It comes with a new meme caliber as well.
It comes with a new meme caliber as well.
So on a scale of 1 to horrible, how shit is it?
Also, what is it with faggots always trying to use one round/rifle for literally EVERY task. Just giving everyone a DMR/LMG/Assault rifle in the same round seems like a horrible solution to fix your fucked up logistics.
We've already had thread about this. 6.5 is good, cased telescopic is questionable the project itself seems like a big money sink, probably not up to the point of 5.56 but still big enough to be a shitshow of m855 levels.
LSAT is a cool gun. As a SAW virtuoso, I can safely say that at times I wished it was lighter. Many people will tell you that the M240 is a better weapon (true), and that the M240 is more reliable (true), and that the M249 is an unreliable piece of shit (definitely true), but if you're good at what you do and you carry a gallon of CLP, you can make that baby sing.
Now, being the Michelangelo of machine guns that I am, I can appreciate a good tool when I see one. It's lighter, has a bigger round, and might at least not be a piece of shit Belgian monstrosity that jams harder than I jammed my dick into a Philippine midget in 2011. Now, I don't know about the rest of the crap listed there, but LSAT looks cool and is actually a SAW, unlike the fucking M27 POS that has a sustained fire rate of 36.
Lies, all lies. A good gunner can put lead on target at 600m no problem and it scares the shit out of anyone close by. This is why the Marines fielded the M27 along with the M249, because they don't actually intend to replace the M249, but are doing it as a backdoor to getting a new rifle.
Now, the LSAT has more than a few versions, one conventional, one telescoped, and a caseless version. Personally, I'd be happy with just the conventional, but if the other shit works, then it works.
A AT-15 shooing 6.5 equal new rifle?
Caseless version?
It's just from what I read about it. I don't think it even exists yet.
But it's a nice weight savings. The SAW right now weighs 17lbs empty. Fuck that. LSAT is said to be more accurate and retains the sustained ROF that the M249 has. Shit's legit.
Shits less developed than the G11 was, and that got canceled after a production run of only 1000.
This will not go anywhere because at the end of the day the higher-ups either don't care about the weight the average grunt is carrying, or they're looking to pile on more shit.
No one is talking caseless, caseless is stupid german autism.
CT is case-telescoped, which is the proper modern solution to anything kinetic.
Add 6.5/6.8 projectile and a fucking hinged stock, some parts in carbon fibers and it can only be a mile better than pretty much everything NATO fields.
Using CT you could have basically a M4 size/weight gun with 30 rounds firing something ballisticly similar to a 6.5 mememoor, put a barrel made of modern steel (and not the junk they dare sell as "high end" barrel which is on the lower end of cheap 20XX metallurgy) a good modern glass and you will be gunning down shitheads from 0 to 1000 in full-auto one hand on your dick.
This is quite surprising, I fully except this to NEVER actually get out of limited adoption.
We all know we can't have nice things.
If it's anything like M855A1, it will penetrate better, but not better enough to actually make it through a plate.
That's a lot of money to spend on giving the enemy bigger bruises.
If you take a mememoor velocity and give it a tungsten or even steel core I'm pretty sure even a level IV armor plate isn't gonna like it for very long.
Also there fucking retards that plate is a Russian level 6a plate. It's NOT shit regular soldiers are wearing, it's meant to stop multiple shots of 7.62x54R API with less than 3mm back deformation, it's heavy as hell hybrid ceramic/metal plate meant to be worn INSIDE a Russian not-kevlar vest and only for assault sappers/entry teams, that are basically liable to be hit with PKM bursts.
Most cold war APCs have less side-armor than that, a real test would be to see how the whole thing handles a .50bmg ball…
Also has a sidenote it's obvious renowned Russian gear expert Karl KucKsada knows not what he talks about (same as Ian 1/2 the time), serial numbers are always filled off Russian shit if it's actually new and extras sold as commercial products because those are used as stock entry numbers down the line in the Russian army to keep track of them.
It's to prevent the opposite, replacing military gear with commercial grade shit that (at least back in the days) was typically shit that failed QC and was a popular activity in the 90's (and before).
Shit with serials is what is stolen/destocked from the Russian army or just isn't an actual military product and just commercial gear (which is 99% of it, did you know Russia is a capitalist country?).
Logisticsfags on suicide watch.
That russian level 4 armor is rated for 5.45 steel core ammunition.
It's like shooting AR500 level III+ plates with 5.56 and be amazed that it holds up. Also, them making any sort of judgment on the velocity of the round base on TWO SHOTS makes me fucking angry. Well, it wouldn't be inRangeTV without farcical claims.
How the hell did any of them survive the Span-Am war?
Jews doing damage control for ammunition that can’t be controlled and doesn’t damage
It's not the rating is 305249 ТУ (.[suffix] is either the shape of the plates or the type of backing I'm not 100% sure), that's level 6a meaning it's tested against 10 rounds of 7.62x54R API (7-BZ-3) at 15 meters.
Level 3 Russian is rated for steel core 5.45.
Level 4 Russian is rated against hardened steel penetrator 5.45 (current standard round which is an AP round even if they have much meaner tungsten carbide BS ones. When the things go through 16mm of hardened steel at 100m it's fair to call them that).
Okay, thank you Karl "Ian's fat mate" Kasarda
So you niggers actually think M855A1 is a good idea? Why?
It's just a waste of money on (((green))) ammunition, the round itself doesn't provide any real world benefit for the soldiers over M855, or even M193 for that matter, it just costs more and wears out the firearm faster, for no fucking benefit, it doesn't penetrate any armor that the M855 wouldn't, and it doesn't cause more wounding than the M855, and most certainly not more than the M193.
It's just gay faggot shit that will cost a fuckton of money for absolutely no improvement in individual soldier combat ability.
The fuck does that come from? I was talking about how stupid it is to test ammunition against armor thats made to stop said ammunition and be surprised that, indeed, the armor held up. I don't even understand why the fuck would you need "green" ammo to begin with (implying they "needed" green ammo).
I didn't comment on it being worthwhile because I think that it's just another US taxpayer moneysink like the F-35 and God knows how many other projects.
Were the fuck did I write that?
It just that posting "a proof" m855a1 sucks by having it shot at something that is rated against, much much much worse is completely retarded which is why I expect from Carl.
Doesn't mean it doesn't suck it just mean Carl is a retard which had long since been proven by his "let's pour liquid sand into guns and see what happens", to simply refuse to admit that a AK with most of the countless malfunction you can have on a gun is gonna resume shooting instantly by just cycling the bolt and looking at what is wrong, when on a AR the most basic malfunction (double feed) can very easily lead to the rifle having to go to a workshop, add the really shitty "disposable" aluminum magazines (that cause double feed ALL THE TIME) and in a fucking war it's obvious the AK is the rifle that won't have constant issues because even the most illiterate sub-saharian nog can figure out what is wrong with it, while the AR is hwite men magic that only highly trained people can make work through voodoo dance rituals.
I'm no AR fanboy, but don't go saying shit that doesn't make sense. You can clear a doublefeed with a basic malfunction drill, at worst you'll need to mortar the rifle a few times to get a stuck casing out. The gun "having to go to a workshop" in an exceptional circumstance is certainly possible, but not at all a common occurrence.
The only reason why m855a1 is called "superior" to the standard m855 is due to the supposed improvement in penetration capabilities, the test actually proves that it does not provide superior penetration to a degree where it can be considered relevant as to the individual soldiers combat capabilities, and as such it is completely retarded to adopt it as a round, they would be better off if they simply created a 55 grain solid copper bullet that had some of the superior exterior ballistics that can be afforded to lower density of copper, and as such they could have created a "green" round that also has superior penetration than a standard led bullet, and superior speed and therefore longer range than the standard m855.
Is that what you call basic.
-Id that the trigger is weird.
-check the magazine.
-rack the bolt (makes it worse).
-Id that the bolt is weird.
-Remove the mag.
-pull the bolt fully open.
-Shake the thing.
-Put you finger up the mag well to check the mashed up cartridge have actually fallen.
-They haven't.
-Attempt to pry them loose, with your finger that can't actually properly reach in there.
-take off your gloves.
-Attempt again.
-Pull out your multitool.
-Attempt again.
-Rack the bolt.
-Put in a new mag as the mag has 80% chance to be responsible.
-Close the bolt.
-Resume firing.
That's your BASIC drill.
Have fun doing that when people are shooting at you.
Under pressure people will just do:
-Rack the slide (makes the problem worse).
-Pull the trigger.
-Push the fucking button (makes the problem worse).
-Pull the trigger.
-Repeat until something actually brakes.
Now let's see what is the AK drill in such situation:
-no bang
-rack the bolt
-90% of the time due to the tolerance on the gun this is gonna be enough to eject both rounds as a third one want to gets in there.
-Hold the bolt open (you have to it's an AK it doesn't lock) and look.
-Shake the thing so that whatever is jammed gets out.
-Resume firing.
Worse case scenario you can just take apart the whole bolt assembly in literally 3 seconds, clear whatever problem there is an put it back just as fast.
That's what a reliable design is, the fact that you can't easily access with your hands the place they need to go for most malfunction to be cleared is not a reliable design.
And it's 100% the design of the gun. That's literally what the designer has to think about. An AR design is "let's reduce malfunctions", which is fine but the better idea should have been "when there are malfunctions, it should easy to fix" which the AK is the embodiment.
Barrier penetration.
Find me one official document that say it's supposed to be better at armor penetration, I'll wait. If there is any, which I doubt, I'm willing to bet it says "soft body armor" specifically which doesn't stop regular AR rounds in the first place except maybe at a stupid range…
I'll completely agree with you, I'm on the "we should have never strayed away from M193 w/ 20" barrel for 5.56" team to begin with.
Why the fuck hasn't Beretta made a modernized composite version with a striker yet? It's such a sweetheart of a gun. The APX is such a letdown by comparison.
Polymers would make the gun weaker and reduce its service life, making it a worse piece for military use.
Why would they change something that would offer no benefit to the gun's function and make it more expensive to manufacture? Oh wait, it's the military. They love burning money.
they made this the army didn't want it
Because the army is full of mentally retarded niggerfaggots.
The US Army should go back to a modernized BAR. Weapon is more reliable than all the small arms currently issued. Also, with the advent of modern IV armor, 5.56 is useless. Might as well be shooting a .22lr.
It would have cross-section like M885A1 but would be 125 grains at 3500 FPS and would have cores made from tungsten carbide. So it would be complexity different beast when it comes to penetration.
It penetrates AR500 hillbillies armors and probably B23 Russian vest which is still in stocks.
But main improvements of M885A1 that it doesn't relies on tumbling, has reliable terminal effects unlike M885 and with very early upset does more damage to limbs.
Russians changed standarts in 2013.
Pre 2013 levels are named 1-6.
Post 2013 levels are named Br1-Br6 (adopted gay EU naming).
this is rated by pre 2013 standart.
Can't keep up that volume of fire, and you have no idea what you're talking about regarding 5.56. You might as well say that anything short of 30-06 AP is useless.
Pic related, what the Army should have gotten.
A basic 5.56x45 can't pierce IV armor idiot. I'm not talking about the bulky piece of machinery from WW2 either. There are modernized, faster running BARs. I'm simply talking about the mechanics of the gun. Also besides that, I don't know many infantrymen that actually run their M4s full auto. I know I didn't myself.
Lying again, you shitskin inbred waste? Russia changed standards from older ones to a new classification from 1st of July 2014 and is a standard independent from any of EU ones.
Level IV (NIJ) plate literally designated to stop 30-06 AP.
Also for everyone who says that rifle plate makes 5.56 useless i suggests following test (Ian and Karl are welcome)
1. Wear the plate of your choice.
2. Stand on the shooting range 100 yards line.
3. Ask somebody to magdump you with 5.56 of hand.
4. Post video on youtube.
5 …?
6 Profit!
It doesn't have to, dipshit.
It's clear you don't grasp the reason why a BAR is an outdated concept.
Please tell me how rising bolt lock magazine-fed rifle would be better than a modern piston-operated belt-fed machine gun.
We're talking about a SAW. I know 11Bs get the reputation for not knowing how to fucking read, but even I can stay on topic.
Yes it is, you dipshit. You could see it yourself on Russian wikipedia if you could read.
Detecting some mad stolen valor from this post, lol.
Yeah, the original m855 and even m193 did this as well.
You mean like mk318 and m193? Yeah, m855a1 is fucking retarded as a solution, it's a shitty ammo and has been shoehorned in because they wanted a (((green))) ammunition to field, not because it's so fucking great, it isn't.
Dude, she was 13. Just accept it.
Doesn't go through steel level III, m193 doesn't go through polythene level III. B23 is rated against both M855 and m193. M885A1 vs B23 would be really interesting unlike what Ian and Karl did.
You mean like the round that doesn't penetrates any rifle plates and costs a ton more than M885A? :^)
Is tumbling round. Unreliable due to fleet yaw.
No, it's not. Here's your basic drill.
Note, as well, that half of this drill is irrelevant if you tilt your weapon to the side beforehand to see if you can tell what kind of stoppage you're dealing with.
This is what is being taught nowadays. SPORTS usually makes shit worse if it's a real problem.
When did this become common parlance? It's "tap, rack, bang". This faggoty acronym sounds like some stupid REMF shit some West Point asshole came up with. For reference, 2008-2012 1/4 A Co.
And here comes the question, what kind of armor does the enemies that the US army is facing use?
Either it's goatfuckers, with basically nothing, or it would potentially be Russians, or other competent forces, and such competent forces would have access to and field level IV body armor, in which case M855A1 is completely useless and there is no reason to field it over m855 or m193, however, in the standard conflicts in which the US military actually is engaged they use no body armor which can stop any rifle bullets, and as such fielding M855A1 is a complete waste of time and money, and the fact that it wears out the operating parts of the firearm at a ridiculous rate makes it a massive waste of time and effort, as well as weighing down the armorers with a needless level of maintenance duties, such as replacing bolts and barrels, which itself is a problem since the US government purchases worthless out of spec shit to use as replacement parts, hence endangering the lives of frontline troops. M855A1 is actually going to get more soldiers killed than saved due to the retarded system by which the government has decided to implement its adoption.
M855A1 should at best be a round used in highly special situations by specialist operators, and is not suitable for front line standard issue.
Neither does the M855A1
It is superior to M855A1 in the fact that it doesn't wear stress the operating parts of the rifle, which means that the soldiers weapon is going to be more reliable, less likely to fail in use, and is going to be more accurate by comparison to the M855A1.
Incorrect, fleet yaw is more relevant to M855 than it is to M193, M193 is as a round designed in a far more forgiving way, fleet yaw does not affect the performance of M193 to any relevant degree.
Ever since it was put into the manual…in like the 60s. Tap, rack, bang is usually what it devolved into because the forward assist is worthless, and I've personally always advised guys to forget that shit and actually look at the weapon.
Ah, that's why. I'm not one of the few and proud. I'm just an Army faggot. My best buddy was a Marine and he never stopped giving me shit for wanting to learn shit from him. He was high-speed for any service, though.
Br ratings has always existed and are for armor plating/glass/etc.
Current Br 6 is the rating to stop modern 12.7x108mm API bullets out of an OSV-96 at 50m.
First of yes asking fro penetration of armor from intermediate caliber is too much. Ceramics are widespread and steel core ammo (including 7.62 rfiles) can't do a shit against it.
Second enemies of US hillbillies use Ar500. Non US hillbillies can use steel plates (Ukrainians do) etc. Russians have stocks of steel plated B23.
Third this all doesn't matter much as armor doesn't covers much.
It goes through level III plates.
So ammo cost is not problem now huh? :^) When marines spend 70 cents on ammo that doesn't penetrates plates its ok?
US studies says that all types of ammo affected.
This problem becomes even worse with long range shots as yaw angle becomes very small past 100-200 yards. But how many m193 advocates did actually test m193 against gel target at this range? With real shot not simulated by reduced muzzle velocity? Huh? All hillbillies tests are close range shots.
Also limbs shots. No tumbling round upsets fast enough to reliably fuck up limbs with every hit.
P.S. before you say something about M885A1 tets. How it behaves is educated speculation on my part. Its military thoughtful test are classified. Fun fact: fist M855A1 gel shots on the net were purged by men in black.
So the only thing you do is talking out of your ass. Who would have guessed.
Oh yeah, "secret documents information", of fucking course. Next time ask your black daddy to make up a better bullshit, this one is even more stupid than admitting you don't know shit and just shilling.
Good, there you admit that the M855A1 is useless garbage against any actual military force.
And standard M855 or M193 will go straight through that shit.
As does standard armor penetrating rounds, and they do so without being loaded to proof load pressures, and as such are superior,
I never said it was you fucking retard, try to respond to the actual argument I presented instead, you worthless fuckwit.
i never seen anyone besides US mil testing fleet yaw effects.
Yeah, that doesn't answer the question, and your inability to provide proof of your assertions is actually a sign that you are unable to actually substantiate any claim that you make, and therefore that nothing you have said has had any truth behind it, and that you infact are some kind of turbo-autistic internet NEET who wants to suck the cock of the US military and their retarded faggot environmentalism.
That would be retarded, but if I had to choose; I'd rather have a .223 mag dumped on me than a .308 or 30-06.
A BAR can be altered to be belt fed. Look up Wiley T. Moore's design. I'd rather use a full size cartridge, or at least a .308, in a squad automatic weapon all day over an intermediate round; especially when the gun has a bipod. I always preferred the 240 to the 249 for any role except building clearing (which I never did), and if you are clearing a building why bring a heaving bulky 249 in with you. Nothing was left in a 240's wake. It pulverized any concrete, stone, brick, car, or building it hit. There was no hiding from it. The 249 has a few pros, but to me when weighed against the 240, the cons outweigh the pros. The need for a weapon like the 249 is obsolete to me. A 240 alone can do what it does, plus some.
That's besides the point though. I was more so referring to using bolt lock, mag feed to replace the M16, and M4. It can get dirty, take abuse, and be scaled down to a carbine size. My point still stands though. The .223 cartridge is obsolete with modern armor, just my opinion. I used to joke (even though I really wasn't) that I wanted to trade my M16 for a M14.
Michigan National Guard
B Co 1-125 IN
More work and still no reason why this is a good idea.
Yes, surely a pull-through belt with no top cover is better than what we have now./scarcasm
Then you don't understand the purpose of SAWs and seem to be forgetting that we have gun teams.
What does that even have to do with anything?
There's a role for each. You don't seem to understand the M249 or the M240. One is a SAW, an individual weapon, and the other is an MG, a crew-served weapon that requires a gun team.
Which is why the LSAT program sought to lighten the load and accurize the SAW.
Again, you don't understand either weapon or what it's used for.
There's nothing wrong with the M4. What are you talking about?
It's 5.56, guy, and your opinion is stupid.
How the fuck are you in the infantry if you were issued an M16? Also, you could have had an M14.
Ah, that explains a lot. You're a nasty girl. Look, buddy, I know there are high-speed units and guys all over the NG, and you totally have my respect as a fellow 11B, but you're a fucking ignorant faggot and need to get taught by someone that knows what they're talking about.
Now, I know you're not going to believe me if I just tell you that you have no idea what you're doing, so here's a little exercise to test yourself. Explain what you think the purpose of the M249 is, why it is the way that it is, and what the purpose of the M240 is and why it is the way that it is. As a bonus, ask yourself why might contact drills be the way they are if the enemy generally does not use AP ammo. If you have a hard time coming up with answers, or they don't really mesh, then it's time to understand that you're kind of lost on the issue and need to do more training with someone that can learn you good.
Like the other guy says, most of that shit can be avoided if you actually look into the chamber of the gun before doing anything. And I agree, USGI mags a shit, but if you use a magazine that isn't retarded you'll almost never have a doublefeed.
They're not that bad anymore. Some even have magpul followers. Most malfunctions are user-related.
I left 3 loaded for a few months and took 'em out to the range, they caused malfunctions, my magpul gen 2's didn't.
You'd think after being bullied off of here he wouldn't come back.
Proof that nothing good ever comes out of Saginaw.
They've gotten better, yes, but they still suffer from malleable feedlips, as all aluminum mags do.
Moore's design wouldn't be the end game.
A squad automatic weapon is a single man weapon for laying covering fire from any position. I know what it's for, and what I'm saying is a 240 can perform the exact same role. You don't NEED a weapon team to operate it. Sure the army tells you that, and it's more efficient; but it isn't absolutely necessary.
The 5.56 is what's wrong with the M4. The platform itself is alright I guess; but it isn't my favorite.
Sorry 5.56 not .223 shoot me! .223 can be used in 5.56 platforms, but not the other way around. It's obsolete in my opinion either way. Just wait until we fight the chinks, you'll see. It may work shooting arabs with zero kevlar, but I wouldn't trust it in my primary fighting a proper military.
That's what I received in basic, I ended up receiving a M4 shortly after basic. This was almost ten years ago; but no I couldn't. I asked, it wasn't up to me obviously. The only people I knew who had M14s and M21s were DM and the occasional officer.
Respect to you as well, but all I'm saying is my opinion, and I don't like the 5.56 at all; so, maybe I'm just biased. To me it leaves something to be desired.
I have USGI mags from Vietnam, I've left them loaded for a couple of years, and they didn't give me problems. I have anecdotes too bud.
Using something like invidio or hooknosetube still uses Google's servers, it simply adds an extra layer of tracking on top of that (whoever runs invidio/hooknosetube). At best it's placebo. Now using youtube-dl to grab a webm is a different matter and that's what faggots should do.
Best option is to not link to the cucks in the first place, as if their opinion is worth anything.
Also acceptable. Ian has his positives and negatives and at least has some background in related subjects but inrange is literally just two faggots spouting opinions.
I'm going to pay off my student debt with this shit.;
>They chose 6.5mm instead and put it in a totally not an AR-15 body
American defense industry everyone.
Always with the quality fucking posts…
If nothing else the ponytailed faggot has access to guns that some of us will never see, and to the best of my knowledge there isn't any other content creator that scours the auction houses the way he does.
Pretty much this. As much as it pains me to say, Ian McCuckold at least has some merits even though I don't personally watch his shit anymore. As for Karl the Cuck, I can't think of a reason why people like him.
Karl was, ten years ago, a mainstay in the competitive long range shooting scene. If you search his name online you can find him posting under it on various old and now-defunct forums for hobbyist shooting, handloads, and sniping autism. The guy is a talented marksman. If I remember correctly his specialisation was in benchrest comps. There is no reason for anyone to know or care who he is because his experience is nowhere close to a publicly noteworthy subject, but he does know a thing or two about poking things with a really long stick.
However, take note of the fact that Karl almost never does anything related to this subject on InRange. The only thing he has any expertise in, he avoids doing because he knows it's not a cool or attractive sport to most people, and he's afraid to learn new skills. That's why he adopted the nu-Volk haircut and started pushing for shit like rigged mud tests. He desires to feel as worthwhile on Youtube as he did when he did comp shooting, but he has the awareness to know that won't work, so in order to appeal to what he thinks Streloks are like he produces lowest common denominator shit 90% of the time.
Basically, Karl is stuck in a giant case of 'How do you do, fellow kids' with the shooting community, he's overcompensating for how narrow his skillset is, and in a way he kind of maintains creative control over InRange which is why he often directs the discussion and does things like interrupt or talk over Ian. You can sometimes see visible discomfort in Ian during a video, either because Karl is being a douche to him or Ian is just not interested in the subject matter. There is definitely a difference between Ian's behaviour on that channel and his behaviour on Forgotten Weapons, where because he's allowed to make the videos he wants he's far more expressive and eloquent, as opposed to InRange content that often leaves him afraid to talk for too long because he'll get tread on.
TL;DR: Sniper with an inferiority complex.
That's very sad.
Ian would be better off without Karl around, but I think he sees Karl as his best foot in the door for exploring competition videos and LARPing and other shit, but Ian is a lot nerdier and more genuinely interested in things, and Karl mostly seems to want to do whatever makes the most views. There's a disconnect between their motivations. Honestly? If InRange videos only featured Ian, or had Ian and some other shooter who has similar interests, that channel would be a lot more palatable; sadly, I get the feeling Ian isn't good at socialising and doesn't have many friends who are his age and into guns. I also think Karl could be a more respectable person if he'd just cut the shit and stuck to what he knows.
t. not a psychologist or anything
It's a shame halfchan spergs scared him away from imageboards, if he came across them organically he'd probably find himself in good company.
He denied the genocide in South Africa and laughed it off, really?
I get a lot of this, I'm pretty good with a lot on terminal ballistics, but one day you realize that people who do serious videos on real subjects are small time heroes to the serious people who want to know more while being a commercial and popular failure. One day you realize you have to make shitty hack videos to impress the kids or just accept being a small time expert. You either lack the talent, or like many of us, you simply hate the idea of becoming yet another hack content creator making generic purposeless bullshit, almost always becoming a shill for sponsors in the end to be a commercial success. Or spend many years building a career to have it threatened or destroyed for this or that reason.
People realized that stupid videos, rants, raves, top 10 retard lists, listen to muh opinion, bad content that speaks to viewers, ect., is the key to success. I love Mr. Hickok45, but when people point out its not the most highly informative videos out there they make a point, people enjoy his work, its good PR for gun rights and people like them, but its closer to infotainment than super match grade material. FPSRussia was awful, but successful. One day you must accept that success comes from entertainment, not very high levels of expertise. If you want to make great useful material, don't prepare for success. When people who are good in their subject and stray from it to go on rants, raves, opinions, ect, it makes logical sense, selling out sells.
You are right, someone talking about bench rest shooting isn't going to make any money. One of the shooting sports that has the most expertise, small crowd, big money and well informed serious shooters, people who aren't going to be swayed by marketing bullshit, is bench rest and long range. No money in influence or shilling to this crowd. No big scores of viewers showing up to push the videos up to big money. He latched onto one of the people who was successful by doing formal, well done videos on subject, and is now more known for his asshattery than anything else. Because becoming a personality is recognition and money, being a real expert does not.
To think about it, Ian is one of the few people who has seen high levels of success doing very informative, serious videos. In some ways he is the polar opposite of much of Youtube's gun section.
If he'd found non-kiked fora of discussion earlier in life, he might have never formed such opinions. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to defend ponytail faggot or his cuckold opinions; saying that kind of shit makes him an obnoxious faggot regardless of circumstance. I just see what might have been. Ponytail faggot is a gun autist at heart that has a hard time finding other people to share his autism with, I imagine that describes a lot of people on here.
Gun autist sure, but the bleeding heart cuckoldry is innate in him, in my opinion.
Except you're wrong. The M240 is a far heavier weapon that carries a far heavier round. The basic load for it is massive, and you aren't going to get one man to move that whole thing. Hence, why we have gun teams. If you're suggesting that in addition to the gun team, you have the rest of a fireteam, then you're adding more moving parts to the squad. Let me ask you, have you ever been a SL or PS? Ever been in a gun team? Led a gun team? Shit ain't easy, and adding that much responsibility to a single fireteam leader isn't going to help.
You need one to operate and move it effectively. The thing is a pig, and the ammo isn't much lighter. A single 7.62 bullet weighs more than a 5.56 round. You think you can carry enough ammo on one person, have him carry the gun, and have him mobile enough to replace a SAW? Just who do you think is going to be carrying this shit?
Again, there's nothing wrong with the M4 or 5.56. The only people bitching about it are fudds and tacticool mallninjas.
Somebody should…with 5.56.
Your opinion is stupid and we aren't going to be fighting any chinks or zipperheads. Grandpappy's wars are over. Insurgency and low-intensity conflict is the name of the game.
And yet those same Arabs are able to kill US soldiers wearing the greatest and latest gear. Obviously it isn't because they have superior weapons. It's because you can still be taken out without piercing body armor. Body armor was used during the Iraqi civil war. Do you think they didn't kill anyone who was wearing body armor?
Well, you really should have been more high-speed if you wanted one. :^)
This is a cowardly way to state things. We don't deal in opinions. We deal in facts. Defend your opinion and don't be a bitch.
You have to quantify what that is. Beliefs and maybes are not part of the equation.
Now I'm going to leave an explanation for last, since you know the answer, yet don't grasp it very well.
This is correct, and completely wrong at the same time. Yes, it is used for laying covering fire, but it's more than that in and of itself fixing the enemy requires a high volume of fire, which requires ammo. Guess what, the M249 can have one man carry as much ammo as a gun team, and his team mates usually carry a nutsack or two. In either case, do you really think an enemy gives a shit whether it's a 7.62 or a 5.56 round headed all around him? No. He doesn't want to be hit, period. Within 600m a good SAW gunner can put lead on target no problem, and keep the sustained rate going for any movements you want to make. I don't see how you benefit from a heavier round and a heavier gun. In fact, you can only hinder this process. Unless you're arguing that everything should be a full-power round, and that's even dumber, I don't see where you're getting at. Fixing the enemy, enabling maneuver, and providing covering fire are the real jobs of a gunner, and of course, if opportunity arises, to fuck up a group of faggots headed your way. Shit ain't as simple as they taught you. Go talk to an old M60 gunner. That's who taught me when I was a wee private. SAW gunners, good SAW gunners, are worth their weight in gold. They are always closes to the team leader for a reason. That shit is important, and slowing a guy down with more shit doesn't help.
This. He may be a faggot, but he's a faggot that got access to the Grey Room.
He's a faggot who has a large audience, a faggot no less.
Ian's content appeals to gun nerds, historians, engineers, military scholars, and even just people who want an educational review of firearm designs and how they work. He's looking at publishing a book soon and I really think this is where his wheelhouse is, word-heavy and comprehensive dumps of information. He has a teacher's way of speaking. Like his high tenor voice or don't, it's a genuinely comforting tone that suggests the speaker is trying to be helpful, and I think that alone goes a long way into making his videos easier for a lot of people to watch even if they aren't into guns. Hickok has the same thing, a sort of ASMR-esque grandpa voice. They are much more pleasant to listen to than guys like James Yeager or Jerry Miculek who try way too hard to sound like badasses (and stroke their egos while they're at it), or on the other hand guys like Larry Vickers and nutnfancy who are bad communicators giving bad information and sound bored as shit.
I really think Ian just being a good communicator is a big draw to his show. That, and it has something to gnaw on both for a guy who has never heard of a receiver and a guy who's got twenty years' experience in gunsmithing or collecting. There is just a massive amount of unique content, with a lot of things going on at once, and presented in a way that's information-rich but still easy to digest. To his credit I don't think many people could do Ian's job as well as he does, and that's an observation that is totally separate from any opinions about politics or anything else unrelated to the channel.
Is that a fucking buffer tube stock on a UMP? Why does everybody worship that one specific part of the AR-15, and forcibly modify other guns to allow it to fit? It's one of the worst features of the design.
Sage for double post.
There's a massive aftermarket for buffer tube stocks thanks to the AR market. It might be faggy but the potential to barbiedoll the shit out of all their guns makes it a popular choice.
Fuck me.
You don't need to choose. Stick to 5.56, its "useless" you have nothing to fear. Just do it.
During WW2 the Germans could carry an MG42 into battle with every squad (in ideal conditions, of course), because it was light and manœuverable enough for the job. The rest of the squad was armed with either bolt-action rifles and submachine guns, or assault rifles. During the Cold War the Russians first settled to arm everyone in the squad with assault rifles (with one turned into a light machine gun), because they thought that's enough. Afghanistan proved them wrong, and so they brought down the PKM to the squad level, and it worked well in every conflict they took part in since then, including Syria. So adding a GPMG to a squad worked in the 1940s and works in the 2010s. I don't say that this is the future, but you should consider if the problem is with the idea or with the M240.
No. Post Afghanistan ToEs stayed the same. No PKM in squad. AK-74, RPK-74 and SVD.
Post 2010? Maybe. Tut this is speculation because relevant ToE are classified information.
Russian ToE and what the Russian army actually does in the field, especially small arms/small unit tactics-wise is separated by a giant chasm that basically entirely depends on who is in charge. Russian brigades aren't just meant to be autonomous combat unit, they also have a large administrative autonomy which let them do whatever they want training and equipment-wise as long as they meet metrics in the semester and snap exercises. It's a very old school way of doing things but compared to our red tape bloated armies where most officers are more lawyers than anything else I can't really tell if it's better or worse, it's probably neither.
I've never seen a RPK-74 in the field. Not in chechnya 2, certainly not in daguestan and cie (which fighting is done moslty spetznaz), not in Georgia not in Crimea.
I've seen RPK-47 that are in theory not fielded, lots of AK-74 with RPK-74 mags and PKM/Pechenegs.
I've seen some in the rebellion in the eastern Ukraine and in the naval crews in Crimea during the takeover (which I assume shows up because they don't have enough squad support guns) but as far as I can tell the RPK-74 is never used by the Russian infantry the minute they leaves the parade grounds.
Note that of all the new guns that Kalashnikov has made the only one that got an actual Russian MoD order is the new RPK-16 so there is definitely something going on there.
From what I heard from Russians is that the RPK-74 is loathed with a vengeance (while the 47 is the same but can actually chew through cover decently enough so it's a "less worse" choice) and since they just have enough PKM laying around for the guy that should carry the RPK to just pick one so at least there is a reason for them carrying the extra weight, and the PKM is light enough in the first place for a guy to carry the gun and it's ammo alone (threadly reminder to the SAW defender that a PKM is only 1lb heavier than the original SAW. Yes the M240 is much heavier… but it's possible to make a full size cartridge MG actually light) and they have easy access to extra ammo because platoon MG teams use the same but also the brigade tanks and MTLBs have PKMT so belted 7.62x54R is ubiquitous enough in Russian log companies.
oh boy!
the LSAT is just a technology demonstrator, and everything else is being worked at the same time too
just you wait
also, it was chosen to be 6.8cal instead
RPK always seemed like a bad idea. Saw the same exact concept with the west with heavy barrel battle rifles replacing light machine guns, benefit of universal or near universal parts and similar guns throughout the squad, the dream of returning to a line infantry using all same or similar weapons. There is a good reason why the west dropped those concepts and went with belt fed light machine guns, the MG42/MG3 has been a solid choice for 75 years, other developments with other weapons have shown they can be lugged around and used effectively, as previously stated.
In the end the heavier built, purpose built machine gun is simply superior to a beefed up assault/battle rifle. Nothing like a belt to keep up constant fire on the assault or defense, either. The question about using an assault rifle round or battle rifle round is the bigger issue, MOAR ammo with small rounds, MOAR range and penetration of barrier with big bois. I'm partial to a full size battle rifle round, or perhaps a higher power intermediate if it can produce the long range ballistics. Extra light weight ammo is nice, but the guns job is to kill, and light machine guns are the ones used to breach things and spray enough half accurate fire to hit targets behind cover that can be penetrated, or vehicles, where that bigger round can make a difference.
Fucking idiot. The RPK has a relatively low rate of fire and larger magazines than the AK (a 40 round box magazine or a 75 round drum), giving it superior sustained fire capability, along with a longer, thicker barrel that gives it better accuracy and ballistics at long ranges. More importantly, it is a rather light rifle, and it's meant to be used as a supporting gun for the squad. Russian squads usually include two RPKs and one to two SVDs, and depending on the mission a PK variant may also be dropped in for machine gun duty.
You're trying to compare the RPK to a machine gun, but it is not and never has been a machine gun. It lacks a quick change barrel, belt feeding, and an emplaced variant, and was not designed for this role. It's a shoulder fired automatic rifle. You're also trying to compare it to a battle rifle, but it is not and never has been a battle rifle. It has larger capacity magazines, an intermediate caliber, and was intended to have slow, accurate, deadly suppressing fire, and was not designed for this role. It's a shoulder fired automatic rifle.
Fucking underage retard.
The M27? No, I was speaking of the heavy barrel M14 variant that was going to replace the BAR, heavy barrel FN FAL, those kinds of weapons. A heavier barrel FAL with a 30 round magazine was something considered, in the end is it a real squad support weapon? Such ideas were dropped because, as said, a more purpose built belt fed is superior.
The M27 actually isn't a support rifle of any type, the Marines just called it that to sneak the H&K in the back door from what I've seen. Pure bullshit.
I never said you can fire forever, so I must assume you are the underaged retard, probably autistic who doens't read anything and just strawmans every single human being you stumbles across (I feel sorry for them having to suffer you). The issue is that a machine gun with a belt is more reliable and can keep a sustained rate of burst fire up in a superior way. Belt fed has less reliability problems than higher capacity magazines that can have spring and tension problems, drums are not a great alternative. Belts offer high capacity at high reliability so the gunner can focus on those controlled bursts and keeping his gun ready to cover his squad, not changing out awkward goofy faggot 40 round magazines or fucking around with drums. Its easier to flip open the top of a modern light machine gun than to fuck around with an assault rifle when there are issues from heavy use. During heavy cover fire that swappable barrel does make the modern light machine gun a better choice than the heavy barrel version of the service rifle.
You make the internet a special place, good friend.
The RPK. Is. Not. A replacement for an MG. It is not a light machine gun and is not used in the same way, you goddamn illiterate.