FBI: "Neo-Nazi Militia Trained by US Military in Ukraine Now Training US White Supremacists

INB4 Jews want NATO to invade Ukraine to save Ukraine from Ukrainian Nazis and Russian aggression
According to a recent FBI indictment, several American white nationalists were allegedly radicalized by and received training from Ukraine’s National Socialist Azov Battalion, which receives funding from the current government of Ukraine as well as the U.S. government. The group has also received weapons from the Israeli government.
The indictment, filed in Los Angeles, California last month, asserts that four American members of the Rise Above Movement (RAM) — RAM co-founder Robert Rundo as well as Robert Boman, Tyler Laube and Aaron Eason — had “violently attacked and assaulted counter-protestors” at several white nationalist events throughout the U.S., including the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville last year.
Court documents refer to RAM as a “white supremacy extremist group” while the group self-represents as “a combat-ready, militant group of a new nationalist white supremacy/identity movement.”
The recent indictment gives special attention to Rundo’s more recent activities, particularly his trip to Europe earlier this year where he traveled to Germany, Ukraine, and Italy “to meet with members of European white supremacy extremist groups.” The FBI became aware that one of the individuals with whom Rundo had met during this trip was Olena Semenyaka, a leader of the International Department for the National Corps, a Ukrainian political party that was formed as an offshoot of the Azov Battalion in 2016.
The affidavit detailing Rundo’s meeting with Semenyaka, signed by FBI agent Scott Bierwirth, states that “the Azov Battalion is a paramilitary unit of the Ukrainian National Guard which is known for its association with neo-Nazi ideology and use of Nazi symbolism.” It then adds that Azov Battalion “is believed to have participated in training and radicalizing United States-based white supremacy organizations,” such as RAM.
In other words, the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion is suspected by the U.S. government of both training and radicalizing violent white nationalist groups based in America. This is particularly troubling when one considers the fact that the U.S. government directly enabled the Azov Battalion’s growth and prominence. Now, it seems that those actions have translated into unwanted domestic consequences for the United States government.
The Azov Battalion’s ability to provide training to U.S. white nationalist groups is a testament to the group’s prominence in far-right and National Socialist circles. However, the group’s prominence is the direct result of U.S. government policy toward Ukraine.
Originally a paramilitary group of right-wing Ukrainian nationalists linked to the country’s Social-National Party, Azov Battalion has since become incorporated into Ukraine’s Interior Ministry as a component of the country’s National Guard. In addition, the group’s founder Andrey Bilitsky, is currently a member of Ukraine’s parliament. Bilitsky once said that “The historic mission of our nation in this critical moment is to lead the White Races of the world in a final crusade for their survival.”
Despite the merging of Azov Battalion with the Ukrainian government, the U.S has long continued to support Ukraine’s military with hundreds of millions of dollars in “security, programmatic, and technical assistance,” largely in the name of combatting “Russian aggression.”

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Literally golem uprising.

This is good.

That's a funny joke.

Attached: ukraine.jpg (848x1327, 333.15K)

Is there a better site to bye patches and medals than E-bay?

Most likely not, and if you have any money to spend, you should probably use it to buy an online English language course.

Attached: Shirai_Kuroko_smug.jpg (1000x1300, 259.44K)

I don’t english course I am French Canadian! I just moved to the state to work on pot farms.

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Jews gave weapon to Rhodesia and South Africa as well.

Jews play all sides.

Jews will fund anyone with the hope that said nation will support them at the UN tbh.


Did you expect anything else? More importantly, did they expect anything different?

Attached: Americlaps 101.png (500x639, 203.06K)

Well yeah, they're backing the Jewish junta of Ukraine.
Best goys get jew toys.


When will the US become its own proxy and bite itself?

While sandniggers and leftists are the leading causes of terrorism, whenever you get someone even slightly "right" wing angry enough to do "terror" it has a tendency of making many superfluous anuses appear on those that wronged them.
I can see it now, those "hey kid wanna blow up a federal building.jpeg" you see from time to time are gonna get edited to something like "already did" and posted daily.

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Ukraine is bit of a joke.

Attached: ukraine jews.jpg (1024x785, 152.5K)

Can we get OP on one too? He's fell for a shitty meme, made him post a wall of text instead of properly spacing it.

Literally none of those people are jews, even their names are edited in a comical way to make them sound jewish, are you for real?

That's how retards post ever since the orc hordes scrabbled their way into /nu/pol under kampfy. They all refuse to use paragraphs or to double space their text at all because they're trying way too hard to fit in and are blindly following the "Reddit spacing" thing without actually understanding what it even means. The result is that they end up Reddit spacing themselves. Look at that stupid faggot, he's doing one sentence per line, for Christ's sake. It's the same kind of person who lacks reading comprehension and age that he doesn't even know that spaces go around greentext as a matter of etiquette.

Attached: 7f2914ecccd5a1f3c90a98f03237d7fa92ca8d5d46d98b90e9a4ff813be4d133.jpg (815x563, 60.22K)

Also that pie chart about ministry cabinet is fake, and I looked into this "tamga" just now and literally every mention of tamga with ukrainian trident has the same image with "wildwheels.ru" watermark on it, and that site is filled with some random latin text, gibberish and fake contacts, what the fuck is this?

It's bait for room temperature IQ Zig Forumsacks, it's been posted for years, same with most of the unsourced/poorly research pictures that get spammed on modern day Zig Forums.

Fuck off Abdul.

Propaganda doesn't need to be real. That's rule 1 of propaganda. It's likely just a joke which spread outside of it's meme pool but that's not the point of this post.

It needs some semblance of truth behind it or you look retarded for spouting it, specially in the age of google searches.

Thank you for proving my point. You have bought into the meme that Google is a truth seeker and not a propaganda pusher.

Now fuck off Abdul.

Are you fucking serious? Because if you are you should just neck yourself. You fucks have been here for 300 fucking years yet you still try to LARP as fucking frogs instead of just fucking learning English.

Bravo, you are the room temp.

One of the reasons spacing gets varied is phone posting makes text look blockier than it is, while standard posting can, with the right zoom levels, make thick paragraphs look very thin and reasonable. What this means, is that captions from phone posters are easier to read, since they are automatically zoomed in and you just have to scroll down instead of left and right after zooming in.

Seems like a whole load of nothing tbh

Ta yeule, crisse de salaud.

Give sauce on first image. Need to BTFO some antifa that claim they dindu nuffin.

The reason you space your lines correctly has nothing to do with phones. It's about having different screen resolutions, which may make some sentences look like they're the same thing. It's been standard practice since DOS to use a double line break for readability. It's only newfags who whine about it since they don't understand anything but iPhones and memes.

Azov is a tiny part of Ukrainian Armed Forces and nobody cares about them. Andriy Biletskiy is literally 31st among the least efficient parliament members (he's only voted 4% of the important bills in last years lol), that's quite an achievement considering half of our MPs are literal kremlin puppets.

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The original source was as the title in the picture said Worldwide Incidents Tracking System (WITS) a (((cohencidentally))) now defunct terrorism tracking system the US government had that was replaced with a far less information rich one (Global Terroism Database, aka GTD).
What we got now is about as useful (though telling) as the MSM's traffic data.

Attached: MSM_fakes_their_traffic.png (926x522 1.36 MB, 67.95K)