Zig Forums Wallpaper thread

Post any Zig Forums wallpapers here

Attached: Rhodesia.jpg (644x362 138.4 KB, 60.71K)


You purposely made sure everything was grammatically correct except the Zig Forums, nigger what the fuck are you doing

Attached: 1468546956141.jpg (648x484, 71.71K)

Attached: uchronic_ww_model_kit_2_by_loboto-d3590u1.jpg (1500x1009 653.51 KB, 599.41K)

At this point, only tsukumizu can contain my rage against the modern world. Zetsubo Pride World Wide
Apologetic sage for non Zig Forums related wallpapers

Attached: DghI7urVAAASIso.jpeg (1920x1080 326.04 KB, 161.8K)

I swear I see you posting on Zig Forums every day. Keep fighting the good fight. Post cute taters and military hardware.
I posted this on /a/ before, but I really hope Tsukumizu does a new show about girls doing things in a sad world again, or at least produces more mango.

Attached: CvjV-8YUsAAipCV.jpg:large.jpeg (1920x1080 347.38 KB, 3.15M)

These are some nice pictures, Greek. I think I'll make the first my new wallpaper.

Some of my favourite wallpapers other than tsukumizu are photos of full dress ships at night; absolutely beautiful things, and I'm glad I was able to see it myself last year.

Thanks man, its probably to do with my rare flag and being in uni that I'm able to post so often, but I enjoy Zig Forums because there are so many people here who know so much more than myself
And I really do hope that tsukumizu does another mango; I enjoy his world view and the optimism in a pessimistic world

Attached: 06.jpg (870x580 409.21 KB, 385.44K)

>optimism in a pessimistic world

Attached: ewq.jpg (3696x2645 365.17 KB, 1.43M)

Forgot my wallpapers. Please forgive me.

Attached: GGSA_2017_(32807855263).jpg (2813x1667 404.83 KB, 3M)

Attached: 6394198367211685791335997430171816378.jpg (3888x2592 537.69 KB, 628.36K)

These are pretty large. But you can crop them however you like.

Attached: Swedish_corvette_HMS_Karlstad_(K35)_arrives_in_Trondheim_on_21_October_2018_(181021-N-EY938-924).JPG (3000x2000 1.87 MB, 1.6M)

I miss that guy.

Attached: 151104-FRAF-8646EB-127_(22798693725).jpg (2200x1461 1.37 MB, 338.82K)

Attached: 1544471465382.png (1600x1200, 93.97K)

If I gave a shit about humans and society I would not be a strelok. Weebshit is a distraction from the soul-crushing numbness this world has become. Fuck off.

Attached: tkshelmet.jpeg (600x803, 138.78K)


It truly is disgusting that people like us can't find a job we'd like. Never before in human history has it been so hard to become a proper mercenary.

Lucky Star sucks balls.

You're a fucking disgrace tbqh m8.

It's not one of the best animus or mangos, but it has my waifu in it, so I am glad it exists.

You realize that this is a shoop, right?

Attached: 2003-2252-22564.JPG (562x530, 73.32K)

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Attached: 1538562965643.jpg (2560x1707 273.04 KB, 2.6M)

Beißen, Strelok.

Attached: laokoon-gruppe.jpg (3598x3622, 992.89K)

Attached: 1458340393694-1.jpg (1920x1080 467.3 KB, 449.29K)

Attached: 1458327226951-1.jpg (5616x3744 2.2 MB, 5.89M)


gn boys and girls

Attached: observe boys.jpg (1400x1396 779.88 KB, 145.04K)

I have lots more from Sci fi to war photos.

Attached: pro-russian-separatist-near-damaged-building-donetsk-airport.jpg (1920x1080 1.57 MB, 545.71K)

Attached: c3e69c8eacfb40a7a4b3c5cc0a3f050f4c43064aa1de9f48993d74f5ec6cf098.jpg (1200x809 80.55 KB, 194.04K)

Attached: bliss sub.jpg (1920x1200 374.83 KB, 443.38K)

Kill yourself, fucking new nigger faggot.

This but true streloks murder and rape. True streloks relish in death and destruction, especially that of civvies, while also being bro-tier/supplying ample comradery.


Attached: Cirno_get_out.png (960x540 136.44 KB, 695.25K)

I like the fifth picture user. Pretty cool. It’s a shame we will never see that in the real life.

Attached: mig21 1479900531736.jpg (3156x2100 1.1 MB, 1.31M)


Attached: 1531529150087.png (960x637 140.5 KB, 49.59K)

Is the first picture from Superdome?

"True" Streloks are not postmodernist Soviet peasant conscript shitcrusts like you two wannabe intellectuals.

Attached: sanity = gone.png (316x200, 88.18K)

Anyone got good wp of sr-71 blackbirds?

Attached: abrahams.jpg (3872x2592 1.68 MB, 1.16M)

Anyone got good mobile backgrounds? I'm a filthy phoneposter and I need some new wallpapers. Here's some Nevada class for your time.

Attached: 8lu23u9dhp101.jpg (5267x3619 186.33 KB, 1.62M)

Find the resolution of your phone and google search for that size. Google seach has tools to narrow down your search parameters.

Attached: sez.jpg (500x1000, 206.62K)

Revitalization bump.

Attached: 291919134709035.jpg (1280x960 552.17 KB, 591.6K)

why does this bait get me everytime?

The flammenwerfer ignited by a modern propane torch looks a little silly on pic 4.

Attached: 1551145068852.jpg (2260x1280 510.65 KB, 296.61K)

The fifth picture is awesome.

Attached: lose.jpg (900x594 194.01 KB, 137.19K)

Flood detected lmfao get wrekd nigger

Attached: 6d2228811a3aacf2612a13c83286cccfb18bbc294f4ce7539ed92dc41d139428.jpg (1321x671 289.56 KB, 1.09M)

I mean of course I'm flooding it's a wallpaper thread.

Attached: dodge.jpg (1920x1080 199.92 KB, 364.74K)

stupid flood detection bot.

Attached: if only.jpg (640x451 257.51 KB, 50.62K)

not that my wallpapers are "quality" or anything, but eh. Have some skyking

Attached: skyking2.png (858x472 368.73 KB, 66.72K)


Attached: UN902E1.png (1919x935 976.87 KB, 188.52K)

last one

Attached: ZlHrQk8.png (1920x1080 125.82 KB, 785.15K)

I like to see more Slavic soldiers on the horses pictures please. I find it masculine and appealing.

I'm wondering if Zig Forums might be able to help with this. I'm trying to find a picture of some guy who I assume is Ukrainian, or Bulgarian soldier wearing a black balaclava holding the typical AK.
I can't figure out what war, time period, or type of soldier that person was from. Unfortunately I don't have the picture, otherwise I'd be reverse image searching it. Any clues?

Attached: 34.jpg (620x672, 49.26K)

Yes! That's one of the ones I was looking for! Thank you kind user.


Too bad it's airshit

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