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I ask myself what the fuck am I doing in Ireland
Get my little H&K, obviously.
Shoot him in self-defense with my AR-15, clearly more worthy of being donned by the United States Military as the M16 than the AR-18, which is inferior for its COMMUNIST gas operating system.
Shoot him as there is an armed man larping in my house, who is assaulting me.
are these the micks or the limeys I can't tell
Truly the AR-15's gas operating system befits the USA: constantly shitting hard on its friends (and ironically on itself too), eventually simply refusing to continue to perform its obligations and leaving those who depend on it at the mercy of their enemies, and ultimately requiring someone else clean up its difficult to remediate messes — all while never ceasing to continually tout how superior it is.
Fuck the crown you loyalist cuck.
Ask him if he wants to hit the dab and whip the nae-nae with me for a Tik-Tok duet.
good post
Call up the IRA to bomb an orphanage and sprinkle crystal meth on the burning corpses of children, for Ireland, of course.
I guess they never miss huh.
brb off to kms
No, for Karl Marx
The PIRA were many things but they weren't marxists. The OIRA were and they pretty much died out by the end of the 60s.
Well, he didn't hit me with his rifle first, so I suppose I have no call to beg and plead and have all me manners be polite.
Beg and plead politely, while plotting shooting him later with an AR 18 when I get loose.
Wonder why he's out in the middle of the Arizona desert and not on his miserable little island.
I need some more information. Am I being cornered in my house by ferret armored cars?
He didn't specify the PIRA, just the IRA in general, most of the groups were Marxist. The PIRA themselves were "democratic socialists", which is effectively the same thing.
The PIRA are the only relevant part of the IRA between ~1973 and 2000 or so, the OIRA basically disbanded in the early 70s and the INLA/IPLO are different organisations with some degree of overlap that are of OIRA 'lineage' anyway. Calling the OIRA after 1972 would be counter-productive if you wanted them to do anything but shoot other republicans over political differences/drugs.
It shares similar roots but there's important differences which are in fact a good part of the reason the PIRA existed as a separate faction. For a start the (fully) Marxist views of the OIRA are incompatible with the more conventional sectarian approach of the PIRA (muh working class shouldn't fight over religion/ethnicity, they should fight a class struggle and so on).
That's not real.
That's le ebin fake maymay joke.
Modern day Australia for you.
I was going to point out the dollary doo symbol, but then I remembered auscunts also have dollary doos.
Wonder why he's in the Big Bend. and light him up with an assortment of weapons that would make the queen shit her pants in terror
I don't know what's going on in this thread, but clearly the amerimutts are the ones to blame for everything bad ever.
Well, the mutts funded the IRA, so….
Reported for spamming.
I believe was in fact parodying muttspammer. Also, did you know muttspammer really likes memes with glowing eyes? Examples included.It really gets his 'tism in a tizzy.
Gas the nearest irish nigger.
Nothin personnel kid
He's Irish, but he's pro-UK.
Even as a Brit, I'll never understand why Ulster loves us so much. We treat them like shit. Maybe they have a kink for it.
Must be because most of them are Protestants like you?
do a backflip then kill a paddy nigger
There is nothing to be proud of in this fucking country and there hasn't been for a long time.
im proud of yer mum
The tolerance and muh Western Europe is strong in that picture…
I am forced to rate you at the minimum value for patriotism.
They're your own fucking company for Christ's sake! That's why you were shipping them to the terrorist bastards in the first place. Do you think the Germans gave a shit about The Troubles?
Are you glowing at the moment, Nigger?
Shoot him and his peeler buddy's bullocks off with the armalite.
Irishmen could find their Armalites and car bombs to fight the Anglos, yet where the fuck are they now that they are being invaded by a far worse invader from much further away? Worthless, the whole lot of them. Paki's are a far worse enemy, yet all we see now is sitting around with a thumb up their ass.
That might have to do somewhat with the fact that there's only 1k rapefugees in Ireland.
Wonder why because I'd rather die than be an IRA scum sucking white nigger.
Because they only used those AR-18s and car bombs to fight "Muh evil white capatalist oppressors". They were literal communists, they love what is happening to Ireland now, it's what they want.
There's 902,113. Ireland is only 82% Irish.
Was the PIRA a communist group?
They were the paramilitary wing of Sinn Féin, so yes, they're self described "democratic socialists".
all communists are socialists but not all socialists are communists, user.
No, there was another IRA operating at the time that was communist but was well known for being hilariously ineffective, the PIRA was the paramilitary wing of self described democratic socialists but from what I understand they were made up of Irishmen from across the political spectrum but were mostly nationalist, which explains why they were much better at conducting terrorism then the "Official" IRA, who were the communists and got their shit slapped hard by the Anglos
They're literal globohomo open border cucks that seem to have fought so hard for the Irish identity just to erase it themselves. It doesn't matter because they aren't particularly popular electorally and all the other parties are basically the same in most practical regards.
"Irish nationalist" doesn't imply nationalism, yankanon. Read up on Irish politics. It's just a term to differentiate themselves from loyalists, since they believe in a single nation, rather than two. They're not actual nationalists, they're mostly socialist globalists.
Be oh so polite but think of me little armalite
no one says "you are a swine!" since the 19th century. fat dumb americunt
Jerries do tbh
yes but they have the genetic trait of autism
Wow, breddy gud!
Gold. Just pure fucking gold.
Shoot him in the dick/pelvis with my carry gun from a surreptitious draw and watch that britcuck writhe in the ground from pain as he bleeds out from having a hollow-point shatter his cock, hip joint, and femoral artery
Then give his uniform to the IRA and watch commie potato negros and statists britcucks kill each-other
Or if Im feeling especially froggy pull out my autofolder and stab him repeatedly while yelling fuck the queen
I'll have to get the fertilizer, I suppose.