Cryptid load out

What should my cryptid load out consist of Zig Forums. I'm talking lake monsters, skinwalkers, big foot, and whatever else is in North America

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M1917 Enfield blessed by an Orthodox priest. QTDDTOT

12 gauge slug. .45 ACP. .308.

All silver plated.

Cryptids don't exist fam, especially skinwalkers. Those definitely do not exist. You should take a trip, though. I hear Utah is nice this time of year, especially around the Ballard area.

You are now ready to face off against the entire world. You can thank me later.

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Fore is the oldest and most reliable weapon mankind has used against spooks in the woods.
Or you could use one of those special german knives that protect against evil.

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Depends, are you researching, defending (yourself, another, or an area/item), exterminating, or trophy hunting?
Your research loadout is going to be (relatively) weapons light and camera/notepad/audio recorder heavy - and no your phone isn't good enough even for ultra-amateur tier researchers. Your defensive loadout will focus around the heavy/short range primaries, assault/hunting on light/long range. That should do for general use, obviously certain cryptids will have different requirements. How large is your group?

A Blunderbuss+one or more Dragons and a Damascus knife in case the spook evades your initial shot.

You do realize that the reason that people use firearms instead of man arms is that man arms cannot sling pieces of metal at super sonic speeds, right?


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Hey! Let's use a cartridge that can't be trusted to kill a human on the first shot against a 12 ft tall pillar of angry cryptobiology! What could possibly go wrong?!?!

an 8-bore, 2000 grain, Minie Ball or slug does not need to break the sound barrier to carry lethal energy or have a reliable effect on the target.

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Come on, Africa has already figured everything for you and you are still trying to cosplay 19th century?

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You can store your ancestors' ashes in the stock if you wanted to, i doubt you have hand cannons specifically prepared by them back then anyway.

Did you think we were hunting them for sport or culling them with the intent to exterminate them?

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Why not both?

I thought the intent was to capture them for monster waifu trafficking.

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A popular weapon against witches, wind demons, elves and other things in pre enlightenment Germany were the so called "Hexenmesser/Drudenmesser"(Witchknife).
Some of them are just simply knifes used for every day tasks, others are expensive and decorated with silver, many have INRI carved somewhere on the knife, some feature the pentagram and/or drudengatter and other symbols, but the one combining feature all these blades have is the nine X and nine C on one side of the blade.
How or why the nine C and nine X work against evil entities nobody knows anymore, sometimes the nine X are called crosses or stars and the nine C are always called moons. Common says back then were that "Neun Kreuz und neun Stern halten alles Übel fern”(Nine Crosses and nine Stars keep all Evil away) or "Neun Stearn und neun Mun greifen alle Teufel un!"(Nine Stars and nine Moons attack all Devils).
The knife works like a charm against witches, demons, elves and other evil entities simply by wearing it, but can also protect a house by ramming it in the door or the roof beams. However if that doesn't work, there is also the obvious solution and using that knife to kill the evil entity simply by throwing the knife at them.
Alternative make a club from buckthorn wood that is said to have similar characteristics against the power of evil magic user and entities

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Anyone have links to these for sale?

Because if you exterminate the prey then there's no more sport. I can see a future where carefully managed populations of cryptids are kept on designated hunting preserves (with effective security and game keepers, and strict bag limits to ensure that the population remains stable). Once we've got them identified and contained selected specimens could be sent to laboratories for examination, testing etc (there are all kinds of potential advances to be made from their biology after all) and we start examining what training/breeding regimen would be needed to turn them into pets or livestock (if desirable).

I'm not into bestiality, but if that's your thing and you honestly want to start dicking a skinwalker then godspeed you crazy pervert. Keep that shit to yourself though.

Just find another one, duh. Who said the sport category in question isn't genocide? Bongs these days.

And if you're on a trip for extermination of the beast but scared that your trusty gun won't be enough or you'll fuck up shot placement there's still a weapon potent enough for any foe.

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Doesn't work indefinitely, and leaves none of the fun for your descendants. Communism really did a number on you guys, didn't it.

It works as long as there are living things. I wanted to offer kebabs to genocide but it seems you bong cucks would be more fun. I'd limit guns to 22lr though, it'd be too boring otherwise.

Why can't Jews understand this?
They'll have to contend with T*rkic, N*groid and B*gman foreskins once whites are gone.

Well, we never did get around to that in the 1800's. Why not.

You don't need to censor Turkic, Negroid, or Bugman here m8. Also, are you suggesting that the motive there is sport?

I've actually had a cryptid kit for a while. Rate my loadout.

Trench gun heat shield, bayonet, brass shells with etched runes and loaded with all sorts of stuff (white ash slugs, iron pellets, salt, magnesium, etc)

Loaded with silver bullets

7.62 real fuckin' NATO, franco crest, a silver reichmark embedded in the stock. Very clearly heavily used (I consider communism vs fascism an "existential crisis" which has been said to be a requirement for otherwise normal weapons to harm spooks)

Small divots dremmeled down the length, which allows liquids to cling to it. The sheath I made for it is filled with holy oil and silver shavings.

If there is such things as cryptids you'd have to be a literal retard to go with the meme advice in this thread. Fucking knives, silver, random engravings vs campfire story tier monster that can basically break the laws of reality. The only thing that would legit stop a supernatural creature is a massive caliber. a 20mm, almost any AT rifle, explosives, anything that obliterates a large amount of mass.

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I don't think supernatural means, what you think it means.

take your pick

Are you some kind of nigger? Only a nigger could be that stupid.

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What said.

Walk into the woods with no supplies short of a large knife and don't come back for a month. Rid us of your stupidity.

I don't really believe those things either, but I had an experience when I was 7. I saw a woman in white clothing walking in my house corridor and then entering into my room. I ran behind her and there was nothing in there. Unless someone climbed my gate, went through the living room window, hid in the bathroom until I walked by and then went running through my bedroom window to troll me, I don't know what was that

I'd imagine it was the ghost of Império do Brasil, beseeching you to conquer Uruguay and wreak vengeance on the successor state to the Provincias Unidas del Río de la Plata.

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But I'm part of the state that went to war with Paraguay. I'm already a winner and a master at war. This is my country, not Brazil

Weapons, bullets and especially (You) should get blessed by a Greek or Serbian Orthodox monk.
Make sure the monk is 70 years old minimum and has lived in a Monastery away from civilization for 50 years minimum. Most priests who live in big cities are degenerates and probably communist are well. God only loves true hardcore genocidal /r9k/-tier monks and those cannot be found in towns.
Pic related is what a good monk looks like.

God hates priests, and Satan loves them. They are LARPers who take your money and fuck whores. Monks on the other hand hate the jews and have superpowers. Cryptids cannot harm them.

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But can they cast greater heal? A good priest is vital for a party due to his extremely useful buffs, so why would you pick a monk over some paladin with int dump stat?

only betas play as priests and I don't want betas in my team

But who'll give heals tho, a favored soul?

Monks can not only kill, they can heal us too. Potions so magical they make ancient wizards blush

They don't though, monks do even less alchemy than rogues.

It's like you don't even want to break the game man.

Or you could do it Zig Forums-style, you know, by being muscle wizards instead.

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You seem to be mistaken, instead of bulking muscles a true kommando needs endurance to haul more ammunition into battle and keep the gun ready at all times.

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What classes are we talking about here? Unless you pick ranger, scout or gunslinger i'm unsure what is more Zig Forums than casting nuclear explosions by flexing your body. Rangers are too wimpy and too much into animals, gunslingers have more grit and scouts are more about mobility and survival. Ranged slayer with kebab specialization would be the only thing that come close i can think of.

Machine gunner, grenadier, artilleryman, general. You know, the true Zig Forums stuff.

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And I've just noticed that it's an MG34.

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Well obviously you should research what specifically you're hunting/worried about and choose your weapon accordingly but that said I think your main armaments should be a reliable shotgun and a semi auto rifle in a full sized caliber, preferably with a detachable magazine. Bolt or lever rifles can also be used if you're supremely confident in your marksmanship. Round that out with a machete or very large knife since some cryptids are more/only susceptible to good old fashioned slash and chop.

Now the shotgun really is key because of its versatility it can shoot not just standard rounds like buck or rifled slugs but also incendiary (dragonsbreath) and homemade shells with salt, various herbs, cold iron balls or silver pellets. Now on that last one you might be thinking "ha I'll just cast some silver bullets" well thats where you're wrong child, simple silver bullets don't work in rifled guns because silver is much harder than lead or copper and will best case scenario destroy your rifling and could easily lead to a squib round. Sure you could make copper jacketed silver bullets but do you honestly have the knowledge and tools to do so?

Now beyond weapons there are many physical protections you could enact. I recommend at the minimum a bracer and protective glove for your left arm although full armoring up through your shoulder is probably not the worst idea. This is so that when you find yourself in close quarters yes I said when not if you have something to protect yourself with from bites and slashes. Beyond armor there are many protective charms and useful herbs or substances that can ward off certain creatures, these tend to be very specific though so I can not make general recommendations.

Finally a cryptid hunting expedition is much like any hunting expedition you will need a really good pair of boots, climate appropriate clothing, navs, coms, water, food, supplies, etc… Be prepared to spend several days if not weeks out at a time before you even catch a whiff of your quarry. Stay safe Strelok and good hunting.

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But why tho, you're fielding a team of adventurers to hunt down a best, not an army. That's inappropriate.

All of you dun fucked up. Things that have seen some fucked up shit have no fear of the spooks innawoods, nor should the folk who wield them either.

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