UK Court Hears of Plot To Rape, Dissolve in Acid Children For Pleasure of Unnamed ‘Top Politicians’ Gihan Muthukumarana told undercover police they could make £10 million raping children on video for “top political people”, a court has heard.
can't stop imagining steiner sat at home watching a 3d dancing pig in the darkness, beer cans littering the computer desk
tbh what will happen this century is ethnonationalism will rise as an ideology, there will be a caesar/hitler type figure who will arise in the uk as a reaction to satanic neoliberalism and institute a caste system where whites hold all political and military power, there will then be an ethnic reunification of the anglosphere with CANZUK being unified into one state, then the commonwealth realms and britain will become a third force on the world stage up there with the US and China boasting a large economic and military power
reminds me of someone smh
Jacob Butler
Howling tbh lads. Who the fuck is Steiner? Not been here in yonks, sozza.
preferred “virginia hale has massive nips” tbh lad
Jackson Baker
GCHQ said that it was Russians who made the difference in the Brexit vote. Hidden videos by O'Keefe have revealed that the "Russians" were actually just Americans with too much time on their hands - American NEETs.
America was the reason you won Brexit. But I don't see in Britains brotherhood.
Methinks you just like having a homosexual crossdressing here
Jaxon Bell
that's why you don't live with normies lad. I know that feel
Josiah Ortiz
put your trip back on, SA
Nicholas Jones
the irony is westie was an effortposter on Zig Forums and the only people who bullied him must have been on nubrit
Wyatt Hughes
No, there isn't "great difference". There no difference. That the nature of fucking state. If Sargon doesn't understand this, he shouldn't be quoting from enlightenment figures. No, they weren't. If it had stated at the founding fathers demographics nothing would needed to have changed. I also can counter libertarianism or lots other mental illnesses.
JUst not been posting tbh, lost interest ovet the last year.
Kevin Hughes
the boar is the symbol of taranis lad, send it to varg
Easton Scott
Pembs is a confirmed homosexual from my own research lad. A nice chap regardless, but a homo for sure. Pretty sure he still hangs about on /newbrit/ and such other places.
It is the worst choice I ever made in my life tbh, has been a nightmare.
they are so slobby in how they keep their house and they have such entitled opinions. I remember how dumb they are too. can't even cook and just eat everything pre-made and walk around in slutty outfits.
Nolan Diaz
Tbh in this day and age having faith is an admirable act. The only faith I have is the incompetence of us as a species.
Jordan Morales
Jaxson Gonzalez
glad to see you've not left lad
Owen Fisher
You just described everyone in the UK, including what Americans have incorrectly supposed White Nationalists.
Christopher Walker
you honestly have to work at it and even then you sort of have to guard it behind irony from becoming fake
Whoa it's almost like Anglin could've have made that clear in the debate and argued from the point of not being opposed to using force via the state to deport citizens instead of dragging ass on the point and looking weak and contradicting himself.
They were you sperg the founders ideals vs their application of their ideals were contradictory. You don't have to lie and play stupid to counter this point since everyone including Sargon only applied principles do a degree unless you're a fucking AnCap.
It's like you're filling in gaps for Anglin in your head and pretending he made all of these arguments against Sargon when he totally failed to do so and stuttered through half of the stream. He can either get better at debate or stick to writing articles.
Isaac Jackson
closed the window lad, was just banter smh, got to admit I was enjoying it a bit too much, I'm still laughing at the pig