It keeps happening. Why is it so hard to avoid crashing into civilian ships?
It keeps happening. Why is it so hard to avoid crashing into civilian ships?
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They had to run it aground to avoid it to sink…
Has to be a new record.
Didn't some US Navy collisions follow the deaths of Russian diplomats? There are rumours that the Russians can confuse US GPS systems. In the age of Stuxnet, that sounds actually reasonable. I'd really like to see reliable statistics on ship density versus collision rate around the world over time.
America is stacking to many ships in a small sea tile and is experiencing unit decay and stacking penalties.
Why do sailors refer to their ships as female?
Cause they retain a lot of water and like to be filled with seamen.
"Why are Boats Referred to as "She"?"
Connie asks: I am trying to find out why boats are always referred to as the female gender.. When and why did this practice start?
According to Yarns of the Sea, Legends, Myths, and Superstitions: Although women were considered to bring bad luck at sea, mariners always use the pronoun "she" when referring to their ships. Whether its proper name is masculine, or whether it is a man o'war, a battleship, or a nuclear submarine, a ship is always referred to as "she."
This old tradition is thought to stem from the fact that in the Romance languages, the word for "ship" is always in the feminine. For this reason, Mediterranean sailors always referred to their ship as "she", and the practice was adopted over the centuries by their English-speaking counterparts.
One source suggests that a ship "was nearer and dearer to the sailor than anyone except his mother." What better reason to call his ship "she"?
Thanks for the question, Connie!
>one thing leads to another and you pretty much have sex with the ship similar to that one guy that got drunk and ended up cumming on his mosin
So in short, loneliness at sea, a desire to not be a faggot, and waifus. At least ships tend to be more competent than female sailors.
I wonder how well a fleet of time-traveling 1940 Regia Marina battleships+cruisers without Radar would do against a CY+3 American CVG staffed almost entirely by women, homo and transexuals with Russians jamming GPS&wireless communications because Syria.
So in this scenario and the one with the Fitzgerald, what happens with the private ship? Presumably, both of them were also damaged to a moderate degree. Does the gov pay them to avoid court?
They could just render whole CVG combat ineffective by just ramming everything. It seems to me that military sailors nowadays think they are all in submarines, and therefore they cannot look outside.
Would the Italians play along though?
They should've been used to some degree of eyeball navigation despite being Italians in the military and all.
I wonder if they can get their artillery on target before the American crews finish arguing about who should fire what at the enemy in absence of their drunk ass superior officers.
They navy doesn't use GPS to navigate unless they can't see the stars or sun because they know its a liability. Also I heard that the ship was moored and got hit when it was docked. Though it could have been misinfo.
I heard it was when they entered port and a very classical "Fuck your rules, make way, I'm a WAAARRRRship" "Well I'm bigger and I can't stop, so…".
Would the best anti-ship weapon be a rocket carrying American wymen and niggers that would replace the target's crew?
It would be sending sheboons over in a refugee ship.
This is a very embarrassing situation. They have technology and folks but they failed to see so maybe they are manned by the idiots.
wait no
those things don't naturally follow
This isn't much better…
Yet another "try to explain history based on the little my ignorant ass knows in a LOL manner on le 8chinz"
Thanks user, I was just about to enjoy myself reading some fake LOL history on a Comoros ylang-ylang extraction appreciation forum.
Now back to talking about why 9mm is a superior cartridge compared to both 45. and 40mm for the umpteenth time.
Little known fact, due to its superior ballistic properties and tendency to deform 9mm is actually more effective than sabot 105mm.
What about a 105mm sabot for a 9mm projectile?
Press F to say goodbye to brand new destroyer.
The Norvegian have a full transcript and it's the usual. Captain was asleep a junior officer had the deck (they haven't said but want to guess it's sex?), destroyer was approaching the port at high speed (17 knots) in full stealth, beacon off, position lights off, refused to identified itself when the Sola radioed them, the Sola deduced it was the Helge Ingstad and repeatedly asked them to turn and warned them about the collision, the destroyer finally answered "they were on it" not even a minute before impact, the Sola started to try to avoid it.
The Sola basically ripped the port side open on the full length of the destroyer.
The Helge Ingstad had only an action station alarm on, radioed after 7 minutes later they had hit an "UNKNOWN OBJECT" and had no propulsion (duh with your engines full of sea water it ain't going fast no more), then a second message of abandon ship after 15 minutes and got it's headcount wrong repeatedly (so even basic shit like that).
A real submarine that was also returning to port, rescued the sailors (note that the submarine put it's beacon on the second they surfaced)while the tugs of the Sola (that were still there, it's right next to the port) and quickly dragged it to the shore.
Frankly it's a fucking miracle nobody died.
Sauce in bork:
Is it a viable tactics now for the chinks to literally ram enemy ships with container freighter?
Because they have a shit load of freighter.
Nah all they need is a few Type 24s and it'll probably be over
So is the ship totaled with all of that water in it?
Well it's a ship it can always be raised and salvaged.
But while doing that for older steel ships that were super costly in steel/wood works was a cost (more often time than cost really) effective decision, with a modern ship (on which steel works is arguably the cheapest part) it's questionable if it's not cheaper to just make a new one.
fresh off imgur (reddit)
They need to start hanging the entire higher levels of command on these ships when this happens.
If the mere presence of a sufficiently large civilian cargo ship is enough to sink just about any modern warship, how effective would a converted "civilian" freighter armed with Sea Sparrows and anti-ship missiles be?
Psst, you there… Kraut… You're asking some dangerous questions right now. You remember what happened to the last German who did that, right? Just be thankful we're helping domestic industry.
Hush my German friend, don't say that around here, you're going to get us both firebombed again!
Look up "Q-ships" in WW1.
I think the story of the commerce raider/auxiliary cruiser, the most successful perhaps being HSK8 Kormoran. (Ich denke es heißt Handelsstörkreuzern , Hilfskreuzern im Deutsche). I'm still learning German, so pls no bully
germans couldn't have a proper navy after WW1 so decided to make merchant ships in a way so that they can be outfitted with armament, all sneeky breeki like, and was able to sink an Australian cruiser in 1941 despite having to scuttle ship
It sunk some more.
Yeah, they tried to beach it but it's too steep, each tide is dragging it out a sea a bit more.
I think it's the first NATO warship to be properly sunk in a collision.
Also this is quite something, what is modern day average merchantmen can sink a modern day average ship of the line that easily.
I'd be chink I'd order the insane amount of merchant ships they have to be fitted with this.
Why do you want to waste money when unarmed ships already sink American warships with impunity.
The absolute state of modern navies.
I want Japan to get its balls back and recreate the IJN. Yamato 2 when?
Of fucking course.
Why can't dumbfucks get that?
as soon as my kid mellows out and decides politics is a better way to arm people than haphazardly made four winds. Who doesn't want a Yamato on steroids?
We were close to having one with the A-150/Super Yamato.
Imagine taking that design and modernizing it with good air defense, anti-missile systems, and anti-ship missiles.
I wonder how well seaplanes have evolved since WW2 or would giving her helicopters be better?
Jesus. I guess crashing in to civilian ships in extremely incompetent ways is not just an American tradition.
Ebin. I know someone who lives relatively close by was actually on that ship.
I guess that is the end result when you make a ship entirely focused on getting rich Scandinavians drunk on cheap Estonian booze.
This is one of the few cases where anime shouldn't be real.
Wait for the Admiral Nakhimov to come out of modernization and you will have one.
Should take a while though, it's basically a full rebuilt, they're only keeping the hull.
>One salvo of 72 SS-N-33
>No more US Navy
Guided missiles ruined naval warfare.
>1 fleet of tankers and freighters
>no more US Navy
>one woman
>no more US navy
Are guided missiles a form of gun control for Western Navies?
After all they're smart munitions that never kill innocent civilians unlike dumb evil bullets.
This is going directly to conspitard territory but I believe russian specops sank that ship, as it was attempting to smuggle something interesting to Sweden. Sweden and Estonia, after all, had extremely warm relations back in early 90's, and Russia was a Jeb Bush-tier mess.
At least it'll make a lovely artificial reef
Kirov still have armor everywhere not just around the reactor.
It's a light plating (hence why it's designated a "battlecruiser" rather than "battleship") largely designed as NBC protection than against projectiles but it's still one of the last ships (the?) designed with actual armor.
It's the thickest around the engine areas and is multilayered.
It's also the last ship to use a twin turret as a main gun (and 20x 30mm Gatlings).
As for AShM they're just plain better than shells.
Nobody in the US wants to remember it but the Germans fired maybe twenty Fritz X AShM during WWII and nearly sunk 4 battleships… and 3 cruiser, 2 destroyer and an assortment of other ships.
Yes it's that stupid and it does means guns on ships died in autumn 1943.
But since most of those ships weren't US (British, the Italians ships when Italy switched sides, etc…) and most of the US battles were in the pacific where the Japanese were overcompensating for their tiny dicks, the US still thinks that AShM aren't a real threat.
And those had cute tiny warheads compared to Russian AShM.
Vid related. And remember those are training missiles… they don't have a warhead (you can literally see both of them overshoot the target after piercing it).
Just compare the amount of CIWS between a Russian capital and an US capital ship and be amazed.
At best it's 2 Gatlings per ship… VS 20 for a Russian ship!!!
That's exactly my problem, the introduction of effective AShM basically took the entire naval structure of human history and threw it out the fucking window. As long as you can fit some missiles on a boat, it's an effective enough tool.
I love the Fritz X, but if you really want to talk obscure guided weapons introduced early:
The Norwegian navy contacted Ardent Global, who did the Costa Concordia righting and refloating, but decided their bid was too expensive. They took a lower bidder, Boa Management, who anchored the boat to the shoreline with some wire that quickly parted under the force of the tides. Which is funny because the company that delivered the chains used for the Concordia job was headquartered just a few kilometers away from the wreck and they say they've got chain piled so deep they're worried about the dock sinking.
Now that's a nice story. I read up on it some more, and they're like cool modern day pirates. I did intend to say that the Kormoran was successful as an auxiliary cruiser/merchant raider in that it sunk a fully manned cruiser in battle.
Tradition mostly. It's gay to ride around in a man too. Wilhelm II, everyone's favourite autists, demanded one of his favourite german ships be refereed to as male.
Dr Pavel, I'm KNM.
Like a backwards Axis of Time?
What about the cock holsters you keep below deck
Because unarmed cargo ships can't sink targets on land.
Those are called Marines.
I dunno man, give them wheels or something. I mean if we can build cars that can float around a lake making a ship that can drive on land shouldn't be that hard.
Coastal Rangers, in this case if I'm not mistaken.
That's interesting, never actually heard of that before, but I don't know if I'd believe it because the risk vs reward assuming that there actually was something onboard is questionable. Sinking a ship with >800 people on board is just so risky, and it's frankly hard to believe that Russia would be competent enough to pull something like that off during that time.
Why not sponsor a program for "women in marine engineering" and all the women are at least 50% negroid immigrants you paid to transport as refugees to the target country so they destroy ships before they reach the water?
So what happens when we loose two or three super carriers?
Bye bye American air supremacy.
For fuck's sage, I bet in a few years you can rebuild the IJN Kaga, load her up with zeroes and bully the entire US military easily.
Such a thing would create more jobs for the defense industry to build replacement supper carriers with special accommodations for pregnant mexican trannies.
Wouldn't the war be over by the time the first party ship gets delivered?
Honestly now that I think about it the US in its current absolute state could likely declare war on Iran regardless of how well its military would not be equipped for such a job, they wouldn't have to kill a single enemy to win as long as American soldiers die enough Patriotic deaths to raise the defense budget and create new procurement contracts for Lockheeb and friends.
You wake up and realize the 1/1 European thing (100m/100 men, 140m/140 men, etc…) armed with Allison J102 missiles (1991 supersonic "flying target" that was never even considered and only was used as to prototype other shit latter on despite working) was the way to go except you lost 30 years and countless billions and now are actually behind even the fucking chinks that are just mixing Russian weaponry designs with bootlegged European ship designs.
Just imagine the amount of warship the USN could field it it used the crews and money of it's behemoths to field blue water VLS frigates with a big VLS? You'd have actual sea supremacy, with US ships in every port of the planet capable to blow up any 99% of the parliaments under 10 minutes with conventional weapons.
There is still a dim hope for gigantic CLGGs firing scramjets. The technology is mostly there, all is left is to build a prototype 420mm cannon that accelerates a guided 1000kg projectile to hypersonic speed.