Francis: Open Borders Are Pro-Life

Well, Zig Forums? What have you done to welcome migrants? Don't call yourself pro-life if you don't support open borders.

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it's be a damn shame if something were to happen to this communist mestizo child rapist

Well, at least he doesn't think I'll go to hell for it

It's like he doesn't realize there is a legal way to immigrate. We are meant to obey the powers that be as they don't wield their sword in vain. To endorse mass illegal migration is to advocate for chaos which is markedly unchristian. No doubt he mentioned this though and his comments are taken out of context

Why is it so hard to be pro-life these days?

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Because the only reason why we still have a civilization worth saving is black mothers murdering their children. We'd be on our third Obama term if 52% of all black pregnancies didn't end in abortion. The floodgates would be opened to the shithole nations of the world and in our own lifetimes we'd live through the South Africa/Zimbabwe style theft of all white property.

Or, maybe there is a God. Maybe there is a God and he'd have sent AIDS 20 years sooner if we didn't abort our kids. Maybe he'd have sent AIDS sooner to wipe away all the faggots, the niggers, the degenerates and fornicators. Maybe he'd have sent a rain to wash away all the POZ and because we're killing our children he's letting us drown in it all together.

Two wrongs don't make a right. Abortion is murder. Repent.

They aren't human. Thank God for Planned Parenthood.(USER WAS WARNED FOR BREAKING RULE 2)

Because many people are pro-death.

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You’re utterly demented. Stop wishing death on Black babies and start making White babies if you care so much.

Bergoglio is abusing the Bible. The Bible does not support unrestricted immigration.

wew, what a surprise

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Selling out for worldly power has been the MO of the RCC even since before the schism. Remember all the Popes in history who were literal whoremongers? The medieval Pope was rotten for medieval standards, the renaissance Pope was rotten for renaissance standards, and the modern Pope is rotten for modern standards. Papal primacy itself the problem, not a single Pope.

Why not both? Black babies are nothing but a drain on society- they're dead weight at best, often being gangraping, drug dealing murderers. Does "thou shalt not kill" apply to all living things, or only humans? If it's the latter, then whether or not blacks are actually people becomes the question. Science indicates that they are not, looking and being genetically roughly halfway between whites and monkeys, and behaving closer to the latter.

It's impossible to outbreed the non-whites when immigration outnumbers births. Even if you got some small percentage of normalfag whites to have more babies, it would only make a tiny dent in the demographics. At the end of the day, the problem is not that our birthrate is low, it's that there are non-whites in our countries. Look at Japan, they have one of the lowest birthrates in the world, but they are not in danger of extinction like the Swedes, Germans, etc. Birthrate does not create extinction risk, it only determines rise or fall in population. The influx of racial foreigners into your native lands is what threatens the survival of a race, and that is the issue that must be addressed.

I want the NuVatican to end already. They can't get more dumber than this? C-Can they?

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Dude. Repent.

this is precisely why Christianity is dead, this type of "we must love all" thinking.
No, sinners and degenerates, even if they're an entire race like the blacks, deserve to DIE. Sinners and liberals are aborting their offspring? Good, let them abort themselves, it will help rid the earth of filth, because if they're that far gone, then that degenerate seed was passed on somehow to the spawn.

Are you suicidal?

Wish this disgusting spic would read a bible once in a while.

Honestly, fuck Zig Forums

these edgy alt-right breitbart threads are so tiresome

'Alt-right'? All conservatives used to support strong borders. How did standard conservative beliefs become 'alt-right'? Stop using this stupid buzzword. Is Pat Buchanan alt-right? Get a life.

If they're equally important and he doesn't condemn pro-abortion politicians then I won't condemn anti-immigration politicians.

Christ is not a political ideology. Accept the truth that every single part of Creation is precious and repent. Zig Forums has to go back to their little echo chamber of falsities and self-worship. Annoying gnostics every time man.

Quite right! Blacks deserve to die. However, it's not just the blacks, but ALL OF US who deserve to die. Romans 6!

This is the absolute core of the faith.

Stop bumping this stupid gnosic bait thread

I mean

Even heaven has a wall and a strong vetting process, so why can't we down here on earth?

Because the Lord put in a citizenship express lane to enter his kingdom. Or did you forget something in all the Zig Forums nonsense?

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No, all must follow Christian rules within their societies, regardless if they're Black or White. Abortion should never be permitted, except in the case of rape or genetic defects. If Amerimuttia is destined to become a multiracial country, then so be it, it's destruction is long overdue anyway.
Plenty of White Americans already have a significant non-European admixture, so even without new Blacks and Mexicans America will never regain its purity. America has long lost its purity when it started mixing Anglos, with Irish, and Germans, and Italians, etc.

There are no shortcuts to salvation, just like there shouldn't be shortcuts into a nation. Maybe you should leave your door wide open at night and house whomever enters it. Let's see how long that will last you, Zig Forums

I'd say that "Whosoever puts his faith in me shall not die, but have ever lasting life" sounds a lot like a shortcut, compared to what you had to do and what had to go way right in order to be saved before Jesus was crucified. Also shouting Zig Forums or Zig Forums at arguments you don't like and spouting the usual tired rhetoric isn't the power hitting discourse you seem to think it is. Jesus is the shortcut my dude. That was the whole point, or did you forget the whole reason you're on this board? "For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved." I don't know about you, but I think when the Lord thy god king of the universe says "That THE WORLD through him might be saved." I think he means it. God doesn't go back on his word.

God damn it stop being retarded please, you're drawing people away.

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This tbqhwy

We should primarily take in and care for the Christian ones; the Pope makes a huge mistake conflating the ones who have fled in real danger and those who come to Europe for the free gibs.
To those who insult him, anyway, I don't think that it is very Christian to hurl insults at him that way.

Www Las. Are you even trying?

has he torn down the wall protecting the vatican?

This man needs to be tried for heresy.

Open Borders are also pro-rape.

Unironically the antichrist.

As a Prot, no.

Just because you believe in Jesus doesn't mean you are automatically saved. Mormons and Episcopalians believe in Jesus, that doesn't mean they are saved.

wew lad

Popes come and go, it is the Church that remains. Don't join Catholicism for the Pope. Join it because it is Jesus' Church.

Even the demons believe, and tremble.


Nowhere does Jesus say to let invaders in to rape your family.


You clearly don't have MS13 in your city.

According to Trump, MS13 is in every city in every state and we should draw the shades and live in fear of the coming day.

When the finality of the Kingdom of God comes to pass, and Christ stands before me as the Judge of my life/sins, I don't want to be the man who says he was a sheep to members of his tribe and a goat to members of another. I don't want to say that the unconditional love and grace he demanded of me was impossible because I was afraid of dying. Because I fear The Lord more than I fear dying. I fear having lived in rejection of the Gospel more than I fear less of my race existing in the world.

And if your master was actually God, and not your ethnicity, you'd be afraid too.

Extremely well put, user. God bless you.

Why do you think God will be pleased with your attempts to destroy His creations?

Why can't I put in the effort to protect my family and community from outside dangers? What if bringing relief to their suffering, despite them being of another race, will in return bring suffering to my community?

"If anyone does not provide for his own, and especially his own household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever."
1 Timothy 5:8

We show charity to the poor to respect God, not to allow the poor to destroy those who respect God. If we can verify or even reasonably infer that the object of our love hates us and hates our love, then are we not sowing seeds on dry ground? Are we not giving to swine that which is holy?

Which comes from love: wise charity which delineates between good and evil, or frivolous charity whose sole underlying principle is one of modernist nihilism? Indeed, we must love our enemies, but true love requires appropriate boundaries and demarcations, otherwise what we have is not love, but an orgy.

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I guarantee you that if it were White people fleeing their 7 year long war ravaged country, you'd welcome them in with open arms, a plate of cookies, and a happy smile. You wouldn't even ask their religion.

But since they're brown ….

I doubt that's what he said. Not that he doesn't say stupid shit, but it seem more likely he'd say something about deportation.

We wouldn't have to ask their religion, because if they were white we would know most of them would be either Christian or irreligious. Few if any of them would be Muslim jihadists in favor of shariah law. They would be more likely to integrate with the West, less likely to form rape gangs, more likely to be intelligent, less likely to live off government handouts, etc.

Not necessarily true. Albanians and quite a few Southeastern European ethnicities are Muslims. These groups are as crime-ridden and problematic as the "brown" people you're condemning. Some of you don't know anything about race..

The main thing for me would be this: take in mostly the Christians fleeing from persecution. The problem is that the overwhelming majority of the migrants are just Muslims and mostly Muslims who want free housing and benefits.

Quite a lot of generations of Christian defenders of Europe are rolling in their graves right now.

Maybe you should head back to r/politics or Zig Forums.

Whaaaaaat? You mean you DON'T want sharia law in your country? What kind of anti-Christian bigot are you? :^)

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If black people had been pro-life and traditional they wouldn't have voted for a secular ideologue like Obama to begin with.

How naive are you? It's likely why he wanted the picture: To make a mockery out of Christianity and the West. It's like when McCain went to Syria to pose with the "resistance fighters": Most of them were jihadists, and the ISIS leader, al Baghdadi, was even present to mingle with the clueless, retarded senator.



I’m not a modern fat-right type, more of an “historical right” person, who believes in the kind of values of pre-French Revolution Europe. I’m not 100% in opposition to migration to other countries, yet this is but an invasion masked as an humanitarian crisis.

I live in Lebanon, and trust me,you do not want Muslims in your country en masse. Now of course, there are outliers in every group, but on average they are terrible.

I'd be happy because I'm with my kind, as God intended.

I blame the modern leftists and the Vat 2 heretics.

Neither am I, but if you so much as love your country your are automatically "far right" according to the "Cult of Equality". It's hard to claim one loves their country when they let in welfare parasites that hate their host country. Great Gadolig Monarchy when?

I believe you friend. One Christian from the ME is 10000000000x better than a horde of mudslimes (wether they are white, black, brown, or polka-dot). These moon-demon worshipers are nothing but trouble.

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I know there are exceptions like Albanians. The exception proves the rule. I would be against large amounts of Albanian Muslim refugees coming in to and I know most others here would agree. I would also be in favor of letting persecuted Arab Christians in. It's not all about race, race does correlate with other relevant factors though.

You haven't seen shit.

44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

45 That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.

That doesn't mean that we allow those we love to come into our countries and rape our women and the system.

Considering most brown countries that are Catholic are larping Catholicism, I'd say it's in Christianity's best interest to preserve her borders.

We can help Larping Christians and non-Christians better in their own countries while maintaining a white majority in our own… White civilization has been the lantern of Christendom, and without them, Blacks and Hispanics would eat each other alive, if they're not already as they both live like Pagans. Strong and/or Closed borders does not mean no charity.

Preventing invaders from sinning by not letting them cross the borders illegally so they can steal, rape, and murder, sounds like loving to me.

Encouraging people to be lawless is not loving, a blessing, doing good or prayer

Nice meme, it's been proven most of the "refugees" are coming from Africa and Turkey
But the pope said migrants, not refugees, and attacked the idea of borders, so that would also include the spics pouring into America.

Wrong ! White civilizations has been the greatest in dismantling Christianity in the past 60 years.



ITT: Picture related

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Why do you communists think you're ever going to make inroads here?

You crossed your own T on that one, son.


You are acting like the only reason to limit immigration is race and racism. Religion, culture, and criminality are big factors. Zig Forums acts like race is the determining factor for these things; that's up for debate. But what is not debatable is that there is a big problem with allowing large numbers of hostile people in, many of whom are Muslims, hate Christianity, abuse government services, etc.



Don't be excessively ultramontanist, the pope ia not the center of faith. Ultimately, the pope is a mortal like any other, he has a very important and honourable task, that's true, but in the end, he is just a man.

God promised that He will guide and protect His Church, not that He will always keep Her earthly leaders holy and blameless. They can be as imprudent or sinful as anyone else.

(That said, this doesn't mean you have a free pass to criticise the pope as much as you want and not care about the sources and impications of what you are saying, which is an error often seen here- slander, calumny, rash judgement, etc. are always sinful and you have to avoid them no matter who you are talking about)

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I need you to go grab a dictionary and look up the word "Communist". Come back with the results. The reason I say to grab a dictionary is because, in any language, the lexicon is of utmost importance to proper communication. If there isn't a standardized definition of words, then communication is rendered impossible.

It would be like me agreeing to purchase from you a bushel of apples but not agreeing first on the definition of "bushel" and "apple". You can't just go making up definitions of words to satisfy your personal narrative. Since, however, the dictionary is the standard lexicon of the English language, I'm going to need you to grab one and look up "Communist" before we speak again.

t. communist

Zig Forums thinks its fun to raid every other board on this site. Makes them feel like revolutionaries, I guess.

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When you think about it, "love your neighbor" actually means bring in foreign hordes to replace your neighbor, who hate your neighbor, and will rape, kill and subjugate your neighbor. That's what real love is.

We all have to understand why migrants leaving their country in the first place. It's not because we're investing millions into helping their country like we did with Japan, it's because we're investing millions into fighting several failed wars for leftists and kikes. The Pope is right, no one wants to live in an area where they can be potentially killed by a drone strike because of warmongering hypocritical Semites who endorse pointless conflicts Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya.

People who advocate for the destruction any homelands aren't pro life in the slightest and that's what the Pope should be denouncing. Not the fact that people want to enforce their borders.

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No it's one of the prime reasons we have prospered.

This pope is the evil pope from that prophecy.
The fact that he deals in politics at all means that he has no faith that God will take care of people.
Its sad that spirituality is practically dead.