How can a succession movement work in Mexico? The Mexican government is basically cartel.
How can a succession movement work in Mexico? The Mexican government is basically cartel
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Step 1: Bomb the crap out of it.
Step 2: Invade as soon as possible after step 1.
Step 3: Boot out the survivors down to Columbia or something. If they resist, shoot 'em. If whiny libs complain, shoot 'em too.
Step 4: Enjoy the new land and erect a statue of Polk.
Step 5: Tell the UN to suck your dick if they whine and bitch. Remind them who runs the show.
Sadly, we won't get any of this in clownworld.
Saged for underage. Also, Mexico will never secede or Balkanise because the entire population is culturally motivated by their race and tradition. They all agree on the fundamentals. Reconquista will always be more important to them than any internal conflicts, and they shelter drug lords while disowning their children for not growing facial hair or losing their virginity. Being gay is a bigger crime in Mexico than murder. They call this "machismo". They love social degeneracy and niggardly behaviour and addiction, but you better not be an outcast, or you might lose your head. It's a dystopia. Disorder unites the Mexican.
Pretty sure they have transfer of power figured out by now. Don't think you have to worry about it in the monarchic sense.
The kind of politics you are seeing rise in the US has been a thing in Mexico since the beginning. Don't know if you noticed but Mexicans love to start civil wars.
This is a retarded chicano thing from faggots that have never been to Mexico.
Are Mexicans cartoons to you? You realize this doesn't actually happen, right? Except for the drug lord thing. Guys know how to conduct an insurgency.
No, it's not. One of the biggest stars was fucking Juan Gabriel, a massive fucking faggot. The difference is Mexicans haven't deluded themselves into thinking shit should be seen the same as normal people.
You don't know what niggardly means, and don't know how to spell behavior.
Well, they do like to start shit. It's a troll nation, but please learn some shit, because you sound retarded to anyone that's been to Latin America for even a day. Mexico sucks for a lot of fucking reasons, but most of it has to do with the fact that people there aren't united and don't give a fuck about people elsewhere in Mexico. You make Mexico sound natsoc with degeneracy added, when it's the complete opposite.
>one cartel boss gets motivation for more power instead of just living a cushy life on cia drug money
Guy had an American flag. Either he's a faggot or a foreigner. Both are terrible.
thread theme
Trial by Fire
By Harold Coyle
Stupid "strong womyn" character but the theory of a military coup is interesting.
Then we burn an effigy of Nicholas Trist
link for the book:
That's the case everywhere.
Never ever.
The only ones who would actually have a reason to secede are norteños (northerns), the Jalisco state guys and the chinolas (Sinaloa). And even so, everyone is too passive to even try. So, surpise surprise, mexicans are too fucking lazy even for their own good.
Mexicans are lazy, self-serving, and paranoid.
I don't know if I agree with that. I've seen mexicans do steel roofing in the middle of southern summer for a box of mcdonalds fries. That's a level of work/reward that even I wouldn't fucking do.
There is not courage, or even bravery in that sort of act. It is the baseless slaving of a mere insect that does not comprehend the scope of its own world. Taking less for what others could have for more, from someone that does not deserve what they have. A spineless tick suckling at the back of America, the (((doctor))) presiding over his work.
I don't know what's worse: the cuckchan refugees, or (((you))).
they don't just disown them, they shoot them in the head and leave them in the middle of fucking nowhere.
if not, they just drop them in the middle of nowhere because their parents were molesting their kid, thus they get scared that the kid might confess to the authorities.
With pissed off mayans for as long as they can be used as a bargaining chip by stronger powers.
Im sure the 5 bucks he earned can buy his family, or him much more than Mcfries in spicland
Mayas are a whole different thing. They never got cucked by catholicism, always retained their own culture and traditions. And they don't even need to secede, they just go innajungle like they've done for the last centuries and still do.