War Dogs


SAS dog rips out jihadi’s THROAT and SAVES patrol caught in ambush

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Next time at least wipe your mouth before posting, OP. Gay semen is dribbling over the board now.

The one in the first picture looks like something you'd use for paratroops not armor. Not sure what the second is.

And I'd rather have a trained mountain lion than a dog as a weapon of war.


Why do we consider those people human again?

There is a massive difference in morality between Eastern and Western Slavs. The Western Slavs aren't quite up there with Anglos or Germans, but like the Irish are a reasonable approximation of humanity. Eastern Slavs suffer from small heda (vodka induced FASD) and a culture of kill as a result of their Asiatic ancestry. Patton was 100% right about everything.

It is a shit dog, it's just well trained and has a good reputation because of the training. You could train almost any dog to do what a malinois does barring something retarded like a chihuhua or a bulldog.

It's for desert/dust storms? Dog doesn't have to see shit while falling out of the sky. All that will do is bring you down with shit on your chest.

They also jumped out of planes without parachutes voluntarily when there was a parachute shortage. Slavs are just very much in touch with the "death" side of life, and I hear half full glasses are banned in the region.



I hope you live on a farm.
What are you, a faggot?
The breed has been stunted by selective breeding for cosmetics.
Might as well get a pug.
The only good dog for the average owner in your list. Also, real Strayans get Bull Arabs because if your dog can't take down a feral pig, it isn't worth owning.

Malanois isn't more intelligent you idiot, it's the spic of dog breeds. Middling in intellect, below average in physical strength and stamina, full of genetic defects.

Poodles are extremely intelligent and make good hunting dogs, it was what they were known for before coming a toy dog.

You're right every pic I've seen of dogs falling from the sky don't have any goggles on.

And this one explains what's on their back.

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Poodles are the OG gundog and are great dogs on their own.
Border collies I agree, they need work to stay sane.
Working German shepherds are great, just not awesome with desert heat.
Don't talk shit about Goldens. Sometimes you need a goofy Canadian buddy to hang out with.
Dobermans are cool.

Golden Retrievers are one of the three best dog breeds in existence(the other two being German Shepherds and Siberian Huskies.) They're very expensive, though. Labs are almost as good and you get them for about 1/10th the price.


lol just find a dog

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well the dog can give away your position by making unpredictable sounds like barking, and if you go innawoods then you have to feed it in addition to yourself and any others with you. they can have uses but they're also a liability depending on the situation

where do you draw the line? are eastern just belarus/ukraine/russia? what about south slavs?


Roughly inbetween in terms of humanity. Serbs tend to be pretty good. Most of the others need to be gassed though.

shouldn't it be Slovenes (part German) > Croats > Serbs/Montenegrins > Bulgarians/"Macedonians" >>> Bosniaks? Croatia had baste Ustashe while Serbs were communist partisans

Hold up, are you trying to tell me Tito was a Serb?

Serbs were communists only because their traditional ally Russia was, their motives were purely nationalistic.

You can train your dog not to bark, and collies one of the smartest breeds around doesn't even bark unless its in pain or something.

There were almost no ethnic Russians in the upper echelons of the Bolshevik Party. It was all kikes and georgians and ukrainians.
Same holds true for Serbs, the upper echelons of their communist party were all Kikes, Slovenians and Croatians.

Being gullible doesn't make them less human, it makes them more human.

As I said: Mall Ninja dogs.

Any semi intelligent breed and 99% of all mutts can be trained to shut the fuck up.


Dont forget:

Life is suffering

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What is it with Zig Forums being full of crypto-communists?

Direct your peepers here your tactic has already been tried.

Zig Forums shills have been very active lately, i guess they try to shit this place more than they usually do and push their lies.

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The last I checked Tito was a Croat and repressed the shit out of the Serbs especially those who'd been Chetniks or had anything related to do with them. Hell they even collaborated with the Axis and actively fought Tito.

You disappoint me Hungary, I'm going to dump some paprika into the creek now.

Poodles are not only among the smartest breeds, but is also one of the best hunter breeds.

Golden Dawn's baptism of fire was in the Yugoslav War at the side of the Serbs. That's pretty much when their notoriety as "ebul raycis fascists" started.

It wasn't just golden dawn, it was all kinds of right wing groups from Europe.

Also even Al Qaeda participated on the Bosnian side, which is how they had the contacts to get fake Bosnian passports, which let them carry out 9/11 undetected.

jews did 9/11, al qaeda was a scapegoat

pick one

Principally Russian and Greek volunteers. They raised the Greek flag over srebrenica and Ratko Mladic has a quote about "the whole world is against us, except god and the greeks"

the U.S. and friends supported and inculcated all manner of wild sand nig shit in order to fuck over the serbs. for jihad info see: dafz.org/regional-affairs/international_affairs/regions/europe/balkans/bosnian-jihad-barbaros/

Jews controlled Al Qaeda, even generated Islamic fundamentalism from whole cloth with Sayyid Gutb just to fuck over the British. But it was Muslims on the plane.

Just like Jews controlled and funded the Barbary pirates who wrecked American ships.

Before they reach sexual maturity you can have them around humans and train them as hunting companions or for combat. After that they're too unpredictable and dangerous to live with unless you've imprinted on them properly when they were a kitten.

I wouldn't be surprised if they were used in antiquity as dogs were in combat but a search for it just brings up posts on role playing games.

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I have been around tame pumas; neat pets but not very trainable.
They are a lot like a house cat except they weigh about 10-15x as much.
They would be willing to hunt with/for humans as part of their pride and there would be to some degree an ability to use them as a sentry.
In most respects though, they will do things like a cat.
They sleep, hunt, play, ect on their own schedule.
I love em an if I had the money/land/time I'd love to have one.

the twin towers were brought down via a controlled demolition with explosives, they didn't just crumble like a jenga tower from a plane collision

watch september 11th the new pearl harbor

Daily reminder that Islam is a religion that outright hates dogs. Kebab hate the concept of pet dogs or dogs as anything but guard dogs you beat and kill. Anyone who does not like a dog is not to be trusted fun fact: that Merkel hated dogs.

Just a retarded version of a labrador. The correct answer is to vary the breed of dog you get for use:

When discussing Poodles please specify if you mean an actual full size Poodle or shit-tier Toy Poodles. Toy Poodles are dogs for retards and a shockingly large number of people don't know that there is any difference.


Work dogs don't take time off to be house dogs. Unless you have 20-30 hours a week to run them, it is irresponsible to get one.

is November 11th a really big deal in Serbia still? Like half your male population died in ww1 so I would imagine it would be but also NATO and EU influences have fucked you so hard that the serbs are split into multiple states and you have a neoliberal as president and a lesbian croat as prime minister (sorry that's insult to injury).

This user is correct. Do not mix up work dogs and house dogs.

Not nearly as big as it should be,given the importance of it.
It was our second biggest defeat in history,not so much military as politically.
We had some military exercise and small parade,and that's about it,we Serbs are no longer allowed to take pride in anything .

No,we deserve it for not burning down parliament building second that pussy lips faggot got elected twice.
Those two lying traitors should be hanged from the tallest tree along with the rest government that have been ruling Serbia for the last 20 years like a fucking feudal duchy .
In fact every single person who voted for SNS and didn't regret it should be put along side of a wall and shot .
Given that only stupid old people ,sub 80iq retards and gypos voted for SNS nothing of value would be lost.

Sorry about political sperging,it just makes me so mad

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Kievan Rus, western Slavs (Czechs, Slovenes, Slovaks, Poles debatabley), and the rest of them.

You are doing it wrong. Next time just post these pictures and watch the mental gymnastics.

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Two can play your retarded little game…

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Makes sense. The Hungarians are still upset that they lost a war against gypsies after willingly becoming Communists.

I submit myself to your teaching, fellow magyar.

Expect that the whole ordeal was the result of a butthurt protestant lord siding with the Turks, and it only lasted a few years. That's quite different from actively fighting with them for centuries.

No, that's your favourite tactic.

Your whole history consist of nothing but fleeing your "homeland" and slaughtering the native population of the newly settled areas.

A quick rundown of those event:
It's quite different from willingly becoming a communist shithole after ww2, like how it went in Yugoslavia.


Now show me when and where did Chetniks make a raid into Hungary and kill helpless civilians.

In every thread where Serbs come up you never fail to show your butthurt,be it Dani or some other menial shit.
And yet I never saw a Serb start shit flinging at huns first…I guess you're that irrelevant.

I just wish we were half as bad as we were portrait in the last century…if we where rest assure there would be no fucking gulash slurping magyars in my gym speaking black speech and taking being a waste of space.

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The whole globe secretly wishes so.

We call these "Bosniaks" nowadays.


If Hitler had decided to create a volunteer force consisting of Balkan men for the purpose of reconquering Constantinople in early 1941 would it have worked or would the mixed ethnicity Balkan army have eaten itself alive prior to killing a single Roach?

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Even if they held together due to shared hatred of the Turks they'd just collapse back into infighting the moment they won. Funny though.

We came here more than 1100 years ago, and we paid for these lands with our blood more than enough times. Meanwhile you fled your lands like rats ecaping from a sinking ship:
Those lands were part of Hungary until 1920, and we got them back in 1941. In other words, they were in Hungary, killing Hungarians.
You aren't a civilian if you take up arms but can't be bothered to wear an uniform, or at least an insignia. You are a partisan, and by international law you can be executed.

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Kind of off-topic, but this is why I don't like the Habsburgs and the Austria-Hungary era in general. It was the Habsburgs who let in Serbs and Romanians in large numbers to boost the peasantry and use said nations as a weapon to control the native Hungarian population. Divide et impera at its finest. Then the Austro-Hungarian era was the age of slow disintegration as the previously arriving Serbs, Romanians and the Slovakians turned not only against the Hungarians but the Habsburgs and the whole empire too. Its a known fact that the Romanians were not native to Transylvania as there are no archeological or historical evidence of them residing in the previously mentioned territory before the middle of the 13. century. Same as the Serbs, who started to migrate to the Délvidék (today know as Voivodina) in the late 14. centruy from the Ottoman conquest.
The Gesta Hungarorum largely depicts the situation of the Kingdom of Hungary in the first half of the 13. century. Several Polish, Kievian and Byzantine sources support this, along with the lack of archaelogical evidences of Romanian presence up to the previously mentioned century.

never change Zig Forums

correct, see the balkan wars 1&2

What's the case for the Journalist who go to the border to make propaganda to pressure the government to allow an invasion to take place? Couln't we argue that cameras are a weapon in that case?

Yeah,I'm sure those children were real fucking hard core guerillas to you magyars

Holy fuck the mental gymnastics on this guy.
So by that logic in 1848 you had no right to fight Austrians?

We paid for these lands with our blood more than enough times

Like other Serb user said,two can play your retarded games.

I don't mind banter with other humans…it's just when this fucking magyar out of all the people starts talking shit out of nowhere.

sage for off topic

yeah,yeah I forgot to sage,I had a long fucking day

Australian sheepdogs are good dogs indeed. Jacky russels just as much.

They all suck dick, AKA man penis, AKA cock AKA men's private parts AKA traps are gay but they won't admit it, that's why they come here. They have rifles but confuse it for guns. Still, I can't help but siding with the Serbs, fucking muzzies cause all the shit worldwide, that and, commie anglo's, jews and refreshed individuals and surrounding areas pertaining to flag related. .

Please tell me that you also believe in the soap bars and lamp shades.
We weren't living in Austria, as Hungary was a separate country, with its own state. The whole thing started when our parliament accepted some reforms that the Habsburgs (that includes all their entourage who ran their empire) didn't like. And we fought them with a proper army established for this very purpose.
Expect that its not true. The Turkish Wars depopulated great swathes of Hungary, including those parts. Then Serbs migrated there in waves, and the Habsburgs used it as an excuse to form the so-called Military Frontier.
Then in 1848 they told the descendants of those immigrants living there to attack us and they will get some of their wishes fulfilled. And so they did it, which led to a series of attrocities. Then the Habsburgs promptly forgot their promises. That's all. Then after ww1 the French gave those lands to Serbia.
It's quite something that instead of coming up with actual arguments the two of you just speak about "retarded games".

I'll be honest, when we spoke about retarded games - we were talking about (you).


We fought,we won but I guess that doesn't count because reasons only comprehensible to you

I know,it's a shocker,who would have fucking thought

So? The important part would be the removed kebab.

Please kill yourself, I was there and saw it happen. The people claiming cruise missile would be closer to the truth, if it was a large and passenger airliner shaped cruise missile.

You have got to be kidding me, you killed three babies for every one serbian soldier.

How did you get where you are moron?


What else is new.

It's no exaggeration to say that almost every shitty event in European history can be traced back to the fucking Austrians.

Remember that you are British and always will be.

Personally I would go with a cheetah or a caracal instead since neither of those see humans as a potential snack.

Can you elaborate? Does it have to do with the shift to become Yugoslavia as opposed to Greater Serbia?

No problem I'm actually very interested. Does Vojislav Seselj/SRS have a shot in hell of breaking Vucic's power? I've heard that Vucic uses state media control and support of private business to control consensus and make it impossible for someone to the right of him to gain popularity. Does the election of Dodik in RS mean anything for politics in Serbia proper?

again, watch "september 11th- the new pearl harbor", skyscrapers do not enter freefall from a plane collision. there were preliminary explosions before the planes hit

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The Europe in early 1900's was like a cold war minus the nukes,the reason for this was the loss of balance of power.
I won't get into the details as to why it was like that,but everybody was gunning for everybody .

The King Peter I's autistic plan ,or perhaps a foolish hope was once the WWI starts,southern Slavs like croats,muslim bosnians and Slovenes would rise up an fight for their freedom.
Oh boy was he wrong.
Not only they didn't rise up,they fought against Serbs.More Czechs deserted AH lines than croats.
Peter didn't want to capitulate,even though the whole country was occupied,because capitulating would mean he would jet jack shit once the war ends (like Russians) and Italian would get croatia.
So,we fought,alone.
We fought in Serbia,fought trough albania,died on Corfu ,fought in Macedonia .
Serbia's youth and future was laid up and sacrificed on altar of war.
WWI made sure we would never recover from 1.2 million losses.

And for what?
Ungrateful croats and Bosnians,who would again fight against us twice?
Put our children in children only concentration camps?
Invite mujahedeen to behead us?
They would shreek in pain as they struck us.
What's worst of all we were thoroughly humiliated on the WWI V-Day in France .

We didn't fucking win that war.

TL;DR after WWI we had free range to write borders as we see fit ,but do to our stupidity and gullibleness we fucked up…hard.

Seselj sold himself out to vucic.,he now openly supports him.
He's even bigger joke now.

You heard right my friend.
People have no fucking idea how fucking dangerous it is for someone to have such media monopoly.
Opposition compares vucic to tito and rightfully so.Both of them are/where lying pieces of shit that did massive harm to Serbia.

Next time you bomb us,glass the whole fucking Balkans including Magyars and let somebody more deserving live here…like Greeks and Slovenians

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Nigger I don't want to waste time watching some retarded bullshit a child could take apart, I have a job and only an hour or so of time to myself.

Does it say pearl harbor was nanothermite too?

I think Serbs and Armenians are the only races on this planet to be consistently assfucked, literally and figuratively, with no breaks for glory or happiness, do you guys ever get a fucking break.
Do you mind telling this story or is there somewhere I can read up on it.

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We had our moments of glory throughout history,we just failed miserably on capitalising it and squandered it away on petty feuds of filling claaa and shortsightness of our politicians.

The drooling imbecile with red around his head is our president.
Instead of standing with other European leaders,as in the victors,he got put in audience,like a good dog he is.
I guess that quarter of population we lost didn't mean jack shit to anybody.
Then when that faggot returned to Serbia he kept talking how great he is,how he "doesn't eat or sleep","works 20h a day" and how Putin admires him….

What's worse that watermelon seller Taci got a place on a podium,and he's form a country that didn't even exist untill last decade.

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Ruling class*

unfortunately for us both that's probably going to happen
I regret to inform you that the U.S. policy is to flood the area with Albanians

More seriously, thank you for writing all that. It was a very interesting read. Some of the smarter people in this country realize we were on the wrong side of the Yugoslav wars, but the political establishment is obsessed with retarded policy that prioritizes invading and inviting the world (hence the fact that we have a shitton of Albanians and started increasing the rate of muslim immigration after 9/11).
I hope at the bare minimum you get Montenegro, Republika Srpska, Kosovo and Krajina back.

In a sense the Mexican conquest of America (especially the south west) is our Kosovo and Metohija. Just as Tito encouraged Albanian replacement of Serbs in Kosovo, the U.S. Govt (especially Trump) aids and subsidizes the importation of the replacement population they have brought in from Latin america and elsewhere. There's a lot that's different too, but just making the point that this is a theme globally.

Don't be a basic bitch.

police/military dogs are animal abuse

Shut it, cuck.

Cuck is a useless insult at this point. You could have insulted him based on the stupidity of his opinion (he's a Canadian, it's a shitpost, not his opinion), but you decided to use the most overused Zig Forums-tier insult imaginable.

I insult for my satisfaction, not for his, so who cares?

Do you feel satisfied with using bad insults? You could actually sit down and put some efforts into your posts, instead of shitposting like a Canadian sperg-gook.

What about the guide dogs though?

Read the whole thing and I still can't figure out what the fuck it's supposed to do. Is it a camera system or something?

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why not just kill him?
in any case you sound like a good and moral people, and since your white you will be welcomed into the reich, but you must do your part, you must cleanse the earth on which you stand, comrade
hitler was also too kind (see; dunkirk) but he knew what had to be done, the fire rises, the time for vengeance has come, ready yourself broher

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