Let's say the United States is invaded, what would be protocol for armed citizen militias? Would the government let them regulate themselves? I'm just wondering. I've been watching YouTube videos all day of people shooting machine guns, and cannons. It made me stop and think. The citizens of the USA alone, probably have as much firepower, if not more, than most country's armed forces. I mean the citizens could make tanks and armored vehicles with an addition of a vintage/legal cannon or machine gun. They can buy all the ingredients for bombs at the store, not to mention simply gunpowder. Everyone drives a vehicle in the USA, with a majority driving trucks, there's millions of pieces of construction equipment that could be used to armor up for improvised tanks with an addition of a cannon or machine gun, millions of privately owned planes and helicopters, millions of privately owned machine guns and cannons (some vintage, but still usable), thousands of privately owned tanks and other military vehicles; and hundreds of millions of ordinary firearms. One man in Colorado owns enough vintage and modern military equipment to arm a whole regiment. So, with all that said, how would civilian militias work if the USA had foreign boots on their soil?
Invasion of the USA
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This does interest me, but I think militias wouldn't be called in unless we were in a severely unfuckable situation. Otherwise we'd have a hard time trying to coordinate strikes between our massive military using combined arms and having to pair that with a bunch of good ol bois who have jack for training and equipment and who now have to avoid getting caught in a crossfire. Or hell, have to avoid being wiped out wholesale by an enemy that managed to invade one of the most powerful countries in the world.
Most would cuck out and either do nothing and bitch or bend over for their new leaders.
Some would join the invaders and spite the US government. Most of these would be raided by feds before they even do anything.
Mainly the US would cuck out because americunts have become spineless cowards who can't fight anything that isn't sandniggers that they themselves equipped and trained.
This is what I was thinking, if the situation did go there, would the government offer training and leadership? If they did, I think a few militia regiments could definitely help; but I do agree, without the correct leadership and coordination they would probably do nothing but get in the way. I just believe the citizens have way too much firepower to not be utilized. Shit, with all the antique field guns floating around, and privately owned planes, a militia could probably have a full armored division, and fast attack air force ready to fight within a couple months. Just think of killdozer with a large gun, and some machine guns on it. I think it would be able to hold it's own with the big boys given the right situation.
I do agree most probably would. They are much too lazy and comfortable to fight for their freedoms; but I know plenty that would. The number of those who wouldn't by far outweigh the ones who would though.
No, it'd declare martial law, take any weapons from its people, and shoot them because lolredflag law it's all domestic terrorists. Then they'd pretend there isn't an invasion and either run away to some island when things get dicey or simply cuck out just so they can keep some power and their disarmed slaves.
I doubt they'd take our weapons. Especially if we had a foreign military on our soil. If they did that, they would be begging for a civil war, on top of the mess that would already be happening. It would guarantee public hangings of government officials.
What said, though probably not that bad. They are more likely to disarm the population then to train and supply it with weapons, though.
Gee, where have I heard this stereotype before? Who are the people who tend to generalize any kind of American militia as uneducated, unarmed hicks?
Actually now that I think about it, the only way to save the US now is to destroy it.
The thing is that 90% of our military are poor to middle class men, who wouldn't do this to their fellow country men. If anything they would take up their arms with the people against the government. They are the ones who fight the wars, fly the helicopters/planes, and drive the vehicles. In my mind this is near impossible. They would be found, and hanged.
Also, I forgot to bring this up. During WW1 the US military passed out surplus 1873 Springfield Trapdoors to civilians in coastal regions in the event the Germans invaded the coasts as a first line of defense. So, big brother has endorsed civilian militias in the past. They even supplied the weapons. With that said, I understand war is drastically different now.
Yes, the goodest goys who would gladly die for Israel as long as they get their paycheck and welfare would fight against their employer. Maybe a hundred years ago you might've been right.
Oh, shut your dicktrap, Zig Forumstard. I, and others like me, remember what the oath I took means. Note how the first allegiance is to support and defend the Constitution, and the part about obeying the orders of the President comes after. You wouldn't know; you owe allegiance to nothing but shit memes and posturing.
Which amounts to nothing since the rest of the military cares about paychecks, welfare, and sucking jew dick.
The moment you try anything when the government fucks everyone over, you'll be shot by your fellow soldiers for being a domestic terrorist or an enemy spy.
How would you know?
Most men able bodied enough to serve the militia would be drafted into service before it got to that point.
Not him. But that user is right, because the goverment has been blatently violating the Constitution for 80+ years and milfags haven't done anything.
Why would I fight? The US isn't a country to be proud of.
Depends on the type of invasion:
Militias become semi-official but practically speaking their own actors, lots of infighting. Look at Syria/Iraq/Ukraine.
Better not to have any official organisation at all and to let people handle it themselves. Most you'd want to do is localised cell structures.
Doesn't matter, you're getting killed either way and shooting back is just an excuse for them to blow up both your house and the surrounding neighbourhood.
What I'm saying is, is that it would be like Blackwater in the early 2000s. Little training and a bunch of guys who shouldn't be there mixed in with guys that do have training and the will to use it.
Let's say were invaded by a peer nation with equal AAA and weaponry. One SAM site and miles of country is locked down, we couldn't use private planes that are easily detectable or fly at high altitude. Unless we buzzed tree tops I don't think we could avoid detection. I agree that I think the military would provide training to militia. How effective they would be I'm not sure, hopefully more effective than our middle eastern trainees for sure. But an American al Qaeda? With lots of training to certain groups and a will to use it, combined with easily made IEDs or loads of military equipment provided by our vast caches? Green berets as officer or leading drikl training? That makes me tingly
t.never served
There's probably some officers who would try to go full commissar, but the enlisted are just normal dudes.
Holy shit, you have to be the first American I've seen who realizes his "country" is just a shithole that has no reason to exist.
If USA was 100% white, then it would indeed be a proper country. But when you have a nigger, a chink, a mexican and a gook all call themselves 'American', you know there's a huge problem.
Well you have been invaded with brown immigration for decades now and militias haven't been doing shit.
To lose without a fight. That is the fate of white nations, and by extension white people.
To keep the marines supplied with crayons. Otherwise, shoot the invaders on sight, I suppose.
Only recently have people begun to wake up to the fact of the culture and demographic war. The globalists/commies/muslims knew there was no way they'd beat America on the battlefield, so they invaded the culture, the companies, the government, the schools etc., and changed policies to suicidal political correctness and massive migration to displace and replace the native population.
Most people still don't know the country was 90%+ white in 1965, and still buy the diversity lies.
America is a failed country that's going to be destroyed by diversity and there's nothing anyone can do.
Good riddance. Anyone smart jumped ship a long time ago and is trying to make a profit off its destruction.
lel at the retarded fags who think military would be on their side. They won't. They'll enforce the diversity to the end like the good ZOGbots they are.
Rest is piss, failed country.
Not when they realize it actually isn't racist or supremacist to have a homogeneous nation, like most other countries throughout the entirety of history. There's nothing wrong with recognizing that different races have different characters and temperaments, and they're not all compatible enough to all live in the same space. In fact, it's pretty much a prerequisite for a functioning, peaceful nation to be of similar race and religion, the more similar, the better.
The lie and conflation of racism and supremacy with nationalism isn't going to last much longer.
Their military hasn't fought a proper enemy ever since WWII - and even back then they won thanks to over half of the German military fighting the commies.
All they've been doing since late 1945 is shooting 60 IQ shitskins armed with rusty AK-47s, bombing third worlders who have no proper air-defenses and wasting trilliions on drone-striking goat herders.
Against a 1st world military I cannot imagine the burgers winning even a single fight.
Look at the kill ratio in all the conflicts and you'll see.
lol that's just dumb.
Nice try gook, but history started in 1939 when Hitler started gassing jews in Polish Death Camps™
Before that there was only darkness, bigotry and antisemitism. :^)
Life is not a video game, and you don't measure your success in conflitcts by KDA but by accomplishing goals.
What did USA win in WWII, in Vietnam, in Korea, in Iraq, etc.
Fighting tired German troops armed with bolt-action rifles, lack of air support and fucked up supply lines truly is hard man.
Fighting 80 IQ Iraqis armed with shitty outdated soviet weapons truly is hard man
Fighting 70 IQ vietnamese farmers and poorly trained rookies armed with slavshit and lack air defenses systems truly is hard man
Fighting 60 IQ mudslimes armed with slavshit and lack any kind of air support, or proper air defenses truly is hard man
oy vey I forgot about the 6 gorrillion.
Who do you think could win, then (non-nuclear MAD scenario)? China? No. Russia? No. India? No. Fwance? Nah. A Greek and Polish alliance, maybe.
That is where you're wrong. India will be the world's largest superpower in a little over a year, and even America will have to recognize ou– their world dominion. At this point, India is just playing the waiting game.
Imagine the possibilities
The only downside would be that we don't have nukes and Poland doesn't have a Navy to dickwave on the UK and France.
So knowing how absolutely fucked the US is, how long would it take for other nations to invade and conquer it? Not counting the brown horde's since they're already doing a bang up job of that.
Anyone want to make bets on how much longer until the US kicks the bucket for good?
Uhmmm, dawg…
You can win wars without killing anyone directly, just convince them to open borders (^:
get back to gookclickers or I'll notify Ministry of Family and Gender Equality that you're browsing banned sites.
I miss the days when genocide wasn't such a dirty word.
I also miss when k*rean was Japan's bitch.
If only the Axis had won.
Why the fuck would anyone want to? It's way easier making whatever's left after it's collapse into a puppet state.
Unless the invaders came for sweet ohio soil pussy
I don't think the USA will be invaded by conventional armed forces in our lifetime. That said, I think the USA along with most western nations will collapse from its status as world superpower into third-world shit hole by 2050. At best, it will retain itself as a regional power, akin to Russia but with far worse demographic issues and more enmity directed towards it. We can already witness the slow decline internally and increasingly shaky ground America's standing on in regards to international affairs. The way I see it, America will continue to slowly erode confidence as foreign powers continue to expand their reach, sort of like what's been happening in Africa and the Middle East. If America ever does go full SHTF, it will be balkanization as the economy begins to crumble after the Boomers have all fucked off to hell and the rising tide of colour makes life untenable for white people.
Maybe other countries would like to come kill Americans for funsies. I dunno.
Wouldn't you want to kill people for fun?
I would become a mercenary just for this in the blink of an eye, but unfortunately nobody trustworthy is hiring.
How about just grifting money out of america by guilt, and then throwing it at american religious cults to worship you and your nation, and then stacking every level of government with these collaborators, which will get you more money to throw at retarded religious cults to make them think you're the Chosen Ones?
I don't see the point of a damn invasion, Americans are already so gullible they'll give you all their cash if you paint yourself brown and tell them you're oppressed.
Mercy killing americucks is a good thing.
Just tell Americans that the only way Israel can stop Iran is by burning USD. If nothing else, the Boomers will fall for it and that's really all that matters in politics.
Nah, just tell them to commit suicide so that Israel would win. The dumb fuck's probably would, too.
That way you can at least kill them off easily.