Trump cancels WW1 memorial at US cemetery in France due to rain
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a) It's pretty damned faggy to not turn up to an event meant to celebrate the deaths of many, many soldiers who died in some of the worst circumstances just because it's raining.
b) It's pretty damned faggy to make big news about politicians being massive fags.
c) It's pretty damned faggy to be OP
So 'This is bad but you shouldn't talk about it' …?
You can say this is one of the few political thema that doesn't fit here.
So shocking.
Thanks (((Jerry)))
So it wasn't actually the case that Trump personally refused to go outside because he didn't like getting wet? I'm shocked that once again the media and astroturfers have lied about something Trump related.
No one cares about your orange Jew father.
In ww1 you're going to have to do some impressive mental gymnastics to make that look anything less than flat out retarded m80.
Makes me wonder if it was because the Beast would probably get bogged down. Any anons have any technical ideas?
No need to be salty over your lost empire fritz, this is all your own goddamn fault since you didn't listen to Bismarck and followed Wilhelm instead.
Unifying a couple of city states into a regular sized country isn't an "empire"
if obama had done this they would have given him a medal for sparing everyone from the flu or some shit and it would be international news.
the poz runs deep if you take the MSMs side.
Nah, you can talk about it. But pretending to be surprized by politicians being massive faggots is like pretending to be surprized because newborns can't talk yet.
Sounds like typical kike games to me.
I don't understand this.
It's almost guaranteed that any WW1 or WW2 GI would have made the holocaust an actual thing if they were aware oif even half of the kike shit that has come to light specifically because of the internet.
Hindsight is 20/20 when you're multiple decades down the road and have a previously unavailable tool that allows you to look up multiple perspectives of what exactly is going on in the world.
What exactly would the car get "bogged down" by? I wouldn't be surprised if the damn thing has a separate oxygen tank feeding air into the engine so the intakes can be completely sealed from the outside.
US Participation in WW1 was pissant anyway.
WW1 was the war that broke the world, nope not WW2, but WW1. WW2 is just a continuation of it.
It also assumes the people fighting in the war had any interest in the politics of the nations they were fighting for and against and weren't just fighting because they were forced/to defend their homeland irregardless of said countries politics.
iirc the Queens Bentley is fully NBC sealed and is protected against both small arms fire and explosive weapons, the thing weighs a shit ton.
And an Anglo, pic related
You have no idea what the definition of empire is, right? Size doesn’t matter when your industry is so powerful, that an originally negative ‘Made in Germany’ turned into a positive.
Was it negative due to a dislike of Germans or the perception of Germany producing low quality goods?
Woah so i guess that modern japan is an "Empire" then?
Why not just use APC, hell if i was a head of some country i would order a tailored modified BMP-3 for my personal use instead of some faggy limousine.
I don’t even like trump but this is just nick picking. Last president that gave enough of a shit to visit troops in hospitals and Cemeteries was George W Bush. Hell Bush W also did more for blacks than Obama and trump combine. Where his NAACP awards and Recognition? Hell hired a black vet and a black woman who actually attractive in his office. The fact blacks hate him so much is proof how sheepish the black community is.
If they used their industrial and cultural power for imperialistic purposes, then they'd be an empire. Imagine an ex-strongman who is forced by some armed madnem not to work out, and so his muscles are withered. Given the chance he could still turn into someone who makes the average man look like a weak little boy, but he'd get a bullet to this head even if he just started doing pull-ups in his room.
Are you thinking what I'm thinking, B2?
I don't know if this is true or not but it's possible both sides were Zogbots and they were looking to collapse potential powers around them to strengthen their hold. Can't be the greatest ally of everyone after all.
What's the name of an isekai anime where an otaku gets rewarded for good grades and send as Japan's ambassador to magical lands with elves and shit to promote anime and Manga because ZOG will nuke Japan if they make more of GATE?
How in the fuck is Trump not going to a memorial ceremony due to rain even remotely Zig Forums related? Zig Forums has turned this board into a shitshow with it's ever worsening retardation.
Because your countries leader hiding in an APC isn't a good look.
Most 8ch mods for some reason learn libertarian in moderation. This allows every board to become Zig Forums or Zig Forums
You should be aware that Donald Trump could:
1. in a fit of cocaine rage tear the suit off his orange body and run naked over the American graveyards in France
2. shit on every soldiers grave and throw over the gravestone
3. dig up the graves and use the bone fragments that are still left after a 100 years to stimulate his prostate
And it still would be less dishonoring, sacrilegious and degrading to these soldiers, than the current lifestyle and the beliefs held by the majority of the population of contemporary USA.
If the Soldiers of WW1 would know how our world turned out, instead of fighting the war they would conduct violent purges in their home country.
Except it is correct. It was around 3.6%, which is even higher than Russia's at the time. Remember, you controlled Poland at the time, Fritz, their Jewish population was around 20%.
Except it's right. Loewe/DWM was literally ran by a Jewish family, and they had large amounts of control over other manufacturers such as Mauser.
Playfair offhand suggested to use gas against Russia, didn't mean he actually did it or implemented it, he died decades before WW1 even started. You (((krauts))) were the ones who actually developed it and used it.
An empire implies a large or extensive group of states/nations ruled by a single monarch. The G*rman """empire""" doesn't fit that definition.
Forgot to mention: If Quality of manufacturing is what determines empire status, then I guess Switzerland is an empire.
>eternal (((anglo)))
Τhis. Those men died so that today faggots can literally legally and intentionally spread their AIDS.
Strip the turret, paint it all black and smooth it a little bit and viola a perfect diplomatic vehicle, not only its NBC secure but also amphibious and armored!
Trump continues to show he has better judgement than any US president since Gerald Ford.
It's (barely) relevant because WW1.
Zig Forums in general is fucking cancer. I don't know what the fuck happened to the old mods and vols, but holy shit. Not to mention the AIDS-infected shit spewed everywhere by the stupid fucking userbase.
*meant board owners
Let's not beat around the bush, we all know Trump had fuck all to do with this decision. It was made by HMX-1 and his USSS detail when they determined the fog cover was both a liability to flight ops and presented an increased threat risk due to low visibility. They briefed him, he agreed, that is the extent of it. This is just simply the media using it as another excuse to plaster a headline of outrage over cheeto man.
I'm surprised nobody here is talking about this disgrace of a ceremony. What will they trot out for next year?
Trump should have not even went and instead host a bunch school children to sit by him near a fireplace in the WH so he can read them the following book.
Field IFR, below SVFR minimums.
They could have brought a pathfinder or ATC unit to setup a beacon or precision approach, but you're risking the life of the US president, two Marine Pilots and aircrew and a several million dollar bird all for some faggy cry-in for which there are no living WW1 veterans.
I guess, they should have sent me, I wouldn't even charge and I'd give them a speach about how WW1 was utterly stupid and pointless and the USA should go full isolationist and end NATO because Europe doesn't take its own defense seriously.
The "Made In X" thing was started by the britts during the industrial revolution on the hopes that patriotic local people would not buy goods made by the hun.
You can see how well it worked.
4d chess?