Does Zig Forums like Horses?
Do they still have some use in the age of motorized infantry?
Does Zig Forums like Horses?
No, but there's argument that they are very good for riot control.
Horses, just like any other means of transportation will always have a use in war. In real shit situations, a horse, a bike or even a fucking scooter is all you might have available.
However, it would be pointless to have them in the actual military.
They're still useful for light infantry, law enforcement and keeping the emus at bay, but that's about it.
They're good for hugging, at least
I don't like horses, my eyes get watery and my nose runny whenever I get to close to them
That means you're allergic to happiness. Sorry user, either you're a son of Satan or you have terminal depression. A life without horses isn't a life worth living anyhow.
Gradual exposure.
Your symptoms sound mild, with repeated, limited exposure to horses, you will lose your allergy as long as you ramp it up slowly over months/years.
I do not know whether it is better for moving off road compared to something like a motorbike.
A horse will stay faithful to you long after women tire of you. There is no embrace so loving as horsepussy, and it is love that makes a Strelok strong.
Praise the Maultier.
Depends on how off-road you mean. Over rough but open terrain, a dirtbike or ATV will likely serve you better, but horses would do better in wooded areas, where their ability to step/jump over things comes in handy.
Giving Arkansas an internet connection was a mistake.
I bet you're a Georgian negro. Here in Kentucky, we know how to treat the horses; with lots of pats. Mares are for hug, not for fug.
If you're away from supply lines for a while, feeding your horse is much easier than fueling a bike.
North Carolina Best Carolinafag here, what is wrong with plowing a pretty clipclop? Equines are the Aryans of the animal kingdom. Zebras are the Rhodesians. Our true enemies are furfags and dogfuckers.
I should clarify, t. grew up on a ranch with lots of animals. Three mares and a stallion, three goats, several dogs, cats, a handful of rodents. My favourite horse was a mare named Red, who was a slightly chubby thoroughbred and American quarterhorse mix. She had this adorable white diamond on her forehead, and was always very sweet and gentle; absolutely loved to cuddle. She would get pretty uppity during heat, though, which I learned the hard way as a kid. Having a 14-hand horse flirt with you can actually be frightening.
I don't like where this is going.
I have never had sex with an animal. Red did back up against me and push me into a fence way back when, though. Bitches be crazy.
Nope. An NCO/11B-hating SCO that had a horse obsession made me realize that horses are for complete faggots and so is anyone in the cav.
Would never try such thing without a life or death trigger. I'd sure as fuck would not like to put down a lame horse, even more so one that I crippled myself.
When SHTF horse combat will come back. Easier to feed a horse and take care of it that it would be to try and make biofuel for a motorcycle or a car. However in terms of a modern military force, they've been replaces almost entirely.
They won't be used as gloriously as pic 2. Let's not get erections for horses as all the oil and asian pussy on the planet hasn't dried up yet. As an auxllery unit horses can be used as a status symbol to intimidate the mobs of ghetto dwellers if they get too irrational. Outside of the civil arena their practicality deserves enormous scrutiny.
You have a mental illness.
There's literally nothing worse than furfaggotry, also you cannot have furfaggotry without zoophilia.
I have two miniatures. They're more trouble than they're worth since they keep opening gates, shoving through doorways, and getting sick by overeating my lawn.
But they're very huggable. I don't know what I would do without them.
These things are true. Sometimes soon someone will post that cropped image from the anime with a centaur cop.
Are you dudes underage or what?
I'm not a furfag. I just have basic comprehension of simple concepts and am capable of distinguishing thing A from thing B, as well as fantasy from reality. Unlike these retards.
Also, nobody would ever be offended by the chlorine gas thing. It was hilarious. Probably smelled better than the furries who got gassed, too.
You aren't fooling anyone.
Presumably they could be useful for long distance, low intensity, work - such as airbase control (got to make sure the glorified mall cops stay comfy after all). Does anyone think that we might be able to get modern dragoons up and running?
Does that sound like it has potential? I did cut the idea of modern lancers out of it to keep it less retarded.
You're leafposting too hard, it isn't convincing. Cartoon caricatures of animals filled with couch cushion foam and sweaty, unwashed humans who are so autistic that they think "yiff" is a real sound or they believe wolves bark are not animals. The actual wolf would be more intelligent than the fursuiter.
Anyone dumber than a canine qualifies as an animal to me, so we've gone full circle and furries are animals, ergo the bestiality label applies.
A horse would be useful where there is no fuel for your dirtbike.
You lost? Perhaps you could also educate us on distinguishing the 18 genders.
Horses are alot quieter too, in the mountains where I am you can hear a dirt bike miles off, not just the ones with super loud exhausts either.
2007 was more than a decade ago, fag.
Let's say some Zig Forumsommandos do end up setting a colony in said place (probably afrika) and are trying to save a bit of money for other things, I think horse's would be a good alternative for casual transportation. As long as you got hay and water.
Horses are fucking scary, so no I am not fond of them. They have their uses and can be applied well, but are simply outmoded in the majority of situations in modernity.
This guy is running the same animal-fucker bit on Zig Forums. It's tiresome.
All people who sexualize animals anthropomorphically or otherwise deserve harsh treatment that will either correct the problem or remove the problem violently.
I don't post there, you lying faggot. I quit after your ilk banned free speech and made cuckoldry a mandatory quality to post. You're the reason a backdoor semi-auto ban just made it into law. You're the reason we have fucking President Israel.
Nobody intelligent has posted in Zig Forums in at least a year.
They are too pure and qt to fuck
What this guy said.
By your logic the HPA, federal conceal carry and constitutional carry were made into law instead of being shelved indefinitely or dropping out of committee entirely.
The bill in question won't make it through the Senate, may only get through the house narrowly and I seriously doubt even Zognald would sign it into law.
If you’re trolling, then well played. If you’re not, then consider killing yourself.
Trump was the one who called for the redefinition of "machine guns", you lying kike. He's going to sign the fuck out of it, and then anything that fires one shot per pull of the trigger will legally be a "machine gun" because you can potentially "increase its rate of fire". Kill yourself.