590M(agazine) Shockwave - Best Modern Shotgun Ever?

< lose tactical reloads (like tossing out a birdshot shell & slipping in a slug)
< can't use short shells
< if you want to use it prone, you'll have to shoot right-handed, and you'll probably need 2 mods (add a top grip to the slide, and add some kind of sight to the right side & a 45 degre angle (keep that slim, so it doesn't impair tactical right-hand turns around corners))
< retarded bonus: a tube for a survival kit, papers, cigarettes, dragon dildos, or, imagine it, a few extra rounds - that will require manual loading.

I think perfection is here at last. Bonus, the barrels are easy to change, so if you need a longer barrel, say for hunting, it's trivial.

Important mod:
< brace & grip are overpriced right now (they're for the original shockwave, but obviously work on the new one)

Don't forget: Buy the 20 round mags!

Also, a lot of people are porting the barrel. Not a necessity.

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Other urls found in this thread:


The 590M Shockwave costs $514
The 20 round mags are $87
The Black Aces brace is $190
Total: $791

It's a shitty meme gun and you're shit for liking it.
Kill yourself.

If it's such a shitty gun go on, take yer swing.

I have serious doubt about the reliability. Not the first time this has been tried, but every previous attempt has failed miserably. It's the absolute state of the firearms industry that they go through the trouble of modding a damn pump action to take a box magazine instead of just building a magazine fed semi-auto. Mossberg is doing this retarded shit when the Turks are putting out firearms with a better design (though lacking in production quality).

Could actually buy a decent AR-15 with multiple magazines.

That was a Remington TAC-14, not a Mossberg Shockwave.

Magazine loaded for more than five minutes or bumped against any surface = lmao tier jams

Oh, but does this one work with its tube mag?

n, had a loaded .410 magazine sitting around for a year and it cycled just fine when I took it out a week ago

No you didn't. Anyone can make up anecdotes online, but your one halfassed lie doesn't erase the hundreds of reports of detachable magazine shotguns suffering feeding malfunctions and even misfires due to damaged ammo. Look up Vepr-12 and Saiga-12 malfunctions, or research the AA-12 and the HK CAWS. All malfunctions were related to the ammo being too soft and weak for vertical feeding, which is why HK developed a brass cased shell.

Why tf were they dropped in the first place? It seems like the most practical thing - to have reloadable shotgun shells for the ultimate versatility it offers.

Is this really that much better than the KSG from keltec? Which has a longer barrel(18.5" vs 15") and overall shorter length(26.1"vs 27.5"). Holds 15 shells with one in the chamber plus it can do tactical reloads or use short shells.

It beats the KSG($990) on price at least.

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user, you're getting pretty mad.

A brass casing nullifies the safety of plastic hulls in the case of failure. Whereas a brass casing is ripped open and dumps gas, the plastic hull separates from the brass in the very worst case scenario doing little to no damage.
It's a big safety issue even with the relatively low pressures involved with shotguns.

Not an argument. If you don't have anything to prove your shilling claims, then admit it. You're a low-rent charlatan.

I'm not shilling anything, user, and providing proof to something that I didn't have the foresight to record would be a miracle at best.

So you're admitting to the fact that your claim has no information to substantiate it, and that you're presenting it as unfalsifiable. You're also claiming now that shotshells pop open harmlessly in malfunctions, but that's utter nonsense, because the case would never fail at its strongest point (the bond with the brass rim). Pressure would enact first on a weak point of the material, which would be either the creases where the case mouth is crimped shut, or the thinner lines along the case's body that are made when the shell is rolled into shape. I'll post some pictures of the results of shell ruptures to prove my point.

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Those first two are a result of throwing modern shells into old Damascus barrels, the rest look like barrel obstructions.

Yeah, no thanks.

user, those aren't shell ruptures. Those are explosions from damaged barrels and bore obstructions.

Shotguns are gay, thread closed, you all can go home.

KSG blows more cock than a whore at a frat party. Reloads require you to either flip it upside down to get a full proper view of it's asshole, or tilting the barrel to the floor while you try to push shells into its jagged hole. But you cant jam two shells at a time cause the gay mag switch only works one way and doesn't have neutral position because the damn switch is the cartridge stop itself.
Want to switch from mag 1 of slugs to mag 2 filled with buck? Well do you wanna flip it on the fly? No, better jam the shells deeper in and switch because of the aforementioned cartridge stop/mag switch. You also can't top off as easily due to the stated issue with its switch, and fuck trying to plop a shell in the chamber.


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Just get a Vepr 12.

Shotguns are for cucks. OP's shotgun makes him a double cuck.

Semiautomatic Blunderbusses when?

Fully automatic Blunderbusses when?

Caseless Railgun Blunderbusses for Space Marine Infantry when?

Automatic Caseless Coilgun Blunderbusses for Space Marine Infantry when?

Multibarrel Automatic Caseless Coilgun Blunderbusses for Space Marine Infantry when?

This then?

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The guns in the first Doom were based on spray painted Nerf guns.

However, the AR-15 has been around a long time. The "firearm" totally-not-shotguns shotguns are new, and so are mag-fed shotguns. Maybe wait for Remington to clone it?

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KSG didn't invent that type of magazine. It's been done before, forget the model. It wasn't a shotgun, though. It's been mentioned on here.

please design this in Paint.

You forgot the most important part.

I'm not sure what you hate more, your wrists, not having your gun jam and fail or hitting what you're aiming for.
There is literally no reason whatsoever to have a stockless shotgun unless you're a school shooter or your name is Pablo and you're having a turf war with Jamal.

No because it's stockless.

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Is the Vepr-12 a good idea? I see them for about $1300, but what about mags and stuff? They can't be imported at the moment, so are replacement parts plentiful enough? How's the supply generally? I would hesitate to recommend a firearm that is sort of not available anymore.

I like the Benelli M4. But that's $1800, and it has about half the capacity to this 590M. I GUARANTEE you operators will be using this bad bitch. Compare speed loaders to mag swaps. No contest, surely!

It's not stockless. You get a "brace". Legally, it's not a stock, but it's a stock, when it comes to humans using it. I prefer the folding one (because that makes it compact). See the 5th picture:

& this picture. I didn't post it, because it has retarded attachments, which are embarrassing. The finger grooves are merely ugly - they don't impair function at all.

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Also, I didn't mention sights/optics, because you can pick what you want (and the sky's the limit, in terms of budget.

You just add pic rail with a cheap bit of rail & screws. There also is the ability to add rail to your pump (a pretty OK spot for a flashlight, not so hot for laser, but not the worst for a shotgun's laser tbh).

OK, the Vepr-12 holds a maximum of 12 rounds. I consider it, therefore, the inferior of the 590M, generally, and especially of the ACCESSORIZED 590M Shockwave.


Buy 4 Remington 870s and do a New York reload. Then you get 32 shells with full reliability.

I doubt it

KSG reloading sucks (but then if you need more than 16 rnds of 00 you shouldn't use a shotgun) but the KSG DOES WORK.
Which is more than you can say about the shockwave.

I know it's a shotgun, but are you talking about the Neostead 2000?

930M when?

Because at the relatively low pressures of even modern shotguns poly shells are very viable before cheaper plastics were developed they even used rolled paper hulls, and both are a fuckton cheaper and quicker to manufacture, which helps offset the extra steps needed to make a good shell (Extra lead, rifling the projectile in the case of a rifled slug, wad and buffer material, etc). That being said, for those same reasons brass shotgun shells can last forever. Hell Lars at Survival Russia is using brass hulls manufactured in the 60/70's and continually hunted with and they're still good to go.

Shotgun shells and boxmags don't really go well together. Geometry or some shit.

Better quit threatin'


Take yer swing.

Not with the stock grip, the recoil will wreck you. Spending 150+ on a brace really sucks.

I want a speedloader that attaches to a mossberg frame that has a crank to load shells into the tube. Best of both with a slight speed decrease over a mag fed pump. On the upside you could get 7 in the tube plus 15-20 in the mag. It should be possible.

They've got shotgun speedloaders. It's pretty much a second tube full of shells you just strip right into your gun. speedshooter.com/product_detail.cfm?id=AARR-SL-T/H4&n=Arredondo-4-Round-Aluminum-Speedloader-Set This isn't the only one that's out there. Popular with 3 gun and competition shooters.


Yeah, braces are overpriced.

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They were based on a lot of things, actually.

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You know how /v/ does the /v/ sings x? We should do that but with the dumpster shooting.

We should follow /tv/'s example and do a dub.

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A Zig Forumsristmas dub.

I'm serious, we need to do this shit.

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keek you could start the thread

bump for topical replies, but I'm not ridiculously optimistic, because Zig Forums forgets shotguns are raifus too

I have no editing skills at all so I can't be in charge.

Bump for more advice. Is this a stupid purchase?

Yes, it's a stupid purchase.

Be more specific. You can quickly change mags. That's an advantage of mags.

It was all outlines in the thread. It'll suffer the same issues that all box magazines made for shotguns suffer from. The form factor is absolute shit. The magazines are expensive. You lose the firepower an autoloader provides. It adds complexity to the mechanism which is never good for reliability.

Just buy a mag fed autoloader. Saiga, Vepr, any of a half dozen "AR-12" shotguns coming out of Roachistan.

They're all much more expensive.

I don't own one tbh but if money is a concern then get a regular 590. Maybe if there was a drum mag it would fix some of the problems. It might be better in a couple years.

That one's not true. Video:
@ 12:50

A negative, when he short strokes it he gets a double feed. Short stroking can cause problems anyway, though.

It's been under.

This is a double stack. Sure that'll be an issue?

I see this comment on a gun site (regarding conventional(?) shotgun mags):
fos, or is he right? I'd like to see a legit test of this.

PS: cool capcha

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It would basically be a paintball gun where you fill the hopper with shot/nails/rocks.

One of the reasons it works out OK with a blunderbuss is they're horn shaped (cone-shaped). It would be an interesting challenge to achieve autoloading.

Wouldn't it just be a large bore autoshotgun with a flared muzzle then?

It's called salvo/pulse burst fire, mommy won't let us have it, and you fudd faggots hate it too, anyway.

just like every other pump-action shotgun but the RMB-93? and this meme shit in the OP?

KS7 is a KSG with a single tube. Billed as half the price of a KSG, lighter, slimmer, more simple, easier to pump and free from the short-shucking problem of KSG. Colonial Marines standard issue.
Ducktape two together to get a full KSG.

< keltec
< free of problems

The short shucking was due to the pump having to work against two follower springs for the two mag tubes, plus a very stiff ejector. Most of the pump travel was alright, the janky chinesium plastic-on-plastic feel notwithstanding. The last half inch of travel you really had to lay the fuck into it, and the springs were so abrupt it felt like you pumped it all the way when you reached them.
To be frank, just bullpupping a standard configuration pump gun is not that great of a design. I'd like to see something like RM-96 Lynx turned into a bullpup with a longer barrel and magazine.

This raifu is very /cyber/. I fucking want one from just an engineering standpoint as just a new thing in something so old a design

Getting back to the actual topic for a moment (I know, that is kind of frowned on here at 8ch), the 590 was not designed to be a magazine gun, it was designed to be a tube fed gun. Throwing a mag on it and expecting it to behave nicely in all scenarios is foolish.
That said, let's pause for a moment and think about what a pump shorty is supposed to be used for…a pump shorty is supposed to be sued for when you abosultely positively have to clear a room in a hurry. 5 shots and everything in the room has some lead in it. It is not supposed to be an effective assault weapon, so extended mags are fucking stupid in this gun. It is wholly defensive in its design, and if you can't defend yourself in your apartment or bedroom with 6 rounds of shot from what is essentially a sawed-off 12-gauge you simply deserve to die.
If you want large capacity shotguns, there are many, MANY options out there that would serve you better than trying to make this particular gun be something that it was never designed to be.
Plastic surgeons can give your brother size 44FF tits. That doesn't mean that it is a good idea. Big-ass mags for the Shockwave is no different.

Folding shoulder stock, though. Game changer tbh. Most people, they're too stupid to wear a padded vest/jacket. This is a trivial gear fix. I think it's a big deal. Some guys just ain't that tough, but talk tough. So I get why they go for the pea shooters, but wow are those bullets tiny!!! And if you look at the price for an AR or other semi chambered Creed or 308 or something, OUCH!!!!!

I think this sucker is the new AK, and I'm not even joking.

I dislike keltec in the extreme. All that hipoint hate should be directed at them.

And very much to the point, I can't find a soul that's benched any Shockwave with slugs to test out accuracy with various rounds, to see if anything works well.

Also, am I the only one suspicious of its reliability?

Is no one going to mention the Lynx-12?

Putting a fuckhuge box mag on a shockwave ruins the entire point of it. When i lived out of a small duffle bag for a year, it was very nice having a cut down PGO when you normally wouldn't be able to get away with anything else except a handgun.

Webm needed.

Is there a way to get a stock for this so my fucking wrists don't explode? And does it jam?

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Why are you bringing up that Chinese piece of shit

quit being a little bitch. If you want a real stock then fill out the form 1, or get the brace like the OP mentioned. But first and foremost, quit being a little bitch. Your girly wrists should be able to handle it.

… Okay then.

There a way to get a better mag on it?

Detachable mag, though.

i hate to punish you for providing good advice but (as a noob) is a 7 round semi auto or long 28" pump a tactical choice or are shotguns only for defense?

Looks gay as fuck. Mall ninja tier trash

That's already fuckhuge capacity for most semi shotguns without kludging on a mag extension.
Are we talking about some old remingshit deer gun you picked up for $200? Chop the barrel to 18 or flush with the mag tube whatever comes first and it's fine at the risk of sounding like one those fags who thinks you can't maneuver through rooms with a 20 inch AR.
A shotgun is fine just don't expect to fight blue helmets face to face in the streets or in the fields and be able to get within range. As an insurgency weapon there's probably nothing better than it as a trade up gun save for a luty or other garage bullet hose. Pop up behind a patrol and pump off a few dozen pieces of 00 aimed at back of the head/pelvis areas with some friends and you'll end up with $10,000 or more worth of gear and training either destroyed or reappropriated.
If we're talking about realistic prepper shit like shooting cholos and spear chuckers to save your malt liquor dispensary then yes it's very good. Imagine at the right range (across the parking lot) you find a group of oogas, so you goodify them before they booga 2 or 3 at a time. Those surviving people with apostrophes in their names WILL run and take a nice long detour the next time.

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