Patch Thread

old thread finally died. Post your collections, make new designs and circlejerk about how rare your patch is (if you're into that sort of thing.)

pastebin of patch merchants:

Attached: 4356546767768.jpg (960x540, 97.9K)

Other urls found in this thread:

black friday sales are in progress

Attached: Thanksgiving.png (612x792, 738.94K)

Does anyone know where I can buy Stalker patches not made in China or a third-world cesspit.

don't understand the patch thing. wouldn't it interfere with camoflauge and add useless weight? perfectly fine to collect things for fun if you like, but attaching them to gear is silly imo

well, most military patches come in color schemes that match your camo pattern, then you have full color versions for display elsewhere

Why even bother?

I'd rather have pins for my suit these days.

why not both?

Go to the gym, immediately.

The patches themselves might not be that heavy but what if strelok is operating in a winter environment? Just imagine the weight of a patch or two and snow on strelok’s gear. Or if it’s fall and some leaves land on him while he’s wearing his patches. Worst of all would be in spring time and strelok steps in mud so his boots now weigh more than anyone can reasonably lift with their legs AND he has the additional mass of a few patches. If all that weight doesn’t sink him into the mud and drown him it will basically disable him (or anyone for that matter) until some weight is shed.

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No to both, but I know that if I met anyone with a meme patch in a SHTF scenario, I'd shoot them in the back at the nearest possible convenience.

List of patch websites.

Attached: mosinnaganttrap.jpg (780x520, 56.31K)

you sir are illiterate, the link is already in the OP

Shit happens, user. Shit. Happens.

What in the hell.

yup, that's a tranny

That thing ain't female.

OP, post hands or you're a tranny.

Attached: 768745435345345.jpg (539x960, 54.73K)

confirmed tranny


Attached: faggot.png (613x577, 88.38K)

If is a faggot for finding another pic and posting it, what does that make you?


I hate attention whores so much. Nearly half as much as I hate niggers.

It makes you a cuck.

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Why? So you can steal his dope-ass patches, right?

Same, morale patches are fucking gay.

Have you taken the brown pill yet, mateys?

it's a tough pill to swallow! The brown pill was founded in 1999 by Sir Reginald Brownpill, who presents and narrates the attached video.

Forget red and blue pills, brown pills are the way of the future.

Video related. Please leave your questions, comments, and concerns below about this radical new paradigm of thinking!

Swallow the brown pill today! Red pills are for fedora fucking wearing faggots, blue pills are for the ignorant masses. Ignore the other le epin Zig Forums maymays, this one is the readl deal.

Attached: poo-poo-pee-pee-guro_o_468….jpg (900x900, 123.7K)

Kill yourself.

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I have a CBF patch and a patch of my waifu, am I going to get shot?

Wittiness: 8/10
Originality: 6/10
Bants: 10/10
Nationality: Candian/10
Total: -1145141919 points

Attached: YJSNPI Interview [English Sub].webm (640x360, 4.21M)

Why collect patches?

Too poor to collect guns?

But I'm not too poor to collect guns.

Ok, post all your serial numbers and I'll run them, faggot.

What fun will the collapse of society be without the opportunity to look cool.

So I should take up golf?

Is that the start of a gay porn?

Because sometimes you need something else other than a shithawk and lightning bolts of tolerance to cause a shitstorm.

The very clear solution to shave that weight off is by losing bodyweight.
Enjoy your unnecessary fatigue and added area that the enemy can shoot. Skinny people require less supplies, get shot less because nobody can hit them, can be picked up by comrades easier if they fall down, can fit in tight crevices and holes to gain a strategic position, can support their own bodyweight more so they can climb better, and their dicks are proportionally bigger, so the fat dicklet enemy gets jealous and demoralized and surrender because their dick is too small.

Am I doing it right?
some of these I got from work and various aviation events and I got the Strelizia one before DITF went to shit

Attached: 20180929_154818.jpg (5312x2988, 4.45M)

After you take a picture with your Samsung Galaxy Note 4 you should put it through an image editor to fix the flip.


Kinda, you forgot or simply didnt care to remove the EXIF data.

It's not upside down, actually, just download or open the pic in another tab.

A candidate from other thread

Attached: SGG MK0.png (2000x2000, 533.6K)

Special edition with anti-gunner victim

Attached: SGG MK3.png (2000x2000, 403.93K)

well fuck, guess I am just a fucking leaf after all.

I got the Strelizia one before DITF went to shit
Why would you buy merch before the show ends?

At least he didn't leave his coordinates in the metadata.

Is this dude still active?

yes, he's had delays at posting but I think he said he's caught up this weekend. Hold tight fren

Attached: IMG_20181217_172824.jpg (966x724, 275.79K)

pins are for hipsters and urbanite leftists

I have never seen anyone who wasn't a bean stalk or whale that had pins anywhere on them or their backpack.

How about government workers, politicians, or anyone else wearing a suit? I thought I had made this clear in my original post and the only time I ever see anyone wearing pins around here is for charity. Anyway, I was mainly thinking of a shimapan triangle that I would display on my lapel but even that may be too identifying.

This is now how i will imagine all Australian business is conducted, thank you.

15% off through new years day with the coupon code "iosaturnalia" at

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Ain't it funny that most of the posts here come from Badger?

NEET is remaking these shirts

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Link? Found nothing on his site. Also how is he remaking them, if you can get these type of shirts from several shops on the intornet?

well maybe other people should post things.

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Reminder that the only patches that matter are your Nation's flag, your units' insignia, your Nation's old flag when it was at it's peak and the Waffen-SS insignia.

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Do you mean all these patches or Spurdo and anime and actual memes.

Looking for some new patches… someone broke in and stole a bunch of my shit while I was not home, including my patch collection.

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nigga what? it looked like they tried to take my funs, but the concrete and ammo held the safe down.

I'd suggest investing in a lock on a cabinet and keeping your blender, toaster, etc. in there when not in use. In fact, investing on a lock on all your cabinets might be worth it. TV should have been bolted down for sure. My family are all niggers (not literal niggers) that would steal anything I own under the pretense of "being family" if given the chance, so I've learned over the years that nothing is safe unless it's physically bolted to the floor or under lock, and even that's not a guarantee of safety, much like how a wheel lock on a trailer just makes it a pain to get into/takes time to undo.

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That's the spirit

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Even if you don't live in a nigger-filled area, it's worth it to do so, user. Being paranoid about people stealing my shit because it happened for twenty god damned years of my life is the only reason I was able to afford to move out of that situation. There is nothing wrong with ensuring the safety of your belongings.

We now have stickers, buy any 3 items and get an anti-commie sticker for free.

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Asking for a friend, where did you get your Strelizia patch?

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Does anyone have that killdozer patch available? Everywhere seems to be out of stock

What does this arabic scratch say?

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yo nigger. Get your fucking gondolas back in stock and make some more of them. They're pretty damn cool and a good dog whistle.

Do some decent Stalker ones too. Make them meme as fuck like Freedom is all about weed and shit.

those are curry runes brah

Attached: INDIAN POLICE.jpg (800x599, 55.45K)

For shame. has Stalker patches.

My post was a joke. You didn't get it though

Americans have too high of a German DNA content to understand jokes. It's why they all took Tarrant's manifesto at face value and started making theories about how he could have been radicalised by Spyro 3 by being a furry.

That’s really gonna vary dependent on region, where I’m from most are Irish Celtic or Italian. Even then I have 25% Germanic heritage and it took me a few days of “what did he mean by that” before realizing it was a joke.

Shut up mutts. You're all mixed race and we don't care to hear you arguing if 3% Irish is better than 3% Spanish. A mutt is a mutt and you're not allowed to wear the pure Aryan patch.

It was a reference to the other patch thread in which a german sperged out for about fifty posts about how the Om wasn't muslim after someone asked about it.

Also please don't fall for the finnish bait

nah fam am akshuly german

Should you be talking shit?

user I…

Attached: AvV8fUf.gif (245x280, 379.66K)

Even 1% German DNA is too much tbh.

Yes, yes I should. Your country is unironically less white than Argentina.


Anyone know where/if I can pick up a patch like this? Image search produces zero results.

Attached: rwdspatch.png (1000x1000, 1.64M)

Ah, right


You gotta custom get that.

Contact info? I can help you get one.



Custom order from where, though? I dunno any place that'll just make you a patch, unless you pay for a shitload of them.

someone redpill me on WGW?
met the guy before and already have my own opinion but want to know what the whole beef with Zig Forums shit is
granted.. dont think he's ever even been to 8/k/ but i know some of you fags must crossboard

patchy johnson on twitter

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Is this guy legit? I wanted to get a custom fash patch but judging by his insta he seems kinda faggy

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