What would have happened if the British hadn't prevented the Russians from destroying the Turks in the war or 1878-1880?
What would have happened if the British hadn't prevented the Russians from destroying the Turks in the war or 1878-1880?
Quit sliding with question spam, you fucking faggot.
The world would be a much better place
or the ruskies would liberate the roach women and create an unholy abominable race of slavroaches who would cause incomprehensible terror
If the Russian Empire successfully wiped out Turks, basically all of the balkans and east Europe would be firm allies if not completely incorporated. This means more Russian access to Mediterranean, and more experienced shipbuilders and Western educated technicians coming into Russia.
By 1900 Russia would be apporoximately 10-15 years ahead technologically compared to the medieval shithole it was at the time, so that when the Japanese invaded in 1904, Russia would be able to fight them off. This prevents the publics ability to question the tsar, and prevents the 1905 Revolution, a Marxist attempt at organizing.
Lenin himself said that Bolshevism could not have risen if they didn't have the oppurtunity to drive a wedge between the Tsar and the people in 1905 Revolution, it is what made the Revolution of 1917 possible. Ergo, this actually prevents bolshevism from starting out, and Russia would remain an ever more constitutional monarchy (like the UK) well into the 20th century.
When WWI results would have been much the same, except Germany would be knocked out quicker, but German economy wouldn't be quite as bad because Russian Empire wouldn't have requested the same ruinous shit as the Bolsheviks did, and the Russian empire would not spam socialist degeneracy into the region as the Bolsheviks did.
The result of this is that with no Weimar republic and no excesses, Hitler may never rise to power, and could spend the rest of his day being a prolific artist and author. Goebbels might just go into television and build the European version of hollywood, minus the degeneracy.
I don't think it would prevent WWII though. It would happen much later, but the British were pretty keen on wrecking any kind of continental European power, only this time it might be Germany and Russia vs Britain and France, and that might not go the same way. Small island would get wrecked and have their economy get rebuilt by USA, like Japan did after the war. This means instead of Japanese robotics and cyberpunk, there would be British robotics and cyberpunk in 2000.
America wouldn't have the impetus to create federal reserve, or to shit on its constitution with DA NU DEEL, so the America of 1960s might have a 5% federal taxation rate and basically no army except defensive. Any offensive moves would happen in its own backyard, maybe conquering and wiping out Mexico, or conquering nearby islands much like china today to increase ocean zones.
Russian Empire might last until today without fracturing, although considering that Russian Empire and America have always been on friendly terms, it stands to reason the two biggest countries in the 20th century actually cooperating might produce much different results.
Sounds like best timeline.
That was easily the most ridiculous LARP fantasy I've every read. Could've been from fucking deviant art.
It's nice to dream about though.
I mostly agree with you, but remember that the Eternal Anglo made sure that the bolsheviks get into power exactly because they knew that any other group could get too friendly with the Germans.
The reds won the civil war because the Entente powers set up the whites with promises of support that never materialized. So they attacked relentlessly only to end up all alone against an enemy with superior numbers and better positions.
So in short, the Eternal Anglo ruined everything. Again.
It's too much to speculate.
If the Russian Empire takes hold of Constantinople, they would become a world power and hold the land trade between Asia and Europe.
Maybe WW1 would never happen or happen sooner because no way the brits are gonna let that happen.
You mean jew.
We're talking about alternate history, how could it be anything other than a fantasy? I was however very careful and thoughtful with how I went about it.
It's not wishful thinking.
For example the fact that bolshevism didn't happen? Also means Chinese communism wouldn't happen.
That means that by 2020, there would be no clear examples of communism not working so it would still be a viable philosophy accepted or at least considered by everyone. Every single country would have a major communist party. Not just SJW liberals, but actual communists openly murdering people in the streets like South America, and governments unable to do fuckall about it.
They would have lost anyway
Don't forget taking away everything they had given to the Tsar instead of throwing it at the whites. They practically gave Arkhangelsk to the Bolsheviks.
Dumbass, the anti-communism movement was STRONGER when there was no USSR, see Bismarck's anti-socialism policies.
Don't think just because the USSR wasn't formed, commies are allowed to run on the street.
Accelerationism is a meme. The blatant failures of every communist regime ever has done nothing to stop the Marxists running around today; the less real-world examples of an ideology there are, the more obscure it necessarily is, and the more obscure it is the less popular it is.
> or the ruskies would liberate the roach women
There things not even russians would do.
Did not they burn your kebab shop down there, mehmet?
Same thing.
Any scenario that sees the Czar with Constantinople reclaimed and the Black Sea made Russian property is one where the Black See Fleet becomes the preminent Russian fleet. It also means that Russia can cheaply and efficiently move units into Anatolia and threaten the Middle East, and it means default control over trade on the Danube.
From such a position, Russia can safely hunkerdown and build up its navy into something worth a damn while forcing Austria-Hungary into economic cooperation. Its not a thing that is dangerous overnight, but the kind of thing that engenders permanent strategic alterations. Especially because in puts Russia in the position to march down, unimpeded, to the Suez and capture it, and in a position to sail forth from the Black Sea with a powerful fleet with an unassailable harbor to retareat to. An unassailable position from which to build a train a fleet, and easy access to the rest of Eurasia, because those barriers that made Russia easier to defend also contained it, would have been the last step needed for the Russian Empire to roll over much of Eurasia, marching into Muslim lands and repaying them in full.
tldr; There is a reason the Crimean War was fought, and every action Russia took against the Ottomans was constrained.
Bruh, with Russia in control of Anatolia, there is nothing stopping them from massing forces and marching right down into the where all the oil is. Can you imagine how insufferable Russia would be with all the Middle Eastern Oil?
The Jew has never been a part of ancient Israel, they are Edomites and the decedents of Cain
Rather the ruskies control the oil than the arabs.
That makes no sense whatsover.
Didn't Russia get basically jackshit from the peace treaty?
Berlin is too sandy to hold a mega reichstag. It would sink into the ground.
The Bolsheviks singed the Brest-Litovsk treaty with the Kaiserreich which basically gave Germany the rest of Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Belarus as Germany vessels. I believe the treaty of Versailles just negated that treaty and redrew Eastern European boarders.
Oh I agree.
No glorious affordable stick shaving soap with god-tier branding.
I would be ok with British anime. I mean the horrific state of Japanese women seems to have inspired the top-tier anime grills and Bong women are at least as terrible.
How many anime are based off of Jap Germabooism? Anglo-anime wouldn’t have any of that, that means no Legend of Galactic Heros. No Full Metal Alchemist. And anglos don’t have the values that nips used to make anime.
But just think of all the great fantasy anime there would have been based on Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Dunsany, etc. And probably American authors as well since there wouldn't be any language barrier.
I suppose, but I think the real issue would be how would anglanime hentai be? Would Anglo artists make good doujin? Though an anglanime about the British Empire would be neato with each season focusing on a different region/continent comunating in the last season dedicated to WWI, so long as they didn’t add too much fantasy shit like nips do with their history based cartroons. And since korea and china (lowercase because neither are human) have tried to copy anime we would see Franime and Germanime offshoots that may or may not be of significantly lower quality.
Culminating into the last season about WWI*
Am taking a shit so am phoneposting until I get back to my desk. Pardon.
(the Philippines)
Most important post in the thread.
Just what part of that is never a mistake. I just hope one day we can correct this horrible decision
Did you see what is happening in portland?
Probably take Constantinople and other areas around the Turkish straits to ensure access to the Mediterranean. I doubt they would attempt full conquest of Turkey, since it would be a long shit slog and it would be an unstable hellhole even by Russian standards.
In the long run, I think the Russians would attempt to have a further grasp on the Balkan states as their sphere of influence, which would of caused a good amount of issues in the region, since Germany and Austria-Hungary had vested interests in the territory. And since the Russians would have access to the Mediterranean, I can see it leading to some significant tensions with the British, since it would be contesting their naval dominance there.
It all would of likely caused World War 1 in some form of happening earlier, since it would have simply just accelerated all the reasons the Great Powers had to go to war, for both their own regional tensions, and the tensions in the Balkans and the Middle East at the time.
Don't forget Italy, they together with AH set up Albania simply to further their intrests in the region. I imagine they would have stayed within the Triple Alliance. In that case I can see Britan not commiting strongly to either the Franco-Russian or the Triple Alliance side, instead they'd quietly try to make the war as long and bloody as possible.
From my perspective, the Triple Alliance holding would have been mostly based on whether or not the Italians would have received something valuable in return. They wanted the territory of Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol, which unless the AH was willing to trade it for something, maybe assistance in conquest of Serbia for example, I don't think the Italians would have played ball.
The British involvement would be entirely based on who was the aggressor and who was a threat to their interests. If the Germans were to have attacked Belgium, the Brits would have done what they did, if the Germans, out some miracle of Wilhelm getting over his anti-anglo sentiments, they very may have well helped the Triple Alliance/Central Powers.
This is all discounting the massive clusterfuck the Middle East would have turned into at the loss of even the token involvement of Ottoman stability to the region.
Instead of initial D you have anime Top Gear and the Alfa Romeo Alfetta will be the dream car of many autists instead of the AE86