You activated my autism. Fuck with that Masonic-Protestant idea of a All-Mighty Constitution. Fuck with Liberalism.
Hierarchies should be respected. Constitutions are just means for temporal organization. They should be discardable should the situation call for it.
Examples of hierarchy:
God > The Church > The Emperor > The Nations > The Kings > The Constitution > The Aristocracy > The Politicians > Local Councils
The Truth > Divine Inspiration > The Family > Virtues (until here, God-tier) > Blood and Tradition (semi-temporal tier) > pure temporal and discardable affairs.
And each of the temporal entities should have their own competences and duties. The individual and family's will and possessions should be respected, otherwise it deviates from God's will. Each nation would organize themselves in the way it'd fit them better.
My constitution would be below the King's [actually the Emperor's] power, God and the Church. The King would be able to remake it as long as his people accepts the new one and as long as it doesn't go contrary to God. My constitution would explicitly say it serves "Christ, The Family and Brazilians", it should be short and used to affirm the sovereignty of each of the three entities over whatever threats it. The State shouldn't been seen as a separate entity from whom the Constitution should defend its people; the State should be seen as the union of everything under one's country and the Constitution should be breaks to a state's bureaucracy and high authorities (so we don't get the evil dichotomy state vs its people; the people will be part of the state by definition).
The Federal Constitution will be able to point to competences to each power division under it. Deciding over hierarchies of other regional constitutions, courts and laws. The most straight to the point it is, the better. It should only be "totalitarian" as a prohibition to totalitarianism over regional constitutions.
The right to own arms should be granted. Better yet: it should prohibit (as a duty) anyone to prohibit arms' ownership and its keeping inside one's property (it extends to cars). The right of regulation of commerce could be allowed regionally, so the constitution wouldn't touch over this subject. The same to the carrying. The Federal Constitution would only forbid the prohibition of a citizen to carry arms inside their own lands. In other words, the citizen would have the absolute "right" (I hate this word) to carry guns inside his own property or anywhere else it's not forbidden (some cities would allow it, others would forbid it).
Another important thing to be decided is citizenship. If it's me to dictate it, only the third consecutive generation of Brazilian borns by paternal lineage who had carried their duties as such would earn a full citizenship. Partial citizenship could be given to people who lived orderly for 30 years in my country (as it's now).
The Family would be strictly defined so it can be defended by any laws. A man and a woman, both married under the Church and with kids. The mother and father should be sovereign over their home and kids, except if they fail to their duties (feed, protect, educate and christianize their kids, and prepare them to be able to form families themselves as they grow up). The duties should be decided by the King under God's laws and inspirations and under the Church's approval, or to whoever he commends such powers. Politicians shouldn't legislate over these duties and shouldn't "give" any "rights" to families outside the constitutional definition. Atemporal matters, like the defense of the Family, are to be decided by the ones more competent over atemporal matters, and those are not politicians, but the Clergy and the very high aristocrats.
Brazil in first place. Any international agreements or pressures can't be above our own sovereignty. Any law or judgment that ignores it will be unconstitutional automatically.
Property shall be protected. Duties may be imposed and must be allowed by the King.
Anyone or any group who threats Roman Catholicism (can be extended to other Catholics) loses their protection from the state and their citizenship. Except rare exceptions decided by the King, other Christian denominations are to be allowed by default. Other religions aren't protected by the Constitution by default, the King must raise exceptions (ie. traditional native religions).
Anyone or any group who threats the Family Institution (…)
Anyone or any group who threats Brazilian blood, territories, language or traditions (…)
Also, the Constitution would include some war exceptions and give more autonomy to the Army. The King [actually the Emperor] will be able to clean the Armed Forces as he sees fit. We have a big problem with Masonry in Brazil's Military, and it would be a problem to even clean our throne heirs from masonic influence.