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Thread theme

This is true


Maybe slants shouldn't start wars they can't win

Nice boomer meme there, buddy. FDR wanted war, and he got it.




Boomers need to be send to retirement houses in Detroit or some other vibrant city.

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The US Gov isn't morally or legally obligated to sell oil to a nation that invaded a close ally

China only became our ally after the invasion, you dummy.

You're not morally or legally obliged to funnel money to Israel either, but here you are.

The KMT had always been a political ally and the ROC a trade partner

Night of the long pillows, when?

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Good thing you didn't have any legal or moral obligation to help them not get overtaken by communists, and then having all your industrial capacity killed by outsourcing to chink slaves
Another win for global demograzy and AMERIGA ;DDDD

Incidentally most of Americas industrial sectors are just mothballed away and can be brought back at anytime.

Thread Movie.

This patently false. Private, executive agreement was made between the US and Japan that US position was that Japan making Korea a protectorate/colony was acceptable to American interests, and in turn Japan agreed it has no interests in The Phillipines; agreeing it was in the puviews of American interests.
US, Britain, and Japan were originally engaged in a triple alliance to curtail Russian expanse southward. It was ultimately when Japan continued to expand into potential US interests into Manchuria, and fucking with British trade interests in Chinese ports did retaliatory actions started to unfold. Even though Japan was treated unfairly by the western powers, their decision to engage the United States in conflict was a disasterous policy decision that Japan has nobody else but themselves to blame.

This will be a good thread I can feel it

They shoulda dug up the oil in Manchuria and opened a second front against the Soviets there before committing to a 60 front war across both the Pacific and Chinkland.
Following the defeat of the Commie they then coulda crushed the eternal burger by seizing Hawaii with a combined fleet of IJN&Kriegsmarine aircraft carriers.

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Wasn't the problem that they didn't know about oil in manchuria?
Kind of like oil in Alaska when Russia sold it to US?

That was the issue, had they known beforehand the burger oil sanctions would've had little effect and Pearl Harbor would've never happened.
D-Telegrams when?

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You're right. The oil is sold by oil companies that the US government isn't supposed to interfere with for the sake of establishing an embargo to force a neutral country into war with them.

I know fuck all about pacific front. Why didn't japanese just bypass mcdonalds employees?

The IJA was already putting together plans to create oil companies for extraction in Manchuria as early as 1933. Ambassador Grew was even in talks with the State Dept in regards to how the Manchuria Oil Company would beca monopolistic enterprise and would violate international agreements between the colonial powers. They had a decade worth of time to consolidate and explore their newfound aquisitions for oil, so I doubt that extra oil would have stopped Japan given how it still didn't solve their scrap metal and rubber deficiences once the US embargoed them.
And govts interfere to set favorable extraction agreements or protections for oil companies operating in host countries all the time, especially in this time period, what's your point? America just has to sit back and take an upstart country doing what it doesn't want to do? How cucked can you get.
The narrative that Japan's colonial expansion was out of benevolence and peaceful is utterly retarded if you even understand the philosophical and political justifications that they rationalise their military buildup:
Go to the Yushukan Museum at Yasakune shrine if you don't believe me. It's a bretty comfy museum.

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The only Asians I don't want to genocide are the Japanese. The rest should go extinct.

Same goes for people who can't pay their debnts :^)

Posting this here because why not.

In June 1943, the deficiencies of Japanese depth-charge tactics were inadvertently revealed in a press conference held by U.S. Congressman Andrew J. May. May mentioned the highly sensitive fact that American submarines had a high survival rate in combat with Japanese destroyers because Japanese depth charges were fuzed to explode at too shallow a depth. Soon, Japanese forces were setting their depth charges to explode at a more effective average depth of 75 meters (250 ft), to the detriment of American submariners. Vice Admiral Charles A. Lockwood, commander of the U.S. submarine fleet in the Pacific, later estimated that May's revelation cost the United States Navy as many as ten submarines and 800 seamen killed in action.

Sometime shortly before or during the U.S. entry into World War II, May became involved with Murray Garsson and Henry Garsson, New York businessmen with no prior arms manufacturing experience who sought lucrative munitions contracts then being awarded by the U.S. Government. After the war, a Senate investigating committee reviewing the Garssons' munitions business discovered evidence that May had received substantial cash payments and other inducements from the Garssons. The bribery scandal was intensified by testimony of excessive profit-taking in the Garsson munition business, and that the Garsson factory produced 4.2-inch mortar shells with defective fuzes, resulting in premature detonation and the deaths of 38 American soldiers.

President Truman decided to grant May a full pardon in 1952.

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100% correct, we need to get rid of the ones responsible

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Did they know about the Jilin+Daqing fields and offshore deposits in the yellow sea though?
Kikepedia only seems to mention Manchukuoan oil extraction at what seemed to have been an offshoot of the Liaohe field.
Would those 3 oil fields have been enough to fuel the Japanese war economy at least until 1945?

t. Petroleumlet

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Russians knew about gold and oil in Alaska when they sold it IIRC, they just didn't have much choice in keeping it on account of the Crimean war. If they didn't sell it the Bongs would have seized it by force.

Russians were using it primarily for furs, they didn't have a clue about anything else due to constantly warring with the injuns. The war was over by a year by the time they sold it, turns out losing a war and freeing the serfs tends to bankrupt you.

I never said that Japan's colonial expansion was benevolent or peaceful, only that the US had no business getting involved. Don't put words in my mouth. The United States is not and should never have been world police.

No Japan did NOT know of those oil fields at the time being, Manchuko oil production only hit about 1 million bbls at its height. The point I was trying to make was that even if Japan was able to develop those oil fields in order to alleviate their energy needs would not have prevented them from engaging european interests in southeast Asia. IJA interests still needed to seize rubber plantations from british, dutch, and french colonies to work around embargo.
As for the Japan dindu nuffin angle of things, its more complex than that. Military authorities were split between realists and 'fire-eaters'. Even after tests were concluding on 1941,overwhelmingly showing how bad Japan would suffer in event of war with the United States, more agressive elements of the military authority pushed on anyways.

I respect Meiji japan for being the first modern power in Asia to challenge the West, but how they went about this was extremely poor.

Its only ok when other colonial powers exert their interests overseas. I don't follow this mentality that Japan can go expand into whatever it wants to for its interests, but the US is not allowed to respond with her own.
This is the most retarded meme I see regularly posted on this site. US broke the purple code and already discerned that the Japanese were preparing for war in China in1940. It was AFTER this reality did the US start levying the Export Control Act as a warning to Japan to not fuck with China. US in fact explicitly held off on oil embargo because they didn't want Japan to have serious economic problems and exacerbate a conflict. It was only after they Joined Germany and Italy as a "neutral party", yet CONTINUED discussing plans to not only seize more of Manchuria and make plans to intercede in european colonies in southeast Asia did cripple kike and the braintrust dropped the hammer with the Oil Embargo.



The USA wasn't in a war with Germany, not with Italy. Neither of those two countries had any plans to wage war against the USA. It was quite the opposite, as Burgeristan immediately started to support the Eternal Anglo in the sea. And it goes well beyond mere convoy protection with the Destroyers for Bases Agreement.

US could have very easily conquered all of South America's liberated colonies instead of interfering with European or Asian shitholes, if they really wanted a profitable war. It was the jews who were pushing for helping the Brits and fucking over Japan due to their stakes on Korea and the Opium Trade with China.

US was already the dominate entity in the region, what possible reason would it have to overthrow those countries when it already had the most lucrative deals? You do know colonies cost a lot of money to oversea?
Of course, the lost kimchi tribes in Korea were an absolute must for the zionist ambitions. How could we not forget the eternal jew and his desire for a backward country still stuck in the 1600s.
Holy shit this has to be bait



reported for AIPAC.

A) Across a small patch of ocean is not the same as halfway across the fucking world. If not for modern ship technology at the time, that would have been impossible to enforce. America might have had justification if a country like Mexico or Canada was allied with their enemies, but not Japan.
B) The US was founded on a completely different doctrine than an Imperial family-based system. It's not about "they did it so we can too," it's about the principle of the systems you're trying to uphold. The US established itself from the start as a trading nation and a neutral power in international struggles before the niggers got us involves in WWI and WWII. By that logic, we should have just gotten rid of the 2nd amendment years ago because "others did it too."

It's niggers like you who have no respect for the foundations that made Western society what it is, only looking at the fact that everyone is huwite or that dissidents have twisted those foundations into fragile statues instead of the strong pillars they were while ignoring how those foundations set the precedent for us achieving what we have today. This is why the US has been on the downfall since World War 1 and it's only gotten worse in the last century.

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Or perhaps to put it more succinctly:
The USA was built on a judicial system keeping powers in check and having a general policy of noninterference in both the private and public sector, ESPECIALLY of foreign bodies that they are not in charge of. If the US had been a military system from the start like they were during the world wars and going forward (let's not pretend that the US is run by a judge since Abraham Lincoln really. It's run by the end of a rifle barrel), we would have never become the nation we are today. More importantly we'd still be expanding much like expanding economies around the world if not for that end of a rifle barrel policy. Albeit with much better living and working conditions, but still expanding.

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Might is right, the IJA shouldn't have started a war with the US Military if they didn't want to get glassed

Well, good thing BLM and La Raza are doing nothing wrong then.

Slants start war, slants lose war, US Generals get to decide the terms of surren

Hope you got a heart attack and died which caused you to interrupt your sentence, you worthless boomer.
or maybe vibrant urban youth medicine student gave you tracheotomy in exchange for your wallet.


Hope one does eventually find you.

Would burgers still have attacked/sanctioned Nippon if the Germans somehow channeled enough meme magick to invade and defeat Britain prior to Barbarossa or a Soviet first strike?

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That's why guns exist, to kill niggers

Keep that in mind when your house is overrun by shitskins who want to rape your mother/wife/daughter, fucking faggot.

Aren't you supposed to be purchasing your BB gun to piss off the drug addicts outside your mother's house, user?

Amateur hour over here

I see nothing wrong, because might makes right is a sufficient principle :^)

Muttmerica was founded on non interventionism. But as long as you admit it was dead several centuries earlier and the whole idea was stupid, bullshit, hypocritical and impossible from the start then ok.

Because you never dropped the whole muh freedom muh liberty muh self determination schtick. Which is why whatever you say to justify your colonialism fucking stinks, consider how you were founded.

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They knew, they just weren't in a position to do anything about it, because they had more urgent matters to worry about than trying to leverage these new finds. Fur was the big thing but they already knew about the gold at time of sale.

Yes you get to and no one would complain if you didn't spew the retarded muh freedom muh liberty shit every time you play empire.

Like poetry. Thanks.

Is… Is it time? Can I finally dust off this .gif? Has the thread come?

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2014 and cuckchan is over. But if you want to you can post that tranny's Zig Forums comic of spic willis too.
And maybe something along the line of whatever this faggot said

You forgot to call me a mulatto in your post, sourkraut-kun~~~

I thought I wasn't German? Or was it that guy today, or yesterday, or last week?

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Is… Is it time? Can you finally admit that nothing happened, you invented legal doctrines to get convictions and took the words of shady chinks and kikes to kill your POWs so you could colonize their countries?

Only a neurotic mulatto would post this.

If only.
Based United States of Muttmerica bashed the fash, stomped out the nationalist menace, and allowed communism to take over.
if you don't believe courts that don't require evidence, you might be a nazi. :^)

Oy vey, now you are taking my place as sperkraut, jasnunz. Back to Brandenburg with you, fake Pole, you dirty eastern kraut!

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Imagine not understanding realpolitik or thinking anyone in the Military actually cares about freedom or democracy
Japan started the war, they lost, tough luck

But we do, mutt. Thats why I said if you dropped the whole pilpul freedom kike bullshit your imperium would have been better received through out the world. Remember why people stomped the shit out of Napoleon even without total war propaganda and lies?

The US Military and Government doesn't need to care what her subjects and puppet governments think of her

I'm spergkraut, and so are you, from here on now, you're big sperg, carry that with you wherever you go, thank you, my friend

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Caesar justified his conquests by saying he was protecting Rome, he wasn't but it doesn't really matter

Indeed. The whole freedom and liberty pilpul were quickly identified by muttmerican elites to be counter productive and they slowly albeit surely corrected it. I wouldn't complain if they just drop the cumrag they called a "constitution" that they shit on everyday and just enact imperium. There would be much more action and fun to be had in the world that way tbh

Le Punished Sperkräuter?

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Rome was never a lolberg joke experiment like USA, that's one
That's why your empire is trash, that's two.

Roman legend said it was founded partially as a refuge for criminals and outcasts
Pic related

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Best imperium tbh

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Larger than the 3rd reich ever was

Yes it was. The uk empire was bigger though, although their shitskins were arguably higher quality.

That is Eastern Leafland not Burgerland.

As Russians have put it to me, they figured there was shit there, they never actually went out of their way to find proof of it. The Gold Rush on the west coast gave them the idea that the rivers inland were rich.


Nips raping chinks half way around the world. What would the land of freedumbz and non interventionism have to do with that?
Oh wait.

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The US has never been about non intervention or freedom for anyone other than whites, pic related. Japan started a war with the greatest industrial power in the world, and has no right to complain about bombings after they attacked pearl harbor.

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Yeah that is what I said. Drop the retarded muh freedumbz and lolberty pilpul. Your elites did and so can you.



You couldn't have been more wrong gyros.

I mean you don't just openly piss off an occupying force thinking magical boxer shadowboxing is gonna do something.

You're right, it was just a naked land grab from start to finish.

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Is it possible for Zig Forums to have a thread that doesn’t devolve into shitposting and muttspam?

Leddit or SA might be more your speed.

Couldn't they produce artificial rubber from the oil?



Not complicated