The term "assault rifle" was not created by the media. It was created in WWII, personally, by Adolph Hitler.
The term "assault rifle" was not created by the media. It was created in WWII, personally, by Adolph Hitler
In other news, the earth is spinning, turks are roaches and OP sucks dicks
Report and move on.
You're not wrong
it's in reference to a phase of attack in ww1 doctrine. and even if the media didn't coin the term, they use it incorrectly in their propaganda, constantly.
Don't you mean assault weapon? :^)
Who said it was? The term "assault weapon" was created by the media.
The term "Sturmgewehr" would be literally translated as "Storm rifle".
The word "Sturm" can have multiple meanings in German.
a) a storm with extreme winds
b) the final phase of an assault
The first meaning is rather obvious and the second meaning comes from the first. During an assault there are multiple phases. Preparation (recon, logistics), initiation (opening salvo, first strike), closing distance (what it says on the can) and finally the Sturm.
The Sturm is when the attacking force is right on top of the defending force and needs to brush over and past them like a storm of wind pushes past something.
The term "Sturm" is also used for attacking players in football (Stürmer), troops trained in close quarters attack maneuvers (Sturmtruppen), or in attack guns (Sturmgeschütz).
English translators wanted to capture the second meaning of the term "Sturm" and translated it as "assault".
During the second world war the term got another meaning in the German language though. The "Volkssturm" was created (people's storm). A last ditch army consisting of WWI veterans and young boys meant to protect the fatherland and act as an unstoppable force, like a storm. Nearly all of their equipment had the term "Sturm" in it's name. Volkssturmpistole, Volkssturmgewehr, and so on.
Because the "Volkssturm" was disbanded after the second world war, but the low quality versions of the Sturmgewehr were captured by allied troops, the term "sturmgewehr" was kept and only the "Volks-" prefix was dropped.
Thus the term "Sturmgewehr" was created as the remainder of "Volkssturmgewehr", and was mistranslated as "assault rifle" by western translators because of the long history of the term Sturm meaning final stage of assault.
While it's true that Hitler came up with the Term "Volkssturm" the term "Assault rifle" originates in the west.
Kc Tier post
I touch my dick
I guess this was todays German course…
Storm rifle is a better name tbh.
It's just more germanic, like each time I fire an AK, I remember Odin.
"Assault weapon" was created by the media, as a way of tricking normie goyim into believing that regular civvie semi-autos are the same as FA assault rifles.
And no, "Sturmgewehr" means storm rifle, not assault rifle.
We use storm in the same way, like to "storm a beach" or "storm a bunker".
I touch my dick to you specifically
Yeah, but you copied that meaning from us after the term "Sturmtruppen" originated in WWI.
I'm gonna fuck you in the ass
Is there R34 of Christ-chan, or does R35 apply?
Assault comes from the old 14th century french "assaut", meaning "violent attack".
English translated "sturm" to storm.
Some Strelok typed up a decent explanation and I'm too lazy to summarize so have a screenshot.
Welcome to Zig Forums;
Delete your Infinitechan Account™.
Put down that gun strelok. You don't know who you are messing with.
Do you want the bestiality on or off, bitch?
Nuns are whores for Jesus, and convents are their brothels. If a Christian man, baptized and filled with the Holy Spirit, has sex with a nun, is the nun having sex with a man, or with God, through his Spirit?
God made man in his image.
[Genesis 1:26]
God told man to multiply.
[Genesis 1:28]
Men and women who are not fruitful and do not multiply are acting in direct contradiction to gods will. Men and women who do not appreciate the beauty of the human form are not appreciating the beauty of god himself.
I only have kikepedia to go with, but it says this:
It looks like the term "Sturmgewehr" is older than the Volkssturm, although only a few months. I can imagine that Hitler or somebody in his circle had a thing for the word "Sturm", and this is why they used it in both cases, but your posts is most certainly bullshit.
'Assault Weapon' was made up by the Brady Campaign or HCI back in the 80's.
There's a copy of their minutes from a meeting back in the 80's where they discuss getting the media to use the terms interchangably so the general public will believe 'assault-weapons' and assault-rifles are the same.
I'm not Christian so you can show me those lewd Christ-chan pics…
Dump it all, beast included.
don't be a tease strelok
god damn it you faggot, I wanted to help somebody today
Post Christ-chan zoo pls thanks
Hold up.
I thought the term "assault weapon" was originally coined by gun companies for marketing reasons and then was bastardized by the left shortly after.
Redirect your shitposting towards the T*rks and commies, Greekbro.
All women were made for the dick, nuns included.