In celebration of Easter - Behold, The Man!

This 3D “carbon copy” of Jesus was created using the Shroud of Turin

"We believe that we have the precise image of what Jesus looked like on this earth," said Professor Giulio Fanti of the University of Padua.

"This statue is the three-dimensional representation in actual size of the Man of the Shroud, created following the precise measurements taken from the cloth in which the body of Christ was wrapped after the crucifixion,” explains Giulio Fanti, teacher of mechanical and thermal measurements at the University of Padua, who studies the Shroud. Based on his measurements, the professor has created a “carbon copy” in 3D which, he claims, allows him to affirm that these are the true features of the crucified Christ.

“Therefore, we believe that we finally have the precise image of what Jesus looked like on this earth. From now on, He may no longer be depicted without taking this work into account.” The professor granted exclusive coverage of his work to the weekly periodical Chi, to which he revealed: “According to our studies, Jesus was a man of extraordinary beauty. Long-limbed, but very robust, he was nearly 5 ft. 11 in. tall, whereas the average height at the time was around 5 ft. 5 in. And he had a regal and majestic expression.” (Vatican Insider)

Through the study and three-dimensional projection of the figure, Fanti was also able to count the numerous wounds on the body of the man of the Shroud:

“On the Shroud,” the professor explains, “I counted 370 wounds from the flagellation, without taking into account the wounds on his sides, which the Shroud doesn’t show because it only enveloped the back and front of the body. We can therefore hypothesize a total of at least 600 blows. In addition, the three-dimensional reconstruction has made it possible to discover that at the moment of his death, the man of the Shroud sagged down towards the right, because his right shoulder was dislocated so seriously as to injure the nerves.” (Il Mattino di Padova)

The questions surrounding the mystery of the Shroud are still intact; certainly, in that tortured man we see the signs of suffering in which we find also a piece of each one of ourselves, but also—seen by the eyes of faith—hope that this man was not just anyone, but the Man par excellence, that “Behold the Man” who appeared docilely before Pilate and who, after the terrible flagellation, was raised up on the cross as an innocent man; not only innocent, but taking upon himself the guilt of all people. While belief in the Shroud is not obligatory, even for Christians, the exceptionality of that piece of linen remains there to challenge our understanding and our certainties, almost like a certain Jesus of Nazareth, who challenged our certainties by loving his persecutors, forgiving them from the cross, and conquering death, 2,000 years ago …

Attached: Man of Shroud.jpg (620x310 63.19 KB, 76.89K)

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He looks very white.

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Literally our Lord.

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That ain't Jesus, the shroud is a fraud

It isn't. The coins on the eye and injuries match

You forgot this pic.

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Even as a protestant, who doubts the authenticity of the shroud, I have to say that this is a beautiful sculpture.


The only test that ever cast doubt was the carbon dating test, and it's been conclusively determined the sample was contaminated with cotton from a much more recent repair.

Shroud is legit

You don't have to be a Roman Catholic to believe the Shroud of Turin is legit. Here's some arguments that point to the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin.

Cool image. Is it graven?

For you and all who have doubts

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But Zig Forums said Jesus wasn’t white because Jews and varg said so.

Das Rite!

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14 Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him?

Also why isn't he laying flat?

Besides a) that's not a long hair. Long hair starts beneath shoulders. b) Nazirite. Ever heard of? c) Paul himself kept long hair for a time because his vow (Acts 18) and Christ also had vows (Psalm 114/115).
Rigor mortis

The bronze cast looks better.

Attached: bronze man of the shroud.jpg (1280x720, 99.33K)

Says who? And that does go to the shoulders

Christ wasn't a nazarite. Nazarites couldn't have wine or touch dead bodies

I'm not reading the while chapter just shiw ne the verse

I am the LORD: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images.

To the shoulders=/=past the shoulders.

Historians and cosmetologist.
I am not saying that he was. I am saying that long hair can be acceptable like in case of devotion.
Biblealonism - where verses alone matters.
But Paul, when he had stayed yet many days, taking his leave of the brethren, sailed thence into Syria (and with him Priscilla and Aquila), having shorn his head in Cenchrae: for he had a vow.
And about Christ.
I will pay my vows to the Lord in the sight of all his people (And yes, this is messianic psalm. Read it.)

A body thou hast fitted to me.
He that seeth me seeth the Father also.
If Christ was not wanted to be seen, he would not come with a body. If he was not wanted to be seen, he would not make this icon.

But it's cast?

The reason for the graven image commandment was because, at the time, idol worshippers believed they could actually bring their gods down and be presently literally in their statues. The commandment is basically saying "I cannot be tamed. You cannot put me in your back pocket."

Well there were people back then with actual shirt hair

And it was still shamful when you see someone like that

The Bible says abunch if times to not make graven images

It's still then bronze and a graven image

But if it's cast it's not graven

How is it not?

Protestants are a baja blast.

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And there are people with actual shirt hair today too. John Paul II was one if I remember it right.

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graven (adj.)
"sculpted, carved," late 14c., past-participle adjective from grave (v.) + -en (1).

You do know what cast is?


No, that wasn't implied at all. Where did you get that?

I understand that, I just haven't been persuaded of it, and haven't seen it as important enough to look into it more deeply.
I'll check out the vid tho.

All of you arguing about whether it's sculpted vs. carved vs. cast needs to be prayed for.

Doesn't matter.

If you create it out of respectful and cautious curiosity or for historical understanding then it should be okay (like recreating the tomb, the ark, etc.). If you create it TO WORSHIP IT and pray to it as if it is God and stuff little prayer requests in his fingers, then it's a sin. God doesn't play that game. (Catholics, I'm looking in your direction).

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I'm a prodtard and I think the shroud is legit. There is a lot of very good information on it. If it isn't authentic, then it's the greatest forgery of all time and the work of an incomprehensibly brilliant artist. There's probably all sorts of good stuff in the Vatican archive that's legit. Just we have our differences doesn't mean everything they have is crap.

Vatican archive is a mess of mostly bureaucratic records. We have found Codex Vaticanus by accident for no one even knew/remembered that it was here. I wish that somone could digitalise and dig through it.

Noone does argue about it. Noone does pray to it ethier. You have poor understanding of iconography.

The first ever documented owner of the shroud, Knight Geoffroi de Charny got it from crusades or travel probable and he never wrote much about the turin, he considered it to be an icon and no where he considers it to be an artifact, it is his son,Geoffroi II de Charny
who after the death of his father claimed the Shroud to be an artifact along with a Catholic Priest.
They even used the shroud to earn money by selling indulgence in the forms of medals and replica

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Whether the shroud is authentic or not.
Whether the image is graven or not.

All arguments aside, that is a really nice statue.

Hymn of the Pearl from thrid century states
Suddenly, I saw my image on my garment like in a mirror
Myself and myself through myself [or myself facing outward and inward]
As though divided, yet one likeness
Two images: but one likeness of the King [of kings in some translations]

Mozarabic Rite, used in sixth century Spain "Peter ran with John to the tomb and saw the recent imprints of the dead and risen man on the linens."

Pope Stephen II in eight century wrote "spread out his entire body on a linen cloth that was white as snow. On this cloth, marvelous as it is to see . . . the glorious image of the Lord's face, and the length of his entire and most noble body, has been divinely transferred."

And during sack of Constantinople Robert de Clari said: "Where there was the Shroud in which our Lord had been wrapped, which every Friday was raised upright so one could see the figure of our Lord on it. And none knows - neither Greek nor Frank - what became of that shroud when the city was taken."
Year later Theodore Angelos, a brother of Michael I Komnenos Doukas, to Pope Innocent III "The Venetians partitioned the treasures of gold, silver, and ivory while the French did the same with the relics of the saints and the most sacred of all, the linen in which our Lord Jesus Christ was wrapped after his death and before the resurrection. We know that the sacred objects are preserved by their predators in Venice, in France, and in other places, the sacred linen in Athens."

And in honor of Calvinposting

Why would "Vatican Insider" say this? We don't really know much about what Jesus looked like, except that he wasn't iconic enough to be immediately singled out among the apostles.

But we know that. We have his shroud with his likeness upon it. Beside, Psalm 44 DRA
I speak my works to the king: Thou art beautiful above the sons of men, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever