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Go away Karl.
Fuck off.
-t. karl and ian apologists and fellaters of the BBC
Go back to cuckchan.
< abolitionist
However pants on head retarded John Brown's politics and objectives may have been he was 100 times more true to the spirit of Zig Forums than anyone alive today.
while true, John Brown is just the OG virtue signaling liberal who loves brown people because he never had to live around them.
nah, thatshit long predates him. the transcendantalists were nigger loving scum. heres wordsworths "the slaves dream"
wewuzzry almost two centuries ago
he's a communist who denies the genocide in SA.
Wow i'm so cool.
While true, it's also true.
It's only a matter of time till someone finds a video on one of these degenerate porn sites of either Karl the Cuck or Cuck Jesus's significant other getting drilled by some nigger.
Who here doesn't hate these fags? Fuck off retard
Everyone who's not you, the obvious shill trying to create a false consensus. As always.
return to 4chan please
Hating COLORED "PEOPLE" is just common sense
You might HURRRRRR less if you took that cock out of your mouth.
If you have watched their 'race war' video and still don't hate their guts, then you are objectively a left-wing subhuman parasite.
I wonder how well would their retarded view of
It's more a question of how many they'd receive and if they remembered to clean up downstairs beforehand.
Just report it
Nope, no one likes those faggots. Whether for being anti-white progressive cucks or because of the dogshit they shilled, the hudson 9 or the stg that STILL hasn't been shipped or that weird finnish site, there's no one that likes them on this site.
Lurk at least 3 years, please.
Yet more sliding from underage Zig Forumsniggers. Report and move on.
How did ian and his folks even get involved in this? Did commenters sperg over current year politics related to some conflict in africa that had a gun they were reviewing? Did they go on a tirade about race issues when talking about some specific gun, and if so, why did they mention it at all?
All of this seems so avoidable but it blew out of proportion anyway. Why talk about politics in a video about a fucking gun?
What's with all these newfags who missed the last ten fucking Ian & Karl threads? tl;dr forgotten weapons as a gun video channel is ok, InRange in unbearable because Karl is a literal, actual leftist satanist & Ian tries his hardest to suck his cock
Friendly reminder that Ian and Karl will be, and must be, hanged or crucified for their leftist cocksucking and hatred of their own kind.
The faggots did it themselves, Carl Cuckington III can't keep his libshit signalling mouth shut, is a "satanist" read liberalism made a religion, and a fucking furry.
Ian being a gutless pansy goes along with whatever bullshit he gets fed, to the point of badmouthing Rhodesia and Apartheid South Africa, when confronted with evidence that both states were better for niggers than the nigger run shitholes they now are and that niggers were actively killing the white south africans who feed them and giving their farms to other niggers who in nigger fashion find it impossible to grow weeds he pitched a fit.
t. MAGApede who doesn't know what Satanism is
It's radical individualism and libertarianism, which, even without the worship of Elohim's court prosecutor, is an inherently Jewish doctrine.
Jews play both sides, my American friend.
Divide your enemies and unite your kin. That's Sun Tzu 101.
Does this mean communism is the one true path for the white man? Seems like it. Let's collectivize industry, famalamo.
Your new is showing, commie newfag.
Probably on trannypol complaining how evil and racist Zig Forums is. As if that matters, Zig Forums is a literal shithole now.
What? I remember all the others, but a furry?
You also have no idea what libertarianism, you fucking idiot. Stop posting botched infographs like a braindead Q-LARPer and go back to your containment board.
He is at the very least, retarded and probably nogunz as well
Well, I guess that's good on me. Lynching is a barbaric act. Sorry, bruv, but just because you make your communism based around race doesn't make it not communism. It's right in the name: national socialism, and as we all know, all socialism leads to communism.
Not a lolberg.
Not a lolberg.
Wrote an entire article about how much he hates Jews because most of them are communists.
Good job, retard, you've discovered that kikes love money. Every economic theory in existence, including whatever variant of developmentalism that you follow, has a Jew or two involved somewhere. Therefore, it's not a good attack of any philosophy, because the same attack can be used on all philosophies.
Goebbels himself pointed this out, and Hitler wrote about how much he admired Marx, not to mention the fact Hitler got his beliefs from commie sympathisers the government paid him to spy on. Hitler spoke publicly about how good communism was until one day doing a total 180 and betraying the Soviets who had been his political ally. Zig Forumsfags memory hole this by default. The only difference is NatSoc is nationalist instead of globalist, but that changes nothing to make it actually more functional economically or governmentally.
How many buzzwords can you fit into one post? You replied to a post specifically mentioning Rand by name, and now you're pretending Rand was never a topic in the conversation. You deliberately ignore what is being talked about while prattling off past the shoulder of the person you're replying to. Do you think people are too retarded to scroll up and notice your habits? The attempt at disruption is painfully obvious. You are only here to slide and sling shit, and therefore, your (You)s do not deserve effort. Is that clear, you goosestepping mutt?
I never said anything resembling this statement. I never claimed anything, I attacked the very glaring flaws in your argument, which you then ignored and rephrased your words in the hopes that I wouldn't notice. The entire rest of your post is meaningless damage control and sperging.
You can do that without extrajudicial killings without trial.
So you replaced class with race. It's the same thing.
Obviously not, since the National Socialist party existed.
They're not. I don't have to, for example go and study whatever the government tells me, nor do I have to join the Trump youth or any other idiotic things commies like to push for.
Government is a necessary evil. I don't want it in my life and I don't want to sacrifice for people I don't know. So there's your answer. If you oppose niggers and Jews, why do you still live in this society? I mean, this should be intolerable to you. Why not go out and lynch blacks and Jews? Is it maybe because your ideology is for cowards, like all communism? I think so.
I don't care about e-celeb bullshit. Stop bringing up every time your favorite cocksucker does something gay.
The T18 was a Soviet tank developed in the early 1920s. The tanks themselves were fairly useless, with a max speed of just 17km/h and a range of less than 50 kilometers, they lacked almost any ability to move. They also only had a 35hp engine, making them extremely underpowered for their 6 tonns of weight. No room for the crew, absolute shite visibility, and a lack of anything that could be called armour didn't make it shine in any aspect. It's an all around terrible vehicle with no use on any battlefield. It was a death sentence to drive one in a fight.
Never the less: the T18 lead to the development of more advanced soviet tanks.
The number of T18s built by the soviets is unknown, though production seized in 1931 many of these vehicles were retrofited with "better" guns or used as self propelled artillery. It actually saw a lot of combat and it's under-representation in all WWII media is saddening. Despite being shit, it's a fucking cute tonk, and lead to the development of the more advanced T34 series and other soviet designs.
If that was true you wouldn't be dismissing the Austrian school by virtue of "hurr, kikes."
There's nothing in libertarianism that calls for an "atomized populace" you retard. Hoppe in particular was very fond of traditionalist social order and most libertarians are as well.
God damn, you really are misinformed on your meme ideology.
The Kraut has a good idea for once.
The Pz. 61 was a Swiss MBT, developed in the 50s when the Korean War made it impossible for the Swiss to buy excess tanks from other Euro countries. It wasn't exceptional in any one area, but I like it because I'm a Swissboo.
>Ultimately we shall live to see the kingdom of freedom, honour and social justice. Long live Germany!
His entire thing was da ebil bourgeoisie oppressing muh volk(kraut for proletariat).
>publicised industries Learn English kek.
First off, they didn't run any industries they had public private partnerships where they gave certain private industries the right to run government programmes, and as such made certain military and major infrastructure development easier, a brilliant strategy, and not in any way socialistic, socialism is the redistribution of wealth, and the cooperation between a government and a corporation is as far away from wealth redistribution as one can come.
So blacks don't get sent to prison for murder? Where is your source for that?
It's not. Hitler was just mad that Jews ran the economy. What makes you think they won't run the state too?
No, there are many things the government can't do. I don't have to join the Obama/Trump youth. I don't have to be a party member and I can call the president a faggot if I want. You couldn't well do that to Hitler. I'd say freedom of speech is pretty essential.
Nope, he's clearly talking about the Marxist concept of surplus value, dipshit. Hitler expanded the welfare state as he believed in social justice for the German people.
Don't respond to them, they're just trolls, they're not arguing in good faith.
Notice how these D&C, goalpostmoving Strawmanning cucks showed up in this thread to protect niggers from criticism?
Especially to interracial tranny porn being distributed.
Freedom of speech means freedom of speech. Once you start policing it, it doesn't end. This is the price of freedom, but there is a solution. Don't watch that shit. It's gross anyway.
Did you know that I'm really not interested in that shit? Why are you still watching interracial porn, Strelok? Do you like big black dicks? I mean, that's your choice. Weird, but your choice.
I've noticed that literally nobody has more cuck porn downloaded than nu/pol/. Coincidence? I think not.
Keep trying laddy, all you're doing it making yourself look retarded
Obscenity has always been recognized as speech that isn't protected by the 1st amendment up until very recently. Freedom of Speech means Freedom of Speech, not freedom to create porn or at least that was the thinking until jews fucked everything up as always.
It's a hypocritical definition for people that want to censor speech but don't want to admit it. If you think I'm wrong, give me a formal definition of the term where it can be universally applied. If not, then admit that obscenity laws are anti-free speech.
If you're claiming the Jews came up with the concept of free speech as we know it today, then you're tacitly saying that a) you don't believe in free speech, and b) that the Jews are literally better than you in this area.
Running around nude on your private property is against the law. Plastering hardcore porn on adspace is against the law. Obscenities laws exist and are defined you braindead jungle ape
Not how echoes are used, and also not even how 'gevalt' is pronounced. Who's paying you?
Yeah, but that only works if you watch it. And if porn demoralizes you, you have more problems. It's porn, user. It's not fucking real. Do you think I feel inadequate that I don't have a tentacle dick that can (lovingly) rape lolis? Fuck no.
I mean, that's the only way it can affect you. Just don't look.
Yeah, I like being free and not being mad about shit that I don't even watch.
lol, dipshit
It's not. I do it all the time, m8.
It shouldn't be.
I know the laws exist, but that's not what I asked you. I asked you to give me a formal definition. If the legal definition is good, then why didn't you just copy and paste? Hint: It's probably because you know how shit it is and how it may apply to things you like too.
Miller v California, are you that ignorant to freedom of speech case law?
1.whether the average person, applying contemporary "community standards", would find that the work, taken as a whole, appeals to the prurient interest;
2.whether the work depicts or describes, in an offensive way, sexual conduct or excretory functions, as specifically defined by applicable state law (the syllabus of the case mentions only sexual conduct, but excretory functions are explicitly mentioned on page 25 of the majority opinion); and
3.whether the work, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value.
Don't know where you extrapolated that, I think you just pulled that out of your ass to try to corner me with that false dichotomy at the end, very sneaky. No, the jew perverted the original intent of the 1st amendment to use the rules of that we abide by against us.
remember when your fellow tried to say that libertarianism isn't degenerate?
That's not a formal definition, let me illustrate why:
Oops, gonna have to define that.
Now you have to define that too.
Again, how would you even know? Tile fucker thinks tiles are sexual, and many people think non-sexual stuff is sexual. But let's keep going
Define offensive.
Define sexual conduct. Is licking tiles a sexual conduct?
So not universally applicable, then?
Define serious.
Define any of these. I can think of plenty of porn that has shit like this in it. Is Who's Nailin' Paylin? protected free speech? What if an interracial porn artist says it's a protest against the white man? Is now protected? Or what if people decide that dressing up like a Nazi is fetishism and ban depictions of them based on this sense? Why not ban political speech? If the rule is based on offense, then why not things that offend us other than sexual acts?
Your definition is vague and without value. The only solution is to not restrict free speech at all.
Post yfw Zig Forums is a libertarian board and no dishonest faggot can change that.
Remember when libertarians said that you can do whatever you want on your property? Don't be degenerate if you don't want to be. You have now started to advocate for "Stop liking what I don't like: the political ideology". Just don't look, retard. Stop being a fucking snowflake.
Post yfw /freech/ tries to claim Zig Forums is /freech/ but gets blown the fuck out.