A Saddam Hussein memorial plaque that appeared on an east London bench has been removed. It read: "In Loving Memory of Saddam Hussein" and it is not clear who left it there or what their intention was. Wanstead resident Victoria Richards told the BBC it appeared on the bench on Sunday. Local residents saw it and "expressed their outrage" on a community Facebook page, she said. Former Iraqi president Saddam Hussein, born in April 1937, was hanged in 2006 for crimes against humanity. His rule was characterised by a mixture of brutality, megalomania and paranoia.
Victoria posted a picture of the plaque online. Thousands of people have retweeted it and hundreds of people have commented on it. "People have been very angry and upset, especially the Iraqi community. People have been saying it's a sick joke. "What was there before? Was it someone's family plaque?" she said. Victoria questioned the motive of whoever fixed the plaque on the bench: "Was it a prankster? What's the message? Was it a frivolous, dark thing to do?"
By the way I snipped all the social media crap from that BBC article, fucking half the 'content' was just what some random cunt on twitter said. What a joke.
I'm not even going to tell you to shit up Zig Forums. Just go back to cuckchan.
Nathan Torres
nah mate, im not going anywhere.
Gavin Parker
That said his Kuwait invasion plan was trash.
Hudson Lopez
Saddam is a Zig Forums approved figure. He was going to secularise Iraq and turn it into an independent modern nation with a military culture and a strong, proprietary currency. Lurk more or go away, you loser.
Kevin Baker
Get out.
Ian Scott
I would expect a Dane or Swede to be the board's retarded fruit not a Norwegian.
Evan Ward
Return to cuckchan. Don't write.
Caleb Peterson
This is a Zig Forums thread, not a Zig Forums thread. Shit up Zig Forums if you need to shit up a board, don't fucking metastasize to the good boards like the cancer you are.
Levi Brown
Remove kebab is Zig Forums too. Gun laws are not Zig Forums related. Mass shootings are not Zig Forums related. Well kekked my fellow pede! :^^^^^)
Gavin Long
No discussion about kebab removal
Nothing said about gun legislation
No discussion of mass shootings
Well shitposted my fellow leftist infiltrator! Now go ahead and fuck off before we move from kebabs to shitbirthed like you.
William Foster
It's called sarcasm, Strelok. I'm making fun of the faggot who doesn't remember that full/k/ supports Saddam's Iraq, along with Rhodesia, Novislav Djajic, and other 'not strictly firearms' people and groups.