Catholic Church proposes new synod on women

Why can I already predict what will happen?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Women priests soon

Pope Francis says women will never be Roman Catholic priests

==“[As] far as women’s ordination is concerned, the Church has spoken and said: ‘No’. John Paul II said it, but with a definitive formulation. That door is closed.” - Pope Francis== (

==“The reservation of the priesthood to males, as a sign of Christ the Spouse who gives himself in the Eucharist, is not a question open to discussion.” - Pope Francis== (

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With Francis it's always never*

* - maybe
Catholics in Germany allow Protestants to partake in Holy Communion, the Vatican does nothing

Plus, Francis still hasn't answered the dubia on communion for the divorced, something the RCC used to be solid on


I thought Christianity in LatAm and Africa was mostly concerned w kitchen table issues (poverty/fairness/etc)

Phase 2 is go

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We need to pray for Pope Francis.


Wayyyy too accurate nibba.

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This is why there has to be a way to test what churches do when it goes above scripture, too many people blindly follow the world church, once that blatantly compromised church starts to follow word trends, every solo fide will follow as well even if it conflicts with it's own scripture. I'm not a protestant, but there has to be some kind of a standard for this.
Yes, and those are still problems, but that doesn't invalidate the one church/ denomination that is in the world's veiw/control.

The double dubs confirm this

What a name

someone must not have ever heard of a false prophet

Hmm, seems like one is a real church, and another is just a man made innovation

What parents would do such a thing?

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Not from around here, I see. But you're right about it being /thread

Africa and Asia. New World and Western societies are compromised.


If women were allowed to become deaconess, then they will be able (as deacon do) to preside over mass (only not able to make the consecration).
It must not happen.

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You realize women deacons are canonical, and the only reason the catholic church doesnt have them is they fell out of fashion, right?

Back then women deacon were doing the reading in the mass. Nowadays they do it. But they should have the authorization by the Church. But if we give it to them they will be part o the clergy and then ask to be deacon, but deacon nowadays preside the mass. So women will be able to preside the mass. Do you not see it's a slippery slope ? Women can do a lot in the church nowadays (teaching childs, readings, participating in a lot of way), all that is wanted is disgusting feminism in the Church.
Also winnie the pooh.

Compromising is only a fair deal to the weak.