Is there nowhere free left?

I have a more extreme definition of free, usually leaning toward near lawlessness. It pains me to say that in cursory and deep searches alike, there appears to be nowhere in the world where guns are wholly permitted. I had thought maybe mexico for all you hear of it might be less restrictive, but on the surface it seems to be moreso. Perhaps its unenforcable, but if you should ever piss off the federale it could happen.

Pakistan in January this year banned automatics, it was the only country I knew of that allowed them. Even in the middle east there's permits required or hoops to jump through.

Is there no place where one can have whatever they want, walk with it freely and not be bothered? How long until every country and everywhere to run has a permit system? How long until America, which only through its deteriorating constitution and state decentralization has resisted, will have a registry and Real IDs?

Am I looking in the wrong places? Do I not understand? I don't want to be an ear-tagged cow or slave. I don't want to capitulate to and negotiate with people wielding unearned badges. I want to be free, and to accept the consequences to my safety of lacking a fence and a collar, not left with a delusional mural of permits and 'rights' to cover it up.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Afghanistan pretty much doesn't care. The Taliban are pretty based, and have prevented the federal government from being effective for decades. They're also okay with secularism, don't believe in the caliphate, don't believe in sex slavery, and don't support the drug trade but seem to be fine with people using drugs. They've killed other Islamists over underage boy rape, and believe historical artifacts should be preserved. Pretty much the most Zig Forums Muslim extremist group you could ask for.

Sadly, I think they still believe in circumcision.

What about Alaska?

I think about places like that or more rural pakistan and mexico where there is no federal jurisdiction, but I fear they won't appreciate a white dude from America regardless of how constructive to the community I might be.

Pretty sure Alaska still requires all the horseshit, I hate the idea of permits and background checks and registries, even social security, IP addresses, and even credit. Having a number on me is some insane itch that follows me everywhere I go and it drives me insane. I know that might not reflect on everyone here on Zig Forums but I hope some of you understand or at least understand.

We have planets in the outer space that you can build your own personal almighty empire to be free and rule over your streloks but (((they)))’re preventing that from memeing into reality so we will never see during our entire lifetime.

On paper, Alaska, Montana, and a few other places have passed local legislation that allows you to own NFA items unregistered as long as they're manufactured in state, as in theory the feds should have no jurisdiction over something that happens completely in state. In practice, the only reason those laws are still on the books is that no one's been ballsy enough to put them to the test. If this ever came up in court, the feds will just go COMMERCE CLAUSE LOL like they always do, and say they have jurisdiction anyways.

All that being said, Alaska and places like that have passed those laws because they have a very strong gun culture and a very low trust of the feds in general. So if there ever was a place to build a bunch of three hole lowers in Minecraft and hide them in your Football Manager 2019 house, along with select-fire FCGs from Arma III, those states would be the place to do it.

Well space belongs to the rich because they're the only ones that can afford to get there, so pretty much. Born too early to be a space pirate where technology actually gives me a fighting chance at resistance.

Also I feel bad for australia, getting banished to an island to build a society in a different image and getting cucked even in the rurals. Kinda wish Ned Kelly would've won.

Montana sounds alright, maybe a cult would be the answer to changing the law. You basically have to build a rural compound if you want any chance at real change nowadays. Could I theoretically go to alaska or montana with zero identification as a mechanic and just do whatever? The weird part is I'm not even a criminal or planning anything, I just genuinely hate the idea of 'identifying' citizens like they're fucking cattle and restricting free people as if they're potential criminals.


I've considered starting a cult based on technology and the preservation and advancement of it, weapons tech chief among them. Kinda like the Cult Mechanicus from 40k. Even build monasteries that are basically research labs, churchs could be school and teach low cost classes in machining, programming, and more. Then take all the donations and funnel them tax free, because religion, into a space program. I think there are enough engineers of all sorts disengaged from society that it could work.

Boom, gun nuts in space.>>633110

I believe in you leaf bro but I'm serious here. It's a lot harder to set up machining and invade forest land to make compounds than it seems and while possible, you still have to have insane charisma to pull it off with various connections, cults rely on charisma and numbers things most chan autists don't have at all.

I won't lie I've thought about it too, except I was going to go bunker digging in the unregistered wilderness where supposedly /x/ shit happens.

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We'll not just be floating around in our space suits. Think bigger man!

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And ya the only reason I haven't seriously committed to the idea is my total lack of charisma. Probably on the aspie scale somewhere.

Not a Dyson sphere? What are you, gay?

Dyson spheres are for collecting the resources of stars, I don't think you want all of the heat contacting all of your people. Though, it'd be a good way to be undetectable assuming you chose a very distant star and had the proper radiation, heat, and light shielding as to not fry your whole crew like they're fucking ants.

The globalist establishment and a truly free part of the world cannot coexist. In the creation of the latter, the former must die.

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Some people like the concept of some sort of governing body preventing you from your neighbor trying to invade your house, kill you and take all your shit so you don't have to live a life of constant worry and vigilance. Also, governments can't really trust most people with guns from a logistical perspective. Too many entrees in hospitals draining public money, though I wonder if a state with no gun laws would really work with modern firearms.

Dyson spheres are energy-harnessing devices that surround stars with solar panels. They're not for living on.

This assumes that everyone is looking to invade your house, kill you, and take all your shit which isn't really accurate. It's a rare thing, and in the search for perfection they've managed to stamp out good. Most people won't risk their lives in envy for bill's new fucking lava lamp, those people would be dealt with pretty quickly in a society with lots of guns. I'm not saying it would be perfect, I'm just saying I'd much prefer to be responsible for my own safety than relying on an incompetent blueberry that barely passes a fitness exam.

Depends on how oppressive the state is and how much it denies comfort and supplies. You're right about the neighbor case though. Let's now consider how criminal activity would turn out. Would there be more people running around assembling gangs to reap the land ala the Old West or would they be snuffed out before then?

Definitely snuffed out. There's no way gangs could survive without a monopoly on violence, there's just too many normal people with their kids to protect. Most people, if they're not treated like absolute hot garbage like in detroit don't have to resort to crime and can actually invest their time into fair recompensation for menial work. Pretty sure that's going downhill quickly with current technological trends (AI workers), the evaporation of gun rights, and unsustainable capitalist growth.

We're gonna get buttfucked by assholes with garage machine guns and molotovs come 10 years I guarantee it.

The current state of Brazil

Plenty of power to the people. How many states do you think are gonna secede if it happens?

I mean, they really can't. They have to maintain healthcare, and it's not gonna be easy doing so should we get rid of gun laws overnight. Hell your country's government can't even trust your people with insurance, if the myriad of dashcam videos are anything to go by.

Normalfag tier, try an orbital ring

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Where did you come from, child?

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Most people are idiots that think knives are less deadly than bullets or somehow have easier to deal with wounds, so when gun deaths go down they point to gun laws and say "Yeah see it works man." because it makes them feel safer.

I don't think anything like that will happen personally. I think it'll be such a slow, slow burn that everyone will just give into it and it'll be covered up like nothing. I hope its a bigger flash than that, I don't want to be the kind of coward that leaves his country behind.

While we are at it, have this.

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That's even closer to Venezuela

Yikes! What a loser! No wonder Germans always lie about their contribution to the space program.

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The one problem with building orbital rings is that it requires cooperating with other countries, and it's hard to find an orbital plane that doesn't have a shithole somewhere.

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Aussie education.

Pretty sure there are more problems than that, such as rings tending to destabilize and explode over time due to asymmetric coriolis force on the ring structure.

Ok, the one problem that isn't an engineering issue. Although it could be solved with sufficient engineering if most people in the developed world didn't have certain hangups.

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But it would be located at the equator there is no coriolis force.

Actually no, you just need to have the ring rotate at orbital speed to keep itself stable in orbit, then have one connecting space elevator in some area that you have control over.

I believe it is possible to turn the asteroid in to a hollowed out planetoid with nuclear powered electric propulsion on the outside to generate the artificial gravity but I am not sure if it is able to generate up to 1 g though.

Jeez, your race's autism simply doesn't abate, does it?

They're both as fantastic as repealing the 1996 NFA, so why should I waste my energy on them? Might as well start sieg heiling like a sperg.

Why aren't you bugging your congressman for NFA repeal? I'm reading my incoming one's book to understand what kind of appeal works best on him. (The book itself, Warrior Diplomat, is actually not bad if you want a firsthand account of how bureaucrats and Obama fucked up the operations in Afghanistan)

Also Czech Republic apparently allows you to get full auto. New Zealand too, but to shoot them you have to abuse a loophole that you are demonstrating them for sale, meaning you need someone else with a full auto license shoot alongside you.

*laughs in freedom*

Op is just dripping with fedoraspeak

There's any number of uninhabited islands out there OP. Some of them might even be habitable if you put a lot of work into them.

Have you upload the book to /PDF/?

gay cunt

The next time I will meet you, I'll infect you with plenty autisms. Watch out. Don't close your eyes.

A shame.

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Dat landmass!
Imagine the battles that could be waged across that thing. Thousands of continents tens of thousands of miles across, wars could could last a millennia and barely take up a fraction of the surface.

*Limited warfare only, WMDs take all the fun out of it.

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Join us. Join new 8ch 4ch home-brewed radical pro-gun group with big picture goals.

Join SGG. Do something.

Instead of sit around and hold your dick in your hand and chatter or thinking about fleeing the country like a pussy. Do something take action.

Take matter in your hand and join group that will attack gun-grabber online and attack them at every angle as they have been attacking us for years. It's time for the bear to wake the FUCK up and maul their ass.

Let discuss our first course of action we are eyeing to make immediate effect. Like maybe start tearing down anti-gunner online groups.

Then coalescence with other gun forums to leverage NRA and GOA to step the fuck up!

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I'll only join if you loudly say "I plan to blow up a federal building." on Skype. I need to know you're serious about this. Pic related, it's me. Let's see your face.

Come on, Hungary. You know where that leads. You think the aliens are going to be as merciful as the Jews?

Good luck, I'm behind seven emu-proof fences.

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The ayys probably aren't as bad as the Jews.

Join SGG and fight for your right. You only have yourself to blame for all rights we lose so far. Don't be like this boot-licking cuck quoted below

mfw pic related

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I might as well join the Atomwaffen Division then. At least those hella far-right radical dudes commit federal crimes.

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You have read the thread right? We can be more effective than bombing fed building which can backfire on us. Like how public turned against IRA instead of staying with them.

There's plenty of us here that are serious and willing to give our lives up but only if it counts and work toward something not in vain like McVeigh.

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We must secure the existence of human settlements and a future for human children in space.

Says who my huefriend?
Human rights are a scam.

Hahaha, chicken. You're just a little chicken. Cheep, cheep cheep cheep, cheeeeeee~p. I bet you don't even own a fully automatic assault rifle or manufacture explosives, do you?

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Gun ownership will reduce violence over time, but at first moment's notice, plenty of people will enact their grudges out of spite. You overestimate humans too much, child.

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You can post increasingly zoomed in images of a Jewish baby all you want, but the fact of the matter is that your LARP organization hasn't, and won't achieve anything. As Mao said, power comes from the barrel of a gun. If you aren't willing to kill the president, you're just playing around and wasting everyone's time.

Attached: FBI Headquarters.jpg (1440x960, 162.61K)

You are clearly baiting and way projecting your pathetic cuck bootlicking mentality envying my leadership attitude. By this point your entertainment value have diminished to point you are not worth responding to.

Good luck with your shitty life m8.

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I don't know how the fuck this thread got onto the topic of the perfect space base but it really is telling that the only places left that aren't controlled by some retard or asylum group are uninhabitable. What a world.

As for you, I kinda agree with the other guy. Unless you're gonna blow something up the political system is rigged and or too incompetent to be manipulated by one or many peoples without a huge influx of money.

I'd tell you to kill yourself, but it'd have probably ended with you burning alive a white family instead.

You didn't answer my question. Where did you motherfucking cuckold leftist scum crawl from and what are you doing here? If you're too much of a nigger to be trusted with guns you deserve to get shot and that's what you'll get, along with anyone else as stupid as yourself, to the point that society will be cleansed from the subhuman scum you are. I thought better of Brazil but it deserves to be given to chinks and then nuked, just like another shithole to match yours - Venezuela.

I guess you can go somewhere deep innawoods where nobody can find you, and you'll be free to have whatever you want there.

Because that worked so well in UK, right? The only time more guns lead to more violence is in countries that are full of niggers, like Brazil, since they're too dumb to consider long-term consequences of their actions and will just pull the trigger over minor bullshit. A white country doesn't have this problem since people are capable of rational thought and know that going to jail for 15 years isn't worth it over someone calling you a faggot.

That really seems like the last call but, why can't we have a society or maybe even just a town where people are actually, properly armed to military levels? The larger our society gets and the more separated we become as a people, and I'm not talking race I'm just talking in general. How many people in most towns do people actually know personally? Everything is dealt with numbers because there's just way too many strangers and pussies are piss scared of one another for some reason, so the federal decides to use computers because anything else at this population growth would take too much work. The bigger we grow and the more content people become, the less anyone's going to care about their rights and willingly be enslaved. I don't want that for the world, even if I somehow make it out.

Well, you can. So-called micronations exist in this fashion. Essentially, if you manage to actually gather enough people, set up a town somewhere, and declare independence, it's unlikely the government will waltz in and slaughter you all since that'd be a very unpopular move. Instead, they'll try to negotiate some sort of a deal where you'll get autonomy in some things (such as gun ownership) in exchange for pying taxes and not being a pain in the ass. It's a big project and a bit of a gamble, though.

This sounds great, except it's kinda similar to the cult idea. You need a lot of charisma and willing participants as well as monetary backing. And even though I personally am a good speaker, I don't know how many people I could convince to leave the pens to hang out in the woods to build machine guns and crop farm. Maybe if I work hard in 5 years or so or something, better than a college degree or sitting here being sad.

Read about the Free State of Jones County, Missouri. Invading them and shooting them up is exactly what the Union was willing to do to silence dissent. It was either rejoin the US or be treated like invaders on its soil. All they were was a peaceful libertarian settlement innawoods.

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Well actually, we might be on to something here.

So I'm a hamfag, part of the reason I feel pretty confident in surviving in a place like this is a lifelong background in electronics, computers and radio. I saw a guy who used a D-star radio to access satellite internet. It was about late 90s speed, but it was perfectly working internet. If we somehow managed to present positive PR en-mass on youtube and online, attacking us would be a social death sentence especially if we offer taxes. It could be worth it, even if it got shut down to open the discussion of state rights. I'd give anything for federal power to be reduced, its an affront to personal choice.

Google returns some nigger-loving cuck fighting against the confederacy

Get a sizeable enough group (a few dozen is enough, but the more the better) and set up shop somewhere nobody cares about while maintaining an internet presence. People will start coming on their own if you keep at it long enough, and the government is definitely not going to commit a political suicide by slaughtering a village of loners in the middle of nowhere, that even offer to pay taxes. Just make sure you never kill any of the cops that come arrest you (just intimidate them with guns to fuck off), or they'll spin you as a violent gang of murderers and you'll be utterly fucked.

I see that as rather difficult since they will definitely try and send cops to spin it that way and someone might shoot. Plus we're gonna look semi-shantytown as the only machine guns I think we can get our hands on are old reactivated semis and lutis, not to mention the satellite internet's gonna blow and one of the first things we need is independent internet access under our control.

You wanted to know if something was possible, and it is. I never said it's easy. If it was, you'd see people do this shit every time they disliked a law.

Yeah I don't have any doubts, I don't look at it like a movie or that I'd be some kind of lovable rebel, I'm just unhappy in life because I really hate the lack of freedom and can't find anything else that balances out that unhappiness. However, I'm equally afraid of failure and just getting gunned down by superior forces. I wish political action worked more but I really don't believe in it. Electronic voting machines aren't reliable, media isn't reliable, nothing here is.

Physical copy.

Lol just brainwash them

Then we will defeat the ayys in a series of raids and military campaigns, forcing them to pay annual tribute.

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Maybe its time to make a free world of our own.

I'd have a hard time with some Zig Forumsommandos because I'm not about the Zig Forums life. I'm too much of a murderous gun owner and steak fanatic to be a vegan hippie earthshipper and too left-leaning to commit race-based atrocities in South Africa. Now, dismantling the garbage SA government and ending apartheid on both sides then declaring autonomy and denying corporate involvement sounds nice but you probably just want to flamethrower the niggers.

Zig Forumsniggers have proven time and time again to support anti-gun legislation, not own any weapons themselves, and just be LARPers in general. That's the condition of that board since 2016, sadly. If you want to talk to people who actually study politics and are politically active, or can make a difference in society, Zig Forums is not the place to look. Also, national socialism is leftist, but I'm sure you've seen how much a lot of those guys get triggered when you point that out because it offends the status quo. A few years ago they would have openly worn that banner, now because most of them haven't even read any NSDAP literature, they cower behind stupid ideas of 'triggering those ebin libruls' and 'redpilling the blacks by supporting white genocide' and what they call accelerationism, which is literally 'vote for commies so we lose all our rights and then we'll have our national socialist utopia'.

TL;DR: Zig Forums ain't what it used to be, and is retarded. They don't even allow talk about politics anymore, or ANY form of discussion that could lead to minor schisms in public opinion. It's a fucking Skinner box of aut-right nonsense.

Yeah there's similar ideas of accelerationism in communist circles as well, that by allowing corporations to go hog wild they'll prove themselves to be ineffective and people will revolt faster. I just don't want to watch the economy crash and return to a feudalist society to the rich that could afford to build bunkers, or worse, a cyberpunk dystopia of fully implemented automation with outdated credit and cash systems and 'royalties' in ridiculous places. I imagine it being similar to if we had to pay the family of thomas edison or nikola tesla for inventing electricity. Safe to say I'm anti-copyright.

My big schism with Zig Forums and nu/pol/ is I just genuinely don't think niggers are a threat to me. I think what ruins families if you care about that sort of thing is media and widespread addiction. I'm talking addiction to sex, to sugar-packed food (sugar is very close to cocaine in its addictive quantities and causes insulin failure and obesity), to prescription drugs and even levels of comfort.

I know it's a bit of a blogpost but my politics are more individualism, decentralization, and DIY.

The question that has nothing to do with the topic at hand? Not worth my time.
That's rich coming from fucking russia. What the fuck do you think is gonna happen if you get rid of gun laws in Europe in its current political climate for example? Do I need to point out what's going on in France right now? I'm not saying gun ownership is bad, I'm telling you WHY governments don't like the idea, and consequently why places with absolute freedom bordering on near lawlessness are rare nowadays. How the fuck do you interpret that as me advocating for gun control is beyond me. Maybe it comes naturally with your retarded slav peanut brain. You fucking idiot.

That's not what I said.

We'd definitely need a stronger, unamendable bill of rights or constitution that could last a long time and worked as a Zig Forumsommandments or something. It'd have to be simple but undeniable, something like "Cannot restrict, strangle, deny or slow access to information."

"The authority of the government is beneath the authority of the civilian, for one is in service to the other. That which can be obtained by the government shall also be obtained by the citizen. If it is banned for the citizen, it must also be banned for the government.

I don't know everything, things like cars and insurance would be difficult and settling matters between people would require identification, but I think identifying people legally should be as simple as concievably possible.

Honestly I just want an excuse to shed blood and to be a part of a larger cause. We could create a new government in our own image.
There are so many reasons to do it strelok. But first you must take the land, declare yourself and your intentions, crush those who would oppose and seek to restrict your freedoms, and strike fear into any nation who would dream of meddling in your affairs

Imagine a war where you could fire (sufficiently energetic) artillery straight up and stand a reasonable chance of hitting your target, or at the very least a much better chance than firing such artillery at 0/90 degrees (depending on how you measure it) elevation on present day earth.

It has everything to do with retarded stupidity of your posts.
Europe would become a lot less muslim.
All the worst scum already has guns, no reason not to give them to all others.
That's literally your whole shitty poses' content.
By lying about data and creating baseless conclusions. Good job, i hope you're at lest paid for it to be in the documents when the day comes.

Now guess why that will happen and maybe you'll understand the fucking point.
mudshits are massacring people with trucks and knives over there most of the time BECAUSE there are no guns you idioten.
That's your autistic interpretation and nothing more.
You're a retard of a special breed that should never have been bred. I don't deny that gun laws are kike shit but unlike you I won't pretend people are magically gonna stop getting wounded or killed in the world as it is today just because guns are around. That'd reach a new height of delusion and you're a retard if you subscribe to that idea.
Easy ad hominem for a fucking communist country that's set a staple of gun control and is too scared to release its own violence reports. Get fucked snownigger.

The point being that government only cares about controlled demographics and its own influence.
Except they do get guns as well. Just ask bongs if you disagree.
Then make your argument instead of playing government and gun control apologism.

Finally you got something through your empty skull.

I genuinely think this is because of the lack of guns. Violence would go down with the guns. This is the only point I'm arguing because I know for a fact that people are retards that have this movie idea in their head that knife wounds heal with duct-tape.

But falsifying them and putting them out of context does.
Sure, go question "practicality of communism" next time, fucking shill.
They have so much to do that GB is the country with the most crime in EU. They just don't do anything productive because of their stupid politics.
And again you try to spread anti-gun disinformation. Will you again try to say that you "don't mean it" or are "misunderstood"?
What the fuck do they have to do with anything? Typical antigunner nigger subhuman - cherrypicking statistics to comfort its worthless ass and earn a paycheck.
I wish. If i really was Russia, i'd immediately nuke Brazil as my first action.

What is Waco? They'll do it, and they'll do it with impunity. All the news will read is "government raids nazi cult" and people will go on with their day
not that I wouldn't enjoy it while it lasted
the fire rises

Is Zig Forums even trying?
sage for doublepost

I mean I DO have those files but in the beginning how much manufacturing power can 12 people in the woods realistically have? If we get so far as to set up a machine shop and start piecing together big guns we're set there for good.

Bridgeport milling machines are under $10,000
CNC technology for them is a $500 install
Lathes are under $5,000 and CNC tech is cheap too
You can have a fully running machine shop cranking out one receiver every hour for as much as it takes to buy a new car. It just takes cash.
For me, I'm looking to buy land first, then we'll see where it goes. Power is easy to keep, solar/wind/water/generator combinations keep you off grid.
Honestly 12 dedicated people could be quite the formidable force. But again you'd just as likely be >Waco'd
I don't know how realistic the honeypot/atf plant meme is to be frank.

you're like a baby, just deliver proper equipment there.

I'd wager it actually depends on how oppressive the government is, and how much it denies comfort and security its population to drive it to resort to crime out of need or due to how easy it allows one to get away with it. Take a gun away from a man and he'll kill you with a knife. Take the knife away and he'll kill you with a rock. Take the rock away and he'll use a truck. In britain's case they'd still be apologetic towards immigrants as the rest of the EU is. There was a case in Europe a few years a back that infuriates me, about an old man who got his house raided and he himself got beaten countless times and when he finally had enough of it and used his gun to defend his home from invaders, he got jailed and the perps went free because according to the court "the use of guns endangered the dindus' lives."

Which is what you're doing you dumbass. I didn't falsify shit.
The soviets should have erased your lineage.
Stabbings. In fact most weapons used are often taken from "bin that knife" bins around britain which are pried open all the time by muds.
Immigrants are already massacring people with knives alone and actual brits are actively shut down for defending themselves in any shape or form. Stop making vomit-tier posts and rub two neurons together for once in your life on what would happens if guns were freely accessible for anyone in britain right now, in the current climate it finds itself in. You have yet to provide an answer and not be a total retard.
It has everything to do with proving your stupid ass wrong for getting involved in an argument about something completely different than what you think you're discussing and can't crawl your way out of.
You're beyond ignorant of how they operate. Governments actively work towards controlling their population, and that involves keeping said population from burdening the public healthcare that they have to, or at least put a facade do pay for. That's literally what I said from the beginning and you're moaning that I'm somehow saying they're justified. You fucking scatterbrained cocksucker.

Yeah but you're forgetting a new car is fucking expensive, that's enough to start up a business and get to midlife dreams. At most I could get 2k surplus a month working year round at my current mechanic capacities.

You also need farms, labor, computers, solar panels, cars, machinery to cut and process wood, it's a lot of work and it has to be kicked into overdrive to prevent getting caught and shut down by authorities before you're a 'town' and as you said at any time you could be waco'd. Best case scenario is to take completely undesired land.

Sorry forgot to mention farms are more important on undesired land because if its undesired its undesired for a reason.

That's another lie of a subhuman brainless shill.
And? This has nothing to do with the questions you have not addressed.
Then prove it, motherfucker. Don't resort to open ended questions, implications and dodging questions.
Healthcare has nothing to do with gun control, you stupid shilling nigger.
You are just trying to shift discussion from ACTUAL AND DIRECT CONTROL OF THE POPULATION to its internal politics and assumptions about healthcare and well-being of its citizens, as well as supplying them with it. Nobody here cares what reason government will give to further expand its power and your constant rambling and lies about it are nothing but attempts to spread these proclamations.

Fuck, the embed didn't remove itself, soz.

Maybe I misinterpreted the goal in mind. Buying land isn't expensive in poor areas that aren't undesirable (think WV, NWPA, TN) just not capitalized on just yet. I wasn't thinking we'd be aiming full on microcosm/isolationist just slightly more alone than most. Take West Virginia, for example, where you can buy 20-40 acres for $60,000.
nigger I took 2 years of community college, got an AS in MechEngineering for cheap, and make $40,000/year. I live off of $30,000/year. Guess who's going to be buying land cash because I'm not a lazy poorfag and have a modicum of self-control? Before these pipe dreams of isolation and dominance can come through you need to become a better man than finding excuses and complaining.
Find solutions.
Make a Plan.
Become more than who you are.
And who knows, maybe in a few years I'll start a Kommunity. $2K/month is plenty to save up. Be patient. Things can be done cheaply and well.

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