You are tasked with training a group of averagely in shape men in tactics in a short amount of time. They only have the guns the bring with them (e.i. civilian guns).
What would your training included?
You are tasked with training a group of averagely in shape men in tactics in a short amount of time. They only have the guns the bring with them (e.i. civilian guns).
What would your training included?
Zig Forums is not your personal TraDoC.
I teach them how to kill CIAniggers
Man, you don't even need guns to do that. Just hop in your car or truck and go for a night drive. It's easy to see who to run over.
2.4 km everyday.
followed by
Opvok til sundown - til you kotz, chunder. fuckup.
broken by
Rondvok til sundown - fucked around until you're so bored and frustrated you'd prefer puking.
Endurance-style PT in the morning with a bit of equilibrium training, basic military shit in the afternoon (dig proper fox holes, 360° awareness, marching spacing, how to clean a room, maybe if I can some basic weapon workshops broke down by type of guns).
If they brought their guns I'm just gonna assume they're sort of familiar with them and you can't do any form of mass training nor a lot of shooting (since the ammo availability will be low I guess), so a bit of basic marksmanship theory.
For CQC I would train them in limited penetration the way the IDF does it.
It takes far longer to train people properly in dynamic entry.
Assuming you don't have a sufficient quantity of .50cal + weapons and ammunition to just 'clear' the structure from a few hundred yards away wouldn't you do much better by just gassing the building?
user, cleaning your room is very important. If there's enough dust it may impact your health badly. Pay attention to dust-collecting materials, remove dust from fabrics and ventilate your room at least once a week.:^)
You can not g(l)as every single urbanized area in a potential war involving western militias. Of course entering buildings is always the last option but this option would way too often be inevitable to just disregard any fundemental training about it.
You think this problems didn't exist prior to the 21st century?
This is actually just one single concern spread out over 4. Warn them ahead of time that you'll bring the building down. If defenders keep civilians in there, or if civilians choose to stay in there, the attacker is not criminally or morally liable.
There are fucktonnes of weapons which don't damage this.
I don't know what this means. Will your soldiers spontaneously melt if you manage to kill the enemy efficiently?
This is not an issue in any asymetric warfare, which is already FUBAR. If war was simply about being nice and the enemy couldn't retaliate to you for that niceness, we wouldn't have wars.
Vid related. They asked for gunmen to get their women and children out. One gunman did, the other didn't. The Russians opened up with thermobarics, then when everything was on fire, they pinned them down with rifle fire until the smoke killed the last of them. No one makes a fuss about it because a warning was given.
But shitty levantkike and amerikike entry methods depend on a warning NOT BEING GIVEN so they have tom bend over backwards to save duh chilluns.
I should make a pasta for these threads. I'm not going to type everything out again, so I'll give you a primer.
Focus on fundamentals like judging distance and time without instruments. Both are useful skills to have that translate into the world outside of the militia. Learn nonverbal communication cues like hand signs and motions so you can communicate without radios/cellphones. As for tactics, L shaped ambush, IED placement/mine theory, setting up a perimeter, sectors of fire, usage of cover and fire discipline are the main things I taught to my guys.
Have some of your men specialize in long range shooting, while others spend time learning how to shoot from moving vehicles. Those two groups should cover 80% of engagements you will have if you ever decide to actually do something with this militia. The rest will be things like B&E tactics, evasive driving, explosives creation (fed bait), etc.
Understand that any force on force conflict you'll get into with LE or mil is the last thing you'll ever do, so avoid it at all costs. infrastructure attacks and ambushes on patrols. Don't attack shit head on.
If you want to do an actual field exercise with your group, practice meeting up, then going to designated targets and then regrouping at another point. Having your men being able to meet at the drop of a hat and proceed to fuck shit up is an important function of having an armed group. Essentially, this shit is not something you can teach properly quickly. Group cohesion and action is something that must be worked on for months or years.
I didn't say his methods were not legit I wanted to point out that through various factors you have a good possiblity of ending up in the shitty room clearing situations. WIth integrity I meant that using the cruelest weapons of warfare (gas has already been suggested) in such a pussified age againts civilians of your ethnicity might not suit a good part of your force. Urban combat has so much room for what ifs and derailing threads and I tried to prevent it but here we go. There is a difference in what you are allowed to do as some mercs fucking up an African country no one can point on the map and some edgelord extremist rebel group fighting a well established military with huge media propaganda funds behind them. You can not deny that in certain potential fights you would care more/less for what damage you do to who and what than in others. Looking at recent battles like Raqqa where around 80% of the city got destroyed you still ended up with close quarters. The other reason I suggested the limited penetration entry method was because it can so easily be applied to urban combat in general because of the whole pie the corner thing.
Is it wrong if I advocate paint ball section? Drilling is necessary but I think paint ball provides good and clear exercises and team cooperation.
Paintball and airshit are great team training devices. Not the best for long range training, but it works for CQB and distances within 50yds. Make sure you have a ref call hits.
Of course, I would say modern training should incorporate both range time, formation drilling (primarily for discipline), martial art and paint ball/airshit.
Oh for fucks sake do you need a wheelbarrow to carry that nose around?
It's a specific application of pie cutting. If you can't manage reading comprehension then at least make an attempt at looking stuff up before you try to drag the thread to shit.
Stay safe.
He's not wrong. This is my broomstick. There are many like it, but this one is mine.