TRADE WAR!:US vs world!Canada hits back at U.S. with $ for $ tariffs on steel, aluminum,maple syrup

Tariffs of 25% on imported steel and 10% on aluminum announced by U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross

Canada is countering the United States' move to slap punishing tariffs on steel and aluminum imports by imposing dollar-for-dollar tariffs of its own on everything on from steel products to maple syrup.

Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland said Canada is hitting back with duties of up to $16.6 billion on some steel, aluminum and other products from the U.S. — including beer kegs, whisky, toilet paper and "hair lacquers."

She and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau made the announcement at a press conference hours after U.S. Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross confirmed the United States is following through on its threat to impose tariffs of 25 per cent on imported steel and 10 per cent on imported aluminum, citing national security interests.

"This is the strongest trade action Canada has taken in the post-war era. This is a very strong response, it is a proportionate response, it is perfectly reciprocal. This is a very strong Canadian action in response to a very bad U.S. decision," Freeland told reporters.

Trudeau called the Trump administration's national security argument "inconceivable" and called the tariffs "an affront to the Canadians who died" alongside Americans in battle.

About 90 per cent of Canada's steel exports head to the United States, according to the Canadian Steel Producers Association. Steel is produced in five provinces, but the industry is heavily concentrated in Ontario.

Mexico responded swiftly with tariffs of its own on U.S. exports of pork bellies, grapes, apples and flat steel, the Associated Press reported.

The EU also announced it would launch a dispute settlement case at the WTO and impose "rebalancing measures."

"Today is a bad day for world trade. We did everything to avoid this outcome," said EU Commissioner for Trade Cecilia Malmström.

"The U.S. has sought to use the threat of trade restrictions as leverage to obtain concessions from the EU. This is not the way we do business."

Ross tried to deflect suggestions the tariffs would damage ongoing NAFTA talks and the upcoming G7 meetings in Quebec.

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This is perfect! Trump is repeating Bush Era Steel Tariffs. If you read up on it 200K American Jobs were lost from 2002-2003. He eventually had to rescind it. Trump and his base are clueless…

Turn off the natural gas, turn off the fresh water, turn off the electrical power, close our airports and ship ports to US based companies, make the banks stop dealing with US bucks (Canadian only for down south), buy the EuroFighter and use the old CF18's and the newer ones as target drones, pull the troops out where ever they work with US troops, close the embassies and consulates in the US, close the boarder, Canada should pretend that there is a wasteland between us and Mexico (there is anyway), in short, no more dealings with the USA/Trump.

oh no, please don't make us the self reliant juggernaut of yesteryear, anything but that.

China is a much more formidable economic force than Canada, yet Trump aggressively and successfully reminded them that its bad business to take advantage of your best customer. The US has been getting shafted in virtually all of its foreign policy, and this is largely because we haven't had a pro-American president in decades. The trade war with Canada will be very, very short and achieve its desired outcome.

gee, remind me. who buys more steel. america buying from canada? or canada buying from america. and remind me, who pays a tarriff? the buyer? or the seller?

its simple math to figure out who comes out on top in this deal.

Idk this sounds more like it will fit Canada's already fragile economy… I mean perfectly healthy …. Eat some more nutrient-based migrant cock…. Sigh Prince Edward island reporting in …. Niggers are everywhere …. Ain't no meat in my kfc


USA doesn't make enough steel to supply domestic market

Who get's hurt?


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Hmm, no lumber tarriffs? Sounds liker empty posturization from turd and co because china has shown interest in helping the states undercut canadian lumber.

Says the commie who bullys over 50% the canadian population.

….oh sweet, we finally get some new stars on our flag.

Imported steel only accounts for about 17% of steel consumption in the US. So, technically, the US doesn't, but it could boost production to meet the domestic demand if necessary.

They do.
They do.
It doesn't.

Lots of modern globalism was a retarded gesture by the US to help other economies. They're giving smaller economies tiny slices of the US market as a gift for aligning with the US hegemony.
In the long term buying loyalty never works. Dominate alone and lead through strength instead.

NO U: The Economic Policy

Okay. This should be fun.

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didn't upload

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I feel bad for Australia.
They dindu nuffin.

Isn't that making you also a bully? I mean, usually bullies don't push anyone, they usually are going about life laughing at nerds in their faces. Then nerds "push back", and that's why Parkland happened.

That's the problem.

liberal retard

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oh noes, what will we ever do?

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It's Canada. What else did you expect?

Being against tariffs is anti-communist, you ignoramus.

Trudeau "We have to believe that common sense will prevail once Trump is gone, but we have no evidence of that today"

What ever happened to this guy?

Oh no Americans will have to buy maple syrup made in the US now how terrible what a blow. Meanwhile Canadian businesses start to go after the government because they refused to give the US a better deal resulting in their biggest export market charging them money to sell their crap in the US. What a damn shame.

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Think of how retarded of a system this is. US imports steel and exports steel. Canada and europe import steel and export steel to each other.
Were not talking about one country sending ore and the other sending processed back, we're talking about the exact same steel refinement.
Canada putting tariffs on steel just makes it even easier for the US to meet their domestic demand using their own supply. With Canada being way too small a market to be enticing whatsoever for the US to back down.

Its just been reported also that unemplyoment rates in America are at a 50 year low. We are fucking unstoppable.

Trump said tariffs For security purposes.
(foreign reliance on steel)

Canada was a supplier of materials during multiple US wars.

There is no scenario where Canada will cut off war supplies to USA.

Trudeau needs to emphasize this to Trump.

If he still keeps tariffs against closest ally,he's the poor business man we think he is.

And so is US citizens income compared to cost of living

Living in the city has gotten more expensive. That's it. Millennials are too afraid to leave their cosmopolitan comfort zones. Its cheap to live in small towns and you aren't sacrificing shit

Canada would just be occupied in wartime if it refused. They basically already agreed to have no nukes. Gave up their air defense to the US in norad. Has had any sea jurisdiction challenged through regular "freedom of navigation" drives by the US navy. Then Canada's army is 30k people.

Except jobs, small towns aren't exactly bursting with work.

US occupation of Canada would be political suicide of retarded proportions. Aside from that, if you yanks ever set foot on Canadian clay, it'll be Afghanistan x1000. Good luck fighting a conventional war in forested wetlands and mountains. You can take Ontario and Quebec though, that's fine.

Berry was an Idiot, he was even dumber than Bush.
Solid Spitfire advice to President Trump.
TRUMP. do this: Stop fighting the Chinese, Strike a Deal to build up Africa WITH the Chinese, You get all of the cheep Resources America needs, You Industrialize Africa, You bury the hatched, You get the entire cake.
Befriend the Chinese and Russians and Industrialize Africa. You will be the President everybody loves.

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Cucknada will fold soon. Even a powerhouse like China folded and went back to the negotiating table. How long do you think the rapefugee loving bastard son of Fidel Castro will last?


The EU is the weakest opponent in the bunch. What does the EU produce anymore? What industry are they protecting? Oh wait the don't make anything, they import cheap product and cheaper labor from abroad. As for the other two, the U.S. can undercut Canada and Mexico with countries that have already decided to play ball with us (China, South Korea, Japan). Hell, we can even increase production here.

Except they are. Also you can live comfortably in a small town off of $500 for rent and utilities.
That's a less than part time job.
You con live in a big city comfortably for like $5000 a month. But then you work more and earn less with respect to how much you're paying your dollar holds less value in big cities than in small ones.

I have a job in a small town.
I don't get hi on my supply and my rent is $400

Tell me how tariffs affect anyone who is already dead?

Are you yet another small town meth manufacturer or dealer? Or are you selling oxys?
I live in a small town too, but I am pretty much self sufficient. There ain't much in the way of local entertainment here, but my small farm keeps me busy enough. Hunting and fishing are also fun pastimes. Fucking the wife, playing with the kids and riding my motorcycle through the countryside are all the entertainment I need. What do city dwellers do? Drop the kids off at day care or public school, wait in traffic for over an hour, then slave away for 10 hours at a dead-end job just like your wife is doing across town because both your incomes are necessary to pay the rent, wait in traffic for another hour, make it home just in time to tell the kids it's time for bed (they already made their own TV dinners), make TV dinners for you and the wife, watch TV while drinking a glass of whiskey, collapse into bed, too tired to fuck, get up and do it all over again the next day…
I"m with ya bro. Small town living rocks. But you've really got to explain the whole

I don't want canadians voting in our elections. They can be a protectorate.

one canadian aluminum factory equals americas entire aluminum output. enjoy your heavily marked up cans of soda fatty

you have the life I want. Would you consider taking on an apprentice? I'd work for room, board and training with the expectation of having your lifestyle in maybe 5-10 years

No tinyhand jokes. fail hashtag resistance

that only hurts CANADANS

Not a trade war when your people benefit far more then any minor thing the opposing country does

Shit will be made in america again… instead of importing every fucking thing

you do realize a lot of this shit changes right?
do you fags even economics?

mean US companies can compete again
more US production of raw materials in house

all you fucks care about is getting cheap chines shit and wonder why there are no jobs
under trump there are so many fucking jobs employers are lowering standards to try and get workers in positions because there are for more jobs then workers who want to work

small town 100k people here is anyone who want to work can work plenty of jobs, many pay $25 a hour right of the street because they need people so bad

big city living is not always more expensive just where Democrats are in control

Meanwhile closed steel factories are reopening their doors and hiring and going back to fucking work

people are scrapping metal so less shit in landfills and just tossed where ever

you need to have a bigger view of the world see the big picture not the narrow view from your tiny click…

But why?
Tiny hand jokes are in vogue.

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what a surprise. even reagan knew what a dumb fucking idea trade disputes are because he read a history book

Don't act like Canadians are such fierce fighters with a cuck like Trudeau in office.

America IS International law tbh.

Every nation should impose import tariffs on items they are capable of producing for themselves with their own local resources.

When your nation is capable of producing high quality steel, it doesn't make any sense to allow your prices to be undercut by another nation, so that your businesses import from elsewhere instead of doing business with national producers and manufacturers. You're letting your money pour out of your economy into someone elses.

There is no reason why Canada or Canadian businesses should ever import steel, oil/gas, lumber, grains, beef, or any other resource they have in abundance and are capable of refining/manufacturing for themselves.

The same is true for every country. Utilize what you have for the purpose of sale to your own citizens, within the confines of your own sealed economy, and export any excess you have to whoever else needs it and cannot produce it. Import what you cannot produce for yourselves, tariff the shit out of everything else.

Translation: A phenomenal decision for the U.S, and a poor decision regarding everyone else.
As if the U.S or any other nation has a duty to make it's decisions, economic or otherwise, with OTHER nations best interests in mind.

Trade disputes don't really hurt America because all of these faggots countries stopped buying American. If they aren't buying our shit why the fuck should we buy theirs?

There's plenty of other countries who are VERY willing to trade with us. And even if there weren't We just open steel mills and production facilities, either way we win and Canada has to find other trade areas, and since we're right below them and there's nothing above them, with their sides being nothing but sea, they'll have to rely on sea trade when WE cut off trade with them for being idiots, since we already have one of the biggest trade nets in the world, we regularly outsource to countries while Canada doesn't do all that much. If you want to start a trade war you'll lose.

Yall didn't think this through.

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As a Canadian, I hope we do start a trade war, so the US has an excuse to roll the fucking government over.

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Wouldn't it be a lot better to address the U.S. federal budget deficit? That way other countries would be forced to purchase actual U.S. goods and services in return, you wouldn't run the geopolitical foreign policy risks of starting up a trade war, you can actually negotiate a lot better with internal parties in the U.S. government than international entities that are not under U.S. jurisdiction, and, of course, you'd avoid the fallout of a fucking trade war.

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Payback is only 206 years late.

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You fucking Reagan cucks need to realize regan completely destroyed the middle class. Hell he even allowed schools to serve ketchup as a fucking vegetable.

In 1978 My father was an unarmed security guard for general motors in Muncie, Indiana. He worked third shift to get the best shift differential and worked pretty much every Sunday and holiday to get double time.

That year he made a little over $42k. That could have bought him 2 brand new Corvettes for $7500 ea. and the nice 4 bedroom 2 story house with a full finished basement that cost them $27k.

Today the house would sell for around $130k and 2 Corvettes would be around a $150k.
We vacationed several times a year and had everything we needed and then some. My mother never needed to work to get by so she was able to raise me properly like a mother should. Hell my friends dad swept floors as a laborer for Allegheny steel next door in New Castle. They weren't as well off as us but they didn't want for anything, nice middle class ranch and a reputable station wagon, but most importantly his mother never needed to work either for them to get by so he had a proper childhood too.

The point of the story is This was the real beginning of the moral decline of the American family. By the time Reagan left many families that weren't union or management had to have both parents working and that was the first time we heard the term latch key kid.

While Nixon was the first to reduce tariffs,it flattened with Carter but went into overdrive with Reagan has hasn't stopped since.

Tariffs gave us the middle class, then it gave China the second largest economy on the planet but our middle class is pretty much dead.

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This is what globalism truly is but the 1% just keep getting richer because they have the capital to invest overseas and stay in the 1% while the 99 just keep moving lower.

Kudos to Trump for identifying this and nothing better to start off with than steel.

He thinks of the worker more like Bernie than the establishment on either side of the Isle.

BTW all those factories that used to employ 10's of thousands are nothing more than grass fields now. The tranny parts are now made in China and are assembled in Mexico and the steel in China now too.

It's happening.

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so naturally the right move is protectionism because north korea is so prosperous?

tariffs gave you the great fucking depression


He already is you mongoloid.

most americans buy fake syrup. it aint hurting anyone. rich people dont give a shit about price.

what stops all these jews from playing silly buggers anyway ?

Like If Australia is exempt from tarrifs, won't Canada just buy from Australia ?

irrelevant manlets

Maple syrup contains soy.

This is actually all thanks to Obama. Blumpf is doing his best to fuck it up :^)

dubs confirm





That's dub dubs to you, sir!

You can live like a fucking king on minimum wage. As long as you don't live in a fucking city.
Why are you cucks so afraid of small towns?

You're wrong about that entirely.
Neither of my parents earned more than $70k/year base. They are now worth nearly $5million.
They use coupons on double coupon day. Double coupon day is the only day they grocery shop.
Rich people care about price more than poor people do. That's why poor people are poor, because they don't care about price.
You're thinking about plutocrats, not just merely rich people.

I know that's not real, but I wish it was. Castreau would throw a tantrum of epic proportions.


10 more states, 3 more territories

Things are not even remotely that simple, and single income homes where the mother/wife doesn't work or put in some form of serious labor have never been common throughout history.

It only ever became a culture thing when home appliances eliminated household chores and HOAs and subdivision kikes eliminated home garden for lawns.

The meme about women not being factory workers was again, a stupid meme. Women were the primary workers in the first factories and remained so until the Great Depression.

Canada will suffer far more than America. America has the resources to stay self sustainable. Canada will be forced to bend or go elsewhere for there dealings…. Like China for instance, which will pick up the American slack. USA is happy, China is happy, Canada can go fuck itself.

I like Canadians, they're our friendly neighbors. Just wish they weren't such cucks. Maybe a little spanking is what they need. Hope we can make up soon.