Homemade Weapons Ban Introduced to Congress

congress. gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/7115/cosponsors?r=1

I don't know about you guys but I build a lot of parts kits and plan on building more. This is the worst thing to come out of the pipe yet.
It forces you to buy from firearm manufacturers.
Who licenses these manufacturers?
The ATF.
Who would happily shut down every manufacturer in the country for trivial shit to cut off the flow of weapons to civillians?
This bill will
Ban 80% receivers
Parts kits
Individual parts
Require you to apply for a unique serial number for your homemade firearm (((for a fee of course)))
It is backdoor gun registration by serial number lists

While it may have little support now it is indicative of what lies ahead after democrats take office.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Stop splitting links like a faggot.

Fuck off, CIAnigger.


HOW THE FUCK DOES THAT EVEN MAKE SENSE? if you remove a part from a finished rifle, does it become contraband? fucking Blumpf ruined everything reeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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now that America is lost, where can we flee bros? Zig Forumsolony in Somaliland?

Can you imagine what a relatively small group of white people could do to a country full of those lightbulb head niggers? they would all need to be ethnically cleansed, of course

There has to be a red line that is too far, no slow boil is that gradual.
Fuck these goddamn kikes.

Stop, retards. This has only been introduced with no further actions. It has no chance in the senate, and I don't think even president faggot would sign it. So don't freak out or panic buy and call your fucking representatives instead.

Also, a reminder that Republicans had two fucking years to pass any sort of pro-gun legislation or have the president issue a positive executive order and instead they did nothing and even decided to work for more gun control. No political party is your friend. Get smarter and get louder.

ever since Parkland, being pro-gun has fallen out of the overton window of both parties. 2 years of complete GOP control and there was not even discussion of anything other than CCW reciprocity and that went absolutely nowhere

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starting late january 2020, shit like this is going to start becoming law, permanently, so pic related

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When I voted for Trump, part of it was the promise that soldiers would be able to carry on post through executive order on day one. Did that happen? No. I voted for him because he said he would safeguard the 2A. Did he do that? No. Instead he went for a bump stock ban and refused to end import bans on Russian weapons and even added to the list. We've become a captive constituency. Now they can shit on us and when we complain they'll ask, "Who are you going to vote for? The Democrats."
The only way to change this is to radicalize the party from within again. The Tea Party managed to do that to a small extent, but it worked. Now it's our turn. Gun owners outnumber that group. There is no reason that we should be powerless to get what we want. The first step is to stop making excuses for lazy leaders. The first year I had people on this board complain that I was too focused on guns, and that we needed to give the Republicans and muh God Emperor time to fix the economy and so on. Well, now it's two years, and he hasn't even thrown us a bone. Stop making excuses for these people. They're failing at their job, even if it's just this one area. This is a fundamental reason why we vote for them. I'm mailing my letters in the morning. I suggest you do the same and drop a polite call too, and do this until you get a positive response. Money talks, but votes walk.

Just when I wanted to ask about how to make me some explosives.
Anybody has a do/k/ument? They told me to ask here

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had hillary been elected, we would have twice the anti-gun legislation, but since trump was elected, we "only" have gotten a bit of anti-gun legislation. either way, we're fucked. calls and letters do absolutely nothing, and you're naive for thinking they do. there is no way to politically reform the system anymore.

What part of becoming active in party politics and radicalization did you not understand? It happened less than ten fucking years ago. Not only is it possible. It's fucking easy as long as you get active. Letters and calls aren't the end. You need to do more than that. And this idea that "well Hillary would have been worse" has to fucking stop. She's not the president and she never will be. Call out the shitbags actually fucking you over right now.

Why wasn't the fence coated with cow shit and lube? How hard is it to keep people climbing a fence when you control it?

I bet you clicked the link, just to squeal. Fucking faggot.


What do you want, IEDs? Fertiliser bombs? Explosives? Check the PDF thread.



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Like all americans since federal reserve act, you'll posture on social media or imageboards, but not actually do anything while government threads on you after specifically requesting the opposite.

Based zionist orangeman of slowboil

JIDF shill spotted

it's more than 50 years too late to do anything to unfuck america, so just roll over and die, mutt.
Make some epic youtube videos where you shoot random shit with .50 BMG, that's what founding fathers intendent 2A to be.

shut up pooland

He's right, you know. Since when have Americans last cared about their rights? You won't do jack shit just like all the other times you did jack shit. Because of MUH PEE ARR.
If Americunts really cared, there's be a hell of a lot more dead politicians and DC on fire.

You'd better hope we're around long enough to establish that permanent forward based you guys are offering to pay us $2B to set up…otherwise you'll be reliving the Warsaw Pact days sometime in the near future, but with a lot less "glorious" Soviet-ism and lot more ash.

I love posts like this, it's like watching a retard peach to a stadium of retards about how retarded they are, but how they're not because they're the one preaching. It's like some kind of quasi form of Dunning-Kruger, but less on the intellectual level and more on the political.

It'd be better to be reduced to ashes in nuclear fire than to become a mutt whose only place of worship s a mall and the only tribal identity is brand of his shoes.
I'll take nukes over niggers anytime.

Excuse me, but this board is for people who can actually own guns :^)))))))))))))))))))))

And I can own them without any registration, unlike you, raising red flags already, go get burned alive by ATF or shot by the police.

Gee, how many levels of nu/pol/ are you on? Let's see how many more inches of ZOG cock you can shove down your throats. If you give up your rights, you win! It's all 4728352d backwards pachinko isn't it?
Nobody will do anything because nobody want to fire the first shot, see no backup, and be raped and burned alive by the ATF before more rights are taken away.

hey retard don't call me nu/pol/, trump is a kike just like your mom

Nuclear fire? Oh no my good Polan fren, those ashes aren't fallout, those are the floating embers of your wishful dreams for nuclear erasure. You'll simply be placed back upon your mount on that long, hard iron cock of Stalin's statue that you're collective asses have been lucky enough to escape from by hiding under the US' skirt as provided through NATO. As you sit and wince every time Mother Russia laughs, we'll be busy shooting it out with the niggers in the decaying urban sprawl.

Only a Pole would be dumb enough to listen to Leftist propaganda and think it true. I can own anything I want, without registration save for shit on the NFA, including muzzle loaders, literal canons, ball and cap revolvers. Can you build an AR pistol, Polan? Didn't think so. Have fun fighting off Ivan with your cap and ball Colt 1851 Navy.

Only thing worse than a ZOG cock gobbler, is the caravel barker like you who's taking in up ass and deep throating ZOG cock by the fucking bundle in a fucking orgy, as you screech about how everyone else is a kike cock smurf and nobody does anything between your gasps for air and gulps of cum, as you smile with arrogance at the others watching the spectacle in awe. I bet your proud of your mutilated cock, even show it off at those twink ram train parties we all know you attend. Fuck, I bet if Kushner even entertained the idea of letting you deep throat his kike cock while Ivanka reamed your ass with a fucking coke can sized dildo, you'd drop to your knees to beg for it like the zionist loving bitch you are. Only some fucking coward lambastes others for not taking up the mantle in their stead, you want something done, shut you fucking mouth and go do it.

Whoops, that's a red flag for you for encouraging action. Feds will be at your door soon. :^)
With all that talk about cock, you must be either gay or a jew.

Please stop, you're making us look bad.

Why don't you take action first? Lead by example.

The poland bernd isn't even being inconspicuous and you just gobble it all up and keep derailing threads on his whim.
How's it feel being used by the dumbest of the slavs?

Please, this place lives by the word "cock", bunch of degenerate homoerotic fags. Hell, other than here and Zig Forums on every other board calls it boipussy and that's only because Zig Forums is inhabited by anachronistic fudds, blackpill boomers, yuropoors and shitskins on VPNs.

Let me tell you about my Polish minesweeper…

I'm not looking to shit on others because they won't blindly pull the trigger, what little of real value in life is a lot to lose (and I'm not talking about possessions or monetary wealth). Only a coward acts out against other like minded people for not taking the first step, because that coward doesn't want to risk it all, because someone else should do it. That or it's a D&C shill looking to instigate the next event to further turn up the flame.

It's only downhill from here, just hold on, it'll all end soon.

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Isn’t it a school day? Your parents shouldn’t let you use your ipad before school starts.

bump because sliding shills today

Alright, enough shitposting from me, down to brass tacks.

We know this will pass the House without a hiccup next year, due to the Dem majority. AFAIK the concern is if Florida and Georgia recount favors Gillum and Abrams as winners, which has a damn good chance of happening with the ballot stacking bullshit ongoing, which would give the Dems 47 seats and the two Independents with the Democratic caucus might as be considered Dems on this topic, giving them a potential 49 seat voting block. With Romney who's assured to vote with the Dems, giving them an theoretical 50 votes.

Now, the question is, next year could the Dems introduce a vote to change Senate rules regarding vote requirements on legislation to the new 51% "Nuclear Option" we saw the Dems introduce in 2013, (and was used by Repubs during the Gorsush confirmation) thus enabling them to take flip a Repub Senator and take those 51 votes to pass this bill?

If the above is the case, it places Trump as the only roadblock to the bill becoming law, which I do NOT trust him to veto, as he's shown he's more than willing to gamble away rights with the bumpstock ban and other shit he's done.

Is that the saying? I’ve Always thought it was “Brass tax”. I’ve’nt seen many expressions written and when I do see them for the first time I realize I’ve always thought they were the wrong words.


There's still the Supreme Court.

dems will control everything in 2020 and do whatever they want, AWB 2.0 etc., be ready

they only review like 10 case a month, don't they? don't expect much from them

Friendly reminder that even fucking Obama was much more pro-2A and anti-hostility in politics. For what you know, Shillary would've did pretty good.

Nordcucks lmao

The MED BULL is god ultimate creation.He built us to be strong,intelligent and beautiful.

The MED BULL is the biggest creator in the history.They created the biggest most famous empire: Roman Empire,when the empire was created the beginning of what we call Western Civilization was born.

Mediterraneans are also the biggest defenders of Europe.These BULLS defended Europe from hordes of Muslims numerous times.

They are responsible for the philosophy,mathematic and many other.The pioneers of navigation are also the Mediterranean people.They made the discovery of the American continent.

Mediterranean people are probably the epitome of humanity.

Attached: Med talking to Nord - Empire of Dust.jpg (1045x3515, 1.19M)

romans were blonde



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If that wasn’t enough meds needed Central Europeans to save them from pisslam quite often didn’t they?

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Your ancestors were eating humans in the Amazon long after Rome fell and would have continued had it not been for the French and Portuguese.

They couldn't even save themselves from Islam. Serbia et al only were freed from Ottoman yoke a few years before WWI. Austria-Hungary lived under the shadow of Otto-turks for centuries.

"a few years"


I warned them 3 years ago. Elections are smoke and mirrors. Kikes will continue the plan. Vote from rooftoops.

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BASTE and crimsonlozenged.

We know exactly how she would do, her time as Secretary of State was a stark example of it.

fuck this country.


Didn't you know that Russia has a final say over taxation in Poland, wants Poland to take nigger invaders, sends armed niggers as occupational force NATO security, and has a CIA blacksite?
Wait no, that's EU, and USA, my bad. (^:

Ok, let's get this back on the front page.

So, apparently the red flag shooting in Maryland was instigated by the dudes sister who was pissed over an unrelated fight, so she turned him in out of spite.

Who'd have guessed?

Well apparently one white man in a Hind can just fuck up an entire army of niggers with no ammo so three or four white men with guns could probably make a pan-African white nation out of the whole Continent.

Pompey Magnus had blonde hair and blue eyes you retarded nigger.

This will pass just like the bump stock ban.
Because amerimutts are subhumans and this is divine punishment.

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You ran away from the other thread, rabbi. No more holohoax "proof"?

USA yellow vest when?

I really hope you're fucking joking Mohammed.

I've got an inchy feeling about all of this being pushed by the big boi gun manufacturers wanting to force folks to buy guns from them instead of making them themselves. You never really know nowadays.

Why? The muh guns lolbergs that have been shitting on europe and chest pounding for god knows how long have been proven to be gigantic cowards. They'd rather brag about how muh stormfags are being rounded up by ZOG while fed death squads murder people for not turning in their guns.
Look at any thread on here, all the chestbeating has been replaced by political maneuvering and cowardly "I'll just hide my guns innawoods"!
They deserve to get bullied.

The jewSA deserves to die, tbh.
I just want us to at least have the decency to die in nuclear fire than by replacement.

Join us. Join new 8ch 4ch home-brewed radical pro-gun group with big picture goals.

Join SGG. Do something.


Instead of sit around and hold your dick in your hand and chatter. Do something take action.

Take matter in your hand and join group that will attack gun-grabber online and attack them at every angle as they have been attacking us for years. It's time for the bear to wake the FUCK up and maul their ass.

Let discuss our first course of action we are eyeing to make immediate effect. Like maybe start tearing down anti-gunner online groups.

Then coalescence with other gun forums to leverage NRA and GOA to step the fuck up

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You're not a slave to the government. They can't legislate your rights away.

Do not register anything with the government.
Do not apply for anything with the government.
Do not talk to the government.
Do not contract with the government.
Do not tell the government what you are doing about anything.

They're hostile to you and your rights. Start treating them as such.

Marbury v. Madison, 5 US 137
The Constitution for these united States is the Supreme Law of the Land. Any law that is repugnant to the Constitution is null and void of law and effect from its inception.

Murdock v. Pennsylvania, 319 US 105
No state shall convert a liberty into a privilege, license it, and attach a fee to it.

"A state may not impose a charge for the enjoyment of a right granted by Federal constitution". at 113, (1943).

Shuttlesworth v.Birmingham , 373 US 262
If a State converts a liberty into a privilege the citizen can engage in the right with impunity.

Miller v. US, 230 F 486: "The claim and exercise of a constitutional right cannot be converted into a crime."

"There can be no sanction or penalty imposed upon one because of this exercise of constitutional rights." Sherer v. Cullen, 481 F 946

Davis v. Wechsler, 263 US 22: "The assertion of federal rights, when plainly and reasonably made, is not to be defeated under the name of local practice."

Bennett v. Boggs, 1 Baldw 60: "Statutes that violate the plain and obvious principles of common right and common reason are null and void."

None of the above is even necessary. Gun grabbers are treasonous hypocrites and liars, swearing an oath to the constitution and then turning right around and violating it at every turn.

"An illegal arrest is an assault and battery. The person so attempted to be restrained of his liberty has the same right to use force in defending himself as he would in repelling any other assault and battery."
-State v. Robinson, 145 ME. 77, 72 ATL. 260

"Each person has the right to resist an unlawful arrest. In such a case, the person attempting the arrest stands in the position of a wrongdoer and may be resisted by the use of force, as in self- defense."
-State v. Mobley, 240 N.C. 476, 83 S.E. 2d 100

"One may come to the aid of another being unlawfully arrested, just as he may where one is being assaulted, molested, raped or kidnapped. Thus it is not an offense to liberate one from the unlawful custody of an officer, even though he may have submitted to such custody, without resistance."
-Adams v. State, 121 Ga. 16, 48 S.E. 910
"These principles apply as well to an officer attempting to make an arrest, who abuses his authority and transcends the bounds thereof by the use of unnecessary force and violence, as they do to a private individual who unlawfully uses such force and violence."
-Jones v. State, 26 Tex. App. I
-Beaverts v. State, 4 Tex. App. 1 75
-Skidmore v. State, 43 Tex. 93, 903.


I can't wait until the commie politicians try their last trick. It'll be the end of them, once and for all.

"The People of a state are entitled to all rights, which formerly belong to the King by his prerogative." Lansing v Smith, 4 Wendell 9,20 (NY)


this is you
the question is valid. CA in the next year is going to make most all gun parts controlled items