of list is it? Where is "muh muntin" Haftor the son of Bjorn?
I also remember some frog-speaking strongman with some admirable achievements, doesn't seem to be there as well. Sage for doublephonepost and slapping myself for refusing to look the names from the list up.
That a list from World's Strongest Man.
Bjorn isn't in there because he hasn't gotten any championships. Here's another list. Again all of them white
Well at least the first strongest man is black…
You mean, like the 3rd Reich?
You telling me a white guy is named Mariusz? Shit, that's a nigga name. If he was white he'd have some gay shit name like Tom or Bill.
Holy shit this fucking trolling nigger man.
You cannot even comprehend how lucky you are that I am not a moderator here. This kind of shitposting would go extinct the very nanosecond I came in power.
That's just a failure to properly apply risk management principals. Be a knight, vehicle and gun.
Never understand the amerifats hate for melee. It has its use, especially in attacking.
t. Gook larper being a retarded subhuman mutt as always
Funny because that pic proves exactly what you said, protestant mutt (Nazi germans) idolizing catholic holy warrior (teutonic knights).
>a gook larper with a million chinks surrounding and breeding with it calls anyone a mutt
Which German document did you read for this info, Schlitzaugen larper? 😏
You mean like the Iron Cross?
inb4 le Nazi Germany was actually a southern German cultural state
But I'm sure your German skill led you to documents that said the 2nd Reich was a religious Catholic state focusing entirely on Catholicism.
Come on, gook larper.
But of course, we all know you are a just a defective, loud mouthed subhuman that can't even into English much less one of the superior languages.
What are you talking about, mutt?
Everyone knows that the 2nd Reich is Protestant, much like the 3rd. Catholics vote against nazis. Which is why it's hilarious that they are LARPing as muh Catholic crusader.
And yeah, I don't think it's "inspiring" to take the Iron Cross, that's directly taking from the Teutonic Knight.
Meanwhile, we didn't LARP, we fucking swear it.
t. mutt
Source, monkey? Where is this official document in German from the Führung that said Catholicism was the main focus of the NSDAP? Bonus when you can find actual propaganda/sources for your claim post 1933 and not during the election.
But of course. You are a subhuman monkey, retarded like most lolbergs here. So you won't be able to provide any backing to your claim.
Tsch, but it is this delusion which allows your monkey brain to construct fantasy about how muttmerica will help you become the ruler of gookland and overthrow the north.
Of course you can't think. You are an inferior low IQ subhuman that is at least 50% chink.
The Iron Cross was so old and integrated at that point it didn't matter which denomiation of semitism it originated from.
The second Reich continued to use the cross, so did the NSDAP, whose one of the main selling points was revenge for the humilation of the second Reich.
So half chink, what retardation do you want to spew now?
Where is the catholic cross on this post 1933 propaganda poster?
Like I said, you are predictably ignorant and stupid. Must be the unholy combination of chink blood and the worst of gook genetics.
LOL this mad mutt.
Wait, what? The main point is the irony of Protestant mutt LARPing as Catholic crusader, not that the Protestant mutt was secretly catholic.
Of course, that's exactly what you said, Protestant mutt LARPing as muh Catholic crusader.
Right here, mutt.
Funny how this mutt is still trying to deny his own LARPing state.
Have some moar.
I enjoy seeing the mutt squirm.
half chink, half gook?
Subhuman monkey resorted to repeating words again. Without source, without ANYTHING to back it up.
Half chink, half gook IQ limit.
Well, my dear Protestant mutt, the Iron Cross is the flag of the Teutonic knight, which is an order of Catholic warrior monks.
You get it now mutt?
Probably why the shitcunt keeps you around. But again, at that point, the 20th century, the Cross has been so deeply integrated into German culture, even the "protestant" funny hearing a subhuman illiterate gook that can't even read German trying to analyze our history 2nd Reich still kept it. Because why the fuck not?
And you half chink, half gook monkey still hasn't find a SINGLE propaganda poster post 1933 with catholic imagery on in. Not one. Your retarded, subhuman, illiterate non German understanding of the Iron Cross of course does not count.
So another lap, monkey. Ale hoop. Find some backing for your claim, subhuman.
So in short, the protestant mutt are LARPing as muh catholic warriors while laughing at protestant mutt LARPing as catholic warriors.
That's the irony.
Already, mutt, it's the iron cross. No matter how much you try to whitewash it, it's still a Catholic symbol, mutt.
You are too deficient in English to attempt cracking a joke, Nguyen Ching Chong Chang.
Must be all the cucking by northern commie gooks.
Anyway, you are always welcome to find actual sources and proofs to back your claim. Any of your claim, tbh. Because you are just repeating everything everytime like a chink monkey.
Imagine being cucked by the commies AND the chink commies at the same time. Being an amerimutt ally never pays.
I don't see how I'm repeating anything but the truth, mutt.
Iron cross is catholic, Nazi Germany were LARPing as Catholic and are now still LARPing as Catholic.
Seriously though, typing "is the Iron Cross catholic" into google doesn't even yield any result but the wiki page of it's origin.
Not even the Vatican considered it a main symbol of the denomination.
So again, the subhuman monkey shot itself in it's tiny brain for making claims without thinking. Not like that was ever possible for some arvn gook still sucking up to muttmerica.
or an amerimutt larping as a southern sucky sucky gook
Which is even sadder
Where is the backing for your claim?
Violence and anger are not ok! Let's all be friends!
lol mad mutt trying to protestant-wash Iron Cross.
Mad mutt is mad he's proven wrong LOL LOL
Is Zig Forums-interdenominational baiting the new race baiting? This autism is making me think it is.
the gook is retarded and talks out of his ass most of the time
i don't like him
I dislike abrahamic cult, I just hate to see fake kraut mocking someone about "LARPing as Catholic" when half of their history is about LARPing as Catholic.
I guess it is too late to stop them now. Let's just see where it goes.
suck my ass gookman
How is Bavaria today? Did the general attitude of the population changed enough to establish a nazo state there today?
Repent, Zig Forums is a Christian board.
Also, this thread is a great example of nu/k/. Where any form of discussion quickly devolves into an autistic shitflinging contest between spergkraut and spergook. Goddamn do I want to kill them both.
Bavarians are the biggest sheeple in the republic, even if they like to larp as prussian hating,freedom loving stronk and independent not-germans.
But does that make them docile? You know, the kind of people who will clap to their masters, no matter what they say.
You are so smart, gook! Here is your treat, monkey.
So where is this definitive proof that the Iron Cross in the 19th and 20th century was still a catholic symbol?
Maybe you can start finding something from the Vatican instead of pulling shit out of your ass, monkey.
I said here:
So I didnt even say anybody larped. In fact the first retard to use the word larp in this whole thread WAS YOU.
Stupid fucking monkey.
No go get busy and try to find a battle where the arvn monkeys fought on their own against the nva gooks post 1973 and didn't get btfo.
You want to kill Germans, mutt? Too bad, the niggers and spics will kill you first.
Reminder that even after the recent shitskin invasion, Europe will stay 90% native ethnic on average. Even France will float above 80%.
But merica is guarantee to be 40% in 2020 after the next caravan past through and the many more that will.
Trumpkike literally deployed soldiers so your baste huwhite milita can't do anything about it.
The CSU is the biggest party in Bayern because they collab with the CDU. AfD is growing there but nowhere near as fast as Sachsen and northern states.
Take that as you will.
And the green is exploding too
Too many cucks afraid of the coming radicalization
No, not really.
German soul has culture of loving Freedom and not taking retarded shit like genociding yourself by importing millions of nigres into your cunt but the Occupation really fucked us up good. Our minds and souls are poisened and i don't know if we wake up in time.
Welp, look at the mad mutt.
Yelp, a derivative symbol taken from the Catholic order sure isn't bad attempt to LARP as Catholic lol
Well, le fake kraut around here is all about that anti-freedom shit, my dude.
Freedom is muh amerimutt, I'm afraid.
You catholic and protestant faggots need some Orthodox priest to tell you about the jews and why they need to be genocided.
Believe me, m8, ALL 03 are cucked.
Bist du besoffen?
yeah, I find this hard to believe.
France in turn is even more cucked than the US, then we have the likes of Spain who's literally half spic-negro already.
No. Just you, you turbosperg. I hate YOU in particular. Same with that autistic gook. I want both of you, as individuals, dead. The sooner the two of you die, the better.
That seems awfully harsh my fat friend.
Bavaria is the farming conservative part of Germany, it's Berlin who is all modernist and cucked.
The CSU was originally THE conservative party supported by Bavarian against the leftist North, but even now that is changing considering the disastrous rule of Merkel.
Bavaria is the farming conservative part my ass. Greens won big time there.
BIS 2020 habe ich auch gesagt. Wird die Situation danach schlimmer? Na klar.
Siehst du nicht die Chancen für die Welt, als muttmerica niedriger als 40% rein"hweiß" geht? Ihr Untergang ist die höchste Priorität.
Reminder that shitcun left this fucker's mental puke standing.
The fact that the shitcunt board owner let this subhuman run it's mouth with impunity means the death of this board is well deserved.
Bitte nochmal auf Deutsch, danke.
You can't even lift a gun to kill a nigger. You can only cry with your pee pee after the 4 Zig Forumsunts got arrested for ND'ing a nigger, and you broke down like bitches afterward.
In fact, I think I will go the nearest ami gravestone and take a shit on it again. Ate some really greasy Braten and Backfish today. Should be good.
what the fuck is going on man
nu/k/ is what's going on. I miss Zig Forums from before the election. Now it's shit.
I wish our faggot board owner would take a page from /a/ in how to mod a board.
Right? the election seems to have fucked over not only Zig Forums and Zig Forums, but most of the boards on here. What a shame.
By banning whiny litle autistic shit like you first.
Don't forget /intl/ over on /tv/ bringing over their heavy shitposting too.
Hence why I mentioned /a/. They managed to handle the cancer decently enough through their automod and post quality enforcement.
/a/ is the gold standard tbh. Problem is, most BOs are pussies and they are scared of decreasing PPH.
How about you take your argument in this board I made just for the two of you
We're past the point of harmless shitposting. You insufferable faggots are derailing threads and I hope you get cancer up the cock.
As much as I hate the lack of freedumbs on /a/, I must admit, whenever I post there, I want to make sure I'm posting something of substance. In that sense, it does give an incentive (?) to pursue quality in posts. Besides, /animu/ serves as a containment for shitposts too.
If you want to kill someone, use a gun. If not, use rubber baton.
The best way to describe /a/'s approach is like chemo. It helps get rid of the cancerous shitposting. Problem is when there's too much chemo and it stifles the board. That is both /a/'s benefit and weakness.
/animu/ is nice for discussion and fun, but is more prone to shitposting.
I wish more boards fell in the middle where you have enough mod chemo to keep the cancer away, yet still good enough for fun. So far I know /tg/'s moderation falls in this area.
Zig Forums needs heavy chemo and Zig Forums is starting to look like it needs some.
Zig Forums and its ilk as well as /tv/ deserve to get nuked though.
Sage for off-topic.
Integraly suppressed .22 semi auto rifle, concealed in a suitcase or whatever, with a bluetooth cam from the scope to your phone and a brake wire trigger.
This thread is full of retards and to answer your question OP use a cavalry saber or better yet don't get into a fight and end up in prison for aggravated assault
Need some sources on that. Powerlifitng and strongman competitions are dominated by whites. Not to mention African warriors like the zulu who trained all their lives in melee combat got rekt in hand to hand by European riflemen who had little hand to hand training.
This is the dumbest shit I've ever heard, if your going up against more than one opponent by yourself you've already lost, and if you're fighting with your mates you're more likely to hit them. A ball peen hammer is deadly and easily controlled and isn't a "weapon" so you're less likely to be arrested. One smack to the temple and they are down, and won't even see it coming. It's easier to conceal than a mace too.
Only an autist would use anything but a hammer, pocket knife, or gun.
wank fantasies of jewish virgin losers posting here
The reason /a/ is like that is because it's a bot doing most of the cleanup, our BO could ask for a copy.
Bullshit, they had hand to hand training. After World War 1's big mass bayonet charge disasters many people sought to rewrite the history books that guns had one wars single handidly for eternity and the bayonet was never used ever. This helped to create the ignorant attitude today that rifles dominated the muzzle loader era, that all European soliders did was stand around and shoot at each other. In truth most of the combat was still vicious hand to hand combat. That's what created the problem with World War 1 in the first place and why the revisionists are so retarded, if European soldiers dominated Africa with guns alone why did they suddenly revert back to charging with hand to had combat in mind in 1914?
Make no mistake, the European solider of that ear knew his bayonet and rifle stock were going to be used in battle. The bayonet charge was the heart of the British infantry's tactics, still revered long after WW1.
Take a look at New Zealand, it was the Maori's that ambushed and relied on their guns alone against the British, and it was the British who wanted to charge and engage hand to hand. During the various campaigns European soldiers didn't simply engage hand to hand defensively, they charged and chose to fight hand to hand.
The imperial wars weren't simply won by Europeans "jus cuz dey hud gunz", they fought firearm equipped enemies in India, outnumbered, and won. They fought many campaigns and won by bloody hand to hand. The bravery and capability of those soldiers, their ability to fight and win by hand, was as much as anything. The gun is hardly an insurmountable weapon, especially back then.
longbows are for peasants. Nobility eat meat, wear plate, wield shields and melee weaponry.
pic related
I'm starting to believe that the spergkraut is actually somebody trying his hardest to falseflag.
Trying to shift the board opinion on Germany.
Their shilling was successful on cuckchan, now they lay their eyes on us.
I'm not really disagreeing with you, just saying that melee wasn't their primary discipline unlike their pre gunpowder foes
None of those are necessarily strength based. White people are literally the strongest race.
We kill more niggers than you kill mudslimes, kraut
I was looking for a comfy melee/crowd control weapon thread what the fuck are you faggot niggers doing.
Rather than partake in the retardation of "muh version of a Middle Eastern desert religion is more huWhite than your version of the same religion" which can both be easily dismantled by referring to archaeological evidence of functional pagan society in Europe especially in both Northern, Eastern, and Southern Europe (Plato was pagan as was Tacitus), I address the question mentioned in the OP.
A heavy shield and a short stabbing and slashing weapon would work such as a shortsword, ancient Celtic-style sword, Gladius, or a seax. The shield doesn't even have to be a tower shield.
Also as a side note on topic of retarded and pointless religious banter, much of Christianity is simply repackaged paganism. The Christmas tree is the Yule tree, Easter is actually a multi-pagan faith celebration of the renewal of life in Spring, and the story of Jesus is a rewrite of the story of Mithra as well as a few other dying-and-rising god stories. The Catholic Church' personnel even carry a staff of Hermes.