Far cry 5 ending triggering SJWs and Atheists

Anti-christian propaganda backfiring gloriously.

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Looks like this game was trying to pander to the alt right audience though. The enemies are like something alex jones would come up with.

That was actually good, probably going to buy it now

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Spoilers: The "Bad Guy" is actually right and "seems like" he is a legit prophet.

Despite that, it really bugged me a bit (it is just a fiction so whatever). But I really cannot get behind the idea that our Lord would be behind the Bad Guys back 100% (or so it seems) despite the tortures, killings, etc.

What are the babylonians?
God uses evil for good often.

dont play pozzed games

Nice, since I don't like the Alt-Right and legit cannot stand the Lefties and their ilk…another proof video games are being used to spread anti-Christian propaganda one way or the other.

Awesome ending

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>alt right
news to me

Alt-right is a mainstream media catch-all term for anyone on the right who is not a neocon.

I hate alt right and lefties and sjws too but I honestly don't know which political group online is right for me anymore. I want to strangle all of them.

Follow Christian morality tbh

Same here, hombre…

Eh, true…even if it's so hard to find the right "balance" when such thing is needed. Hate the sin love the sinner is not an easy rule to live by, in such times.

Just to be sure: talking about Christian love, not the worldly "love" which is a lukewarm apathy and closing our eyes to the evils of this world.

Torture and killing can have its place in the administration of law. (Not saying I agree with torture or the death penalty, just that it isn't strictly off limits for Christian judicial systems, at least by the letter of the Law, and Medieval judges didn't necessarily sin in ordering such things.) But I doubt that God would ever favour an armed rebellion against the lawful authority of an established government, even an evil government, given what God spoke through St Paul about obedience to the Roman state. Depicting that situation seems like an insult against God. Kevin Smith was originally going to do a similar ending for Red State, but backed down and just made it a fakeout twist if I remember correctly.

Is this in the Bible? Genuine question.

No, it's not even from a christian

Matthew 5:43-48


I honestly agree it's an easily twisted sentence…especially since the word love lost its hard-hitting meaning (as true love is not afraid to rebuke, hurt and makes no compromises when it comes to the truth which comes from God).

That like saying Zig Forums a Christian board.


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I used to think of them as art, now they're just scars

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Is that ceremonial law, or moral law? It doesn't seem the same as cutting, and ear and nose rings were a normal thing for the Israelites.

My opinion is that if they are small, with a true and good meaning, in modest places and not bragged about, some tattoos are acceptable. Not something good, but not evil.
Again, just my opinion as a Christian.

Only good tatoo is a cross on your wrist to make sure you don't deny your faith when Muslims want to behead you.

I bet it would help with lewd acts too…

Christianity is the better ideology in my opinion because it's pragmatic. It penalizes you for committing bad actions, not because of the "bad" traits that you were born with. I'm far-right, but I prefer to follow Christianity as it's very successful as an ideology.

WN isn't a threat because it's an ideology prone to frequent infighting. Figures like Anglin and Weev denounced TWP for looking and acting trashy, but that's the consequence vetting for skin color instead of action. You're going to get some vocal people who don't put in the effort because they think they're flawless by default. In contrast, Christianity states that we're all imperfect that we need to improve ourselves. I'm not saying that all WNs are losers, there's some successful white nationalists who lost their success from being deplatformed by the left, but actions should be held accountable.

Even without the racial mumbo jumbo, they were a socialist outfit. Economic illiteracy, no thx. Polite sage for off-topic.

Cool and unexpected, I'll give them that. Still not buying the game, though.


Top pleb. Despite your border-line retarded take on the ideology, you've stumbled upon a truth; WN like TWP are losers because they throw away their own genuine ethnic heritage (being Americans) in favor of nat-soc larping. America has great implicitly white cultural themes that can be used (and must be used in any political or cultural movement that isn't a dead end). And none of them involve playing dress up as a foreign political party that America fought a war against.

As far as vetting for action rather than "skin colour" (cause that's what race is, lol) just grow up man, and realize that a harmonious multi-ethnic society is a pipe dream, enrique and jamal don't give a fuck about guaranteeing your freedom of speech, to bear arms, to not bake a faggot wedding cake, or anything else you want. They're looking out for their own people's interest like everyone else in the world.

An anti-Christian meeting backfiring gloriously

I dunno man, donating 80 bucks towards the next commie's creed game, just to hear 3d models take the name of the Lord in vain and murder people. Maybe my money could be used better elsewhere.

God may help us all!

I'm afraid that you misunderstood me. I said that Christianity is a better doctrine to follow than white nationalism because it denounces the actions of TWP and AWD. Your concerns are legitimate and I share your views.


You can't go back to the garden of eden this is such bad theology I mean come on far cry

I think thats the point, the cults theology is supposed to suck.

Wanting to protect your people from being replaced by foreign invaders and being a Christian are not mutually exclusive though. God tells us that we are all brothers in Christ. However, he doesn't tell us to import en masse foreigners who don't share our beliefs. If they are Christian and respect the constitution, then they should be welcome. If not- we can try to witness to them through missions, but not by bringing them here first.

You should listen to the Christian music they made it’s really well done and really enjoyable


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God seemed to favor when Poles rebelled and when the Spaniards reclaimed Spain.
Then again he didn't favor the arguably more Christian south in America or the Japanese Catholics during their rebellion.
God is the Lord of history.

White nationalism fails because it offers suffering without offering it for Jesus. It requires one to be virtuous without relying on the source of all virtue.
It seems goto be afflicted with the spirit of maliciousness and hate.
Patriotism is a virtue under piety and being against the genocide and disenfranchisement of white people is clearly in line with Christian values but as the current white nationalist and AltRight has shown is one must direct all their actions for the sake of God rather than out of fear of persecution (becoming a minority) or hate of others.

Polite sage for double posting

What rebellion do you mean? The November Uprising, the January Uprising, the Krakow Uprising, and the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising were all brutally crushed. The Revolution of 1989 was successful, and there were some riots, but the violent coup attempt in the USSR had already failed, and power was handed over peacefully. The only place where Eastern Bloc Communism was overthrown by the people violently was in Romania. It would have been better if it had been peaceful. Communism was doomed anyway. I don't think a revolution being successful is neccessarily a sign that God approves of the revolution in itself or revolution in general, but that such a revolution might simply move forward His plan.

The Reconquista was carried out by the remaining Christian Spanish kingdoms, not nonstate actors.

Well, now that I know that's the direction they took with the story, I might as well just watch a lets play at best and not bother with that tripe. That's really the best ending they coulda come up with? Really? Thanks for saving me the 60 something bucks user. God bless you.

Well it couldn't have been an instant, too strong otherwise

Were you really gonna pay for this shit game and you changed your mind because of the ending? What are you doing here?

NEVER pay for UbiJew games. Theyre all trash.

Those are things you made up because of the fear of using words the left has told you to hate. Thre is nothing wrong in wanting white nationalism.

In the context of striving for salvation it's pointless

You said something that was false. Don't try to move the goalposts.

Wasn't me

No I've been in white nationalist circles for five years. It's a mess.
I'm telling you my personal experience. If you want a more objective approach go look up all their most influential people. TRS, Richard Spencer, Greg Johnson, Anglin, Cantwell.
The majority of these are atheists. Anglin is one of the few that came out friendly to the faith, the TRS people refer to our God as a Jewish volcano demon and Greg Johnson hates our God because the worship of Him in Europe led to us to stop having disordered relations between men and boys.
The Christian voices always get shut out. Earl of Grey, Florian Geyer, Natt Danelaw are all examples.

I'm still a white nationalist but I tell you that as their movement goes they're offering suffering without offering it to Christ. They're a strange perversion of the virtue of patriotism and of civic duty.

Isn't the antagonist clearly a murderer? I don't see why fedoras would be mad when it's clear that he'll turn out to be wrong in whatever cashgrab sequel/dlc follows this.

On an unrelated note, I'm always shocked that fps games like this are still so popular. So much running arpund and magically reviving people who've been shot by picking them up.

His foreknowledge implies a divine revelation or friends in the highest circles of power, which frankly sounds more implausible than the first option

I disagree: who is “white”? National pride has no reason to use that word. I’m Italian and white nationalists hate us; Europe is comprised of small ethnic groups and the whole “who has it whiter” is part of Divide te Impera strategies.

God is the law of the universe. Degeneracy spits in the face of the eternal concepts of health and life. Sometimes the herd must be culled for the sake of the greater population. Hitler was a prophet of God and we defeated his army. For this we should repent.(YIKES)

I noticed white people; Europeans especially, are the worst atheists there is.

It'll definitely turn out to be the latter. When has plausibility mattered in video games? Also likely is that he's a dupe of said powerful circle.

He supported Pagan occultism. Now repent.

Sadly true: we achieved a lot thanks to God’s help, but then we became arrogant and we started to think we did all that on our own, with our “strength” alone.
I pray that, just like the prodigal son, we are one day going back to Him.

Let’s say Hitler was indeed a good Christian who wanted to save Christian Europe: why then did he attack Poland with the help of the devilish force which was Soviet Russia? Why did he kill all those Christians in so many Nations?
Maybe some of his intentions were good, but most of his deeds brought him down and forever casted a dark shadow on the whole concept of national pride in most of Europe.

The elite of the elite never bother themselves with tactical matters, they only define strategy. I maintain my position that him being in such circles is unlikely.

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God works in mysterious ways goy.

Zig Forumslacks; a weird bunch: they mean good, but go always a tad overboard.

Not an argument. The world has been too soft and God will set things right one day. The further we go down our path of delusion and sin, the more volatile his correction will be. We at Zig Forums care about our fellow man and understand that fighting the eternal fascism of nature is a prideful endeavor that will only lead to the destruction of man.

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I hate the EU; and I also hate Nazism. I’m okay with fighting against those who hate Christianity, but all ideologies are spawns of Hegel and they are acts of rebellion against God as well no matter how well they mean to save the West.

It's a good thing that nature is eternally fascist, because manmade fascism only lasted 26 years.

Ideology brought my into Christ. Revelation can come in many forms, for me it was a combination of philosophical and ideological concepts including. If it weren't for Hitler, Joseph Smith, Plato, Wagner, and Julius Evola, I would never have been baptized.

I agree: I came back to Him through Fascism and Ebola; then I realised that ideology shaped my idea of God unto something to fit my own little agenda and was not the “fullness” of God.
I am fine with protecting our own Church and Country and National identity, but not with worshipping blood as a fetish/idol/deity.

*Evola (damn this autocorrect!)


So I watched all endings (haven't played myself, haven't played far cry since the first one). It seems they made them that no matter what you do, father always win. Either you give up fighting him and leave in peace or you resist him and end up with him in that bunker, tied. Not sure what to think about this.

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The absolute backpedaling of this piece of garbage. The vidya crash cannot come soon enough.

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Looks like a re-skinned Far Cry 3. I was watching some game play last night, I'd play it if I had a gaming PC, but it doesn't look that great.

Watched ending video also. Made me wonder if the developers know the Christians have more songs then "Amazing Grace"

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They need to do one of the games about catholic prosecution in Japan, but actually make it good.


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thinking about getting a jerusalem tattoo (pic related) if i ever make a pilgrimage on the top of my arm or on my wrist, should i?

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They'd make the pagan Japanese the good guys and frame it as brave people of color resisting and rising up against colonialism.

I've been thinking about getting a couple tattoos on my inner wrists. A chi rho flanked by the alpha and omega symbols on the left, and on the right I was thinking of going with the arabic nuhn. Not sure what scripture actually says about it since in the same chapter as "Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you" is "Ye shall not round the corners of your heads, neither shalt thou mar the corners of thy beard." and I'm pretty sure most of us have shaved at least once, so how seriously are we supposed to take that or what are we even to do with that? Not trying to be a jackass, I really want to know cause I've gotten 4 or 5 different answers none of which are helpful.

Do you already have tattoos? If so, go for it. If not, keep your skin unmarked.

It amazes me that some people watched Silence and legitimately thought the Japanese authorities were in the right. Say what you want about the film’s dubious theology, but it clearly portrays the Japanese persecution of Christians as being a terrible thing, just as it was in reality. But I suppose hatred of Christianity triumphs in some people’s minds over anything resembling supposed progressiveness or egalitarianism.

The prohibition against "cutting the flesh for the dead" was a national-cultural law specific to the Hebrews, intended to seperate them as a holy people from among the surrounding pagan cultures that practiced ritualistic religious mutilation,and not part of the moral law as far as I can tell. As such we as Gentiles aren't bound by it, but it potentially remains "more of a guideline." A tattoo might be an offense against the virtue of modesty depending on the tattoo and where it is, and might cause other Christians to make negative assumptions about you, or to cause them to stumble by inspiring them to get less tasteful tattoos themselves. Remember that our bodies do not belong to us but to God. Personally I'd rather die than get a tattoo, but that's because of where I live (tattoos are the mark of a literal criminal here and I'd lose my career if I got one) and personal taste (I think tattoos are trashy and ugly and faddish and vain), not any religious reason.

user, what people are you talking, or what webistes you going on ? Fedora tipper.com?

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You, sir, are pure win!

But, um, I'm not sure I want to ruin the ending by watching that. So, I'll just pretend I know what happened.
Oh, ho ho ho, that is great!! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I told people here. I told them, but noooooooo, no one listened to me

this_guy_gets_it.mp4 er … I think ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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While I don't normally endorse Zig Forums's visits to Zig Forums

THAT is hilarious!

It's got all the Zig Forums favourites: hasidim? check! menorah? check! black guy doing to bidding of jews? check! six gazillion? check! murka under the aipac-takes-over flag? checkaroonio! Christians persecuted? check, check and check! While not a fan of the depths of paranoid delusions that infect the red-pilled crowd, even I gotta admit when something's done well.

Well done, Zig Forums. You earned a "goyim, no!" today!!

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btw, anyone else caught out by the Ubisoft meltdown on launch?

None of us in APAC could even buy the game.

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they don't think asians are "PoC" enough anymore.
more likely ubishit would just have you play as fat,ugly atheistic lesbian kunoichi but make the Japanese goddesses into aliens that give them technology to fight you guessed it, the templars in japan secretly controlling the catholic church, again.

Indeed, SJWs consider Japanese honorary Aryans. Our fat-positive protagonist will have to be a suspiciously dark-tanned Okinawan at the very least if not some manner of Southeast Asian.

For the cost obviously

It was going to be another Antifa: The Game like Wolfenstein: The New Colossus. They changed the game's content at the last minute after seeing New Colossus's backlash.

Just pirate, m8.

What disturbs me is how blithely satanic this game is. I'm not of the mentality that everyone outside the church is just a covert satanist, though they are certainly useful idiots. What this seems to suggest is that secular attitudes are so predominant in our culture that people wont even notice, or regard with any significance a game in which God is treated as the antagonist. Of course a lot of them will be tipping their fedora hard to this but a larger group will just think, Oh man this Joe Seed guy is crazy and evil till the end credits roll without realizing "oh wait he's divinely inspired. I guess I'M the bad guy". The spirit of rebellion is our current culture.

Thou shall not steal. If you do not want to give them money, then just leave it alone. Do not play it, even if you want to.