Ayn Rand

Response from conservative Christians?

Can someone please explain this to me?

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(((Alisa Rosenbaum)))
Conservatives make an idol out of muh individualism and cahnstutooshun.

She wrote books on the economic theory shared by most conservative Christians. She also wrote books on her own philosophy of objectivism. Conservative Christians recommend her books on libertarianism, along with other libertarian books by other authors. I don’t know any conservative Christians who support objectivism, cause that would be a contradiction

she is jewish

forgot pic

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There's your problem
But seriously, I think the believers that espouse her works try their best to sperate her own beliefs from her writing but, alas, it's impossible.

What is the problem with economically conservative Christians?

It's just a ChristCom meme lol

Capitalism is cancerous

She wrote about the ills of centralizing governmental control of all aspects of society. She gave secular reasons for this.

Christians have spiritual reasons for this.

If I find a well written article that gives secular justifications against rape, pedophilia, or violent actions I may share it. This does not mean Christianity is not the highest moral base in my life. This does not mean I support every utterance the author has every made. It is just a way to engage with the world. Understanding additional justification, facts, metaphors, and arguments for secular activities would allow better avocation for moral civil society.

Neocon Evangelical Christians like her. I know, I used to be one. You know, the kind of Christians who hate Catholicism but love Jews, that think that rock music is devilish, who think that the return of the Lord will happen tomorrow with the Pope as the antichrist. They were the same kind that were protesting Dungeons and Dragons instead of abortion back in the 80s.

Capitalism - "an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state."

All it means is private ownership exist. Its a tool of social moderation and interaction. It is not morality, it is not social structural blueprint, its not a unseen monster. Its just an aspect of understanding human rights, The biblical way.

Being the only other structural system relies on atheist justifications of anti reality premises that direct submission to overlord(s) not held to any limitation beyond what those on top creates is not a moral or logical option.

Individualism is BASED

Rand truly gamed the system.

((American)) is a disgusting nations founded by god hating freemason and atheists.

American Conservatives/Libertarians define the political spectrum almost entirely based on how free the market is, which leads them to say retarded things like "the Nazis were leftists" and "Canada is socialist." They're worldly and idolize the dollar.

I'm getting the feeling that the Randians are the r/the_donald types.

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Bad theology and insufficient prayer, fasting and study of scripture. Like everything else.

You can’t separate the morals and social structure of a society from the economic system, especially when the economic system rewards people for not having any morals.

This. Americans are innately pathologically sick and immoral. How is this not recognized enough?

Never liked her; Stirner was at least interesting to read.

Rand went full retard with it.
Her parents got their shit confiscated by soviets, so her answer to commie collectivism is selfishness elevated to the most insane degree(99% of human civilization literally collapses in Atlas Shrugged so her little village of industrialists can have their power trip).
You can't build any sort of society with that sort of mentality.

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pretty much all libertarians are

Nice grammar.

And what country do you live in?

literally who?

As opposed to what system?

Fattie American detected. Can't wait until you people get BTFO in the upcoming war.(USER WAS WARNED FOR RULE 2: HISTORY OF SENSELESS ATTACKS)

Oh, so you're leftypol. Ok

Then how come Americans are more charitable than the "generous welfare paying" nordics? If you see an episode of extreme makeover, the entire neighborhood comes together to build houses for someone out of luck. That would NEVER happen in Europe.

I read a lot of Rand in the height of my atheistic days. The thing she was really, really good at was describing the end game of socialistic/altruistic economies. However she didn't really understand interpersonal relationships and love. If you were finding a hiring manager for your factory, Ayn Rand would be a great candidate. But as a philosopher, she polluted her axioms with her own personal compulsions. She was also a narcissist and a charlatan to a degree. Finding out that she herself was participating in adultery, while romanticizing it in Atlas Shrugged, was very off-putting. I mean the book itself was pretty terrible; all of her fiction is, so I've heard. Most of her good stuff is in the essays and theoretical exposition, pic related.

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I have read Anthem, a science fiction story by her, and it was really bad. The worst aspect was her failure to understand humans, which made the entire plot full of unrealistic contrivance best explained by (unseen) evil aliens on Earth's orbit with mind control rays - a crucial flaw in what was supposed to be social science fiction. Even propaganda needs a degree of plausibility, but Ayn Rand couldn't manage that.

The first and the foremost problem is that people become too degenerate. Our countries are not dying because muh money. We're dying because we lack morals.
Economically conservative christians do not seem to give a damn about their people, they care for their own well being and individualism

Capitalism is cancer because it steals your soul. Endless consumerism, materialism. Anything goes as long as you got the money. International financiers buy everything in your country. It produces people who absolutely lack any morals.
'Free market' should not be the highest value. If you think that 'capitalism' - the system as we know it today - is the only one that assures muh private property, you've been misled.

Lolgbertarianism is the very definition of selfishness. Putting material aspects of life over spiritual ones.
'It is all right if the child consents though' - is a common phrase used by lolgbertarians. you get the idea.

It is like peak capitalism - fetishizing free market over everything else. Including God.

Well both communism and capitalism reduces a human being to mere material. Communism attacks your body by starving you. Capitalism destroys your soul.
Capitalism is just as subversive as communism. Those two are the same crap just packaged differently.

You're talking about economically conservative heretics

The main beef I have with capitalism is that it gave birth to throw-away culture. Things made in the past were made to last until Judgement Day, things made now are designed to last around 3 days before the warranty so they can sell their annual latest models. If this is not dishonest trade, then what is?!

"Communism and Capitalism are two sides of the same jewish coin" - Uncle A

It's been proven with statistical data that economically conservative people are far, far more charitable with their money than those who politically advocate for redistributive policies. This makes sense when you consider that economic "liberalism" is predicated upon stealing from one person to give to another. Only a child believes Robin Hood is the good guy.

Extreme individualism is poison, but there's nothing wrong with being economically conservative. The problem with most "conservatives" is that they believe in usury and support the synagogue of satan unconditionally.

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Bad meme. Capitalism erodes the social trust and cohesion of societies through cosmopolitanism and materialism. This includes the abandonment of social goods. Whether or not "economical conservatives" throw cash at charities which may or may not be for the purpose of a tax break so more revenue can feed back into the system of capital is irrelevant. There is still a net loss in public works. Read about the expansiveness of pre-modern almsgiving and you'll get my point.

I know it was produced and directed by partially by a jew, but have you seen Jesus Camp? It's pretty jarring.

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Nice strawman; I never said or implied as such. Do you even know what a neocon is? It's ZOG foreign policy with corporatism. This is much closer to fascism than capitalism. My point was that when people are allowed to keep the fruits of their own labor, without the government reaching into their pocket, they are more apt to give it away to charities. As for your cynicism:
That makes no sense because then both groups would be doing it. Basic principles of human action, friend. Read Mises.

Not him, but
The only contribution Mises ever made that's recognised by mainstream economics is the economic calculation problem.

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Yes, that's what I was referring to when I said "human action" would explain why both groups would act in their best interests.


Except he goes too much in the other direction.
Modern research shows homo economicus is a myth, and we are much more irrational and make weirder connections.

In some manners I'm sure that's true. But when it's as deterministic and obvious as claiming tax credits, I'd say we're well within the bounds of predictable human action.

What even is conservative about 'economic conservatives'? They lionize economic systems that have never existed and are often diametrically opposed to historical economic policies in their countries.

I've literally never met a christian conservative who was more than ambivalent on Rand. Many, myself included, are outright contemptuous of the hateful kike.