Peaceful Resistance

With the bumpstock ban looming we are once again having our rights trampled upon with very little in the way of fighting back. Our enemies grow more bold and the most resistance we put up is an occasional phone call to a representative (if that) People that are supposedly on our side are obviously not. It's just us. Since no one actually wants to go dome politicians how should we fight back peacefully? We might as well start organizing something instead of just doing nothing. I think that there are several main points we should focus on

-Combating the narrative that the media pushes (2A is antiquated, you don't need assault guns ect.)
-Combating the individuals that push said narrative i.e twitter "personalities", "comedians", celebrities, ect.
-Working to shift the issue to a bipartisan one instead of one that's "right wing"
-General information outreach to normies (90% of people I talk to think there is a law that rifles need to be registered nationally)

-Flooding the population with material so that it becomes impossible to regulate (defcad 2.0, black pipe shotgun flyers, ect.)
-Taking new people shooting (with an emphasis on demographics that are known to be antigun)
-Denying resources to companies that virtue signal (boycotts)

-Spreading the word on the human right to self defense and resistance to tyranny

Most importantly we need to get organized.

What do you guys think? How would we go about doing any of these? Do you have any better ideas?

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Clog up their loos
When sewage runs through their streets and homes they will cave in to demands


How are you planning to do that? The enemy is driving the narrative that the 2nd amendment was written so that We, the People could have government permission to use black powder muskets to go hunting. That is to say, they contest whether we even have the right to possess bolt action rifles, and you want to shift the Overton Window to the point where we can find common ground on range toy mag dump accessories?

At least you don't dream small.

Very wise words, truly people like you will lead India to become a great power in less than 14 months.

By peaceful resistance, do you mean resistance where we defeat the enemies of the people so badly that they will never rise again, and will essentially be peaceful and leave us the fuck alone? If you do, then I approve.
But in all honesty, there isn't going to be a successful way to avoid the simple fact that it will take violence to defeat the entrenched forces who oppose the people's freedoms.

You mean like the 400 million+ guns already in circulation?

They are brainwashed to immediately think "gun bad" but I think if we can break the mold more and more will start to see what we're saying. And ultimately they are the people that need to be convinced for us to see dems back off gun control.

Thats the hope. If they no longer hold sway our problems are solved and we just have to remain vigilant.
Until an armed insurrection starts this is our best option.

Yes, but more obvious. The liberator was just a political statement, but it made it's point extremely well. That's what I was mainly referring to but if you have any ideas on increasing gun ownership in general i'm all ears

The problem you seem to be having there OP is that you're assuming that the opposition are simply in possession of a different opinion. They're not interested in finding common ground, or even meeting you half way. That's before we account for the assumed moral hegemony that's becoming more and more explicit in their thinking. The thought process of the average anti-liberty advocate on this topic is surprisingly straightforwards.

Pay particular attention to pic 1, these people think that the bump stock ban is unacceptable because it didn't go far enough. They think that this is you guys winning. If you want to win this then a better option to take would be to discourage them from pushing their crap as freely as they do now. They're generally speaking immature and emotionally fragile so the best way to get them to stop is to attack them emotionally, don't play the defensive game of answering their points, make them defend their righteousness. That's the most important part of this to them, and it's the easiest to attack because it exists only in their minds.You'll need a sustained meme-war style campaign, in public as much as online, to get that done. If you can't then just take a look at us over here, this is what they want for you.

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Political comics are the worst, intellectually they're on the same level as pic related, but nowhere near as funny.

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By the way that image is a reference to Ace Attorney, before anybody thinks it's serious.

Thanks for clarifying that, I didn't know if it was actually California and was about to look it up.

The only good political cartoonist is Stan Kelly, and he doesn't even realize his own genius.

So was I. California is basically "the Poe's Law state" anymore.

Until the societal issues we are facing are fixed (they won't be) there is no peaceful solution. The rampant feminization of men, starting when they are very young, and the destruction of positive male role models/fathers have done far more damage than any CIA mind control efforts and, not saying all are real but even if they aren't, more shootings will follow. Until mass shootings stop, the debate will rage on and each one will turn weak minded people against guns instead of making any of them stop and wonder if there is a larger cause. Attacking firearms for the problems they have created is an easy out, and they double down on the true cause every day.

I'm an American and even I wasn't sure if that was real or not, California is just that fucked.

How would a guy in a straitjacket that's strapped to a gurney commit a mass shooting? Furthermore I don't think Hannibal Lecter ever shot anyone. He was more of a knife sort of guy.

How about not handing in the bumpstocks and when police arrives, livestream the event?

Liberals and commies have no problem doing illegal shit.

Attached: Well, there's your problem right there.jpg (450x362, 49.91K)

I asked for an Echo II trigger for Christmas, am I gonna be fucked now?


I personally think we need to engage them less. Responding to these morons only brings them more attention. I prefer grassroots discussions with those around you, or nearer social media people.

The dichotomy is just a reflection of where our culture is right now, it's not endemic to the issue itself. Party affiliation is irrelevant to the issue and should be avoided. Stick to the facts, which are already bipartisan, and you will accomplish this incidentally.

It can be hard to do this effectively, because again, it's a culture and value issue more than a facts issue. As misinformed as gun grabbers are, they're like Trump; the facts of what they say doesn't really matter to them in the argument. Informing people that there is no national registry law might just make people more scared.

Not a bad idea on paper, but might just motivate grabbers to clamp down on more things.

Far and away the best suggestion you've made.


Also a good suggestion to help prevent grabbers from strawmanning

2nd best suggestion. Especially on here, I think we need to stop shitting on each other with "hurr durr Americans won't actually do anything" posts and figure out how were going to help each other, because I doubt GOA or NRA will really do much for me if I get red flagged. But maybe a local Zig Forums would be willing to show up at my house and back me up for a siege. I would.

You were already fucked if you think paying $400 for a meme trigger is a good investment.

Well it's on sale for $300 and I'm not the one paying.
P.S. your opinion is garbage and if get that upset about people spending $400 on a toy you should probably get a better job.

Probably a good idea not to be the one paying, unless you have a goal to be an example of resistance (be it peaceful or otherwise).

Expect the ATF to subpoena the sales records from all manufacturers as soon as the "We swear this isn't an ex post facto law, because reasons and pilpul legal arguments!" regulation takes effect. Manufacturers and distributors aren't going to die for your privacy & liberty, strelok.

Some people can still be convinced. Not a lot, but a few.
As far as the meme war goes could you elaborate a little? You mean make them realize their righteousness is false by exposing their hypocrisy? Show them that they are what they are advocating against?

Until war comes this is our only solution.

Police aren't going to come. It's just going to be a law and people might get it tacked on with other charges if they get caught with one for some unrelated thing. It's mainly to stop the manufacture

Thanks for the input. Organization is extremely important, for what you said and just for organizing letters to reps and marches and things like that. Establishing good communication would be the first step I think. Any ideas? Seems to me like there are alot of willing bodies but they just have no real leadership or way to come together with others in a meaningful way.

Carry openly. If questioned, cite the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution and go on about your day. If threatened, respond appropriately.

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You probably won't get them to realise that their sense of righteousness is false. These people will tell you that 1+1=48 and believe it if their social group tells them that's the truth. It's not about winning the argument, it's a campaign of emotional warfare. Study how their memes work, we all know they can't meme so don't just copy them but look at the lack of reasoned argument, the lack of the facts, the over-reliance on how it makes them feel and their assumed correctness. It's not about persuading them that they're wrong the way you would persuade a rational person, it's about training them to associate their own position with 'badfeel', they'll drop the issue like a red hot live grenade the moment it doesn't make them feel righteous and noble anymore. Use things like the victims of mass shootings in gun-free-zones, but put the emphasis on grizzly flesh wounds and blown apart skulls, show pictures of shooting victims who were left with permanent injuries/were crippled for life - bonus points if it's a sympathetic looking black/brown child in a wheelchair. Keep the message simple, variations on 'guns could have saved them', 'I'd still be walking if my dad could have shot the gunman', 'I wouldn't be a rape victim if I had been carrying a pistol' for example. That should be a good starting point, once you've got that up and running it should develop naturally in response to the results and changing environment.

Try to stay clear of Pepe's and other 'le ebin alt huwite maymays', they're going to call you evil racists anyway - and while that is gradually losing its sting due to overuse you should be working hard to make sure that it looks even more retarded than usual.

Is it really fake considering infecting people with HIV is not a felony in DPRC?


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Take a hike niggerlover

I will consider that in future renditions

Sometimes I wonder if [CURRENT YEAR] situation is just a collective prank from the West to see how gullible we non-1st worlders are.

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And almost forgot:

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Another Zig Forumsfaggot that only defends the second amendment for whites. You're part of the problem. Guns belong to everyone. If fucking gorillas start proving their self-awareness in sign language tomorrow morning I want them to be handed class 4 munitions. I hate to use this old argument but 'next they came for me' is legitimate and it stands that everyone should be defended, you coward, who might say that your race is superior but doesn't have the balls to fight a 'monkey with a hi-point' Surely you're a better shot meister ubermensch? 'Take a hike' off a damn cliff and god bless America and her people, not just the white ones.

I think it's more likely that God got bored after the fall of the Soviet Union. He's obviously a Zig Forumsommando (if you read through the scripture and our history), and must have loved WW1 & 2; we kept him on the edge of his seat with Afghanistan, Vietnam, and the Bush Wars - but when the USSR capitulated peacefully he realised he wasn't going to get another proper war, and we've been blue-balling him on that since '45. Well, if we're not going to entertain his inner Zig Forumsommando then we've nobody to blame but ourselves if he decides to indulge his inner /b/tard instead.

Perfect. You hit them right in the feels because they cannot argue against that without (in their own minds at least) coming out as 'pro-lynching'. That's exactly the direction you need to go, all that's left now are a few hundred/thousand more along that line and a delivery method.

Now that's a cuckservative if I ever see one.

America is a white people republic.

Unless you kill any one who wants to take away your gun rights and make it clear every person who tries will die you will never win. They hold every card and you're begging them not to do what they want to do to you.

They hate you and want you dead. Your response is to find more ways to be passive and play a game you have been losing since before you were born. How is this going to make you win?

This is honestly the better answer.
Open carry, normalize it in places where it might not be normalized.
Now I realize I a faggot because I don't believe in open carry as a rule (ccw ftw) but this is honestly one of the better answers. Be rational, calm, reasonable, good representatives of the firearms world.
Disconnect the "radical gun guy" from reality.

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Guns are gonna be banned for ordinary people. You need to start organizing militias and fight for gun rights as privilege for privileged people (members). And BTW rights don't exists only privileges.

I would gladly give God a genocide so great, I could stack corpses high enough that I would ultimately reach the heavens and knock on his door.
Problem is, I'm not a politician and Greece isn't a superpower capable of global-scale genocide. I wouldn't mind being remembered in history as the world's most utterly horrible, disgusting and murderous war criminal. I daydream about impaling hundreds of thousands of Turkish soldiers, women and children outside of Constantinople every day.

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Supporting 2A is easy: Just open carry as much as possible, and always argue SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED whenever the subject comes out. 90% of the population are lemmings, they have no independent thinking ability, they simply take the most left and most right positions and support whatever is in the middle as a "reasonable compromise". Ergo the more gun-nut you are, the more pro gun the public will be. It's a question of who blinks first, the small minority of gun grabber activists or 2A supporters.

NPCs are weak, they always choose the path of least resistance so they can get back to their bread and circus. It's just a question of who blinks first. All you have to do is be harder to reason with than leftists.

I patiently await the day troops in Hellenic warriors in futuristic power armor clad in resplendent robes descend from the skies and burn alive the entirety of the Turkish people.

Once the roach has been defeated, Hellenic civilization will once again stretch from the Cyrene to Bactra.

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Nah you just don't have to be fucking racist to like guns man. I'm more into confederacy than anything, federal laws and centralized government are the enemy, as no one man's promised land is the same as the next. I just don't think the niggers should be disarmed because I'm not a fucking tyrant.

You got a pretty good taste though. Hail the Emperor!

Don't tell me you wouldn't sign up for that campaign.

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Reporters and politicians like to talk shit until they get hit in the gabber.

How am I supposed to get people to see this?
I'm not exactly a twitter "influencer"

BTW guys, this is our last chance to get reciprocity so you need to contact your reps

You get more people to post them, you put them up online (expect them to be torn down and to face hysterical rage if you're seen doing so). Political marketing like this is basically just the science of forced memes - think about it that way, get as many proguns as you can to boost the signal and you'll see it start to filter through to the mainstream. If you're looking for more opportunities to push this you're going to need to go primarily offline.

A decent primer if that's the way you plan to go.

OK, I need to go outside for a while.

I am in touch with a lot of kommandos from all over the states via our favorite honeypot. KommandoBlog is a good source of info as well. The old zeemaps has been brought back online as well

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Organization is going on as we speak. It would be nice to have you on board.

Nice try, fed. Everyone knows people here don't associate with each other.

Reminder for everyone that your "friends" here will shoot you in the back for fun or supplies during SHTF. That's if they weren't feds trying to entrap you in the first place.

I never expected a mexican meme here.

I respect those dubs, but you are wrong. There's fuckery that goes on there, but we make sure that everything stays above board so feds wont have shit. There are servers for the majority of states and nuggetfest itself, even one I put together for all the admins from the servers. It's still like herding cats, but it's a decent enough communication network. We are expecting a larger than normal turnout to MWNF in april

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Remember that a reasonably chunk of your countrymen believe that the original version is what actually happens.

I agree, they should be deported instead.

Says the fucking gook.

Niggers shouldn't even be in america.
kill yourself civcuck.

Neither should polacks, but then who would be the butt of every joke?

At least polacks are white, unlike you.

Are you truly India or are you taking the piss out of the poo

Not according to the DOJ. According to them, I'm as white as a snow angel. I also probably have more guns than you.

Oh, you're the kike that posts here. You are still not white.

I post everywhere, because I'm not a caricature of a person like Zig Forumsyps are.
Good for me. I'm still American, I still have more guns than you do, and I'm still eagerly awaiting you authoritarian faggots on both ends of the retard spectrum to enact your Day of the Rope/Bash the Fash so I can show you what the men who built this country wanted you to be afraid of.

LARP-ing on the internet isn't what founding fathers intended, keep trying.

LARPing is all 56% jewmutt faggots can do, lol

I sent that pic to colin noir. He hasn't replied yet

You're a cuck. Peaceful resistance is for cucks. You won't be violent either because of muh PEE ARR.
The US is dead and there's no point trying to save it. Say bye bye to your rights and hello to your new slavery. You may as well kill yourself early while death cab still save you.

Don't be such a cum-guzzling retard. Violence has its place, but suggesting that it's the correct tool for every job and situation is like saying that the US doesn't need a military because you can just nuke anything that threatens you.

Take your own advice.

Blackpills are the most reasonable things to take.
Everything is hopelessly fucked. Besides, if I kill myself, who would pass out the blackpills?

