Okay you fucking niggers if you have questions/comments ask them here so you dont shit up the board
Also look through the faq so the same questions dont get adked 50 times
Refugee thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Newfags will never not shit up a board
Costa Rica and Thailand have similar fags, never noticed that before.
Also fuck off and die in a fire, you cum guzzling morons that still inhabits 4chon.
So, what was the motivation for doing that in the first place? I know the new nukegook leader of cuckchan is sketchy as fuck and all, but I legitimately have no idea as to how that would benefit anything, anyone, in any way.
so that piss egg jew can get more money
To make advertising easier.
Shekel making. The nip is a known conman.
Does someone has 2ch comic the nips next door translated when it was revealed hiroki was grabbing 4chan, depicting what the fuck went down there?
Time to prepare for a tidal wave of furries, I guess
Don't worry, the zoophiles will keep the furfags away, and won't shit up threads either. They're too abnormal for cuckchanners. Too much badthink.
Eat my dik dik nigger i post on both because its infinitely slow here
So why don't the 4chan idiots just flood the boards with porn once the change is made? If there is a constant stream of fucked up porn, you only need one screen grab of an ad hocking Hulu below some loli gagging to get advertisers to run for the hills.
They could but most of them are reddit refugees who cant into vpn so its 1 ip ban and done
As i say that my vpn shits the bed
Get the fuck off my board, you underage retard.
Oh look OP some of those 4chin rapefugees you were talking about.
because 4chan idtiots are exclusively reddit, facebook and tumblr by now.
Man, I remember weathering through the gore storms way back in the day. To think the new inhabitants of 4chan can't even get a disgusting porn dump going, its disappointing.
Man, in the real early days it was cheese pizza spam that would crash the site. God damn how things have changed.
Whites (and maybe gooks) only, those not assimilating will be deported.
One of the funniest parts about today's retarded purity spiraling nazi-larp Zig Forums is that at least half the problem is how infested it is with spics.
Seriously one need only look at how many linguistic malapropisms and eggcorns proliferate in the posts of the most extreme posters and the constant apologia for Latin America to see that there are ESL beaners that make up at least 40 percent of the userbase.
Im a day drinking 65 year old black man
I came in after the cheese epidemics, at least the major ones. Went to Zig Forums really quick, loved it back then, even the trips had some good ones in the pack.
Squid was actually a lot of fun to play BF3 with.
Ill be honest i started lurking around the time of sandy vag and have only seen it go downhill since that
That was the big turning point. Influx of newfags that didn't want to learn the board culture, no real moderation. To most of us we felt like were were flushed with codfaggots and neo-fudds. If you saw the Day/k/are and night Zig Forums memes, that was how it was pre sandy vag.
sorry for spoonfeed request. Been a veteran channer for some time but only picked up Zig Forums 7 years ago.
holy fuck, do we have to deal with 4chan niggers again? 4chan niggers, leave and go kill yourselves.
Pretty much went like this.
tends to be like that where post quality is inversely correlated with post frequency.
Nothing has changed you downsie eyed faggot. Shit threads get bully posted and/or deleted and the QTTDTOT thread exists for this thread's exact fucking purpose. All you've really accomplished with this thread is to contribute to the exact same off-topic bullshit that everyone is bitching about. But since this will probably go on deaf ears anyways i'll just end by calling you a cuck.
Go to reddit or something you 4cuck fags.
you faggots wish some more traffic would come through your crusty ass dead board lmao
Bet you are you are mouth-breathing subhuman.
ok pal
I’ll just mainly lurk. I’ve been here a lot before this shit. Posted maybe once or twice.
If there is a discussion I can help out with what I know, I’ll post.
Get out.
I wouldnt expect you to understand anything anyway furfag
How about you LURK MOAR like you're supposed to faggots?
Just report all cuckchanners. If any of them are worth keeping around, then their posts will be high quality and thus indistinguishable from a native. If they show any of the signs that they are not from around here, bully them and tell them to lurk until they learn to act like goddamn adults. If they snap back or try to be edgy about it, report them. Rapefugees out, we're full.
Red flags:
Happy hunting, Stalkers.
I almost forgot. /intl/posting, 'mutts', and so on. You should have the idea by now.
I expect to see 4chan go up for sale in a few months time. He'll try to scalp half the userbase and then use it as a constant flux of income while getting rid of the bit the FBI care about. Maybe even the FBI will buy it and turn it into a full honey pot.
4chan now blocks all VPNs so it's difficult to raid it these days.
Back when you used to visit the site and wonder if you would be party vanned today or not..
No gooks, you mutt.
Get the fuck out and don't come back. Go back to Gook moot where you belong.
Stop being a newfag. Your list of rules contradict each other.
Are you going to construct a real argument or just be a contrarian because you think it makes you look cool, on an anonymous website? You're trying too hard.
I want the cuckchanners to fuck off already.
Addendum, will the way captchas work (once every 24 hrs) on this site change after a large influx of newer fags?
Both of you can KYS.