He was the last good war time president the west had
The Gulf War was the last war NATO was useful
R.I.P George H.W Bush
Yeah but he's still a Jewish-loving faggot and sounds like a pedophile.
*Also, he deserves neither a P nor and F, for anons to P would be demeaning to the anons, and for the anons to F would be wrong, for Bush does not deserve respect. He shall be a mere footnote in history, when Caesar comes.
Thanks for the permanent import ban, you fuck.
But goy, we have to make sure you won't be a threat.
What does P mean?
Piss. What does S mean?
Oh no, we lost a moderate jewlover who's the reason I can't get an SG 550. RIP I guess, 4/10 at least he wasn't poopdick.
Well, I meant S or P or whatever here
The Gulf War was the last war NATO was useful
Fucking shills in Zig Forums now?
what kind of person makes these threads?
No (You) for OP
Lurk Moar Strelok
He was the last good wartime President the USA had. The Spanish-American War was the last useful war America fought.
Poor Jeb
he literally banned the imports because the ATF niggers told him and his advisors that gang bangers were using imported "assault weapons" and so were mass shooters; ergo, ban their importation to look "tough on crime."
niggers and that cia spook who smoked kennedy were why the 1968 GCA happened
More like useful in straightening USA dominance and making the world more miserable place
Death to america
Death to israel
It was the last war where NATO's forces were effective. That does not mean NATO was "useful".
Gas yourself and go to hell with him
Actually America has not had a good president since Gerald Ford.
Every president since then has ACTIVELY worked to destroy his own nation.
That's actually unironically true, bitch of the emus.
Obama was a good nigger.
Kuwait deserved what it got.
Koweit deserved what they got and Iraq actually asked permission to the US before they invaded.
And the US said yes (as Iraq had a pretty solid casus belli and had been the US ally for 20+ years).
And then George Bush decided to be a backstabbing piece of shit.
You haven't had a decent president in a fucking century let alone a good one…
Coolidge was less than 100 years ago, user.
… And Donald J. Trump is POTUS.
Literally responsible for every school shooting since 1990.
>who is JFK
a meme the left likes to trot out and who was lionized because of his assassination
I bet you think FDR was a good president too
Fuck I also forgot
But no one ever mentions that little tidbit ether.
What kind of weird shit the bush family was into?
Glad he's dead rest in hell.
a hebrew
pic semi-related
No. Because I've been staying away on purpose and it's relatively recent.
Oswald was a spook, who goes in and out of both the Soviet Union and Communist Cuba during the height of the Cold War? I bet you think Osama did 9-11 too.
can't belive I was jewish this whole time brb emigrating to israel
Press S to take a massive steaming shit on his face at the open casket funeral
You trying to give all the kikes at the funeral a cut erection, or something?
Choke on a dick in hell Bush
Y'all niggers are posting in a CIA thread. Literally.
Reminder that the History channel and all associated red herring "conspiracies" are CIA disinformation.
Insipid little shill thinking nobody knows what gatekeeping is.