Beware of friends of the Yellow Jew
((Zig Forums)) now censoring criticism of China
Nazis have always been power hungry censoring autists. There’s a reason why they deserved to be bombed and raped.
>>>/suicide/ is the board you should pester with your retardation.
Maybe because those threads were just copypasta?
I have noticed that lately there's been too many subhuman retards attacking Zig Forums and National Socialism. I wonder why.
Because Zig Forums is a complete mess.
Now we know who is behind the anti-Trump shilling, all chicom faggots.
Probably because Zig Forums has been a hive of 80iq retards and refugees from leddit and 4chan for years now. The fact that they still defended Trump even if he talked about how much he loved Israel and Jews told me that all these people are easily manipulated brainlets that follow any commands le epic maymays of the month tell them to, which then told me that these people aren't worth being around.
Please don't respond again to this shit thread, some retard is going to forget his sage eventually and bump it again.
Who would have thought?
Who would win, Taiwan without international help from anyone, or China?
I hate you negros.
Considering Taiwan is populated by Chinese, China. Btw did China (or however was it named at the time - Qing, Ming, Yuan Empire) ever win any war by other means then cultural assimilation?
Go to /fascist/ if you want real National Socialist talk, Hellene-bro, because Zig Forums has ironically become much like Europe, in that subhumans, mudbloods and low IQ idiots spouting off their foolishness, have replaced Aryan anons engaging in genuine and intelligent discussion.
Considering that Mainland China is full of retards, no matter how large its military, I would place my money on Taiwan. Though I suppose even the Soviets won despite their subhuman, Eurasian nature.
I forget the date, but I'm pretty sure there was an incident where a group of (mostly unarmed) Russian farmers moved into some unused land on the Chinese side of their shared border. The Chinese response was to send a few regiments to slaughter the peasants and then pretend from then on that it was a glorious victory over invading Russian occupiers. Other than that I think the only wars 'China' has won have been various civil wars, which don't really count.
Never even knew that board existed. Looks pretty good quality-wise. Do they support Hitler and Golden Dawn or are they purely pro-Italian Fascism? I'm tired of Zig Forums's mediocre quality, but I don't want to browse a board that shits on GD for no reason either.
dubs of shame.
That was the boxer rebellion. They mostly used it as an excuse to kill their own by claiming they were "tainted by western ideals" and after they finished up with that, they got their teeth kicked in by the rest of the west and Japan.
Thanks m8, the history of China getting its teeth kicked in is far too long to remember all of it.
Note that Qing dynasty wasn't Han Chinese. I don't believe that Han Chinese are a lowly people and I think they do have potential, it just happened to be that the Ming and Qing dynasties culled their potential for hundreds of years, and when the communists won they essentially just led China down a similar path of self destruction and ruling with a iron fist. If the Republic of China had won against the communists I believe that China would be in a far better place and it would probably resemble modern day Taiwan just on a much larger scale.
8/POL/ is dead, faggot global mods ruined it. I'm just here browsing Zig Forums one last time before leaving this site for good.
Thank's for your input, goldberg.
Zig Forums is getting fucked right now from several fronts. 4chan retards spamming low quality OP's, Q-larp peons lashing out against eeeeviiil naaaziiii's, literally who's getting moderation positions and using their power to push their narrative (often going against one another), it isn't looking good. D/C like this OP isn't helping either, assuming that Zig Forums's userbase is all pro-chink or anything like that. Sage for d/c thread that hurts the website.
Fuck off newfag.
Wouldn't the monkeys legs and body be crushed on impact with the enemy ships? Not to mention going into a coma from the pain of being set on fire. In fact I'm pretty sure they'd have been dead and cooked before they ever had a chance to "cause chaos".
So basically chinks threw their dinner at the brits.
I wonder how long it will be before Zig Forums gets cucked by power hungry censoring autist mods.
Kikes and chinks hate Trump, because he is symbol of white resistance.
There is theory that the ruling Qing are distantly related to the Song Dynasty after the Humilation of Jinkang.Chinese military strength went waaay down since that cancer call buddhisim and (((humanisim))).
No. You're wrong. Xi hates trump cause le trade war be waking the poor masses. The average chink couldn't give a shit about trump.The ones who do say "装疯卖傻“ (To act insane and pretend to be retarded) Yes. The Le 66xxxxx D chess meme is real there
Because Zig Forums went to shit in 2016 and it's nothing but neocons and assorted shitskins that Trump brought in, the only 4D chess he played was destroying Zig Forums by popularizing them.