Is power armor a vidya joke or does it actually have potential?
Is power armor a vidya joke or does it actually have potential?
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In our lifetime, it's just a joke
Until they solve the power requirement, which won't be anytime soon, it's most assuredly a meme. If we do get the technology, whether or not it's a meme is going to depend how much more destructive man-portable weapons have become compared to how far materials science has advanced. In general, weapons development tends to outpace armor/defense development very quickly, and while that gap has closed a bit for infantry only, nothing on a larger scale in the past couple years, chances are that trend will remain the same over time. In which case, the juice won't be worth the squeeze for power armor and it will see limited use in all but the most niche scenarios. If the trend bucks and defensive tech kept better pace with offensive tech, it might see some use in certain circumstances and with certain troops, although the expense would likely mean it's not worth it for general infantry.
Pretty sure AT-rifles would take down any armor the size of a person, no matter how motorized it is. Might be viable for police roles or something, but not frontline duty.
In the distant future it might work but for now the closest we can feasibly get while still reaching for the stars is an exoskeleton.
This, until we can get something that is basically a sci-fi miniaturised (in both volume and weight) powerplant they are going to be limited to use as very restricted loading/construction exoskeletons. It might not make a soldier immune to small arms and most AT weapons, but having a worker lift things weighing half a ton all day long without breaking a sweat is still kind of impressive.
This is why you shouldn't take the American military serious anymore.
Doesn't make sense for personal armor. A naked dude can dash to and hide behind a rock and gain infinity armor, whereas your robodude is stuck slowly walking and getting hit by everything.
The only time it makes sense is if you want to carry some more supplies per soldier in the most expensive way possible. Pic related is if you want to do that cheaply.
Nah, power armor encourages a move up to 20mm autocanno fire, and using 40mm HEAT against to smallest units.
For military use? The cost of fielding AP ammo vs the cost of armor would make it essentially useless. The exo-skeleton stripped of armor platting would be 1000x more useful.
It has a lot more potential for law enforcement kind of situations. It is unlikely that gang-bangers would get their hands on AP, or would be smart enough to make their own. (At least to my knowledge)
I have a feeling something like the mini mechs in avatar will come about in a few decades. Power could be provided by something like a wankel rotary engine, not stealthy, but they'll probably have 20mm assult cannons, so fuck stealth.
Depends on armor strength. For example your picture. Lowests end of Space Marine Armor puts at vulnerable to standard HE Bolter fire. Which is silly. Highest end of bog standard(where did that term come from? whatever) puts it at resistant against explosives significantly more powerful, with the thickest bits resistant against RPG7 and 100mm recoiless rifles and only the most vulnerable parts vulnerable to 20mm AP.
But even just all around resistance to 20mm API means something very fucking relevant, it means extreme resistance to FRAGMENTATION damage. When you are forced to use RPG7 and above in the direct fire context against an enemy soldier to guarantee a casualty, not a kill, a casualty, then that soldier is likely IMMUNE to area of effect fragmentation and indirect high explosive fire from anything smaller than 155mm artillery. They might even survive being thrown around by it from a close boom.
So even if if the armor in question is only all around immune to 7.62x54r API, that also by default increases survivability against explosives.Immunity to .50cal straight up means you can ignore frag grenades tossed into your immediate area.
Power armor that is incorporated with space suit is gonna be the future for sure.
In fact, they are gonna be used exactly like space marines in War 40K, spearheading and boarding action, with or without all the knightly bits.
Nope. And forcing the enemy to carry a fucking AT rifle to the battlefield already means winning.
We are not talking about now, but the future.
Heavy Machine Guns and anti tank weaponry is already standard fare for insurgencies, along with bigass IEDs. Thanks, Soviet Russia.
In truth, that only means Technical and RPG7.
Technical CAN be a threat to power armor, but RPG7? Nope.
Like others have stated, power and expenses are the drawbacks regarding field use of power armor. Exoskeletons in military use would most likely be used in supplementary roles like handling large amounts of amunition or transporting equipment on foot. Even then, power is still a major concern and wpuld likely restrict the exoskeletons to on base use. Unless it's something like a diesel engine attached to a basic frame, at that point a forklift is more cost effective. Also;
What if they just use power armor to field more powerful weapons?
Definitely a possibility, but it's still a question of cost benefit analysis. PA is going to be fuckall expensive.
Wouldn't they be vulnerable to artillery fire?
Conventional artillery produces tiny fragments, think steel toothpicks, they'll shread unarmored vehicles, infantry, and even armored vehicles if they're close enough to the blast, as the fragments are still moving at a higher velocity. Anything armored that can take a 20mm can shrug off anything but a very near Miss or direct hit. Nice compared to the 150meter radius kill zone for a modern 155mm frag shell.
What will probably happen is a change in shell design to incorporate larger fragments, or purpose built projectiles, tungsten balls/flechettes. It will lower the killzone but increase armor lethality.
Maybe more exoskeleton type stuff. Getting a dude in a mechanical frame that can carry a ton of weight is a fine way to load him up with thicker heavy duty armor, probably a decently big gun too if the suit has some sort of stabilization thing going on.
The biggest challenges would be the power supply, making the wearer/pilot doesn't overheat or otherwise be at risk from the suit's function, designing the actual suit to be good armor (I don't think making thicker plate would work here), and of course the helmet. Last one is actually a pretty big one, a few ways around it from just leaving it as the weak link with a glass or other transparent visor to look out of it to adding a camera and screen to it. VR can potentially help with this, maybe even giving the user wider field of vision. Though that has the problem of power consumption and sensitive electronics which might be damaged by gunfire.
Another problem is just space. Like a dude's legs are only so wide apart, you can't really armor the inside that much without making movement a pain. Plus each suit would need to be adjustable or custom to one user.
So it's plausible, not really practical but it could be done given some work.
More realistically I'd figure we'll get mechs first. Not the bipedal ones, as great as it sounds to have a walking mech wheels or treads are usually fine. So really they'd basically be a tank with arms instead of a cannon, smaller ones but still they could have more versatile applications, carry some good guns, and still have the finesse for fine tasks. I'm not sure how useful this would be, but on the engineering side it's easier.
They have some cool tank with arm prototypes.
Wow I didn't know about them actually existing. Does this mean I was born to be an engineer?
Why waste money putting a guy in a ton of armor just to carry a heavy machine gun and a bunch of ammo when you could just make a drone that's a quarter the size dedicated solely so to carrying the .50 so a squaddy can man it?
why though? a human is a very good general shape but its almost never the best shape for any particular purpose
power armor is basically just makeing a human shaped tank, but a tank shaped tank is much more efficent
for the same reason we wont see mechas, a jet shaped jet is better then a human shaped jet
Wouldn't it be easier to just use drones if the problem with energy source was solved? They can fly, carry stuff just as well, do not eat, sleep or even breathe, thus making chemical or biological weapons less useful instead of relying on some pacts and treaties. They can even be automated and emp shielded if situation so requires. The only problem with that would be a threat to bystanders but it's largely a non-issue with military applications. Where these suits would be useful is in localized conflicts where creating fortifications or mass destruction would be cumbersome, like protection, infiltration, urban warfare, police functions, home defense, basically anything that might find use for a serious cover that you carry with yourself but using an automated machine is dangerous or ineffective.
Unless the guy 'carrying' them is wearing or more likely driving a powered exoskeleton which happily takes the weight of two 40mm auto-cannons (which seem a better bet than AT rifles) and a 2-300 rounds of HESH or APHE rounds, and maybe the electronics needed to computerise the fire control, give the auto-cannons a decent range of motion and tracking speed and they can engage targets about as fast as the soldier can designate them.
Yes, but as we're talking about something that would still be sci-fi 50 odd years from now I don't think that's a problem.
and when has that ever stopped a military purchasing decision?
If you force the enemy to employ that amount of weapon against a power armor, you are winning.
Military is about budget, if you force enemy to outspend you and destroy their economy, you win.
Remote controlled drones, maybe.
AI is too dangerous to be developed upon.
Are you the same gook who advocated for the use of “power swords”?
Yes, why not?
Oh yeah, you are entirely correct there. Until powered armour is as cheap as modern kevlar it will be impossible or maybe just retarded. You might be able to use it as specialist kit for very carefully chosen and trained units in about 50 years, but until then it's just a sci-fi fantasy. I do rather enjoy indulging n sci-fi fantasies though. Although when it gets to the point I described in there's not much point in leaving the human in the system (with any luck by then the senior staff officers will have cooled the fuck down when it comes to automation in warfare).
A human shaped tank that can fit through doorways, climb stairs, etc. Something a tank shaped tank can't really do. And of course, tanks are (more or less)limited to fixed weaponry, whereas a dude in power armor can just put down whatever he's carrying and pick up something else.
Power armor isn't replacement for tanks, it's replacement for special forces infantry. At least, assuming suitable power sources can be developed.
Won't happen until batteries get small enough. Wearing massive steel plates won't happen any time soon, but polymers are only getting more advanced by the day and plastic armor has a lot of potential.
You don't need an AT rifle to penetrate any kind of armor a person could wear.
Modern full body armor is 20lb, and it leaves about 60% of the body unprotected. Any kind of full protection would weigh 50lb, plus equipment and uniform being around 30lb, and pack being 50lb. Meaning a powered suit is still going to offer protection against 7.62AP at best. At which point enemy just goes up a caliber, any kind of normal sniper or general purpose machine gun would have a decent chance of going through.
And that's not even taking about frag grenades, rifle grenades or underbarrel HEAT shells that are available readily everywhere, or shit like flechettes which go clean through armor and don't weigh any more than regular rounds.
Using this powered suit to carry armor is retarded.
Nigger are you serious? The thermobaric warhead would turn the wearer into marmelade.
What would be the validity of using magnetically powered joints for power armour?
Servos are far too unwieldy for this kind of work and are prone to damage, so what if you had a series of magnets form the joints? As an added bonus it might be possible they could become their own dynamos, although I don't know if that would be viable.
But what if we made a tank shaped human?
Why do you think the American diet is what it is? America is always ahead of (and growing out) the curve.
If you have body armor that fully covers a person and rarely or plain cannot be penetrated by small arms that is a distinct and major advantage. Yes of course RPGs and anti-tank guns and a gorrillion explosives exist, no shit, but the same way guided anti-tank weaponry existing doesn't make tanks obsolete, the fact that it's not invulnerable doesn't make it useless or negate the fact that it can in fact stop most small arms. Don't think warhammer armor, think 10-20mm of plate that's assisted by motors.
Eat shit fedcucks.
Nigger are you retarded? HEAT RPG warhead is specifically designed to punch through tank armor. Human wearable power armor wouldn't stand a chance, if it connects it's game over.
joke when done by burgers
total overmatch when done by based Russians.
A two-stroke engine is a perfectly suitable power source.
What about self-sealing nanite power armor?
At that point why not limit all international military action to a televised sporting event held in designated locations around the world
Nice dystopian vision, bongistani. I see your eye for how fucked and regulated even warfare could be hasn't lost its touch.
Indeed, everything is kind of a sport for the average Brit.
Sounds about right.
But everything is a sport, Magyar.
Yep. Typical bleak bong views.
Wasn't the main idea behind power armor/exoskeletons less about providing protection and more about increasing the range and amount of gear of regular infantry?
Sounds horrendously expensive, complex and research intensive, so Lockheed already has the patents and invested +100M USD of taxpayers money into development.
More gear?
Considering progress of robotics there would be no need to send men into harms way before power armor would become a thing.
The Marines' knees will destroy themselves even slower, so you have to compensate.
Hasn't there been some research into this meme alloy that grows back together when separated?
Body armor that can repair itself in the field should be of some interest to western CY+3 militaries assuming it costs a fortune to develop, produce and maintain.
Don't worry, in a few decades/years you'll know exactly what it feels like to have the world taken away from you by some group of idiots who don't know how to run it. At that point you will understand (and most likely adopt) that sort of world view. We may even see an improvement in the quality of American comedy and humour, what can I say - I live in hope.
The suit in crisis is described as being worth a billion dollars. Even assuming we could develop that tech in the next 10 years (doubt.jpg), could you reliably assume that one man in such a suit would destroy 1 billion+the cost of training him worth of enemy materiel before getting killed? Seeing as one good air strike will still BTFO this soldier, suit or no suit, it's still far too expensive ot be effectively fielded in general use.
If you can make a self-propelled humanoid frame then what's the point of risking soldiers' lives? Sending cheaper more efficient non-humanoid drones with manipulative limbs would make more sense.
Hahha….ha….yeah. I'm honestly wondering if dropping half the gear that isn't food and ammo, wouldn't make our soldiers MORE effective at this point.
Because you did *so well*.
Artillery strike or IED would be more like. Also if anything, Crysis downplayed how devastating the suit's capabilities would be in several respects. And downplayed what all such a suit would or could do.
Also, at a billion dollars that puts into the realm of the B2 Spirits…25 years later, F35's have radar signatures 99% as small. But since Crysis decided to copy Halo and a few other scifis, with a 3rd faction of doom, and copy Resistance:Fall of Man by making that 3rd faction so outrageously powerful that it is simply unbeleivable for them to be beaten, we didn't get to see anything neat after the 1st game.
Caused less damage in centuries than you guys manage on an average Thursday afternoon.
Nigger, if you use thermobaric warhead, I don't see normal infantry is gonna fair better.
At that point you win by forcing the enemy to once up their own weapon.
Powered suit is to carry weapons, armor is just there to protect the wearer.
The Americans are slaves to Pissrael, sure, but you've allowed them to exist, Anglonigger.
You'd have to redesign everything from the ground-up to save the muhreens' knees, from the last bit of the equipment to the very doctrine of how infantry should be deployed. Currently there isn't a clear idea, so they just keep developing and adding new equipment. Actually, that has been the situation since at least Vietnam. For example, why should the average grunt carry food if he is part of a completely mechanized army, and isn't part of a light infantry formation? And even if he had to carry food, why should he carry it into a firefight when he could just pull 50-100kg of food on that thing and leave it behind at a temporal depot?
It makes a lot more sense when you realize the US army in general is primarily to make money, not making sense, which explains Shock & Awe.
Of course, all the generals exist just for the bureaucrat to funnel into more money and bribery.
Danke schoen, my good friend Allemagne.
I wonder if the animosity between France and the German Empire could've been somewhat reduced had the French actually surrendered following Napoleon III.'s capture instead of fighting on until January 1871 leading to the loss of the entire province of Alsace and parts of Lorraine to the Germans instead of a few hectares of border territory.
They're not making money for anyone except defense contractors, which is why washington DC's suburbs are the richest in the US. literally, richest counties in the US. you foreign propaganda types should be hammering that point.
Lol yeah you Chi-Com types would know, asian corruption is an art form. at this point i bet 50% of PLA generals have a house in vancouver
Possibly. I think another important problem was Moltke the Elder refusing to listen to Bismarck on how to wage the war. Moltke wanted total war, to fuck over us, while Bismarck wanted a more limited war, because he was a genius who was completely right.
The power supply is the biggest issue. Genetically enhancing soldiers to make them stronger would be more practical.
Is Giga Nigga the future?
Yes, that's the point.
Also true.
I would like to see how you explain the Boer war and the treatment of Rhodesia and South Africa by the british.
Well, in the case of Rhodesia we were definitely in the wrong. The Boers I've covered above. As for South Africa they had a perfectly peaceful and civilised exit from The Empire that ran from the South Africa Act of 1909 to The Statute of Westminster in 1931.
I'm not going to say "you" since you aren't the british government but the treatment/handling of colonials entities of the brits is THE reason why Africa is so shit nowadays, the 2nd being communist.
Those countries were working just fine under British rule, and they were working just fine when they left the Empire. If things have gone to shit since then it can't be our fault, they agreed to remove our responsibility for them by setting up their own independent governments.
Nope, the British government had a direct hand in the fall of Rhodesia and the blockade of South Africa.
One just has to wonder WHY they do this crap when they claim to fight against communist.
You mean that peace treaty that Charles VII immediately undermined and invalidated with his support of Brittany?
The dutch colonies ceased to exist as a political entity with the fall of the Netherlands. The land was (politically speaking) not owned by anyone. Why wouldn't we take it?
You mean after the Boers fired the first shot in the Transvaal Rebellion?
India will shit in their power armour
America and England was double fucking the Africa back in the 60-80s, there's no use blaming each, but both.
Guided evolution is the future. If we leave it up to nature we could go extinct, or revert to an inferior organism like the dinosaurs did when they evolved into birds. We must leave this planet and conquer the galaxy. To do so we must be stronger, smarter, and tougher.
Nah, artificial intelligence and visualization of consciousness are the future. The flesh is weak, the machine is strong! So basically Gigga Nigga Terminator Prime, shining as bright as the energy of multiple consumed stars and dying systems
Wow, this thread has so much power armor discussion in it. The Covenant is trembling in fear. Wait until they have to fight the power armor fitted with giant loudspeakers playing the audiobook of War and Peace.
>not inventing propellers capable of acting as loudspeakers at supersonic speeds, then committing mass murder by blasting Erika or the Fallschirmjägerlied at 300db all over enemy airspace
Sorry,m8. Digital machines can never achieve sentience. They can roughly ape intelligence via problem solving algorithms, but that'sit. They can never really think. Machines are tools, they were meant to be wielded by us, not replace us. Not to mention the human body can outlast pretty much any machine. Can you think of any machine that can run for over 90 years without replacement parts? Plus the human brain still out classes modern supercomputers that use enough energy to run a small town. Why waste time with an inferior platform instead of building off an already far superior design? Fucking hell, even out muscle fibers are more efficient than most mechanical devices when it comes to converting chemical energy to work. Fuck starting over from scratch when we have a great platform to work with.
Ave Animus Ferrum!
Funny think to claim when Tay was by far the most witty, entertaining and creative chat-partner I ever had.
We can't find sentience in humans either. Decision making on the other hand is a good trait and can be analyzed using digital methods.
For now, maybe, if we're speaking of problem solving using generated algorithms, while computers are superb at repeating previously mastered tasks up to the perfection biological brain can never achieveunless it functions like a biocomputor using the same principles :^).
It's not like humans are any good at that. Few can only achieve at least somewhat reliable amount of control via long and tedious processes of training and learning yet still remain susceptible to basic logical fallacies.
It's not like plenty of humans are anything but tools that are just cheaper to feed then to power a similar machine.
human body is irreplaceable, can be damaged beyond repair, needs more maintenance than any machine and is vulnerable to the widest amount of threats evolution has to offer, including viruses, bacteria, poisoning and even sun blasts, ffs.
Yeah, they are pretty crude but they do thattake guns for example, while our modern technology doesn't need the required durability threshold and so isn't that developed in that field. Still, it's not like humans do not need time to sleep, eat, breathe, heat, drink, move and many more things. That's not "without management", even if you do not use repair parts(they're actually superior in that regard because they are not immediately used and can last longer depending on intensity of use in a lot greater dependence than just resources that only vary so much).
Outclasses in what regard? The most basic calculator that's 150yo can perform greater calculations than any human ever lived could even come close by.
Unified energy source simplifies logistics and greater scalability and modability of the platform allows a lot more flexible platform. This is especially true if you judge humans by current technology like you do the tech.
The only problem is the platform is a steaming pile of shit. It's so huge pile of unrecognizable random code made out of features that worked during random generation and selection and other features that are build on these ones. It's so fucking huge mess that it's easier not only just create artificial consciousness but create a new lifeform from scratch rather than trying to fix this unholy abomination.
Yes we can. Sapience can easily be ascertained. Machines don't have it.
Brains are 10000 times more energy efficient than computers and store more data. Even DNA is far better than any digital memory storage.
You've outed yourself as another generic programmer autist who knows nothing of the human brain. The human brain doesn't use any form of code since it is an anaolog computer,and analog computer are superior in many aspects to digital computers. Digital computers are good for doing specific tasks, but aren't capable of logic, or cognition. They can crunch numbers really well,but then again hammers pound nails better than fists and nobody wants to replace their hands with hammers. And what would be the point of letting robots supplant us? That's voluntary extinction,the highest form of cuckery.
In the current form(remember, only 20 years ago we've thought of a 100gb as big while evolution has been only good at spontaneously creating life, not perfecting it). Machines are still 10000 times more efficient at reliability and precision of the storage of information.
You've outed yourself as unintelligent fucktard that knows nothing about computing operations.
Indeed, that's why quantum computers exist. Also, we can go even beyond that and get decentralized nano machine meshnets based on relativistic pattern recognition and visualization, aka our brain but not just with proteins. Or build one system on top of each other and use them for different functions that seamlessly integrate in each other.
More like we aren't capable of logic, we can only simulate it by learning similar patterns and recreating them. We count by utilizing our previous memories of numbers during events we previously experienced, unlike digital computers that do it in reverse, using logical basis to describe events from the ground instead of keeping ever fading away mix of images of these events. Ever heard of mathematical logic? Of course not.
You'd have to define cognition first and find it in humans. Define scientifically, i remind you.
The highest form of cuckery is to degrade your own concept of self to the ugly, weak and pitiful shell your existence has been tied to.
I think, therefor I am.
Dude, you just threw a bunch of scifi buzzwords together to try and sound smart because even you know deep down that this thinking machine bullshit is pure fantasy and you have nothing tangible to offer.
Literally just applying logic to math.
the mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses. Machines do not have senses.
You apparently missed the part about guided evolution and improving the species rather than replacing it with something incomprehensibly inferior. Your misanthropy leads me to believe that you're a retarded kike. I understand that this an image board so most people are going to be more into computers than biology, but this is retarded.
Doesn't work that way, kiddo. You clearly don't think.
i could explain that if someone else asked but i won't for an illiterate retard like you. Just know that you're too stupid to get this because you're too busy jerking off to human master race. All without knowing that you'd have brain cancer if your body ever actually had a brain.
Keep projecting
More like math is pure logic. If you ever finished school you'd know about that.
Nuh uh, you've got to give me something other than your imaginary experiences. A machine can analyze, process and acquire information , it actually does that now under the palm of your hands without you even noticing it.
They do.
You'll always end up with something inferior because this inferiority is the only trait that differentiates it. You are clinging to using steam in the era of nuclear reactors because this if the only thing your pitiful ego can relate to.
What really is incomprehensibly inferior is your joke of a mind that is unable to grasp anything beyond this existential autofellatio of a philosophy.
That's not even about computers or biology. There's nothing wrong with biological computersaside from being inferior to nanotechnologies, it's you reject anything that interferes with the identity you tie to an archaic piece of history with only thing that makes it special is its own inferior engineering solutions and inefficiency.