Laugh with me frens
Also does anyone have that greentext that goes over the events of the first day that gun confiscation is put into effect? Ends with the police burning down a house while the new media records everything.
Laugh with me frens
Also does anyone have that greentext that goes over the events of the first day that gun confiscation is put into effect? Ends with the police burning down a house while the new media records everything.
even more:
It is always darkest before the dawn.
I don't think I'm reading this right. The goverment would use nukes on its own people to confiscate guns?
Post his address on social media.
He's a fuckhead from California. It's classic "but the government has tanks, what can you do with your little AR15?"
Saved. How much more will this fire rise before everything is in flames? I want to believe we would come out on top of the ashes, but I feels that it is arrogant to think that now.
The tank argument is bad. No a single politician owns a tank.
The national guard has tanks.
Abrams can be easily disabled by molotovs and IEDs
Tracking a tank is easy enough. Splitting up tanks in an urban environment would be easy enough. Seperate them and track them. It's literally the crew's worst nightmare.
Yeah okay.
Threatening the entire US population, that they better all turn in their guns or he'll nuke them? He just signed his own death warrant. I can't wait for civil war, this guy is a free kill.
Better said than done. Not that I'm saying it isn't possible or hasn't been done before just so I'm clear. But you should also consider that people like him would Waco every gun owner's house while their families and friends are inside if he could sign the bill to. It's been done once and it will happen again.
Come & take it!
And have these too!
Pro tip from someone who knows: When the SHTF go for the substations and the artillery. You can subdue cities with a couple of pieces of heavy iron.
amazing insight into the thought process of a Democratic People's Republic of California representative
All previous bans up for now unfortunately prove him right.
Ya, but the POS politicians don't. A congress critter could reply in a vague manner that says that if somebody wanted to do so, they could kill him & his family at his home.
it has to be a congress critter because they're sorta immune to cops investigating threats
If we had a real leader instead of Trump, he would advocate people to openly ignore the gun bans.
This exactly. When the army refuses to engage in direct combat with guerilla fighters and instead draw out the artillery guns while they have an infantry division parked on the highways of the outskirts of a city they'll play atrittion. Counter their artillery with your own targeting their larger force so they'll shift their formation and create a greater opening. As long as their infantry is there so to will the artillery be. The artillery goes where the army goes. The question is the best mode of transportation for "counter artillery pieces".
A real leader would tell people to go to the border and shoot spics like Zelman told the Czechs who expressed concerns about safety due to nigger invasion.
They would be if they aren't supported by infantries.
Tank supported supported by infantries can only be dealt with by planes.
Wouldn't they run out of gas sooner or later?
Not with the current infrastructure and oil supply they store over the year, as well as existing trade with Canada and the Middle East.
In fact, it's the guerilla who have to worry about supplies.
Good luck supporting tanks with infantry in such environment
People can just throw molotovs from their balconys on nearby roads and no amount of infantry is gonna protect the tanks from that, well maybe if infantry was strapped on top of the tank it could shield the tank from flames…
It does take a huge amount of molotov to disable a tank.
And the tank can just move away.
Give it up, goy
Thats where creativity comes into play
Get some buddies and organize so when a column goes near your window you throw 10 or 15 molotovs at once
Maybe use 5 little water bottles filled with flammable material
Hell maybe just strap a grenade to a civilian drone and fly it near the tank to annoy its escort and make tank drivers more prone to doing something stupid
it's not even about tanks, or planes, or even the war on the ground. if states secede over 2a, you can bet alaska will be one of them. a state that size, essentially bordering russia (a nation that would support rebels) will never be taken back by washington. the effects of a blow like that to the american national ego would ensure that whichever party triggered it would not be elected again for decade even assuming a washington victory in the contiguous states.
Lol what? Alasca got what? A population lesser than 10 million and a huge coastline, less than 5 major city centers etc…
One carrier group could easily establish foothold there and conquer it
(((Rubinstein))), as always.
This should be encouraged btw, hopefully people will wake the fuck up.
Classic pilpul there, i'll give it 7/10 showerheads
The play is quite simple really. The US military has played several war games based on things that have some relation to this idea, Militia Groups, mass armed resurrection etc. That Rubinstein kike fuck doesn't realize that in EVERY SINGLE ONE the military loses in 6-18 weeks and the only hope they have is to hold onto secure sites for as long as the food lasts.
Take Afaganistan it is the size of Texas approximately although a lot more mountainous. With a slightly higher population than Texas. Iraq is close to California in size.
The US and NATO forces haven't been able to subdue either place really after 17 years and 7 trillion dollars. If any of you commie fucks think that if the military steps off in the USA and even 3% say fuck it and go white man chimp out. This country is dead.
The good thing is even if the revolt was say completely destroyed within a few months or even a year, the millions of white men that died would cause a massive drop in the long term productivity of the labor force. There's a reason they aren't outright trying to kill white men yet and even if we reach 10% of the country they will not want to genocide us. Whites are incredibly useful for building/maintaining complex infrastructure.
Also even if they lose a conflict they'll have to push for more control to not let things happen again, possibly forcing more people to resist. Basically, when things are bad and people realize that they can resist or change them there's no going back for government - it either surrenders or tries to grow. Stagnation is sometimes worse than defeat.
Equally important is the fact that any civil war wouldn't take place in a vacuum. Every foreign hotspot will blow up as every terrorist and insurgent will take well advantage of the situation. Hell even big nations like China might take advantage to annex Taiwan and the entire South China Sea. They might take parts of Africa too.
sounds fun
Imagine being this retarded.
Start a civil war and I will be among the first to come and join you fags. We could steal a nuke and use it on Israel
You're only saying that because you'd be able to take Ukraine and Georgia overnight.
Nah, Russia not being nuked is the lest fun part in all that, nuke it while i'm away and we're good to go. Even China is not that important because they'll collapse on themselves soon enough, also where'd you get targets when niggers are no more?. Fuck Israel and fuck the incompetent Israel's disabled clone that my country has become.
And there's thermite. It's pretty damn easy to make. A buddy of mine made some of his own when we were teenagers.
There's even a WikiHow article on how to make it.
If done correctly an applied in the an effective manner, you could easily disable a tank.
Russia isn't that bad at least it isn't as kiked as the USA. Or maybe it is.
Goat herders with rusty AKs have been making a total ass out off US military since 2003.
Now. Imagine a war 10X as large, except now the "enemy" looks, speaks, acts, and shares the exact same culture as you.
Do it. I'd love to see the press conference trying to justify detonating nuclear weapons on US soil in the name of combating gun violence.
You guys might wanna check if your farmers are safe should shit go down. See how long the government stands without provisions or a population to rule.
I hope your servicemen make the right choice.
It's much worse, actually, you have no guns, almost all cops act like a nigger that got a white slave after listening to muh oppression bullshit, guns are nigh, wages are dead, most of people are infested with commie theory even if they oppose it, all organization is literally jewish-tier, all external politics is jewish tier, all internal politics is disguised by asslicking and games around external politics(you often find more news about US and UA then about Russia and its mostly some bullshit about celebrities or something scary happened single time so it justfies gibs that will be stolen but there's so much of this shit that nobody cares, crime is rampant and defending yourself will get you in jail unless you act like a criminal, culture is forgotten, kebabs are in greater numbers than niggers in US and act similarly, east is being sold to chinks for basically freeMan, you just don't know how much you actually have when thinking about nothing to lose
And all of Zig Forums will sit by and take it. Like 100+ people in MD who took it during (((red flag))) confiscations.
Okay. Your move.
Nigger, modern tank commanders stay unbuttoned and out the hatch to see better until they're pretty much taking direct fire. Just light the fuckhead sticking out on fire, you'll blind the tank permanently, and you'll most likely panic the other guys in the tank when they see his skin melt off. Hell, even if they manage to get out of there, you've cost the gubmint a shitload of time, money and experience by flambeing the highest ranking guy in that tank.
Fucking rice niggers, opium niggers, and sand niggers have defeated the US army decade after decade after decade.
So we are basically in the same boat Russia bro. Until we unkike ourselves we are all fucked. As an American I would rather kill kikes, niggers and meztiso scum than Russians.
I can tell you right now I could easily knock out all the gas infrastructure going from leafland to back home in a night or two. Infrastructure is to say the least unguarded and vulnerable to the point fucking injuns have on multiple occasions tried to fuck it only to be stopped by their literal incompetence.
If a civil war/revolt happens both neighbors automatically collapse from a lack of trade, it becomes an entirely north american SHTF situation. Mexico probably wouldn't notice but leafland would.
Can't you take out a tank track with gunfire? Don't they have shitty little links and weak spots on the plates? Don't they use rubber tracks on paved roads? Hell, couldn't you just damage the wheels and cause the track to slip, or bind them up somehow? I mean, a mobility kill seems fairly easy.
While we're on that, they're putting cameras on tanks for optics now. Shoot the cameras and scopes and force the crew to use their windows or poke their heads out, exposing them to gunfire or fire fire. Or if you're above them, just dump scalding shit at the slots, which should be distracting enough to make an opening or at least demoralise them. Same thing for guys in HWMMVs or other light vehicles that have openings, just drop a pot of boiling water on them. Don't forget we're guerillas. The environment and our homeliness are weapons, it doesn't stop at guns.
Didn't a group of like ten Inuits stop the pipeline construction for months? Didn't one guy with an IED fuck it up for months?
Wew he is too insane to realise that his threat gave him a permanent target on his head.
I wouldn't be surprised. Disappointed, but not surprised.
If I recall the drunk fucks were throwing pipe bombs at various gas lines and were doing jack shit other that fucking the meters on them which can lead to something going boom later on if not dealt with. The lines themselves are to the point of poorly maintained/neglected they just blow themselves up. When it comes to pipelines if I recall a bunch of folk were unhappy that they wanted to twin something yet have no infrastructure if and when said lines decides to explode or a tanker decides to exxon valdez. Given I've been and seen collapsing soviet infrastructure, I can say many things in leafland try to rival that level of degradation.
Heat sand up in a pot and dump that on exposed fuckers. Never ever fuck with sand.
Evil. I love it.
Don't forget, you can always take down a jet with an M55 AA battery from 1955, and take out PT a boat with an improvised torpedo made out of household appliances and shit if you're slavic enough.
Most of Russian government are gays, pedos and kikes anywaysThey just keep these activities to themselves, unlike US kikes that advertise them, with most older and many younger Russians that don't want to or haven't left blindly following them and asking to rape their ass more. 1/3 of people under 30 want to leave, its official statistics so basically 90% of them and only half can be shitlibs and sucdems that jerk off to "socialist Europe", older generations are generally lost and the best way is just to let them die off, good thing people generally die before they retire here so that jews can take all the money they collected through their life(20% that isn't included in statistics for retirement payments) to themselves, because why not, you don't inherit them, they use them to keep existing old people ~barely~ aliveThey still reform retirement by raising the age even further above average life expectancy because they run out of money and too busy stealing them out of everywhere else to relocate them
I know your feels, bro, but generally you've seen and met better Russians outside of Russia and the absolute most scum is generally contained inside so please don't hesitate if you once will be able to nuke it. The only thing i fear if SHTFbesides all other usual things is that Russia will survive and not collapse because things can't really go that much worse, lower is only North Korea with its shitty situation(though idk how much they rely on foreign gibs, probably the only thing keeping them alive and seemingly steadily on the bottom). Even China has industry, has too many people and is too unstable to not have things to lose up to the point of collapse and disorder.
Reminder, that the OKC bombing was a complete government op.
I've even got better, you know of limestone? Well when you throw that shit into a kiln and heat it to around 1600f, you get what is called Calcium Oxide, or alternatively known as Quicklime. Quicklime will burn anything that has any form of moisture to it, so when some poor sap breaths it in, gets it in his eyes or hell it sticks to the sweat on his wear you've permanently disabled the fuck. Blinded, burned and choked on his own blood.
Throw that shit in a sugar rocket and you can fuck things from miles away.
Well, shit, looks like I really live in mini-russia, because everything you listed applies exactly here too.
At least you know it. The Branch Dividians were religious kooks but generally harmless. The Feds did it to see what the public reaction would be and they were pleased. Americans just lapped up all the disinfo about the people and David. I'm not saying he wasn't a little crazy but the Feds murdered those people and the public loved it.
I mean, Koresh ousted the previous leader who was a pedophile, a woman beater, and a possible murderer. He was a good guy.
I read that Waco was supposed to be a sound bite to make the ATF look good. Thats why the news vans got to the compound BEFORE the ATF! But when the ATF bungled by literally running out of ammunition, they turned it into a siege.
The FBI played sounds of tortured rabbits on loud speakers… When the day came that they finally broke the siege, it was when some foreign leader was visiting the white house.
I never learned the truth about Ruby Ridge either! The government fucked that one up too!
I'm not making a judgement that he was good or bad. Just not who the media and the Feds made him out to be. The people there with him didn't have to be burned to death but that is what they wanted to do. It wasn't just the ATF there. The FBI the local sheriff, the Texas Rangers and DPS were there as well. It started out as a photo opt for Janet Reno and Clinton to show they were tough on crime and then as an opportunity to send a message to several sectors of the USA that they would kill you and there was nothing that anyone would do about it.
Ruby Ridge is an FBI assassination operation much like what they tried with the Bundy family stand off.
Oh, and don't forget the extra-judicial killing the FBI did with LaVoy Finicum.
How could anyone forget? If I wasn't literally on the opposite coast I probably would have been at the stronghold alongside them.
Actually they were on their way to meet the Sheriff!! They were literally just going to talk to law enforcement. If you watch the full 50 minute version, you can tell the feds intended on killing him. Unfortunately the cell phone footage from inside the car got released.
And the BLM leadership was caught with a "Kill List"!
We already live in Clown World one step away from Mad Max
Mad Max seems preferable. At least it has something akin to freedom.
Jews corrupt everything.
Deploying Abrams across the U.S. would be completely unfeasible. The fuel supply would be way to vulnerable and due to the weight it can't operate across vast swathes of lands. Not only that but america is simply too big, they would be spread way to thin to make any sort of impact. Throw in kornet-e's, metis m1's, and rpg-29's popping up and it would be a disaster.
Considering ISIS capturing leopard 2, I think it's better we think about capturing tanks rather than outright destroying them.
When does the FBI find this thread?
I really love his "woe is me" response. He is of the top tier of faggots.
The IRA lost though
I can't wait to behead these people's children in front of them
The best AT weapon is a yellow lada. Some guy drove in front of a Ukrainian tank with one, bitched the crew out then drove away with a free tank.
Supposedly an 11 row wire obstacle will stop, or at least really slow down a tank, but I don't know how you'd get one to drive through something that obvious.
Why not just build your own tank!
The Cartels are less armed than Americans.
I always find it funny that he didn't kill a single person (didn't intend to either iirc), but he caused a fuckload of property damage and only stopped because he got stuck in a building.
RIP, I hope you're demolishing newspaper offices in heaven
"My name is Swalwell, fucktard of fucktards;
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Has there ever been a noteworthy shooting where the faggot in question even used a pistol grip?
Why do cucks think changing how you hold a firearm somehow means you can kill more people with it?
Nope. Funny you should ask, though. really? The answer is "yes, all of them used pistol grips" inb4 paddock false flag
Are you comparing "nigger firing form" (with sideways or inverted gun) to "human firing form"? Because yes, using human firing form means you can kill more people than using nigger firing form.
These CIA assets are quite emboldened recently.
It might not be a rifle, but the most accurate shooter in US history used a pistol grip shotgun.
Notice how he says that over and over again. He's very consciously conflating someone saying that they would resist enforcement of an unconstitutional law with "declaring war on America". That's amazing on so many levels.
- Note how it's pure rhetoric. If you say something over and over again and people believe it then it becomes reality. They treat it like a magic spell. ("Pro-choice" -> "Abortion Rights", "Gun Control" -> "Gun Safety"/"Gun Violence Prevention", "Minimum Wage" -> "Living Wage", "Illegal Alien" -> "Undocumented Citizen")
- The mendacity. He knows damn well that guy wasn't declaring war on America. But he's quite content to dishonestly reframe the debate in whatever manner is convenient to him in the moment.
- The blithe statism. America IS the government to him. Not a people, not an idea, but the organs of state control. He ironically believes the inverse of Reagan's "We are not a government with a people. We are a people with a government" formulation.
- Note the hypocrisy. Were Vietnam era draft resistors "declaring war on America"? How about sanctuary cities? Or civil rights protesters resorting to civil disobedience?
- I can't get over how complacent he is. "I'm sure you'll follow law." That's certainly what's happened so far. The blackpill part of me agrees with him. But this is how really, really bad shit goes down. Some fat, dumb, and happy motherfucker just assumes that things will keep going on like they have been. And then they don't.
This is the quality of our leadership. This is the kind of person we voluntarily give power to. We deserve whatever's coming.
Remember when Patriots said that if a America-hating muslim commie from Kenya ever took the White House, they would grab their guns and there would be a Civil War? And all the other times there would be civil war? Yeah, I'm sure this time will be different.